Modern Manufacturing process for Nimonic material

Modern Manufacturing process for Nimonic material

Y.Rameswara Reddy

70,83 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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Ingeniería: general
70,83 €
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Super alloys based on nickel are frequently employed in the creation of aerospace components.Because of its special characteristics and outstanding resistance to thermal fatigue and creep, nimonic alloy 75 is one of the sorts that is used more frequently in casings, rings, and seals. In this research, an attempt has been made to investigate the performance characteristics of nimonic alloy 75 during abrasive jet machining(AJM) .The stream of particles coming out of the nozzle through very extraordinary velocity (175- 300m/s) impacts the objective surface and eliminates the material by destruction. Typically for abrasive jet machining brittle work piece or fragile materials are machined more capably.

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