Catálogo de libros: Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales

4719 Catálogo de libros: Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales

Libros Eliminar filtro Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura Eliminar filtro Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Verwendung von Containern als Wohnbereich für Kleinbaustellen
    JAÍNE Vogt / Julio Cardinal
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis intensiver Recherchen und Diskussionen innerhalb und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers und greift ein sehr aktuelles und pulsierendes Thema auf: die Arbeitsbedingungen im Baugewerbe. Dieses Werk soll die Lust an der wissenschaftlichen Forschung wecken und die Vorstellung entmystifizieren, dass dies nur in Exzellenzzentren geschehen kann. Das Ziel dieses ...

    69,97 €

  • Utilisation de conteneurs comme lieux de vie sur les petits chantiers de construction
    JAÍNE Vogt / Julio Cardinal
    Ce livre est le fruit d’intenses recherches et discussions, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur de la salle de classe, sur un sujet très actuel et passionnant : les conditions de travail dans le secteur de la construction. Cet ouvrage vise à stimuler le goût pour la recherche scientifique et à démystifier l’idée que celle-ci ne peut se faire que dans des centres d’excellence. L...

    69,97 €

  • Use of Containers as Living Areas for Small Construction Sites
    JAÍNE Vogt / Julio Cardinal
    This book is the result of intense research and discussion, both inside and outside the classroom, bringing up a very current and pulsating topic: working conditions in the construction industry. This work seeks to stimulate a taste for scientific research and also to demystify the idea that this can only be done in centers of excellence. The aim of this volume is also to encou...

    69,91 €

  • Uso di container come aree abitative per piccoli cantieri edili
    JAÍNE Vogt / Julio Cardinal
    Questo libro è il frutto di un intenso lavoro di ricerca e di discussione, sia all’interno che all’esterno dell’aula, su un tema molto attuale e pulsante: le condizioni di lavoro nell’industria delle costruzioni. Questo lavoro vuole stimolare il gusto per la ricerca scientifica e anche demistificare l’idea che questa possa essere fatta solo nei centri di eccellenza. L’obiettivo...

    69,91 €

  • The Essential Guide to Passing the Water Resources and Environmental Civil PE Exam Written in the form of Questions
    Jacob Petro
    This book contains 110 water resources and environmental depth questions along with 50 relevant breadth questions, making a total of 160 questions. Each solution is explained in detail, with theory explanations provided when necessary. Solutions are referenced in an easy-to-understand manner.The book earns its name as a Guide in the form of Questions because it takes you on a j...

    91,50 €

  • Making Sense of Climate Change
    Don Whitmore
    This book proves global warming is not a hoax and it explains the science in plain language to assure all readers have access to the truth. Climate change impacts are threatening life on the planet and this book explains twelve especially dangerous threats: Extreme Air TemperatureReceding Mountain GlaciersExtreme Precipitation/FloodingMicrobes and DiseaseExtreme DroughtDeforest...

    21,84 €

  • Análise dos impactos ambientais da urbanização sobre o aquífero
    Mário Lourenço Cássimo
    O presente relatório trata do diagnóstico da influência do crescimento urbano na zona do antigo mercado Kwacena - Cidade de Tete e os impactos ambientais que esse crescimento causa nos recursos hídricos do sistema aquífero de Nhartanda. Tendo em conta essa situação, foi executado o monitoramento de parâmetros físico-químicos para avaliar a qualidade das águas subterrâneas do si...

    61,82 €

  • Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environments
    The application of contemporary and emerging operational research optimization methods in renewable energy is vital to creating and maintaining sustainable environments across the planet. More research is needed to understand how modern and innovative technological solutions can enhance accessible global energy. Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environm...

    314,80 €

  • Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environments
    The application of contemporary and emerging operational research optimization methods in renewable energy is vital to creating and maintaining sustainable environments across the planet. More research is needed to understand how modern and innovative technological solutions can enhance accessible global energy. Operational Research for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environm...

    235,88 €

  • The Wild and the Wicked
    Benjamin Hale

    28,69 €

  • Battery Powered
    Richard Skiba
    In this era of technological advancement and sustainability, an in-depth exploration of lithium-ion batteries unfolds in this book. It covers key aspects such as historical evolution, operational mechanisms, composition, manufacturing processes, applications, challenges, environmental impact, and economic and social implications. The book caters to a diverse audience, includin...

    22,46 €

  • Protecting natural capital and biodiversity in the agri-food sector
    This collection considers the importance of accounting for and protecting natural capital and biodiversity in the agri-food sector. The book reviews recent advances in natural capital, biodiversity and extinction accounting and how these methods are being applied in different sectors and regions to improve the sustainability of agri-food supply chains. ...

    269,74 €

  • River Basin Assets Optimization with Climate Variability Analysis
    Anthony Ezemerihe / Luke Chika Eme / Shedrack A. Ume
    Human related activities cause variability in climatic conditions at the river basin. Inadequacy to manage uncertainties, projections and scenarios, financial constraints, lack of logical cost sharing in multipurpose capital projects results to climate change problems and related hazards at the river basin. The study determined the optimal benefits under various objectives in a...

    134,50 €

  • Exploring Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Sustainability and Use of AI
    Exploring Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Sustainability and Use of AI is a comprehensive and insightful book that delves into the ethical implications and challenges that emerge at the intersection of environmental sustainability and the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). With a focus on key ethical dimensions such as transparency, equity, privacy, autonomy, unin...

