Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales / Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias (1214)

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  • Depressed to Daring
    Adonica Marie Shaw
    Depressed to Daring is a personal development book for high-impact, influential women who struggle with depression and anxiety in their professional careers.In this book, personal & business development trainer Adonica Shaw gives you the tools to help you identify and defeat debilitating thought patterns, evade your emotional villains and reclaim your personal power. You'll...

    10,58 €

  • Depressed to Daring
    Adonica Marie Shaw
    Depressed to Daring is a personal development book for high impact, influential women who struggle with depression and anxiety in their professional careers.In this book, personal & business development trainer Adonica Shaw gives you the tools to help you identify and defeat debilitating thought patterns, evade your emotional villains and reclaim your personal power. You'll...

    20,82 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Stuart Watson
    If you're looking for an effective method to treat anxiety, depression, phobias and more, then keep reading...Cognitive-behavioral therapy, otherwise known as “CBT,” is an incredibly well-known therapy method within the field of psychology. Yet, unless you work within this field you likely know very little about CBT, how it works, and why it is one of the best therapy metho...

    21,50 €

  • Mind Hacking Secrets
    Jay Laurson
    How to retrain your mind to get the most out of life, even if you’re plagued by negative thoughts.We all wish we could get more from our minds. More focus, more power, and let’s be honest, more intelligence.What would you say if someone told you that you have power to “hack” your mind, retrain your brain, and get more out of life?You probably wouldn’t believe it, would you?Mind...

    8,56 €

  • Empath
    Suzanne Orloff
    Have you ever felt like you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders?Do you live at the mercy of other people emotions crashing into you?Are you looking to put an end to constant overwhelm and drained energy? You may or may not have realized,  but you carry the great blessing and power of being an Empath.Often, an Empaths who is new to the understanding of this g...

    23,70 €

  • Emotional Intelligence Mastery
    John Heffner
    Discover the strategies you need to master your emotions effectively! Ever felt angry or frustrated at someone - and snapped? Taken your own insecurities and emotive worries out on someone else to make yourself feel better? Knowing how to control these feelings and your reactions to them is known as “emotional intelligence.” We are getting richer, but less and less happy. Depre...

    23,73 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    John Heffner
    Take control of your mind and start your CBT journey to achieving happiness! If, despite your best efforts, you always seem to find yourself acting on impulses related to depression, anxiety, insecurity, or fears associated with phobias, then your actions might not be to blame. It might just be your thoughts..The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low...

    23,72 €

  • A Culture of Caring
    Dr. Prentice Chandler Chandler / Theodora Schiro
    As awareness grows about the alarming increase in youth suicide rates, school leaders need information on suicide prevention and postvention. Tragically, the search often begins only after the school community has suffered the loss of a student. Schools must start to be proactive and educate themselves about risk factors and prevention strategies. Designed as a handbook for bus...

    39,52 €

  • El poder del optimismo
    Martina Sandoval
    El poder del optimismo, venciendo la tristeza, fue echo con el ­fin de ayudar a motivarte en los momentos más grises y compartir las mejores decisiones y actitudes que te pueden ayudar a encontrar felicidad.Basado en experiencias de distintas personas, incluida la misma autora, te explica cómo sobrellevar tristezas que a ella la llevaron a pensar en el suicidio, y después, a co...

    8,30 €

  • Ansiedad
    Livio Meza
    Pero cuando este pánico se vuelve abrumador y le impide vivir su vida, ¡es hora de actuar y controlar su ansiedad!¿Y si los pensamientos que desencadenan la ansiedad de su hijo se neutralizan? ¿Qué pasaría si las mariposas en su estómago, el sudor en sus palmas y la mirada desesperada en sus ojos por ayuda fueran transformadas? ¿Y qué si ellos tuvieran las habilidades para afec...

    10,29 €

  • Ansiedad
    Iago Ceja
    Use los desarrollos en la neurociencia para reconfigurar el cerebro y desprenderse de la carga de la ansiedad, timidez y ataques de pánico.Con esta guía única, puede aprender todo sobre la ansiedad y los trastornos relevantes para que pueda controlar sus emociones y llevar una vida tranquila.  Si la ansiedad dicta la forma en la que vives y estás listo para cambiar y tomar el c...

