
Artes / Arquitectura (8580)

  • Структурные устройства управления
    Аббас Бабаафяеи / Масоуд Махдави / Сеыыед Реза Хоссеини
    Системы управления конструкциями используются в гражданском строительстве для минимизации повреждений и рассеивания энергии, вызванной динамическими нагрузками окружающей среды на конструкции. Эти методы управления можно разделить на четыре группы: пассивное управление, активное управление, полуактивное управление и гибридное управление. Системы управления конструкциями можно р...

    128,84 €

  • Tough Enough to Tango
    Barbara Barrett
    When her father’s health falters, Shae Harriman leaps into action, taking the reins of his construction empire and spearheading Sullivan’s Creek, the company’s most ambitious project yet. Armed with knowledge but lacking in experience, she faces immediate pushback from her skeptical crews.Enter Ned Collier, the larger-than-life entertainer with a secret mission: to secure a saf...

    10,62 €

  • La arquitectura de la humana condición situada
    Nestor Casanovas Berna
    El título del libro enuncia dos tesis distintas: por una parte, se sostiene que la condición situada del hombre posee, como característica distintiva, una contextura arquitectónica propia que es necesario describir, por otra parte, debe profesarse, en el seno del ejercicio profesional de la arquitectura, un profundo compromiso programático con esta condición humana. El punto de...

    20,80 €

  • Arthur Loveless Celebrating a Seattle Architectural Legacy
    Susan Shorett
    Introducing ' Arthur Loveless, Celebrating a Seattle Architectural Legacy' The Enduring Works of Arthur LovelessDiscover the impact and lasting legacy of notable Seattle architect, Arthur Loveless. Boldly shaping the architectural landscape from 1908 through 1940, Loveless’s visionary designs encompassed over 100 remarkable residential and commercial structures.With an impressi...

    66,94 €

  • Vitruvio
    Benjamín Villanueva, Arquitecto
    Escrito en Roma durante el imperio de Augusto, el tratado de Vitruvio contiene el únicotestimonio teórico de la arquitectura griega. Dormido durante quince siglos en los monasterios benedictinos, al descubrirse en 1414, justificó la adopción de la arquitectura grecorromana como piedra angular de la arquitectura renacentista. Con este tratado se funda en 1542 la Academia de la A...

    19,50 €

  • How to Draw People
    Margaret J. Newman
    The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Drawing Figures!To draw an anatomical figure, you don’t need a stack of weighty anatomy books. Just take it step by step!In How to Draw People, author teaches beginning artists how to draw the human figure, from stick figure to anatomically accurate person, in clear, easy-to-follow lessons. More than just a reference, this book provides the step...

    13,38 €

  • Elementary Instruction In Practical Mechanical Drawing
    Joshua Rose
    The object of this book is to enable the beginner to learn to make simple mechanical drawings without the aid of an instructor, and to create an interest in the subject by giving examples such as the machinist meets with in his every-day workshop practice. The plan of representing in many examples the pencil lines, and numbering the order in which they are marked, the author be...

    17,93 €

  • Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
    Joshua Rose
    The object of this book is to enable the beginner to learn to make simple mechanical drawings without the aid of an instructor, and to create an interest in the subject by giving examples such as the machinist meets with in his every-day workshop practice. The plan of representing in many examples the pencil lines, and numbering the order in which they are marked, the author be...

    17,07 €

  • Ersatz Von Zement Durch Silikastaub Zur Verbesserung Der Festigkeit Von Beton
    Subhashish Dey
    Die Verwendung von HSC hat in den letzten Jahren stetig zugenommen, was zur Konstruktion kleinerer Abschnitte führt. Dadurch verringert sich das Eigengewicht, was größere Spannweiten und eine größere Nutzfläche der Gebäude ermöglicht. Die Verringerung der Masse ist auch für die wirtschaftliche Planung von erdbebensicheren Bauwerken wichtig HSC ist ein sprödes Material. Die Erhö...

    60,26 €

  • Remplacement Du Ciment Par De La Fumée De Silice Pour Améliorer La Résistance Du Béton
    Subhashish Dey
    L’utilisation de l’HSC a régulièrement augmenté au cours des dernières années, ce qui conduit à la conception de sections plus petites. Cela permet de réduire le poids propre, d’allonger les portées et d’augmenter la surface utilisable des bâtiments. La réduction de la masse est également importante pour la conception économique de structures résistantes aux tremblements de ter...

