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Is the UK Becoming a Failed State? Intelligence Diversity, Domestic Governance, Accountability and Devolution of Powers

Is the UK Becoming a Failed State? Intelligence Diversity, Domestic Governance, Accountability and Devolution of Powers

Musa Khan Jalalzai

49,72 €
IVA incluido
Vij Books India Private Limited
Año de edición:
Estructuras políticas: democracia
49,72 €
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The drawing powers and attractiveness of the welfare state are government-protected minimum standards of income, health, security, housing, and education. The British welfare state has been enmeshed in multifaceted crises including poverty, racism, lack of coherence, and a smattering of social and political infrastructure. The Westminster thank tank for public services reforms has judged degenerating and decaying health of the British state from the discontenting facts and certitudes of depressed disconsolate feelings of British citizens: 'Many of those losing their jobs will be shocked to find just how bare bones the welfare state is. For those earning even the median salary, benefit rates appear woefully inadequate, providing no buffer to allow for an adjustment of outgoings or time to find a comparable job'. These challenges have debilitated and infirmed communication of the state on international forums, and incapacitated its domestic enforcement capabilities. After the COVID-19 and African Omicron virus’s well-built attacks, and its disaffiliation with the EU, the state is facing economic and political challenges. The Labour government had failed in yesteryears, to address mistrust between government and communities, while correspondingly, and for that reason, the conservative government continued to affix its footprints to goof up and blunders.

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