Catálogo de libros: Ideologías políticas

4019 Catálogo de libros: Ideologías políticas

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  • Left Wing, Right Wing, People, and Power
    Douglas Giles
    This is a rare work of political theory that stands out for its conversational style and readability. Its persuasion relies on easy to follow arguments and logical conclusion in order to repaint the intractable modern political landscape as a vast misunderstanding of what is important in politics. - IndependentBookReview.comWhat is politics and why is it so contentious?Avoiding...

    7,12 €

  • Voice of Triumph
    Adolf Hitler
    Nuremberg has served for centuries as a hub of political life in Germany. In the day of the Holy Roman Empire, Nuremberg boasted the high status of a Free Imperial City and hosted several important Imperial Diets, or Reichstage. The National Socialists framed themselves and their new Germany as the inheritors and successors of Germany’s rich political and cultural history stret...

    41,53 €

  • Voices for African Liberation
    The human cost of Africa’s longstanding exploitation by foreign imperialist powers within the global capitalist economy are well documented, and today Africa is suffering under the disproportionate impact of the climate emergency. In this context, the imperative of anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist critique for a socialist African future has never been more urgent. Voices for A...

    16,75 €

  • The ethics of researching the far right
    This book offers a series of critical reflections on the ethics of researching the far right from a range of contributors. It provides a starting point for researchers and considers issues such as terminology, positionality, safety, and dissemination. ...

    193,46 €

  • Bastiat’s The Law
    Claude Frédéric Bastiat
    Discover the timeless manifesto that ignited a revolution in economic thought. Frederic Bastiat masterfully argues for the preservation of individual liberty and the limitation of government intervention. With piercing clarity, he exposes the inherent dangers of using law as a tool for plunder and coercion, urging readers to champion the principles of justice, freedom, and the...

    23,81 €

  • Los días más felices: plan económico peronista
    Principios y Valores
    El Plan Económico Peronista es un programa para poner en marcha la productividad y el trabajo que llevará a la Argentina al crecimiento sostenido y sustentable con justicia social, incentivando la producción de bienes y servicios y de todos los factores económicos que produzcan valor agregado. Ha sido desarrollado por Principios y Valores, el partido peronista que fundaron el 1...

    12,47 €

  • Le Manifeste Communiste / The Communist Manifesto
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx / Tranzlaty
    À partir du moment où le travail ne peut plus être converti en capital, en argent ou en renteFrom the moment when labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rentquand le travail ne peut plus être converti en un pouvoir social monopoliséwhen labour can no longer be converted into a social power capable of being monopolisedà partir du moment où la propriété individ...

    12,64 €

  • El Manifiesto Comunista / The Communist Manifesto
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx / Tranzlaty
    Desde el momento en que el trabajo ya no puede convertirse en capital, dinero o rentaFrom the moment when labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rentcuando el trabajo ya no puede convertirse en un poder social capaz de ser monopolizadowhen labour can no longer be converted into a social power capable of being monopoliseddesde el momento en que la propiedad in...

    12,64 €

  • The Communist Manifesto / 공산당 선언
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx / Tranzlaty
    From the moment when labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent노동이 더 이상 자본, 화폐, 지대 등으로 전환될 수 없는 순간부터when labour can no longer be converted into a social power capable of being monopolised노동이 더 이상 독점할 수 있는 사회적 권력으로 전환될 수 없을 때from the moment when individual property can no longer be transformed into Bourgeoisie property개인의 소유가 더 이상 부르주아지의 소유로 변형될 수 없는 순간부터from...

    12,58 €

  • The Communist Manifesto / Манифест Коммунистической партии
    Friedrich Engels / Karl Marx / Tranzlaty
    From the moment when labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent С того момента, как труд уже не может быть превращен в капитал, деньги или ренту when labour can no longer be converted into a social power capable of being monopolised когда труд уже не может быть превращен в общественную силу, способную к монополизации from the moment when individual property ...

    12,64 €

  • Speech to the Youth of Spain
    Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
    Fascism in its various iterations swept through continental Europe like a tidal wave in the 1920s and 30s. While Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy tend to steal the show in historical examinations of the topic, Spain was also one of its most fruitful strongholds. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, born in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, made a name for himself as one of the...

    29,50 €

  • The Politics of Policymaking
    Arjen Boin / Martin Lodge

    61,14 €

  • The Politics of Policymaking
    Arjen Boin / Martin Lodge

    186,60 €

    Jordan De La Sierra
    Invitation To Readers:As the author of this work and as a citizen of this great democracy, I want to invite you to explorewith me the amazing, expandable range of opportunities and responsibilities thatawait us everyday as constituents of this young, democratic republic.This inspired idea, this landmark experiment in democratic, self-government asks citizensfrom here and everyw...

