Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11483)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Poetic Reflections for Today’s World
    Donald R. Greathouse
    Time is nothing more than a series of brief moments strung together by life. For many, those brief moments during their life’s timeline are composed of a mixture of emotions--i.e., happiness, sadness, solitude, disbelief, and denial.Hopefully, this book will bring peace and enjoyment to you, the reader, allowing reflection within your own life and at times, perhaps even give yo...

    28,83 €

  • The Phoenix Path
    Emily Clark
    Rediscover Your Flame & Rise From the Ashes of Narcissistic Abuse With This Inspiring GuideNavigating the scalding tempest of a relationship with a narcissist can leave you feeling burnt out and lost amidst the ashes. The questions pile up: 'Why do they act this way?', 'Is there any hope for change?', 'How do I reclaim my life after such profound manipulation?''The Phoenix Path...

    35,92 €

  • The Phoenix Path
    Emily Clark
    Rediscover Your Flame & Rise From the Ashes of Narcissistic Abuse With This Inspiring GuideNavigating the scalding tempest of a relationship with a narcissist can leave you feeling burnt out and lost amidst the ashes. The questions pile up: 'Why do they act this way?', 'Is there any hope for change?', 'How do I reclaim my life after such profound manipulation?''The Phoenix Path...

    22,85 €

  • Unpredictable Stock Triggered by Uncontrollable Emotions
    Billy Beans
    An autobiographical story of the too frequent lows and at times seemingly unachievable highs of surviving addiction.I was finally stabilized, it was time to leave my home in North Dakota and travel cross country. But the relapses kept hitting including in Alabama, Florida, and Las Vegas. Will stability be possible or will the history of addiction win?There are happy points in m...

    13,15 €

  • My Struggles with Constipation
    Stephanie K.L. Lam
    In a world where the simplest bodily function can become a Herculean task, my personal battle with constipation led me on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and ultimately, the triumph of natural healing.My Struggles with Constipation - A Journey to Freedom and Natural HealingIn a world where even the simplest bodily function can become a daunting challenge, M...

    15,67 €

  • Rethinking Alcohol Through the Eight Limbs of Yoga
    Elizabeth Ross Hubbell
    Vinyasa and vino. Women, Wine, and Warrior 2. No matter where you look, alcohol is everywhere, even pervading sacrosanct health and wellness venues. While the harms of tobacco and 'hard' drugs are well-known, alcohol has somehow gotten a pass in modern society. Until very recently, it was even recommended to drink a glass of wine every evening for heart health. We are finally a...

    22,57 €

    Dr. Deb Gold
    What’s Lust Got To Do With It? is a poignant, raw, tell-all autobiography recounting four generations of sexual abuse and trauma that will leave the reader in awe of how God stepped in to intervene and break the cycles of abuse. Dr. Gold was a shattered young woman on the run, standing on a bridge, preparing to jump and end not just her life but the life of her unborn child whe...

    12,88 €

    Will Wright
    The narratives in this book span a broad range of human behavior, including ignorance, greed, revenge, death, murder, deceit, adultery, erotica, fantasy, innocence, serendipity, humor, love, and possibly a bit of the absurd.Will Wright lives, works, and plays in the Green Mountains of Vermont. ...

    15,40 €

  • Die PHILLIPS - Methode, um mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören
    Franklin Díaz
    Eine einfache, zugleich effektive Methode, um mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören.Sie umfasst eine Reihe von Techniken und Verfahren, die für jedermann zugänglich sind, die dir beibringen werden, wie du dein Gehirn programmieren kannst, sodass du die Gewohnheit des Rauchens dauerhaft aufgibst.Mit der Lektüre dieses Buches und der konsequenten Umsetzung seiner Empfehlungen wirst du nicht...

    22,48 €

  • Seja O Empreendedor De Sua Vida
    Braulio Polo Braga
    Muitas foram as pessoas que lendo a primeira edição do livro Seja o empreendedor de sua vida - conseguiram transformar suas vidasproativamente.E agora, com a segunda não será diferente.Para o autor cujo objetivo maior é servir este é o prêmio maior.A mensagem presente em todas as linhas é a de que o universo abençoa aquele que é destemido e confia em si próprio.Recorra, portant...