    10,03 €

  • Ansiedad
    Aron Vaca
    La guía definitiva para comprender y tratar la ansiedad comparte los hechos y las realidades con las que todos los que sufren de ansiedad pueden identificarse.En muchas ocasiones, luchar contra la ansiedad por cuenta propia nos lleva a seguir patrones y hábitos negativos los cuales deben reemplazarse por alternativas positivas para poder sanar. Esto puede ser díficil porque muc...

    10,31 €

  • Ansiedad
    Alfio Arce
    Si ha tenido que lidiar con el trastorno de ansiedad crónica en algún momento de su vida o ha visto a alguien que padece esta afección, comprenderá por qué requiere seria e inmediata atención. Con Aldo a su lado, ¿será Sadie capaz de escapar del oscuro pozo sin fondo y recuperar el control de su vida? Una vez que has tocado fondo, solo hay una salida… El personaje de esta novel...

    11,86 €

  • Ansiedad
    Luken Nieto
    ¿Constantemente estás teniendo problemas para dormir debido a las experiencias de vida tan estresantes que estás atravesando? ¿Esto ha hecho tu vida todavía más difícil porque no estás teniendo la productividad que deseas en el trabajo? ¿Sientes como si a nadie le importara porque parece que no entendieran por lo que estás pasando en la vida? ¿A veces tienes pensamientos de mue...

    10,14 €

  • Ansiedad
    Haig Covas
    La ansiedad puede ser tan terrible que puede llegar a ser incapacitante hasta un punto en el que cada aspecto de tu vida se ve afectadaNo se estrese, usted puede aprender a lidiar con su ansiedad y recuperar el control de su vida. Este libro presenta 30 consejos y estrategias fáciles de implementar que usted puede comenzar a hacer HOY para vencer su ansiedad. ¡Empiece a vivir l...

    11,24 €

  • Ansiedad
    Eneas Pena
    En tiempos en los que era una chica medio normal, Sadie nunca se preocupó por su salud mental. Pero en el momento en el que los tres demonios, la ansiedad, el pánico y la depresión comienzan a apoderarse de su vida, Sadie se pregunta si algún día volverá a ver la luz.Cuando tienes ansiedad, pierdes libertad. No puedes hacer las cosas que quieres hacer o ir a lugares que aliment...

    10,20 €

  • Ansiedad
    Erato Muro
    Hattie Cooper, la bloguera detrás de La guía dietética para chicas con ansiedad conoce sobre el tema.¿Alguna vez has sentido que tu timidez te impide hacer las cosas que quieres hacer? ¿Tu ansiedad afecta la calidad general de tu vida? La ansiedad social y los ataques de pánico tienen el poder de paralizar tus momentos de felicidad y éxito. Pero lo más importante es que tienes ...

    11,30 €

  • The Social Anxiety Disorder Solution and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    George B. Wells / Michael Cooper
    If you're ready to retrain your brain to overcome the barriers that stand between you and happiness, then you should read this book!Do you absolutely despise social events because of the inevitable small talk you know you would have to endure, coming up with just about any excuse under the moon as to why you can't go so you can stay home--alone?Are you prone to panic at...

    29,60 €

  • What I Learned About Depression & Anxiety
    Matt Frey
    1. Depression, nounFeelings of severe despondency and dejection. "self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"Synonyms: melancholy. misery, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow, woe, gloom, gloominess, dejection, downheartedness, despondency, dispiritedness, low spirits, heavy-heartedness, moroseness, discouragement, despair, desolation, dolefulness, moodiness, pessimism,...

    18,75 €

  • Calm in the Storm
    Susan Guttridge
    Calm in the Storm offers simple techniques and profound concepts to help you develop fundamental skills in settling over-whelming emotion.There are moments in our lives when emotion comes on so strong and so fast that we feel out of control, completely over-whelmed, and emotionally flooded. It can be bewildering and frightening, often leaving us with a sense of powerlessness, e...

