Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

1601 Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

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  • Informal Lectures on Formal Semantics
    Emmon Bach
    This book is an introduction to the current developments in model-theoretic semantics, which has become an essential part of the work in theoretical linguistics over the last decade. The author examines the model structure of Montague’s theory and then presents elaborations on this basic model that have been of particular importance in the last few years: generalized quantifi...

    41,13 €

  • Personality and the Teaching of Composition
    George H. Jensen / George HJensen / John K. DiTiberio / John KDiTiberio / UNKNOWN

    70,86 €

  • Literature
    John Marlowe / Robert Skapura

    53,60 €

  • Mieux écrire en français
    Michèle R. Morris / Michele RMorris
    This expanded edition serves as a comprehensive reference guide as well as a systematic, learner-centered approach for native English-speaking students. The author addresses the most common problems of writing in French, and progresses from words to sentences to paragraphs to the elaboration of accurate and authentic expository prose. ...

    38,06 €

  • Mystery Lovers’ Book of Quotations
    Jane Horning

    33,19 €

  • Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences
    Donald E. Polkinghorne / Donald EPolkinghorne
    This book expands the concept of the nature of science and provides a practical research alternative for those who work with people and organizations.Using literary criticism, philosophy, and history, as well as recent developments in the cognitive and social sciences, Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences shows how to use research information organized by the narrative form...

    42,10 €

  • The Presence of Thought--Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing
    Marilyn S. Sternglass / Marilyn SSternglass / Marilyn Sternglass

    83,90 €

  • Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing
    Leo Ruth / Sandra Murphy

    70,32 €

  • Advances in Writing Research, Volume 2
    David Jolliffe

    121,53 €

  • Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing
    Leo Ruth / Sandra Murphy

    121,22 €

  • Linguistics and Philosophy
    Etienne Gilson / John Lyon
    The dual purpose of this volume-to provide a distinctively philosophical introduction to logic, as well as a logic-oriented approach to philosophy-makes it a unique and worthwhile primary text for logic or philosophy courses. ...

    143,78 €

  • Effective Writing
    Jean Withrow

    47,15 €

  • Effective Writing Teacher’s Manual
    Jean Withrow

    38,92 €

  • Writing Lives
    Leon Edel

    17,34 €

  • The Rhetorics of Popular Culture
    Robert L. Jr. Root / Robert LJrRoot

    95,77 €

  • Writing in Real Time
    Ann Matsuhashi

    70,41 €

  • A Semantic and Structural Analysis of Titus
    John Banker
    The books in this series are analytical commentaries on the Greek text of New Testament books. Each book first identifies the high-level semantic components of the text and indicates the relationships between them. These components are then further analyzed to identify sub-components and their relationships. This process is continued until the basic units of communication, call...

    30,27 €

  • Lexical Semantics
    D. A. Cruse / DACruse
    Lexical Semantics is about the meaning of words. Although obviously a central concern of linguistics, the semantic behavior of words has been unduly neglected in the current literature, which has tended to emphasize sentential semantics and its relation to formal systems of logic. ...

    105,67 €

  • How to Win Arguments
    William a Rusher / William A. Rusher / William ARusher
    This entertaining work, sprinkled with illustrative real-life anecdotes, is a comprehensive guide to the techniques, rhetorical devices and principles of successful argumentation. The author, a debater since age thirteen, has lectured widely. Publisher of the National Review, Rusher is also a television commentator and syndicated columnist. Originally published by Doubleday in ...

    82,15 €

  • Assessing Writers’ Knowledge and Processes of Composing
    David Jolliffe / Lester Faigley / Roger Cherry

    121,44 €

  • Assessing Writers’ Knowledge and Processes of Composing
    Lester Faigley

    70,53 €

  • The Acquisition of Written Language
    Sarah Warshauer Freedman / UNKNOWN

    70,43 €

  • Text Production
    Robert De Beaugrande / Robert de Beugrande

    83,00 €

  • A Theory of Discourse
    James L. Kinneavy / James LKinneavy

    23,78 €

  • Modern Prose Style
    Bonamy Dobree / UNKNOWN

    121,28 €

  • Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education
    Donald Lemen Clark / UNKNOWN

    108,32 €

  • Semantic Theory
    Ruth M. Kempson / Ruth MKempson

    88,85 €

  • A Treasury of Jewish Quotations
    The quotations contained in this monumental volume consist of aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, and comments of Jewish authorship or on Jewish themes. Here is a rich treasury compiled from over 2,500 years of Jewish writingsDfrom the Talmud, the Mishnah, the Zohar, and the Bible, through excerpts from Rashi, Maimonides, the Baal Shem Tov, as well as Spinoza, Disraeli, Herzl, Freud, ...

    175,48 €

  • Semantics
    John Lyons

    98,05 €

  • Where I’m Bound
    Sidonie Smith / UNKNOWN

    82,64 €