Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11442)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet
    Ellen Davis
    The ketogenic diet is a natural, nontoxic metabolic therapy being studied and utilized for cancer prevention and treatment. It works because cancer cells are dependent upon a constant supply of blood sugar (glucose) to stay alive. Normal cells can make energy from both glucose and ketones (metabolic by-products of burning fat), but most cancer cells can only use glucose. Avoidi...

    23,24 €

  • Dr. Savvy Speaks
    Denise Whitney
    Why do you need Release & Redefine?  Are you feeling stuck?  Are you feeling smothered? Are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Are you frustrated, sad, angry? Are you on the rollercoaster of life? Then, you need this book!  Release & Redefine is for you…to allow yourself to grow, to walk through fear, to think of your unlimited possibilities.  I have designe...

    14,83 €

  • Letters to Mitch
    Marshall Dunn
    Letters to Mitch - The Healing Power of Grief, Love & Truth is the true story of how a young man uses his greatest wound as a gift to heal his life. When Marshall Dunn learns the devastating news that his elder brother, Mitch, has taken his own life, little does he know that his loss will become the catalyst to awaken to his soul’s purpose.  The book is narrated through a serie...

    10,18 €

  • 8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer
    Marianne C. McDonough
    8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer is a practical step-by-step guide for newly-diagnosed cancer patients and those who love them. Empowerment is the key theme throughout this book as Marianne McDonough, a breast cancer survivor, addresses the critical first weeks following diagnosis when patients suddenly face wrenching decisions, intense stress, and their own mortality.The bo...

    10,40 €

  • Self Help Books
    Brian Michael Good
    'There is no better gift to yourself or another person than the gift of knowledge and understanding derived from wisdom.' - Brian Michael GoodRecharge your life with over 400 quotes organized in seventy chapters that deal with self-esteem, self-worth, abuse, feelings, emotions, challenges, hardships, and obstacles. 'Quotes Of Wisdom To Live By' can reduce depression, anxiety, s...

    12,04 €

  • Split Second
    Jeff Garland
    Split Second provides a rare, confronting and honest account of front line policing behind the ’thin blue line’.For nearly 16 years, Jeff Garland served as a proud member of the NSW Police Force, risking his life to uphold the law and protect the community. His career, moulded on the streets of inner city Redfern and the infamous ’Block’, was flooded with a multitude of violent...

    23,91 €

  • HPV Treatment
    Bowe Packer
    'Do you think you might have HPV, but are not sure?' 'Wanting to understand the symptomps of HPV?' 'Looking for information & treatment of HPV or Genital Warts?' Then you will want to read on..... Believe it or not there are effective ways on how to treat HPV and genital warts. And I give them to you within this guide. Here is just a bit of what you will discover within this gu...

    8,74 €

  • Vencendo A Ansiedade
    Susy Brito
    Este livro é um mergulho profundo no universo da ansiedade, uma condição que afeta a mente, o corpo e as emoções de formas complexas.A autora, baseando-se em sua vasta experiência como terapeuta e palestrante sobre ansiedade, aliada aos seus próprios desafios pessoais com crises de pânico, compartilha conhecimento e estratégias para ajudar os leitores a compreenderem e enfrenta...

    14,37 €

  • Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, Completo
    Victor Thiago Porto Dos Santos
    O Livro mais completo passo a passo do wing chun do 1,2,3 Nivel completo sem enrolação um verdadeiro curso tire suas duvidas de verdade.Eu sempre querendo mostra a verdade aqui não tem enrolação ao eleitores.Um verdadeiro curso passo a passo neste livro, Nenhum outro livro mostra o wing chun do 1 nivel até 3 nivel completo assim só neste livro mesmo. ...

    8,66 €

  • Briga De Rua Defesa Pessoal Sem Fantasia
    Victor Thiago Porto Dos Santos
    Tai - Pam - Do não é esporte e nem arte marcial é uma arte da sobrevivência e defesa pessoal 100% Brasileira objetivo maior nocaute de forma rápida e fulminante, Fundado em 2001 com adaptações para mundo real por Victor Thiago Porto dos Santos natural da bahia, Tai Pam Doé especializada em defesa pessoal extrema arte da sobrevivência para situação real sem fantasia 100%puro r...

