Catálogo de libros: Organización y gestión educativa

9215 Catálogo de libros: Organización y gestión educativa

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  • Problèmes académiques de M.Ed. Étudiants
    Bharat Parmar / Poonam Yadav
    Les futurs enseignants bénéficient grandement des programmes de formation initiale des enseignants. Aucun problème académique ou administratif ne devrait se poser pour les étudiants pendant qu’ils sont inscrits. La réussite des étudiants est influencée par des questions qui se posent à la fois à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la salle de classe. Les étudiants en master d’éduca...

    97,57 €

  • Problemi accademici di M.Ed. Studenti
    Bharat Parmar / Poonam Yadav
    I futuri insegnanti traggono grande beneficio dai programmi di formazione pre-servizio degli insegnanti. Non dovrebbero sorgere problemi accademici o amministrativi per gli studenti mentre sono iscritti. Il successo degli studenti è influenzato da questioni interne ed esterne alla classe. Gli studenti di Ed. M. S. University of Baroda a Vadodara, Gujarat, India, sono al centro ...

    97,60 €

  • Problemas Acadêmicos de M.Ed. Alunos
    Bharat Parmar / Poonam Yadav
    Os futuros professores beneficiam muito com os programas de formação de professores antes da entrada em serviço. Não devem surgir problemas académicos ou administrativos para os estudantes enquanto estiverem inscritos. O sucesso dos estudantes é afetado por questões tanto dentro como fora da sala de aula. Os alunos do Mestrado em Educação da Universidade M. S. de Baroda em Vado...

    97,60 €

  • Академические проблемы студентов магистратуры
    Бхарат Пармар / Пунам Ядав
    Будущие учителя получают огромную пользу от программ дослужебного педагогического образования. Во время обучения у студентов не должно возникать никаких академических или административных проблем. На успех студентов влияют проблемы, возникающие как в классе, так и за его пределами. Студенты магистратуры в Университете Бароды в Вадодаре, штат Гуджарат, Индия, являются объектом и...

    97,55 €

  • Educação Financeira Para Professores De Escolas Públicas
    José De Marqui
    O nascimento do meu primeiro neto, José Vitor, acendeu em mim a necessidade de, de alguma maneira, amparar, sem paternalismo, as crianças mais desprovidas de possibilidades financeiras.Mas, quem são essas crianças e quem vai ensinar a elas estes conceitos fundamentais?A meu ver, as crianças mais necessitadas desse aprendizado, por óbvios motivos, são as crianças das escolas púb...

    11,07 €

  • Preparação competente dos professores universitários para o ensino modular dos estudantes
    Nargiza Kholmurodova / Saidazim Kubaev / Sobir Musinov
    A história do desenvolvimento da competência profissional dos professores universitários, os fundamentos psicológicos e pedagógicos da aprendizagem modular, a experiência de trabalho sobre este problema na pedagogia estrangeira são analisados em termos psicológicos e pedagógicos. Pela primeira vez, a atividade pedagógica é considerada não como um serviço, mas como a produção de...

    47,79 €

  • Preparazione competente dei docenti universitari per l’insegnamento modulare agli studenti
    Nargiza Kholmurodova / Saidazim Kubaev / Sobir Musinov
    La storia dello sviluppo della competenza professionale degli insegnanti universitari, le basi psicologiche e pedagogiche dell’apprendimento modulare, l’esperienza di lavoro su questo problema nella pedagogia straniera sono analizzate in termini psicologici e pedagogici. Per la prima volta l’attività pedagogica viene considerata non come un servizio, ma come la produzione di nu...

    47,79 €

  • Competent preparation of university teachers for modular teaching of students
    Nargiza Kholmurodova / Saidazim Kubaev / Sobir Musinov
    The history of the development of professional competence of university teachers, the psychological and pedagogical foundations of modular learning, the experience of work on this problem in foreign pedagogy is analysed in psychological and pedagogical terms. Pedagogical activity for the first time is considered not as a service, but as the production of new psycho-physiologica...

    47,82 €

  • Eingliederungsperspektiven
    Eliot Gárate Ramírez
    Das Buch enthält eine Reihe von Überlegungen und Empfehlungen zur aktuellen Situation der inklusiven Bildung in chilenischen Schulen. Es wirft Argumente auf, die die Perspektive von Schülern, Familien, Lehrern und Verwaltungsteams berücksichtigen, mit dem Ziel, Inklusionsstrategien für Schüler zu entwickeln, die aus verschiedenen Gründen Unterstützung benötigen, um in das Bildu...