    60,26 €

  • Substituição De Cimento Por Sílica De Fumo Para Melhorar A Resistência Do Betão
    Subhashish Dey
    A utilização de HSC tem aumentado de forma constante nos últimos anos, o que leva à conceção de secções mais pequenas. Isto, por sua vez, reduz o peso próprio, permitindo vãos mais longos e uma maior área útil dos edifícios. A redução da massa é também importante para a conceção económica de estruturas resistentes a sismos O HSC é um material frágil. O aumento da resistência do...

    60,20 €

  • Замена Цемента На Кремнеземную Муку Для Повышения Прочности Бетона
    Субхашиш Дей
    За последние годы использование ВСК постоянно растет, что приводит к проектированию более компактных секций. Это, в свою очередь, снижает собственный вес, позволяя увеличить пролеты и полезную площадь зданий. Уменьшение массы также важно для экономичного проектирования сейсмостойких конструкций БСК - хрупкий материал. Увеличение прочности бетона снижает его пластичность, и это ...

    60,26 €

  • Sostituzione Del Cemento Con Fumo Di Silice Per Migliorare La Resistenza Del Calcestruzzo
    Subhashish Dey
    Negli ultimi anni l’uso di HSC è aumentato costantemente, il che porta alla progettazione di sezioni più piccole. Ciò riduce a sua volta il peso morto, consentendo campate più lunghe e una maggiore superficie utile degli edifici. La riduzione della massa è importante anche per la progettazione economica di strutture antisismiche Il CEM è un materiale fragile. L’aumento della re...

    60,26 €

  • Método sistemático para edifícios de eficiência energética zero
    Nouhaila Benachir
    O consumo de energia e a sustentabilidade ambiental dos edifícios em Marrocos são motivo de grande preocupação. Os regulamentos actuais, como o Regulamento Marroquino de Construção Térmica (RTCM), não têm totalmente em conta os potenciais benefícios da infiltração de ar e da ventilação natural. Esta omissão pode levar a um desempenho energético abaixo do ideal e dificultar o ob...

    111,94 €

  • Системный метод для зданий с нулевой энергоэффективностью
    Энергопотребление и экологическая устойчивость зданий в Марокко вызывают серьезную озабоченность. Существующие нормы, такие как Марокканские правила теплового строительства (RTCM), не в полной мере учитывают потенциальные преимущества инфильтрации воздуха и естественной вентиляции. Такой недосмотр может привести к неоптимальным энергетическим показателям и помешать достижению ц...

    111,89 €

  • Systematische Methode für Null-Energie-EFFIZIENZ-Gebäude
    Nouhaila Benachir
    Der Energieverbrauch und die Umweltverträglichkeit von Gebäuden in Marokko geben Anlass zu großer Sorge. Die geltenden Vorschriften, wie die marokkanische Verordnung für thermisches Bauen (RTCM), berücksichtigen die potenziellen Vorteile von Luftinfiltration und natürlicher Belüftung nicht vollständig. Dieses Versäumnis kann zu einer suboptimalen Energieleistung führen und das ...

    111,91 €

  • Méthode systématique pour les bâtiments à efficacité énergétique zéro
    Nouhaila Benachir
    La consommation d’énergie et la durabilité environnementale des bâtiments au Maroc sont des sujets de préoccupation importants. Les réglementations actuelles, telles que la Réglementation Thermique de la Construction Marocaine (RTCM), ne prennent pas pleinement en compte les avantages potentiels de l’infiltration d’air et de la ventilation naturelle. Cette omission peut conduir...

    111,91 €

  • Metodo sistematico per edifici a EFFICIENZA energetica zero
    Nouhaila Benachir
    Il consumo energetico e la sostenibilità ambientale degli edifici in Marocco destano notevoli preoccupazioni. Le normative vigenti, come il Regolamento marocchino sulle costruzioni termiche (RTCM), non tengono pienamente conto dei potenziali benefici dell’infiltrazione d’aria e della ventilazione naturale. Questa dimenticanza può portare a prestazioni energetiche non ottimali e...

