Catálogo de libros: Música

14987 Catálogo de libros: Música

  • Репрезентативные мелодии колумбийского джаза (1957-1999)
    Хорхе И Сепульведа С.
    Зарождение джаза в истории музыки можно проследить в Соединенных Штатах. С момента своего возникновения он стал одним из стилей в популярной музыке мира, который получил наибольшее распространение за последние сто лет. Благодаря своим многочисленным путешествиям джаз побывал в большинстве стран мира, и Колумбия, похоже, не стала исключением. Но как подтвердить в реальности, в о...

    79,06 €

  • Melodias representativas do jazz colombiano (1957-1999)
    Jorge Iván Sepúlveda C.
    O nascimento do jazz na história da música remonta aos Estados Unidos. Desde a sua origem, tem sido um dos estilos, dentro da música popular do mundo, que mais se difundiu nos últimos cem anos. Graças às suas muitas viagens, o jazz esteve presente na maioria dos países do mundo e a Colômbia parece não ter sido exceção. Mas como é que se pode corroborar na realidade, em termos t...

    79,00 €

  • Melodie rappresentative del jazz colombiano (1957-1999)
    Jorge Iván Sepúlveda C.
    La nascita del jazz nella storia della musica può essere fatta risalire agli Stati Uniti. Fin dalle sue origini, è stato uno degli stili, nell’ambito della musica popolare mondiale, che si è diffuso maggiormente negli ultimi cento anni. Grazie ai suoi numerosi viaggi, il jazz è stato presente nella maggior parte dei Paesi del mondo e la Colombia non sembra aver fatto eccezione....

    79,00 €

  • Mélodies de jazz colombiennes représentatives (1957-1999)
    Jorge Iván Sepúlveda C.
    La naissance du jazz dans l’histoire de la musique remonte aux États-Unis. Depuis son origine, c’est l’un des styles, au sein de la musique populaire mondiale, qui s’est le plus répandu au cours des cent dernières années. Grâce à ses nombreux voyages, le jazz a été présent dans la plupart des pays du monde, et la Colombie ne semble pas avoir fait exception. Mais comment corrobo...

    79,00 €

  • Representative Colombian Jazz Melodies (1957-1999)
    Jorge Iván Sepúlveda C.
    The birth of jazz in the history of music can be traced back to the United States. Since its origin, it has been one of the styles, within the popular music of the world, which has spread the most in the last hundred years. Thanks to its multiple travels, jazz has been present in most of the countries of the world, and it seems that Colombia has not been the exception. But how ...

    79,00 €

  • Repräsentative kolumbianische Jazz-Melodien (1957-1999)
    Jorge Iván Sepúlveda C.
    Die Anfänge des Jazz in der Musikgeschichte sind in den Vereinigten Staaten zu suchen. Seit seiner Entstehung ist er einer der Stile innerhalb der populären Musik der Welt, der sich in den letzten hundert Jahren am meisten verbreitet hat. Dank seiner vielen Reisen war der Jazz in den meisten Ländern der Welt präsent, und Kolumbien scheint keine Ausnahme zu sein. Doch wie lässt ...

    79,06 €

  • Canções Folclóricas Ao Redor Do Mundo
    Virgínia Lourenço
    Músicas folclóricas são uma das formas mais antigas de contagem de histórias. Através delas nossos antepassados transmitiram seus mitos, acontecimentos, superstições e crenças.Seu estudo fornece ao antropólogo moderno, ou a um simples curioso na nobre busca de conhecimento, uma janela para o passado que fornece uma olhadela nas suas tradições, comemorações e celebrações. Às can...

    11,95 €

  • Sky Music Instruction Guitar
    Lena Esposito
    Welcome to Guitar Volume 1! This edition is an introduction to playing the contemporary guitar. You will learn technique, basic music theory, ear training and rhythm skills through the lens of contemporary examples. These song examples, though not provided in this book, are available for purchase separately through the links provided on Other exerci...

    16,73 €

    Steve Dafoe
    A COLLECTION OF SONG POEMS (90 PoeLyrics) The Accomplished Songwriter has scored Film/Major Motion Picture and multiple TV placements including 'Golden Globe, EMMY & Peoples Choice' award winning shows. Recently, 'The Walking Dead' TV Series licensed 2 pieces of music for 'Behind The Dead'. Network & Cable TV like Sony Pictures, ABC, CTV, NBC, CBS, Showtime, MTV, BBC, Food Netw...