    6,48 €

  • The Triangle Concept
    Randall Venson
    The Triangle Concept is a self-help book that expounds on the four triangles of life; the life triangle, the physical needs triangle, the emotional needs triangle, and the personal needs triangle. As a social worker, I’ve worked with individuals who for various reasons, struggle to live productive meaningful lives. It was overwhelmingly clear that there was a deficiency at some...

    31,80 €

  • From Wrestling to Resting
    Joni Knapper
    This story is about Saylor Irene, our 4th granddaughter born mid-way through the Covid pandemic. Prior to her birth we learned of the serious chromosomal abnormalities she would be born with which would shorten her life. This story is also about our faith in Jesus Christ and how my faith grew as I wrestled with God, praying for her healing.Saylor’s life mattered: she was here; ...

    17,70 €

  • Juntos na escuridão
    Diana Gruver / Claudia Santana Martins
    Ao longo da história da tradição judaico-cristã, a depressão e outras doenças mentais foram bastante incompreendidas, talvez pelo fato de que as diversas manifestações psíquicas só começaram a ser estudadas com mais afinco no final do século 19. Até lá, a depressão foi errônea, apressada e injustamente relacionada ao pecado e à influência demoníaca.Embora nos últimos anos a dep...

    19,38 €

  • Cuerpocampo de concentración
    Hernán Valladares
    Este libro no parte de ninguna tesis liberadora ni escamotea lo más crudo:El dolor es un dragón anidado en la gruta de nuestro cuerpo y cada día nos calcina silencioso con el fuego de su alientodesaliento, subrepticio, invisible, subjetivo, intransferible, secreto, maldito. Por mucho que las opiniones bienintencionadas nos digan que algo debería poder hacerse, lo cierto es que ...

    20,79 €

  • Livre Para Ser Eu
    Simone Sá
    Trago neste livro relatos e experiências da minha vida. Uma mulher de 51 anos, e que há apenas seis anos começou a reescrever a sua história. Sou a prova viva de que é possível mudar a rota, em qualquer momento de nossas vidas, independentemente da idade. Não existe nada impossível para aquele que crê e luta pelo que acredita e deseja de coração. Este livro pode ser apenas mais...

    14,02 €

  • Mastering Emotional Resilience
    In the compelling pages of "Mastering Emotional Resilience: Thriving in the Face of Challenges," you’ll embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with unwavering strength and a positive outlook. This comprehensive guide delves deep into the heart of emotional resilience, providing a wealth of tools, insights, and strategies to fortify yo...

    12,20 €

  • Still Born - Stepping into the Unknown
    Mary Hamilton
    Still Born - Stepping into the Unknown: A Memoir of Dying with My Daughter, began as raw journal entries where the author, Mary Hamilton, could face the truth of her daughter’s dying and ultimate death-'to dig deeper, and endure the suffering,' while confronting unbearable challenges and living daily life.Through the bounty of dreams, visions, and deep reflection, the intimate ...

    12,40 €

  • Catastrophic Grief, Trauma, and Resilience in Child Concentration Camp Survivors
    Cora Smith / Gillian Eagle / Tracey Rori Farber
    Nine child concentration camp survivors were interviewed in their old age, evidencing enduring effects related to their traumatic experiences. All participants retained vivid recollections of internment and experienced catastrophic grief in relation to loss of parents and siblings. While resilience was evident, negotiation of life meaning was shaped by Holocaust-related memorie...

    34,98 €

  • Vencendo A Ansiedade E O Medo Através Da Fé
    Luiz Evalt
    Este E-book trata da importância da entrega e da confiança em Deus, o poder da oração e o papel da Palavra de Deus na renovação da mente.Se você busca superar a ansiedade e encontrar serenidade através da sua fé, este livro será um companheiro encorajador em sua jornada de cura e transformação interior.Permita que a paz de Deus transborde em sua vida e experimente uma nova libe...

