Media basics - Power

Media basics - Power

Günther Dichatschek

61,51 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,51 €
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The 'International Press Freedom Day' on May 3 in 2024 will be held under the motto 'Journalism under digital siege'. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the wars, freedom of the press is currently facing major challenges. Every year on May 3, World Press Freedom Day draws attention to the fundamental importance of free reporting for democracies and to violations of press freedom. The current focus in 2024 is on the impact of the digital age on freedom of expression, access to information and data protection. Social media platforms should combat disinformation and hate speech on the one hand and be obliged to create transparency regarding the measures taken on the other. Another aim is to protect journalists from targeted hate campaigns online. Legal steps are needed to prevent and prosecute illegal surveillance of media professionals and their sources, for example. It is also about increasing the media literacy of all players in the media landscape.

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