Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11442)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Jeff Malphurs
    Joe Moore has always been a leader of his predominately black neighborhood in a small Southern town. He’s a devoted family man, an inspiring mentor for the local youth, and a strong-willed, but spiritually uplifting rock for those around him. Through a life of hardships and triumphs, Joe refuses to exist without purpose, live without passion, or die without cause.His life-long ...

    8,40 €

  • The Dream
    Romaine Morgan
    Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary tale that is "The Dream"! Join the courageous Garcia family as they embark on a heart-pounding journey through the perilous landscape of love, loss, and unwavering determination in the face of insurmountable challenges.  Relentlessly pursued by mysterious and unseen forces. Brace yourselves a...

    17,52 €

  • Trauer Überleben
    Leonardo Tavares
    Dies ist eine Pflichtlektüre für jeden, der einen geliebten Menschen verloren hat. Der Verlust eines wichtigen Menschen kann eine der schwierigsten Erfahrungen im Leben sein. Trauer ist eine natürliche und gesunde Reaktion auf diesen Verlust, kann jedoch ein sehr schmerzhafter und herausfordernder Prozess sein. In 'Trauer Überleben' erforschen wir gemeinsam die verschiedenen As...

    11,10 €

  • Guia Dos Apodícticos
    Hindemburg Melão Jr.
    O Guia dos Apodícticos desafia você a pensar muito além do senso comum, emergindo entre todas as obras desse gênero pela eficácia e riqueza de conteúdo, além de outros diferenciais notáveis.Se você já leu vários livros técnicos, científicos ou acadêmicos sobre determinado tema, deve ter notado que são muito semelhantes entre si, com quase mesmos conteúdos, analisados sob a mesm...

    13,97 €

  • Willower
    Deanna Kassenoff
    On April 30, 2007, Deanna Kassenoff experienced a parent’s worst nightmare when her nine-year-old son, Sam, collapsed on the playground at school and died from sudden cardiac arrest. Drowning in grief, considering ways to end her own life, Deanna was faced with a choice: give up or rewrite her story, one with a different ending.Willower is a book about using the power of story ...

    14,63 €

  • What NOT To Do When Your Husband Dies
    TJ Marchitelli
    A young widow’s journey of grief and insight, What Not To Do When Your Husband Dies is a poignant and powerful look at navigating the aftermath of a sudden loss. Drawing on her background in Neuroscience and Meditation, the author shares her own experiences of navigating widowhood, offering readers invaluable knowledge and support. With this book, readers will discover:The powe...

    18,80 €

  • Combattre la Dépression
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Combattre la Dépression' n’est pas simplement un livre ; c’est un voyage partagé entre l’auteur et le lecteur, entre ceux qui luttent et ceux qui se rassemblent pour soutenir. Il est façonné par l’expérience humaine, par les hauts et les bas, et par la quête incessante de la lumière au bout du tunnel.Tout au long des pages de ce livre, nous plongerons dans les stratégies d’aut...

    17,04 €

  • Nudges From the Other Side
    Mary Connaughty-Sullivan
    I received a lot of advice on what to do and how to do it after I lost my 20-year old son, Aaron, to a fatal car accident on Memorial Day in 2010. See a counselor, sign up for a grief group, go here, go there, do this, do that. But I was completely lost and the only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to follow any of those suggestions. I was too exhausted because losi...

    16,34 €

  • Honoring Loss, Growing Through Grief
    Moya McGinn Mathews
    Grief carries a weight that can be hard to put down. Grief is stagnant, whereas we are constantly in transition; life is change and change includes loss. Every loss can include gifts and gain, though we must move through the loss without side-stepping or denying it. How can we move through grief? How can we get through each day, much less the entire process?Honoring Loss, Growi...

    27,72 €

  • Nudges From the Other Side
    Mary Connaughty-Sullivan
    I received a lot of advice on what to do and how to do it after I lost my 20-year old son, Aaron, to a fatal car accident on Memorial Day in 2010. See a counselor, sign up for a grief group, go here, go there, do this, do that. But I was completely lost and the only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to follow any of those suggestions. I was too exhausted because losi...

