The Nation State Actors

The Nation State Actors

Musa Khan Jalalzai

40,66 €
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Vij Books India Private Limited
Año de edición:
40,66 €
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We live in an environment of pain and consternation in Europe. Hostile States hybrid war actors are knocking on every door ferociously and savagely. State institutions including, intelligence infrastructures, cyber security organizations and policing agencies, have exhausted to push back the non-native and unknown forces to their borders with a professional electronic approach. Electronic intelligence agencies of European states need new glasses to catch a glimpse of what is behind, and to look across the border into the enemy territory. The EU and UK’s international engagement has put many domestic security plans and strategies in procrastination and isolation. They kept open the door for enemies to enter with impunity and eliminate whatever they need. This reclusiveness and solitariness with regard to their state institution’s security and law and order management is causing pain in the neck. Disinformation campaign of Hostile States and their promotion of political and economic subversion has badly generated an environment of fear and panic. Today, there are instruments with greater reach, but our instruments are incapacitated and feeble to fight the enemy with a strong punch. The French and the UK states do not want these challenging and reshaping actions. France has for several years sounded the alarm over alleged Hostile States Actors and their disinformation campaign in Europe and Africa. The campaign was managed by Iran, Russia, China and North Korea by their security institutions and entities affiliated to their states. China is now engaged in open hybrid warfare against the West. Policymakers, parliamentarians and intelligence leadership in EU and the UK sometimes advocate reforms, crystallization, modification, and sometimes are chattering about the process of reinvention and reorganization of the state, but, normally, everything remains on paper. Lack of a professional and practical approach to professionalization of intelligence mechanisms and operations, lack of deep knowledge about the importance of Cyber security and egocentrism, generated numerous domestic security challenges.

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