    111,94 €

  • Pen Drawing
    Charles Donagh Maginnis
    Style, materials, techniques, and values are the focus of this richly illustrated guide to pen drawing. In addition to proposing solutions for practical problems, the book offers advice on architectural and decorative drawing. More than 70 drawings by assorted artists range from tranquil churchyards and bustling city streets to striking posters. Many of the images are derived f...

    11,33 €

  • Fundamentals of Planning Cities for Healthy Living
    Alexandra Pollock / Avi Friedman
    The proposed book illustrates the decline of community planning for healthy living and outlines measures that can be reintroduced to foster active lifestyles. ...

    50,34 €

  • Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
    Joshua Rose
    'Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught' is a book written by Joshua Rose, a renowned American artist and educator in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The book, first published in 1887, is a comprehensive guide aimed at teaching individuals the art and skill of mechanical drawing, particularly for those interested in engineering and industrial design.  Key features of the book i...

    17,51 €

    Jaime Correa
    A counterproposal and revision of the ideas of social-utopian Charles Fourier. This colorful project proposes an alternate system of floating phalanxes and phalansteries for the South Florida region in response to the current period of uncertain climate conditions. More than just a project of urban design and architecture, this counterproposal is a conceptual art intervention b...

    27,79 €

  • AI Chair Design
    This book is an illuminating exploration of Generative AI (GenAI) and its evolution. It contains over 150 AI-generated images and offers a captivating blend of personal narrative and technical expertise. The author shares their journey of using GenAI and provides practical advice and insights.The book doesn’t shy away from addressing the ethical and societal concerns surroundin...

    47,53 €

  • L’étude de l’enveloppe architecturale pour récupérer les pertes de chaleur en hiver
    Akila Hamouda
    Dans la plupart des bâtiments, la chaleur est évacuée du bâtiment car elle n’est pas transférable aux zones qui nécessitent du chauffage. La conception globale de l’enveloppe architecturale peut contribuer à améliorer l’efficacité thermique afin de récupérer la perte de chaleur au cours d’une saison hivernale. Cependant, le contrôle thermique ne peut être réalisé qu’en comprena...

    61,57 €

  • Исследование архитектурных ограждений для восстановления теплопотерь в зимний период
    Акила Хамоуда
    В большинстве зданий тепло уходит из здания, поскольку не может быть передано в зоны, требующие обогрева. Общий архитектурный дизайн оболочки может помочь улучшить теплоэффективность, чтобы возместить потери тепла в зимний сезон. Однако тепловой контроль может быть достигнут только путем понимания тепловых характеристик ограждающей конструкции здания в зависимости от соответств...

    61,63 €

  • La materialidad del aire
    Rafael Benitez Dúran
    La materialidad del aire ofrece un marco de reflexión teórica e interdisciplinar sobre la materialidad en la arquitectura y el arte. Desde la escala molecular del microcosmos hasta la escala global del macrocosmos, formando cuerpos abiertos al régimen general de la atmósfera o contenido por volúmenes arquitectónicos, el aire es la materia que registra el verdadero alcance de nu...

    22,88 €

  • A Planning Approach for Eco-Tourism
    Bhaskar Chandrakar / Vandana Chandrakar
    The book provides an in-depth analysis of the tourism industry and Eco-Tourism. It discusses the evolution of tourism and its various attributes, including the functional framework of the tourism sector, tourism infrastructure, impacts of tourism, and various forms of tourism. The book focuses on Eco-Tourism, its impacts, threats, and imperatives associated with it, and provide...

    111,61 €

  • Smoky Mountain Modern
    Greg Case
    Since its inception in 1934, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has consistently ranked as the most visited national park in the United States. Many visitors approach the park through its northern entrance at the resort town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.In 1950, as the park grew more popular and demand for food and accommodations increased dramatically, an architect from Illin...

    25,31 €

  • Smoky Mountain Modern
    Greg Case
    Since its inception in 1934, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has consistently ranked as the most visited national park in the United States. Many visitors approach the park through its northern entrance at the resort town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.In 1950, as the park grew more popular and demand for food and accommodations increased dramatically, an architect from Illin...

    14,84 €

  • Pen Drawing
    Charles Donagh
    Style, materials, techniques, and values are the focus of this richly illustrated guide to pen drawing. In addition to proposing solutions for practical problems, the book offers advice on architectural and decorative drawing. More than 70 drawings by assorted artists range from tranquil churchyards and bustling city streets to striking posters. Many of the images are derived f...

    13,02 €