Catálogo de libros: Música

14987 Catálogo de libros: Música

  • Rosário Cantado Com Meditações Poéticas Marianas Anchietanas
    Zoltan Paulinyi
    Esta obra reúne três livros num único volume completo: o Rosário Cantado em gregoriano (2023), organizado por Dr. Zoltan Paulinyi, as Meditações Poéticas Marianas (2022), cujos poemas de São José de Anchieta (do século XVI) foram adaptados e completados em português por Paulinyi para servirem de meditação aos mistérios do Rosário, incluindo-se os luminosos; o prefácio apresenta...

    23,10 €

  • L’influence du principe de responsabilité de Hans Jonas
    Christiane Santos Haidar
    Hans Jonas est un philosophe allemand qui s’est interrogé sur la manière dont l’homme utilise les connaissances scientifiques et la technologie. Son analyse philosophique a abouti à l’ouvrage 'Le principe de responsabilité, un essai d’éthique pour la civilisation technologique' (1979), dans lequel il aborde trois thèmes principaux : la critique de l’éthique traditionnelle, l’ut...

    40,79 €

  • The Influence of Hans Jonas’ Principle of Responsibility
    Christiane Santos Haidar
    Hans Jonas was a German philosopher who questioned the way man uses scientific knowledge and technology. His philosophical analysis culminated in the work ’The Responsibility Principle, an essay in ethics for technological civilisation’ (1979), in which he addresses three main themes: criticism of traditional ethics, the use of technology and scientific knowledge, and the heuri...

    40,66 €

  • Влияние принципа ответственности Ханса Йонаса
    Кристиане Сан Хайдар
    Ганс Йонас - немецкий философ, который ставил под сомнение то, как человек использует научные знания и технологии. Кульминацией его философского анализа стала работа 'Принцип ответственности, эссе по этике для технологической цивилизации' (1979), в которой он затрагивает три основные темы: критику традиционной этики, использование технологий и научных знаний, а также эвристику ...

    40,79 €

  • Der Einfluss von Hans Jonas’ Prinzip der Verantwortung
    Christiane Santos Haidar
    Hans Jonas war ein deutscher Philosoph, der die Art und Weise hinterfragte, wie der Mensch wissenschaftliches Wissen und Technologie nutzt. Seine philosophische Analyse gipfelte in dem Werk 'Das Prinzip Verantwortung, ein ethischer Essay für die technologische Zivilisation' (1979), in dem er drei Hauptthemen behandelt: die Kritik an der traditionellen Ethik, die Nutzung von Tec...

    40,79 €

  • From the Madeira Chamber Orchestra to the Madeira Classical Orchestra
    Eduardo Alves
    At a time when the 'Golden Jubilee' (50 years) of the Madeira Classical Orchestra Association [AOCM] has been completed, it seemed important to us to mark this milestone of longevity through a historical/sociological incursion into its foundation and organisational evolution. In this brief note, our main concern is to analyse the organisational impact, but also the behaviour an...

    30,09 €

  • От камерного оркестра Мадейры к классическому оркестру Мадейры
    Эдуардо Алвес
    В то время, когда завершился 'золотой юбилей' (50 лет) Ассоциации классических оркестров Мадейры [AOCM], нам показалось важным отметить эту веху долголетия историко-социологическим исследованием ее основания и организационной эволюции. В этой краткой заметке мы стремимся проанализировать организационное влияние, а также поведение и функционирование тех, кто входил в состав соци...

    30,09 €

  • Dall’Orchestra da Camera di Madeira all’Orchestra Classica di Madeira
    Eduardo Alves
    Nel momento in cui si è compiuto il 'Giubileo d’oro' (50 anni) dell’Associazione dell’Orchestra Classica di Madeira [AOCM], ci è sembrato importante segnare questo traguardo di longevità attraverso un’incursione storico-sociologica nella sua fondazione ed evoluzione organizzativa. In questa breve nota, la nostra preoccupazione principale è quella di analizzare l’impatto organiz...

    30,09 €

  • Vom Kammerorchester Madeira zum Klassischen Orchester Madeira
    Eduardo Alves
    Zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem das 'Goldene Jubiläum' (50 Jahre) der Vereinigung des Klassischen Orchesters von Madeira [AOCM] vollendet ist, erschien es uns wichtig, diesen Meilenstein der Langlebigkeit durch einen historisch-soziologischen Blick auf die Gründung und die organisatorische Entwicklung zu würdigen. In dieser kurzen Notiz geht es uns vor allem darum, die organisatoris...