    10,83 €

  • Transformando A Ansiedade Em Aliada
    Myriam Filippi
    Um verdadeiro guia para uma mente cada vez mais tranquila. Quem não busca isso, atualmente? Vivemos na ERA DOS ESTÍMULOS, e isso gera uma grande atividade mental, que, quando em excesso, pode nos causar muitos transtornos e desordens.O segredo para uma mente menos ansiosa pode te surpreender. Neste livro, você vai descobrir ferramentas simples e poderosas que podem mudar o seu ...

    12,00 €

  • Travessia
    Glícia Márcia Correia Sousa
    Você se sente desanimado, triste, deprimido, sem fé, sem esperança, em um beco sem saída?Se sim, este livro é para você!Em Travessia, a Pastora Glicia Sousa relata momentos de dor e superação em meio a depressão, crises de pânico e transtorno bipolar de humor, que prenderam a sua alma em um cativeiro de escuridão.O propósito da autora é te levar a uma reflexão na sua jornada e ...

    10,62 €

  • Unfinished Business
    Melanie Smith
    The Marie Kondo Method for the mind, body, heart, and soul, this eight-step process is designed to clear out the clutter of your past and make space for joy, hope, and possibility-erasing heartbreak, trauma, and grief so you can find the courage to create the purpose-filled life that was meant for you. ...

    14,06 €

  • Every Beat of my Heart
    Emily Gregg
    Emily Gregg’s debut novel and heartfelt memoir delves deep into what it means to be human-and illustrates that no matter how far away redemption feels, you can always get back up and meet life head on.From exotic dancer to choosing adoption for her unplanned teen pregnancy, Emily’s life has been a self-described series of stumbles and triumphant victories of rising again.Reader...

    22,36 €

    Lisa Arrington
    In a story that navigates the passing of a twin flame partner and breaking beyond the illusions of life and death, Rebirth: The Spiritual Evolution that Reunited Two Souls takes us through an understanding of divine timing in relationships and synchronicity between people, providing an illuminating perspective on how one’s body, mind, and spirit tie into the infinite web of the...

    11,96 €

  • Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?
    Sienna Green
    Did you know that indulging in just three alcoholic drinks per week increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 15%? If you are shocked by that, we have 101 more jaw-dropping truths about alcohol and women that will make you rethink that glass of wine. These are the hard truths about alcohol they don’t want you to find out.........Sienna Green’s latest eye-opening book, 'Why D...

    19,86 €

  • Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?
    Sienna Green
    Did you know that indulging in just three alcoholic drinks per week increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 15%? If you are shocked by that, we have 101 more jaw-dropping truths about alcohol and women that will make you rethink that glass of wine. These are the hard truths about alcohol they don’t want you to find out.........Sienna Green’s latest eye-opening book, 'Why D...

    26,24 €

  • Aprender A Empreender
    Alexandre Alcantara De Oliveira
    Aprender a Empreender: O Caminho do Sucessoé um livro inspirador e prático que guiará você em uma jornada de descoberta empreendedora. Se você sonha em ter seu próprio negócio, alcançar a independência financeira e realizar seus objetivos profissionais, este livro é para você. Com base em insights e experiências de empreendedores de sucesso, este guia abrangente oferece estraté...

    10,41 €

  • Never Too Late
    Adetoun A. Afolabi
    Second chances and opportunities in life are available to everyone. Situations are never permanent or in perceptual continuity. Circumstances change and evolve while wrong choices can become detrimental to salvage a situation. A good support system is required to achieve the desired positive outcome. Overcoming the negative impact of the environment is a collective effort. This...

    20,68 €

  • Never Too Late
    Adetoun A. Afolabi
    Second chances and opportunities in life are available to everyone. Situations are never permanent or in perceptual continuity. Circumstances change and evolve while wrong choices can become detrimental to salvage a situation. A good support system is required to achieve the desired positive outcome. Overcoming the negative impact of the environment is a collective effort. This...

    29,69 €

  • Love Beyond Life
    Joel Martin / Joel W Martin / Joel W. Martin
    'Every time I feel sad or wish my brother was here to hug me, no matter where I am, I hear his favorite song on the radio.'More than one hundred million Americans claim to have had contact with the dead through deathbed visions, dream visitations, and otherwise inexplicable lifesaving premonitions. Is it possible to bridge the gap between our world and the hereafter and make co...

    14,54 €