    26,00 €

    Jordan De La Sierra
    Invitation To Readers:As the author of this work and as a citizen of this great democracy, I want to invite you to explorewith me the amazing, expandable range of opportunities and responsibilities thatawait us everyday as constituents of this young, democratic republic.This inspired idea, this landmark experiment in democratic, self-government asks citizensfrom here and everyw...

    30,44 €

  • The Convergence of Traditionalism and Populism in American Politics
    Adrian David Cheok
    In the tumultuous landscape of contemporary American politics, the intricate dance between traditionalism, populism, and the influential alliance of Donald Trump and Steve Bannon poses a pressing challenge. As these ideologies shape the very fabric of society, scholars and academics grapple with the need for a comprehensive understanding of their historical roots, philosophical...

    235,65 €

  • The Convergence of Traditionalism and Populism in American Politics
    Adrian David Cheok
    In the tumultuous landscape of contemporary American politics, the intricate dance between traditionalism, populism, and the influential alliance of Donald Trump and Steve Bannon poses a pressing challenge. As these ideologies shape the very fabric of society, scholars and academics grapple with the need for a comprehensive understanding of their historical roots, philosophical...

    308,04 €

  • Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917
    This volume explores the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was catalysed or profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of 1917, including C.L.R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. ...

    35,31 €

  • Radicalisation, counter-radicalisation, and Prevent
    Andrew Whiting / Lee Jarvis / Stuart Macdonald
    This book offers urgent exploration of how ’ordinary’ citizens understand and make sense of radicalisation and counter-radicalisation policy. ...

    157,64 €

  • Netaji’s Call to Freedom
     'Netaji’s Call to Freedom: Unveiling Sacrifices' is an engrossing and thought-provoking investigation into the life, leadership, and enduring legacy of Subhas Chandra Bose, who is widely considered to be one of the most iconic freedom fighters in India. This book, which has been meticulously researched and is insightful, delves into the remarkable journey that Netaji took, ill...

    27,40 €

  • United We Stand
    Tom O’Lincoln
    In the state-run prison that was early New South Wales, pockets of capitalism sprang up like sturdy weeds. with them came wage labour and class struggle. Australian workers were organisiing well before the gold rushes, and later a mass labour movement confronted the employers across the continent, opening the way for bitter confrontations.Controversy surrounds the colonial labo...

    18,73 €

  • J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the first volume of Karl Marx’s Capital, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading.Whether you have already read the first volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one o...

    18,76 €

  • Claim No Easy Victories
    On the centennial of Amíiacute;lcar Cabral’s birth, and fifty years after his passing, Claim No Easy Victories brings to life the resonance of his thought for today’s freedom movements.'Never has it been more certain that our victory depends principally on our own actions. Tell no lies, claim no easy victories . . .' -Amílcar CabralWorld-renowned revolutionary, poet, liberation...

    28,16 €

  • D.H. Lawrence and Cornwall
    Philip Prof. Payton
    This book examines D.H. Lawrence’s attempts to establish a utopian community in Cornwall during WWI. Lawrence was drawn to the idea of a ’Celtic Cornwall’ beyond England’s reach and thus remote from the war. But it caught up with Cornwall and Lawrence, resulting in disillusion and eventual expulsion. He described his Cornish sojourn in Kangaroo. ...

    145,42 €

  • The Cambridge History of Communism

    48,21 €

  • The Cambridge History of Communism
    Juliane Fürst

    48,40 €

  • Death by Socialism
    J. M. Rock
    This book is a philosophical and pragmatic insight into the methods and disguises of socialism. It offers a set of remedies and an urgent call-to-action in response to the unique forms of socialism evolving today within the United States. The book combines historical and economic truths with a scientific approach to analyzing the tenets and the tragedy of socialism. Every year,...

    15,00 €

  • J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx
    J.D. Ponce
    This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the second volume of Karl Marx’s Capital, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading.Whether you have already read the second volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one...

    21,83 €

  • When Israel is King
    Jean Tharaud / Jerome Tharaud
    Europe in the twentieth century was a continent of tumult, revolutions, and war. When Israel Is King focuses in on the events that took place in Hungary in the early part of the century, recounting a swirl of underhanded dealings and political murders as the fortunes of different actors and interests rose and fell, and draws particular attention to one pernicious influence and ...

    29,34 €

  • Ambulantes
    Alexandre Marques
    Esse livro-reportagem é sobre quem são, o que pensam e o que dizem os camelôs dos trens do Rio de Janeiro. Aliás, ao ler esse livro- reportagem, o leitor irá notar como são pontuais as referências não advindas da classe de ambulantes.Muitos contatos foram feitos com deputados estaduais relacionados com o texto que designa os ambulantes dos trens do Rio de Janeiro como Patrimôni...

    13,68 €