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Cambodian rice export competitiveness and determinants

Cambodian rice export competitiveness and determinants

Sokvibol Kea

110,38 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Negocios internacionales
110,38 €
IVA incluido
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As an important staple food for humanity, rice is the main source of foreign exchange for most Asian countries, included Cambodia. Widely known as 'white gold' in Cambodia, milled rice is the country’s economic foundation and foremost agro-exportable commodity. Thus, this research aims to investigate the export competitiveness and to identify the determinants of Cambodian rice exports, by focusing on five imperative aspects (through different econometric estimations and statistical analytical methods), including (1) The empirical analysis of the current situation and trends of the Cambodian rice economy. (2) Investigation of numerous trade-related policies’ impacts on Cambodian rice exports based on existing literature. (3) Analysis of the Relative Export Competitiveness (REC) of the Cambodian rice sector in the world rice market by the development of REC and RSEC indexes. (4) Estimation of major influencing factors of Cambodian rice exports: An application of the dynamic panel gravity model. (5) Analysis of impacts of SPS measures: The implication of the SPS gravity models.

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