    85,59 €

  • Destrava Vendas Para Corretor De Seguros
    Eliana Coelho
    O livro - DESTRAVA VENDAS, oferece estratégia e técnicas aos corretores de seguro para quebrar aobjeções mais comuns na hora de vender umseguro de vida, experiências vivenciada pela autora e feedback de seus colegas de trabalho.Transformando objeções em vendas e assim cada vez mais obtendo o resultado desejado.Onde cada decisão conta, descubra como destravar o potencial máximo ...

    12,23 €

  • Enseigner la bioéthique dans les professions de santé
    Irene Acevedo Pérez / Laura Rueda Castro
    Ce livre rassemble les aspects fondamentaux utilisés lors de la conception d’un cours de bioéthique, et qui sont développés indistinctement dans l’enseignement en face à face ou à distance. Il est essentiel et fondamental que les futurs professionnels de la santé aient une formation holistique basée à la fois sur les sciences biologiques et les sciences humaines. L’une d’entre ...

    97,40 €

  • Инклюзивные перспективы
    Елиот Гáрате Рамирез
    В книге представлен ряд размышлений и рекомендаций о текущей ситуации с инклюзивным образованием в чилийских школах. В ней приводятся аргументы с точки зрения учащихся, семей, учителей и управленческих команд с целью разработки стратегий инклюзии для учащихся, которым по разным причинам требуется поддержка для поступления, сохранения и развития в системе образования. Изменения,...

    85,65 €

  • Revitalizing the Learning Ecosystem for Modern Students
    In the rapidly evolving education landscape, many challenges confront educators, policymakers, and researchers alike. The shifting demands of students and society, coupled with global disruptions to traditional educational systems, necessitate a comprehensive solution to reshape the learning environment for the digital age. Recognizing these challenges, the book Revitalizing th...

    320,96 €

  • Revitalizing the Learning Ecosystem for Modern Students
    In the rapidly evolving education landscape, many challenges confront educators, policymakers, and researchers alike. The shifting demands of students and society, coupled with global disruptions to traditional educational systems, necessitate a comprehensive solution to reshape the learning environment for the digital age. Recognizing these challenges, the book Revitalizing th...

    242,05 €

  • A School Leader’s Guide to Reclaiming Purpose
    Frederick C Buskey
    In A School Leader’s Guide to Reclaiming Purpose, Frederick Buskey lays out a clear and compelling roadmap to help school leaders focus more time on supporting and growing people and less time putting out fires. This book is ideal for leaders who work hard all week but often wonder if they have accomplished anything meaningful and enduring. The book takes readers on a journey ...

    21,26 €

  • Roll Call
    Marcy Cassidy
    It’s time to get fit and conquer the classroom!In Roll Call, experienced educator and administrator Dr. Marcy Cassidy skillfully parallels the challenges and triumphs of teaching with popular reality shows such as 'Survivor.' Through sharing from her library of often jaw-dropping, knee-slapping anecdotes, Cassidy provides 35 years’ worth of invaluable advice on teaching strateg...

    15,91 €

  • Handbook of Research on Inclusive and Accessible Education
    In the vast expanse of education, a pervasive issue remains in the marginalization and lack of visibility of individuals with disabilities. Despite a strong desire for inclusivity, recent research suggests that fewer than 5% of children with disabilities in 51 countries across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are enrolled in primary school. This exclusion is not solely in enro...

    406,65 €

  • Pursuing Equity and Success for Marginalized Educational Leaders
    In educational leadership, aspiring leaders from traditionally marginalized backgrounds face a difficult range of challenges that hinder their ability to thrive. This problem is not confined to a single facet but extends its reach across the educational landscape, impacting diversity, equity, and inclusivity within academic institutions. As the demand for authentic and practica...

    301,58 €

  • Pursuing Equity and Success for Marginalized Educational Leaders
    In educational leadership, aspiring leaders from traditionally marginalized backgrounds face a difficult range of challenges that hinder their ability to thrive. This problem is not confined to a single facet but extends its reach across the educational landscape, impacting diversity, equity, and inclusivity within academic institutions. As the demand for authentic and practica...

