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The Northern Sea Route in strategic cooperation between Russia and China

The Northern Sea Route in strategic cooperation between Russia and China

Anna Golubewa

54,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Negocios internacionales
54,90 €
IVA incluido
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The paper reviews the growth dynamics of cargo transportation along the Northern Sea Route from 2014-2020 and the structure of import-export and short sea shipping in 2020. It is determined that the Arctic region has a large amount of natural resources, and the degree of their development is low, which attaches great strategic importance to the Arctic region. The resource base for the expansion of liquefied natural gas production is analyzed. It is concluded that there is a correlation between the supply of reduced natural gas and the level of development of the Northern Sea Route. The Northern Sea Route is a part of the North-Eastern Sea Route of the Arctic, the development of which is the basis and the key project of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the construction of the 'Ice Silk Road'. The joint Russian-Chinese construction of the 'Ice Silk Road' is a continuation and important complement to China’s 'One Belt, One Road' initiative with regard to the Arctic. Guiding principles based on respect and cooperation strengthen the construction of the Northern Sea Route infrastructure, promote energy development, environmental protection, trade development and maritime transportation.

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