    30,09 €

  • De l’Orchestre de Chambre de Madère à l’Orchestre Classique de Madère
    Eduardo Alves
    Au moment où s’achève le 'Jubilé d’Or' (50 ans) de l’Association de l’Orchestre Classique de Madère [AOCM], il nous a semblé important de marquer ce jalon de longévité par une incursion historique/sociologique dans sa fondation et son évolution organisationnelle. Dans cette brève note, notre préoccupation principale est d’analyser l’impact organisationnel, mais aussi le comport...

    30,09 €

  • The Public Health nurse in the care of the elderly with HIV/AIDS
    Geilsa S. C. Valente / Janaina Oliveira da Silva
    Discussions about the increase in the elderly population have been gaining momentum in recent decades, as it is a reflection of advances in the field of health and the reduction in the birth rate. This change in age structure inspires caution, since the number of HIV/AIDS cases among the elderly is growing, requiring greater attention from public authorities and health professi...

    49,68 €

  • Медсестра общественного здравоохранения в уходе за пожилыми людьми с ВИЧ/СПИДом
    Гейлса С. К. Валенте / Жанайна Оливей Силва
    Дискуссии об увеличении численности пожилого населения набирают обороты в последние десятилетия, поскольку это является отражением достижений в области здравоохранения и снижения рождаемости. Такое изменение возрастной структуры населения заставляет насторожиться, поскольку растет число случаев ВИЧ/СПИДа среди пожилых людей, что требует повышенного внимания со стороны государст...

    49,68 €

  • Die Krankenschwester des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens in der Pflege von älteren Menschen mit HIV/AIDS
    Geilsa S. C. Valente / Janaina Oliveira da Silva
    Die Diskussionen über die Zunahme der älteren Bevölkerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten an Dynamik gewonnen, da sie die Fortschritte im Gesundheitsbereich und den Rückgang der Geburtenrate widerspiegeln. Diese Veränderung der Altersstruktur gibt Anlass zur Vorsicht, da die Zahl der HIV/AIDS-Fälle unter älteren Menschen zunimmt, was eine größere Aufmerksamkeit seitens der Beh...

    49,68 €

  • L’infirmière de santé publique dans les soins aux personnes âgées atteintes du VIH/SIDA
    Geilsa S. C. Valente / Janaina Oliveira da Silva
    Les discussions sur l’augmentation de la population âgée ont pris de l’ampleur au cours des dernières décennies, car elles reflètent les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la santé et la réduction du taux de natalité. Ce changement dans la structure d’âge incite à la prudence, car le nombre de cas de VIH/SIDA chez les personnes âgées augmente, ce qui exige une plus grande atte...

    49,68 €

    Sevarakhan Nazarova
    Cette monographie est destinée aux enseignants et aux étudiants des facultés de philologie des universités et reflète les problèmes de l’analyse linguoculturologique, linguocognitive et linguopsychologique de la langue ouzbèke. La monographie peut également être utilisée par les chercheurs comme littérature complémentaireUshbu monografiya universitetlarning filologiya fakultetl...

    61,69 €

    Севарахан Назарова
    Монография предназначена для преподавателей и студентов филологических факультетов вузов и отражает проблемы лингвокультурологического, лингвокогнитивного и лингвопсихологического анализа узбекского языка. Монография также может быть использована исследователями в качестве дополнительной литературыУшбу монография университетларнинг филология факултетлари о’китувчилари ва талаба...

    61,69 €

    Sevarakhan Nazarova
    Diese Monographie richtet sich an Lehrende und Studierende der philologischen Fakultäten der Universitäten und spiegelt die Probleme der linguokulturologischen, linguokognitiven und linguopsychologischen Analyse der usbekischen Sprache wider. Die Monographie kann auch von Forschern als zusätzliche Literatur verwendet werden.Ushbu monografiya universitetlarning filologiya fakult...