    19,14 €

  • EMBRACE The 7 Stages of Grief
    M.C. Bell
    Prepare to embark on a transformative journey with ’The 7 Stages of Grief: All-In-One Master Compilation,’ a guided workbook journal course composed of seven intricately crafted modules: EXPRESS, MEDITATE, Be Present, REJUVENATE, AWAKEN, CONNECT, and Eat Healthy. Each pillar is infused with intention, extending solace to those navigating the turbulent waters of grief while nurt...

    61,12 €

  • Maria, A Psicóloga Que Me Libertou Da Depressão!
    Francisco Felipe
    Salve Maria!Maria, a Psicóloga que me libertou da depressão, é um livro com temática religiosa e de superação, onde o Autor fala um pouco como venceu uma depressão espiritual por meio da devoção a Nossa Senhora, mais especificamente com a devoção àNossa Senhora do Equilíbrio .Em seu quarto livro publicado, o Autor Francisco Felipe trará neste, uma emocionante história verídica,...

    7,71 €

  • 100 States of Mind
    Abednego Abbey
    "100 STATES OF MIND" does not necessarily mean a countable hundred strategies, but rather reveals an in-depth understanding of the connection between the mind and the body. The mind-body connection is the strongest connection of our individual being, which does either make us or unmake us. What we think has an effect on our physical being, and what happens to our physical body ...

    16,52 €

  • Guérir la Dépendance Émotionnelle
    Leonardo Tavares
    La dépendance émotionnelle est un sujet qui touche de nombreuses vies profondément. Nos relations, nos choix et notre propre perception de nous-mêmes peuvent être affectés par des schémas de dépendance qui sont souvent difficiles à comprendre et à surmonter.'Guérir la Dépendance Émotionnelle' n’est pas seulement un livre sur les défis, mais aussi sur les possibilités de transf...

    19,23 €

  • Alimentação Dos Quatro Elementos
    Amelia Novaes
    Na Alimentação dos Quatros Elementos, o leitor irá encontrar o caminho perfeito para fazer uso da alimentação adequada para cada organismo. É resolver de forma prazerosa sem sacrifício o problema de saúde. A alimentação dos quatros elementos corresponde ao que cada pessoa é de fato. Seus hábitos, costumes e os sabores. Ainda são poucas pessoas, que têm o privilégio de usufruir ...

    13,75 €

  • Gene & Toots
    Gene Dunne / Marilea C. Rabasa / Marilea Rabasa
    Gene and Toots: A Story of Love...and Recovery, is a poignant and uplifting account of one couple’s nearly thirty-year love affair. Two divorced adults with five teenagers between them, Marilea and Gene weren’t looking for love. They were content to lay back and enjoy their freedom. But then love found them. At mid-life. When men and women often start dreaming about second chan...

    20,65 €

  • Spencer
    Felton Hudson
    In this personal biography, a loved one recounts the life story of Charles Spencer Hudson, a well-liked New Orleans bartender whose time on Earth was tragically cut short by a random act of senseless violence.Charles Spencer Hudson was a well-educated man who had traveled to over 90 countries. To his loved ones, he was known as 'Spencer.' His close friends and family saw him as...

    22,50 €

  • Spencer
    Felton Hudson
    In this personal biography, a loved one recounts the life story of Charles Spencer Hudson, a well-liked New Orleans bartender whose time on Earth was tragically cut short by a random act of senseless violence.Charles Spencer Hudson was a well-educated man who had traveled to over 90 countries. To his loved ones, he was known as 'Spencer.' His close friends and family saw him as...

    28,80 €

  • The Little Sky Angel
    The Little Sky Angel  is a wonderfully written illustrative story that depicts the transcendental relationship between a mother and a child who passes away prior to birth. Inspired by real events, The Little Sky Angel melodically shines a light on a different side of motherhood.Masterfully illustrated, The Little Sky Angel, is written with love and compassion for readers of all...

    24,45 €

  • Survivre au Deuil
    Leonardo Tavares
    Ceci est une lecture obligatoire pour tous ceux qui ont perdu un être cher. Perdre quelqu’un d’important peut être l’une des expériences les plus difficiles de la vie. Le deuil est une réponse naturelle et saine à cette perte, mais peut être un processus très douloureux et difficile. Dans 'Survivre au Deuil', nous allons explorer ensemble les différents aspects du processus de ...