    10,95 €

  • Defesa Pessoal Feminina 100% Eficiente
    Victor Thiago Porto Dos Santos
    Este sim é um belo livro de defesa pessoal feminina de verdade 100% eficiente veja algumas técnicas, Terminar uma briga de rua rápida, Saida de puxão de cabelo, Saida de esganamento, Defesa contra faca, Saida de agarramento, Saida de estrupo 3 tipos, Chutes eficientes, Saida de Pegada seja na gola, Bloqueio de soco cruzado ou tapa, Dicas para mulheres, Defesa contra cabo de mad...

    12,18 €

  • Inglês Fluente Em Tempo Recorde
    Messias Cruz Pelaes
    Apenas 1% da população brasileira fala inglês fluentemente, mesmo o Brasil sendo o país com o maior número de escolas de idiomas do mundo, isso deixa claro que os métodos dos cursos tradicionais não estão surtindo efeito, e nesse livro você vai descobrir toda a verdade.Esse é sem dúvidas o melhor guia em português para você aprender inglês fluente em tempo recorde, esse livro é...

    14,64 €

  • Nina Contra A Síndrome Do Pânico
    Valdira Abreu Magalhães Nina Lee De Sá
    Nina contra a síndrome do pânico é uma história encantadora que narra a jornada de Nina, uma garotinha calorosa que luta contra seus medos. Com a ajuda de sua amiga borboleta, Tina, e do urso Ade, Nina embarca em uma jornada mágica para superar a síndrome do pânico. Ao longo da história, ela aprende lições valiosas sobre respiração e pensamento positivo, descobrindo que o amor ...

    9,84 €

  • Our Greatest Gift
    Henri J M Nouwen / Henri J. M. Nouwen
    One of the best-loved spiritual writers of our time takes a moving, personal look at human mortality. As he shares his own experiences with aging, loss, grief, and fear, Nouwen gently and eloquently reveals the gifts that the living and dying can give to one another. ...

    17,95 €

  • Pretend Land
    Stevie Dahms
    In the wake of loss, what does reality look and feel like? When grief is overwhelming and who you love has passed, is there a way to live in the present with a grateful heart?When Stevie Dahms lost her husband Paul to Stage 4 Metastatic RCC, the world shifted in the worst way. Suddenly, the decades of love and friendship they spent together had come to a close - her soulmate wa...

    20,00 €

  • The Natural Cure of Consumption, Constipation, Bright’s Disease, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
    Charles Edward Page
    'The inexpert,-they who can not claim sufficient acquaintance with a given subject to enable them to think freely ('free thinking' being altogether another matter),-find it sufficiently difficult to obtain an author’s meaning, when they are really desirous of so doing, and devote some time and patience to the work in hand; it is impossible, often, to arrive at just conclusions ...

    16,15 €

  • Postales a Inés
    Lebrato Bustos Elena
    Elena se puso de parto sabiendo que no oiría a su bebé llorar. Nacimiento y muerte se dieron la mano ese día. Un no cumpleaños, como recuerda Elena en estas postales. Acudió a los libros en búsqueda de testimonios similares y no los encontró, motivo que la empujó a escribir este texto, para arropar a las familias que tuvieran la desdicha de vivir su experiencia.«Las postales de...

    9,99 €

  • Siempre por ti
    Silvia Hatero
    La vida puede golpear de forma inesperada, dejando a su paso secuelas físicas y emocionales difíciles de superar. Un diagnóstico médico desalentador, un accidente que trastoca los planes, una ruptura que daña el corazón, o una situación económica que quita el sueño traen consigo una multitud de emociones que intentan robar la felicidad, la esperanza y las ganas de vivir.En este...

    12,48 €

  • LOOK! This is the way it is
    Aileen Amador Mezza
    One moment she was invincible and the next she was immobile. In this debut autobiography for Aileen Amador Mezza, she speaks of the inflated invincibility and endeavors of her younger days when she thought she knew it all. She went from a sheltered and catholic Colombian upbringing to take on this crazy world with too many options at her disposal. This book shares her raw confe...

    14,34 €

  • O Sal Da Terra
    Luiz Afonso
    Nesta obra, o leitor poderá perceber que cada capítulo é o resumo de um ensinamento evangélico, explicado de forma simples e lúcida, mostrando que cada um destes ensinamentos pode e deve ser aplicado em nosso dia a dia. ...