    11,63 €

  • Music, Society, Agency
    Nancy November
    This ten-chapter book explores how music and society are, and have been, intertwined and mutually influential. It examines the agents behind these connections: who determines musical cultures in society? Which social groups are represented in particular musical contexts? Which social groups are silenced or less well represented in music’s histories, and why? ...

    171,22 €

  • The End of Music
    Matti Charlton
    In ’The End of Music,’ author Matti Charlton explores the transformative impact of digital platforms and the democratization of music production, distribution, and the music services sector. With an unflinching examination of the challenges faced by musicians and artists today, this eye-opening book delves into the overwhelming oversupply of music content, the negligible revenu...

    16,22 €

  • Tina Turner
    John Haughton
    Tina Turner wurde als Anna Mae Bullock am Morgen des 26. November 1939 im Memorial Hospital von Brownsville geboren und lebte in Nut Bush am Highway 19. Ihr Vater war Floyd Richard Bullock, Aufseher auf der Poindexter-Farm. Richard war Diakon in der Woodlawn Baptist Church. Tina erlebte als Kind den ständigen Streit zwischen Richard und seiner Frau Zelma Bullock. In ihrer Autob...

    56,40 €

  • Tina Turner
    John Haughton
    Tina Turner est née Anna Mae Bullock le matin du 26 novembre 1939 à l’hôpital Memorial de Brownsville et vivait à Nut Bush sur l’autoroute 19. Son père était Floyd Richard Bullock, contremaître résident de la ferme Poindexter. Richard était diacre de l’église baptiste de Woodlawn. Enfant, Tina est témoin des conflits constants entre Richard et sa femme Zelma Bullock. Dans son a...

    56,40 €

  • Tina Turner
    John Haughton
    Tina Turner è nata Anna Mae Bullock la mattina del 26 novembre 1939 al Memorial Hospital di Brownsville e viveva a Nut Bush, sulla Highway 19. Il padre era Floyd Richard Bullock, responsabile della fattoria Poindexter. Suo padre era Floyd Richard Bullock, supervisore della fattoria Poindexter. Richard era un diacono della Chiesa Battista di Woodlawn. Da bambina Tina fu testimon...

    56,34 €

  • Tina Turner
    John Haughton
    Tina Turner nasceu Anna Mae Bullock na manhã de 26 de novembro de 1939 no Memorial Hospital de Brownsville e vivia em Nut Bush, na Highway 19. O seu pai era Floyd Richard Bullock, que residia na quinta Poindexter. Richard era diácono da Igreja Batista de Woodlawn. Em criança, Tina assistiu a conflitos constantes entre Richard e a sua mulher Zelma Bullock. Na sua autobiografia '...

    56,34 €

  • Тина Тернер
    Джон Хотон
    Тина Тернер родилась Анной Мэй Баллок утром 26 ноября 1939 года в Мемориальной больнице Браунсвилля и жила в Ореховом кусте на шоссе 19. Ее отцом был Флойд Ричард Баллок, надсмотрщик на ферме Пойндекстеров. Ричард был дьяконом баптистской церкви Вудлона. В детстве Тина была свидетелем постоянных конфликтов между Ричардом и его женой Зельмой Баллок. В своей автобиографии 'Я, Тин...

    56,40 €

  • Classification and Pattern Recognition of Cancer Gene Expression Data
    Li Qinglan / Li Zhijie / Liao Xuhong
    Gene expression data analysis is one of the most valuable and relatively mature application areas of big data. This book is a work on cancer gene expression data mining and machine learning algorithms, comprehensively and systematically explaining the models, algorithms, platforms, and examples of cancer gene expression data learning. The book consists of 10 chapters and is div...

    149,22 €

  • Hemingway, Fitzgerald and the Muse of Romantic Music
    Nicole J. Camastra
    Both Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald grew up in the Midwest and were strongly influenced by Romantic music, anchored by the aesthetic tastes of the German immigrants who settled across that region. Hemingway’s ear for form and Fitzgerald’s penchant for lyricism stem from early and frequent exposure to such masters as Johannes Brahms and Franz Schubert. Nostalgia is ...

    108,74 €

  • Crowd Surfing With God
    Adrienne Novy
    In its five year anniversary edition, Crowd Surfing With God surges back to life with updated work, new and unreleased poems, and a foreword by National Book Award-nominated bestseller Hanif Abdurraqib. This coming-of-age journey through poems tells a story of self-acceptance that discusses growing up with a rare genetic disorder and mental illness, family and being in a multif...