    11,06 €

  • Moments in Time
    J Wilkinson
    'WHEN I TURNED AND FACED GRIEF, I SAW THAT IT WAS LOVE STARING BACK AT ME.'Grief is hard, raw, and painful, but maybe grief is not your enemy. My hope is to show you how toovercome the paralyzing grip of grief. Through modern day poetry and fresh instructive writing, I will guide you forward whether you are in the sorrow of grieving or trying to rise above the sadness and heart...

    13,58 €

  • Healing the Codependency
    Leonardo Tavares
    Codependency is a complex and pervasive issue that can have a profound impact on our lives. Our relationships, our choices, and even our sense of self can be affected by patterns of codependency that can be difficult to understand and overcome. However, this book is not just about the challenges, but also about the possibilities for transformation and personal growth that are w...

    18,26 €

  • Curando a Dependência Emocional
    Leonardo Tavares
    A dependência emocional é um tema que toca muitas vidas de maneira profunda. Nossos relacionamentos, nossas escolhas e nossa própria percepção de nós mesmos podem ser afetados por padrões de dependência que muitas vezes são difíceis de compreender e superar. 'Curando a Dependência Emocional', não é um livro apenas sobre os desafios, mas também sobre as possibilidades de transfo...

    18,16 €

  • Curación de La Dependencia Emocional
    Leonardo Tavares
    La dependencia emocional es un tema que toca muchas vidas de manera profunda. Nuestras relaciones, nuestras elecciones y nuestra propia percepción de nosotros mismos pueden verse afectadas por patrones de dependencia que a menudo son difíciles de comprender y superar.Sin embargo, este libro no solo trata sobre los desafíos, sino también sobre las posibilidades de transformación...

    18,21 €

  • Aplastando la Homofobia: El Precio de la Verdad
    Guadalupe Tamayo
    Este no es sólo un libro de superación personal y temática LGBT+ espiritual, este libro es ideal para alguien que se siente rechazado, discriminado, culpable por ser gay, lesbiana, trans, etc; es un libro que habla de cómo levantarse con coraje y fuerza de voluntad, la autora no ha venido a traerte palabras comunes sino fuertemente vivas, capaces de sacudir las piedras que pare...

    20,80 €

  • 121 Ways Jesus Was There for Me
    JoAnn Place
    Follow the raw and real journey of a young girl as she grows into a woman with unshakable faith while her mom was in the grip of alcoholism. From beloved daughter to scapegoat and verbally abused to separation to caretaker to beloved daughter again. Without Jesus, she would not have lived to share her story. It’s not the worst story; unfortunately, many have it far worse, but i...

    17,88 €

  • Emagrecer E Magra Ser.
    Cristina Alves Caleffi
    Este livro foi criado com o intuito de ajudar você mulher, que já tentou por várias vezes um emagrecimento eficaz e duradouro, mas em todas as tentativas que realizou, não teve sucesso. E isso é muito frustrante e faz a gente desistir de tentar, não é mesmo?Aqui neste livro eu te mostro o caminho que você deve seguir e como, mesmo sozinha, alcançar seu objetivo de emagrecimento...

    13,57 €

  • Fibromialgia
    Rebeca Noag
    Fibromialgia: O caminho do diagnóstico à remissão é uma obra com 5 partes, onde a autora passa pela sua biografia, conta sobre o diagnóstico da doença e transita pelo caminho até chegar à remissão. No livro, você encontrará informações sobre os tratamentos realizados pela autora e diversos exercícios que você deverá realizar para alcançar a tão sonha remissão. A autora não prom...

    16,82 €

  • Deabruekin Aurre Egitea
    Tracilyn George
    Zuk edo pertsona maite batek gaixotasun mental bat daukazu? Inoiz galdetu al zaizu zer egin dezakezun laguntzeko? Liburu hau zure erantzuna da! Depresioa guztiz ulertzeko, arretaz eta arretaz entzun behar dituzu kaltetuta gaudenoi.Garrantzitsua da buruko gaixotasuna duen edonork adeitasunez, errespetuz eta duintasunez tratatzea, ez estigma, alborapen eta mespretxuz, norberaren ...

    15,29 €

  • The Hope Recovery Devotional
    Greg Schmalhofer
    The Hope Recovery Devotional (Large Print Edition) is a 100 day devotional to help you be successful in recovery and to help you grow in your faith. Regardless of where you are in your recovery, whether you are at one day, one year, or many years, this devotional shares the powerful message that there is always hope with God and that you can indeed be successful in recovery. Ea...

    12,95 €