Study of Accelerated Decomposition of Organic Waste in Compost

Study of Accelerated Decomposition of Organic Waste in Compost

Jacques Specht / Luciane Calabria

55,10 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
55,10 €
IVA incluido
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This work is the product of a work of course completion of Environmental Engineering, performed under the guidance of Professor Luciane Calabria, developed at the University Center of Serra Gaúcha in the year 2018. This work aimed to evaluate the performance of the composting process using organic waste from CEASA- Serra, adding biocatalyst of the matter alteration process, through the monitoring of physical-chemical parameters, being them: thermotolerant coliform count, total coliform count, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, C/N ratio, humidity and temperature. The experiment was carried out in 22 days period between the month of September and October 2018. The pH of the final compost was 8, value reached due to the not complete degradation of the straw (nitrogen rich material), the temperature presented values between 23 and 40ºC. The humidity of the final compost was 55%. The composting technique as a final destination of organic waste proved to be a viable alternative for the reuse of organic matter, producing a good quality compost that can be used in various branches of agriculture.

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