    12,89 €

  • As Long As They Can Blow. Interracial Jazz Recording And Other Jive Before 1935
    Stephen Provizer
    The overarching goal of As Long As They Can Blow is to show the mutual respect that black and white jazz musicians had for each other and how a shared love of the music and the relative privacy of the recording studio resulted in hundreds of early interracial jazz recordings. At the book’s heart is the first discography of these sessions ever put together and a concise list tha...

    16,50 €

  • Theory and Practice of Piano Construction With a Detailed, Practical Method for Tuning
    William Braid White
    Theory and Practice of Piano Construction With a Detailed, Practical Method for Tuning, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole boo...

    24,08 €

  • The History of Synthwave
    Herkimer Throckmorton
    Explore the captivating journey of synthwave through 'The History of Synthwave' by Herkimer Throckmorton. From its roots in ’80s electronic music to the global spread of this retro-futuristic genre, this comprehensive guide delves into subgenres like Outrun, Dark Synthwave, and Dreamwave. Uncover the influence of iconic artists such as Perturbator, The Midnight, and Gunship. Qu...

    24,08 €

  • The History of Synthwave (Pocket Edition)
    Herkimer Throckmorton
    Explore the captivating journey of synthwave through 'The History of Synthwave' by Herkimer Throckmorton. From its roots in ’80s electronic music to the global spread of this retro-futuristic genre, this comprehensive guide delves into subgenres like Outrun, Dark Synthwave, and Dreamwave. Uncover the influence of iconic artists such as Perturbator, The Midnight, and Gunship. Qu...

    21,66 €

  • Geschichte der westlichen Musik
    Cildeberto Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo
    Die andine oder peruanische Sichtweise konzentriert sich auf den Einfluss Europas auf die kubanische oder antillianische Musik und ihre Einflüsse auf Peru und Südamerika, da es viele falsche Mythen und Dogmen über die Begriffe 'afro-lateinische' oder 'afro-karibische' Musik gibt, während in Wahrheit der afrikanische Einfluss sehr gering war, da Afrika nur primitive Musik mit ru...

    77,81 €

  • Histoire de la musique occidentale
    Cildeberto Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo
    La vision andine ou péruvienne se concentre sur l’impact de l’Europe sur la musique cubaine ou antillaise et ses influences sur le Pérou et l’Amérique du Sud, car il existe de nombreux faux mythes et dogmes sur les termes 'musique afro-latine' ou 'musique afro-caribéenne', alors qu’en réalité l’influence africaine a été très minime car l’Afrique n’a produit qu’une musique primi...

    77,75 €

  • History of Western Music
    Cildeberto Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo
    Andean or Peruvian vision focusing on the impact of Europe on Cuban or Antillean music and its influences on Peru and South America, since there are many false myths and dogmas about the terms 'Afro-Latin' or 'Afro-Caribbean' music when in truth the African influence was very minimal because Africa only produced primitive music with rudimentary musical instruments, and in truth...

    77,69 €

  • История западной музыки
    Дел Кастилльо Харамил
    Андское или перуанское видение фокусируется на влиянии Европы на кубинскую или антильскую музыку и ее влиянии на Перу и Южную Америку, поскольку существует множество ложных мифов и догм о терминах 'афро-латинская' или 'афро-карибская' музыка, когда на самом деле африканское влияние было очень минимальным, поскольку Африка создавала только примитивную музыку с рудиментарными муз...

    77,81 €

  • Storia della musica occidentale
    Cildeberto Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo
    La visione andina o peruviana si concentra sull’impatto dell’Europa sulla musica cubana o delle Antille e sulle sue influenze sul Perù e sul Sudamerica, poiché esistono molti falsi miti e dogmi sui termini 'musica afro-latina' o 'afro-caraibica', quando in realtà l’influenza africana è stata minima perché l’Africa ha prodotto solo musica primitiva con strumenti musicali rudimen...

    77,69 €

  • História da música ocidental
    Cildeberto Jaime Del Castillo Jaramillo
    A visão andina ou peruana centra-se no impacto da Europa na música cubana ou antilhana e nas suas influências no Peru e na América do Sul, uma vez que existem muitos falsos mitos e dogmas sobre os termos 'música afro-latina' ou 'afro-caribenha' quando, na verdade, a influência africana foi muito mínima porque a África apenas produziu música primitiva com instrumentos musicais r...

    77,69 €

  • A Survey of Solo Works for the Violoncello
    Brian Hodges
    A Survey for Solo Works for the Violoncello is a resource for cellists and non-cellists alike. Spanning the history of the cello through the lens of the pieces written for it, the reader will gain insight into the pieces, composers, and players that shaped the cello’s destiny from its earliest entries to the current day. The book surveys the breadth of music written for the cel...

    33,62 €