    34,28 €

  • Calm in the Storm
    Susan Guttridge
    Calm in the Storm offers simple techniques and profound concepts to help you develop fundamental skills in settling over-whelming emotion.There are moments in our lives when emotion comes on so strong and so fast that we feel out of control, completely over-whelmed, and emotionally flooded. It can be bewildering and frightening, often leaving us with a sense of powerlessness, e...

    23,60 €

  • From Darkness to Dawn
    Marcia Orcutt
    In her memoir, Marcia Orcutt describes what was unspeakable, unbearable, and unthinkable at the time. She provides a glimpse of how sexual abuse affected her emotionally, cognitively, physically, socially, and spiritually for many years without her knowing it. Her depression was not what it appeared to be at first. When repressed memories of abuse returned after nine very long ...

    11,81 €

  • What Are You Scared of Now?
    Kenneth A. Marston / Kenneth AMarston
    I happened to write this particular book to help individuals who truly desire to rid themselves of phobias and anxieties that negatively impact their lives. As a pre-teenage male who suffered from numerous phobias, I figured out that the only way to conquer these truly annoying and aggravating traumas of the mind was to tackle and conquer each one individually. So, from the age...

    13,87 €

  • How to Be Whole Again
    Zoe McKey
    Did you have emotionally immature, selfish, distant parents or partners? Is their painful heritage still lingering in the form of abandonment issues, anxiety, or anger? Were your emotional needs often unmet, your opinion and emotions dismissed?In this essential book, bestselling author and former confidence coach, Zoe McKey, exposes the harmful consequences emotional unavailabi...

    24,67 €

  • How to Stop Feeling So Damn Depressed
    Jonas A. Horwitz / Jonas AHorwitz
    In this no-nonsense guide for men, psychologist Jonas Horwitz presents evidence-based, straightforward, and jargon-free strategies for men struggling with severe depression. Grounded in proven-effective cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the skills in this book will help readers find actionable solutions for identifying, naming, and overcoming the depression that is standing i...

    20,74 €

  • The Upward Spiral Workbook
    Alex Korb
    Positive life changes lead to positive brain changes! Drawing on the huge success of his groundbreaking book, The Upward Spiral, neuroscientist Alex Korb offers actionable, step-by-step skills in a workbook format to help readers with depression make small changes that add up to a successful recovery. With this accessible guide, readers will learn how dozens of tiny positive st...

    26,77 €

  • Ansia
    Cino Rossi
    L’ansia governa la tua vita? Hai la testa affollata di pensieri ansiosi che non riesci a mandare via? Se hai risposto ‘sì’ a una (o entrambe) le domande, questo è il manuale che fa per te.Il libro tratta in dettaglio i sei principali disturbi dell'ansia: fobie, attacchi di panico e agorafobia; ansia sociale; disordine generalizzato dell'ansia; disordine ossessivo compul...

    12,54 €

  • Ansia
    Ilario Costa
    Questo libro ti aiuterà a capire la depressione e l’ansia per aiutarti a conquistarle entrambe, in modo da vivere una vita piena e felice. Nel libro l’autore condivide la propria esperienza e illustra in modo valido il modo in cui è riuscito a superare l’ansia e a imparare a rilassare la mente. Il suo resoconto, coinvolgente ed emozionante, è corredato di esempi tratti dalla su...

    12,08 €

  • Ansia
    Celio Luca
    Le davvero OTTIME NOTIZIE sono che Tu stai per scoprire come mettere fine all’infinito ciclo di depressione e ansia che domina la tua vita.C'è una tendenza a credee che dal momento che i nostri problemi sono rimasti con noi così a lungo, la soluzione ad essi deve essere complessa e/o difficile da applicare. In base alla mia esperienza, posso dire con sicurezza che la vera r...

    12,14 €

  • Deje la procrastinación
    Valentia Espejo
    ¿La procrastinación te impide alcanzar tus metas en la vida? ¿Los plazos provocan sentimientos de pánico y temor? ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo podrías aumentar tu concentración y superar la falta de disciplina? Entonces necesitas seguir leyendo ... Un estudio reciente realizado por la compañía Microsoft descubrió exactamente cuánto tiempo los trabajadores de oficina pasa...

    19,00 €