    13,99 €

  • Restored
    Dr. Jodi Handran / DrJodi Handran / Jodi Handran MA LCCC
    In 2010, statistics report that one in five women and one in seventy-one men will be raped at some point in their lives. 51.1 percent of rape victims reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8 percent by an acquaintance.My heart goes out to the men and women who have survived sexual abuse. These statistics are unacceptable and unthinkable. Victims of sexual abuse can ...

    13,62 €

  • Como Ser Aprovado Em Provas E Concursos
    Júlison Oliveira
    Apresento a você o livroComo ser Aprovado em Provas e Concursos . Se você sonha em conquistar a tão desejada aprovação, este livro é o seu melhor aliado.Nele, você encontrará um método inovador e eficaz para organizar seus estudos de forma inteligente e estratégica. Aprenda a criar planos detalhados para aprender, revisar e exercitar cada matéria, garantindo que o conhecimento ...

    24,76 €

  • A Cobra No Copo
    Paul Mccullough
    Este livro se propõe a ser mais do que uma mera fonte de informação sobre o álcool; é uma ferramenta para a jornada de autoconhecimento e reflexão. Ao fornecer insights e estratégias, busca não apenas esclarecer a relação com o álcool, mas também promover o entendimento de que ambas as atitudes reconhecer a necessidade de ajuda ou perceber a necessidade de ajudar alguém são m...

    14,06 €

  • The Power to Change Everything
    Casey Elkins
    One man’s real-life epic reveals the unstoppable path to personal growth and next-level living.At the age of 27, Casey Elkins almost lost his life due to complications from obesity. Despite being a nurse practitioner, he had not taken the warning signs seriously until it was too late. In The Power to Change Everything, Casey offers personal stories exploring how to overcome lif...

    14,47 €

  • Courage to Grieve, The
    Judy Tatelbaum
    'A wise and helpful human document . . . presents sound and sensible insights.'--Norman Vincent Peale. 'I have never read a more . . . thorough and understanding book on the subject.'--Eugenia Price'Wise and helpful...presents sound and sensible insights.'--Norman Vincent PealeA ...

    14,01 €

  • The Power of Trauma-Informed Yoga
    Sue Berman
    Recovering from trauma is a challenging journey - discover how trauma-informed yoga can contribute to a holistic healing process and a renewed sense of well-being... Trauma doesn’t discriminate, it can happen to anyone. War veterans, victims of violence and sexual assault, survivors of accidents or natural disasters, or people just going about their day suddenly witnessing a ...

    16,42 €

  • Las Diferentes Dimensiones Humanas
    Fanny Van Laere
    ¡EXPLORA EL PODER DE TODAS TUS DIMENSIONES HUMANAS!La exploración y el desarrollo de las cinco consciencias nos ofrece un viaje interior fascinante, un camino de autoconocimiento, sanación y evolución consciente que abarca todas las dimensiones humanas, cuidando tu mente, tus emociones, cuerpo y espíritu.Este libro es una puerta abierta para ampliar tu consciencia en todos los ...

    18,00 €

  • Dying the Good Death
    Donnica L. Brown Pierre RN / RN Donnica L. Brown Pierre
    Eternally, from struggles to serenity, from a jaded life to joy and jubilation in heaven, I pray that this book will invoke the tough conversations regarding being prepared financially for final arrangements and discussing end-of-life wishes. Both living wills and materialistic wills are important. Planning certainly helps the survivors cope better, and this book will help you ...

    13,11 €

  • Nerves and Common Sense
    Annie Payson Call
    PEOPLE form habits which cause nervous strain. When these habits have fixed themselves for long enough upon their victims, the nerves give way and severe depression or some other form of nervous prostration is the result. If such an illness turns the attention to its cause, and so starts the sufferer toward a radical change from habits which cause nervous strain to habits which...

    14,31 €

  • Dear Dad You’re Dead, Dear Dead You’re Dad
    Audrey Jean
    Poems, essays, and reflections from a youngest daughterIn what began as a letter to her deceased father, Dear Dad: You’re Dead, Dear Dead: You’re Dad was only ever supposed to be a therapy experiment-a way to hold space for the grief, anger, and every little emotion in between that felt as if it were bleeding into every facet of freshman author Audrey Jean’s life.Now, in her fi...

    13,07 €