Edjeme Gnagneli Lath William
Our retrospective and prospective study on the impact of the TURA classification on prognosis and survival in CML was carried out on a sample of 52 patients collected in the clinical haematology department of the Yopougon University Hospital over a 19-year period (1989 to 2008): Concerning the therapeutic response: In terms of haematological response and in a non-significant way, (P = 0,155) we observed a higher number of haematological response for the intermediate prognosis, i.e. 27 cases, against 2 cases for the good prognosis and 9 cases for the bad prognosis. Concerning the outcome: The number of deaths was low but not significantly (p = 0.122) with the TURA classification. We observed 7 cases of death for the intermediate prognosis, 7 cases for the poor prognosis and 0 cases for the good prognosis. Concerning survival, there was a significant difference in terms of median survival in the three groups p = 0.057. Thus, for the good prognosis group, the median survival was 40 months, whereas for the intermediate and poor prognosis groups, the median survival was 40 months.