    229,20 €

  • A Mente Humana E A Construção Do Conhecimento - Como O Cérebro Aprende
    José Gilson Tavares Freitas
    Um livro para quem pretende alguma compreensão sobre a mente humana, sobre como funciona a mente humana, sobre como as informações são apreendidas e armazenadas pela memória, sobre como acontece a construção do conhecimento.Qual a importância dos processos neurobiológicos, psíquicos, psicológicos, emocionais e relacionais para o processo da aprendizagem e para a construção do c...

    9,52 €

  • From Misunderstood To Mainstream
    Travis Breeding
    In 'From Misunderstood to Mainstream,' Travis Breeding takes readers on a captivating journey from the fringes of society to the heart of acceptance and understanding. From early childhood, Travis faced a world that seemed determined to confine him to the shadows of misunderstanding and stigma due to his diagnosis of autism.With raw honesty and unwavering determination, Travis ...

    18,71 €

  • Breaking Barriers
    Travis Breeding
    In 'Breaking Barriers: Navigating Autism With Theraputic Insight', Travis Breeding invites readers into a transformative journey through the intricate world of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). With a unique blend of personal narrative and professional insight, Breeding offers a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges and triumphs of living with autism.Through the lens o...

    13,99 €

  • Leading and Managing Change for School Improvement
    Nadire Gülçin Yildiz
    With the changing nature of education, school leaders and administrators must acknowledge the dynamic nature of schools so that they can effectively take up the challenge of leading their institutions. From ever-evolving safety policies to the implementation of new educational technologies, schools are being challenged to adapt to social issues, health crises, environmental fac...

    216,06 €

  • Leading and Managing Change for School Improvement
    Nadire Gülçin Yildiz
    With the changing nature of education, school leaders and administrators must acknowledge the dynamic nature of schools so that they can effectively take up the challenge of leading their institutions. From ever-evolving safety policies to the implementation of new educational technologies, schools are being challenged to adapt to social issues, health crises, environmental fac...

    281,91 €

    John De Nobile / Phil Ridden
    Keys to School leadership provides a challenging and timely review of the fundamental principles underpinning leadership success in schools today. The authors apply a fresh, innovative and contemporary approach to the meaning of school leadership, the notion of team leadership and the implications for practice. They engage with emerging issues and anticipate future trends, chal...

    33,46 €

  • A Libertação Do Líder
    Douglas Capitani
    Aprenda a liderar com excelência com o livro prático A LIBERTAÇÃO DO LÍDER, desenvolvido por um especialista com experiência e com mais de uma década de estudos dedicados à liderança. Baseado em técnicas comprovadas, o livro é uma cópia expandida do curso A LIBERTAÇÃO DO LÍDER, treina líderes para motivar, engajar e comprometer suas equipes, gerando valor e resultados para o ne...

    44,56 €

    Retraçant la trajectoire historique et managériale parcourue par l’Institut Supérieur de Commerce, ISC-Goma, ce livre a le mérite d’identifier non seulement les acteurs ayant marqué de leurs empreintes la gouvernance de cet institut ; mais aussi de décrypter les forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces ayant caractérisé le management impulsé par les différents intervenants.C...

    120,56 €

  • Preparing Students for the Future Educational Paradigm
    New technology, globalized markets, and changing employment needs contribute to the fast transformation of the educational landscape, which presents new opportunities and challenges for students. How can educators strategically adapt and enhance learning ecosystems to effectively prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly evolving educational landscape...

    373,63 €

  • Preparing Students for the Future Educational Paradigm
    New technology, globalized markets, and changing employment needs contribute to the fast transformation of the educational landscape, which presents new opportunities and challenges for students. How can educators strategically adapt and enhance learning ecosystems to effectively prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly evolving educational landscape...

    281,65 €

  • Restructuring General Education and Core Curricula Requirements
    Julie Christina Tatlock
    In academia, a looming challenge threatens the very foundations of education as we know it. This formidable adversary is none other than the demographic cliff, a phenomenon that casts a long shadow over the future of higher learning. Simultaneously, the shifting perceptions of education in our modern world have given rise to fierce competition for students. This has resulted in...

    301,36 €