    61,69 €

  • L’Histoire du Synthwave
    Herkimer Throckmorton
    Explorez le voyage captivant du synthwave à travers 'L’histoire du Synthwave' par Herkimer Throckmorton. Des racines de la musique électronique des années 80 à la propagation mondiale de ce genre rétro-futuriste, ce guide complet plonge dans des sous-genres tels que l’Outrun, le Dark Synthwave et le Dreamwave. Découvrez l’influence d’artistes emblématiques tels que Perturbator,...

    23,96 €

  • Music Business Artist Development Volume 2
    James Bruce
    As the days and months go by, I will be publishing a series of ebooks and books about the subjects that I have encountered for the last 35 years concerned with the business of music. This collection of eBooks and books will be offered in softback, hardback, and as an audio book. Each eBook and books will contain pages of necessary and critical subject matter that I feel anyone...

    22,21 €

  • The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music
    Matthew Whiteside
    The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music is a must-have resource for anyone looking to release their music-equally valuable for first timers as well as for seasoned experts who want the latest information on technology and industry developments. Matthew Whiteside focuses on the areas that musicians can manage themselves, and highlights-with humour and encouragement-the potent...

    15,19 €

  • Home Theatre Harmony
    Embark on a journey to transform your living space into a haven of unparalleled audio-visual excellence with 'Home Theatre Harmony.' This comprehensive guide is your go-to companion for creating the perfect home theatre experience, combining cutting-edge technology, thoughtful design, and a touch of creativity.Dive into the world of immersive entertainment as 'Home Theatre Harm...

    34,03 €

  • Un approccio di apprendimento supervisionato per l’identificazione dei criminali
    Amutha Prabakar
    Gli strumenti di data mining sono l’approccio migliore per l’identificazione dei criminali in base alle caratteristiche e alla natura del reato. In questo libro, abbiamo proposto un approccio supervisionato per l’identificazione di liste sospette di criminali utilizzando misure di similarità e l’algoritmo di clustering K-Medoids. L’algoritmo di clustering K-Medoids raggruppa i ...

    56,27 €

  • Hired Guns
    Amanda Kramer / Wayne Byrne
    Hired Guns looks across several decades of the music industry through the experiences and careers of ten professional female musicians. Those women profiled are members of influential, acclaimed bands and touring musicians with major acts; they each represent important music scenes and movements, having respectively emerged from and thrived in seminal moments of music such as t...

    38,75 €

  • One Hit Wonders
    Kevin Morris
    Unearth the Real Stories Behind Music’s Most Elusive Phenomenon: Authentic One-Hit Wonders Through Time!Every era has them - those tunes that catch fire, capturing hearts worldwide, only for their artists to vanish, leaving us wondering. In One Hit Wonders: Through the Decades, Kevin Morris sets out on a musical odyssey to decode this phenomenon. After extensive research and de...

    15,36 €

  • Beethoven A Character Study Together With Wagner’s Indebtedness To Beethoven
    George Alexander Fischer
    'Beethoven, A Character Study Together with Wagner’s Indebtedness to Beethoven' explores the personality and biography of the well-known German musician Ludwig van Beethoven. Fischer’s study, which was published in 1880, attempts to offer readers a better understanding of Beethoven’s character, creative disposition, and the influence of his masterpieces on the music industry. T...

    14,53 €

  • A Theory of Harmony
    Ernst Levy
    The classic work on Levy’s theory of negative harmony. ...

    42,57 €

  • Resonances against Fascism
    Laura Chiesa
    Resonances against Fascism explores some of the myriad ways music and, more broadly, sound have emerged from, and been mobilized to address, the urgencies of the present, from modernism to today. Taking the works and life of the German-born composer Kurt Weill as a pivotal point of departure, the collection brings together a range of critical voices, each with a singular tone, ...

    127,23 €

  • Resonances against Fascism
    Laura Chiesa
    Makes a case for the power of music and sound in the face of fascistic forces, from modernism to the present. ...

    43,60 €

  • The Power of Practice
    Kristin Wendland
    Situates yoga practice within a musical context in the life and work of famed violinist Yehudi Menuhin ...

    127,21 €

  • Discovering the Wonders of Classical Music A Learners Adventure
    Ravi Malhotra
    The Journey of a Young Learner into the World of MusicMusic is a wonderful tool that can be used to express the most fundamental human emotions. It allows us to experience joy, sadness, anger, love, and many other emotions. Music enriches our lives and helps us connect socially.As a young learner, entering the world of music is an amazing experience. You begin to learn new thin...

    26,77 €