    347,72 €

  • Microbial Bioremediation
    P Gunasekaran / P Rajendran
    Discover the groundbreaking world of bioremediation with 'Microbial Bioremediation' authored by Dr. P. Rajendran and Dr. P. Gunasekaran. This comprehensive book unveils the power of living organisms, including plants in phytoremediation and microbes such as bacteria, algae, and fungi in microbial bioremediation, as efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective alternatives to con...

    30,82 €

  • Origem E Evolução Da Manutenção
    Guilherme Pinheiro Salvador
    Origem e Evolução da Manutençãoé um livro fascinante que explora a história por trás de uma das áreas mais importantes do mundo industrial. De civilizações antigas a tecnologia moderna, este livro leva o leitor em uma jornada pelas origens, desenvolvimento e desafios da manutenção, oferecendo uma perspectiva única sobre o papel vital e transformador que a manutenção desempenhou...

    19,29 €

  • Gestão De Resíduos Sólidos
    Cesar Joice Consulin Ribeiro / Silva
    Este livro aborda a problemática dos resíduos sólidos e as ferramentas para uma gestão adequada e eficiente, servindo como base para estudantes e profissionais da área ambiental e correlata para a busca de soluções ambientalmente correta e socialmente inclusiva, no que concerne ao processo de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos. ...

    8,60 €

  • Fostering Cross-Industry Sustainability With Intelligent Technologies
    Brojo Kishore Mishra
    In today’s context of intricate global challenges, encompassing climate crises, resource scarcity, and social disparities, the imperative for sustainable development has never been more pressing. While academic scholars and researchers are instrumental in crafting solutions, they often grapple with the intricate balance between theoretical concepts and practical implementation....

    347,82 €

  • Fostering Cross-Industry Sustainability With Intelligent Technologies
    Brojo Kishore Mishra
    In today’s context of intricate global challenges, encompassing climate crises, resource scarcity, and social disparities, the imperative for sustainable development has never been more pressing. While academic scholars and researchers are instrumental in crafting solutions, they often grapple with the intricate balance between theoretical concepts and practical implementation....

    459,40 €

  • Eco-Spiritualism
    In 'Eco-Spiritualism: Communicating with Gaia and the Consciousness of the Planet,' readers are invited to embark on a profound exploration of our interconnectedness with the Earth. This transformative journey unveils the Gaia hypothesis, viewing our planet as a living, self-regulating organism. Delve into indigenous cultures’ wisdom, revealing deep connections with nature, and...

    13,21 €

  • Catastrophic Diplomacy
    Julia F. Irwin
    Catastrophic Diplomacy offers a sweeping history of US foreign disaster assistance, highlighting its centrality to twentieth-century US foreign relations. Spanning over seventy years, from the dawn of the twentieth century to the mid-1970s, it examines how the US government, US military, and their partners in the American voluntary sector responded to major catastrophes around ...

    126,50 €

  • Developing circular agricultural production systems
    Barbara Amon
    With the agricultural sector pledging to improve its sustainability, there is an urgent need to move away from linear food production models which rely on significant raw material inputs and generate large amounts of residual waste. Developing circular agricultural production systems reviews the emergence of circular agriculture as an approach to improving the sustainability of...

    270,05 €

  • Effet des travaux de conservation des sols sur les macro-invertébrés
    Jackson Javier Salgado Perez
    L’agriculture a toujours eu un fort impact sur l’environnement. Cela a affecté la qualité des sols et les impacts négatifs sur l’environnement tels que la salinisation, la déforestation, la contamination par les pesticides et les engrais entre autres, qui sont des problèmes potentiels qui diminuent les rendements et la fertilité ainsi que les nutriments, c’est pourquoi ce livre...

    56,27 €

  • Влияние работ по сохранению почвы на макробеспозвоночных
    Джекс Сальгадо Перес
    Сельское хозяйство всегда оказывало сильное влияние на окружающую среду. Это сказывается на качестве почвы и негативном воздействии на окружающую среду, таком как засоление, вырубка лесов, загрязнение пестицидами и удобрениями и т. д., которые являются потенциальными проблемами, снижающими урожайность и плодородие, а также питательные вещества. Именно поэтому в этой книге предс...

    56,27 €

  • Effect of soil conservation works on macroinvertebrates
    Jackson Javier Salgado Perez
    Agriculture has always had a strong environmental impact. This has affected soil quality and negative impacts on the environment such as salinization, deforestation, contamination by pesticides and fertilizers among others, which are potential problems that decrease yield and fertility as well as nutrients, that is why this book offers measurable results or data, through techni...

    56,21 €

  • Effetto dei lavori di conservazione del suolo sui macroinvertebrati
    Jackson Javier Salgado Perez
    L’agricoltura ha sempre avuto un forte impatto ambientale. Ciò ha influito sulla qualità del suolo e sugli impatti negativi sull’ambiente, come la salinizzazione, la deforestazione, la contaminazione da pesticidi e fertilizzanti, tra gli altri, che sono problemi potenziali che diminuiscono le rese e la fertilità, oltre che i nutrienti, ed è per questo che questo libro offre ris...

    56,27 €

  • Auswirkungen von Bodenschutzmaßnahmen auf Makroinvertebraten
    Jackson Javier Salgado Perez
    Die Landwirtschaft hatte schon immer einen starken Einfluss auf die Umwelt. Dies hat sich auf die Bodenqualität und die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt ausgewirkt, wie z. B. Versalzung, Entwaldung, Verunreinigung durch Pestizide und Düngemittel, was potenzielle Probleme sind, die die Erträge und die Fruchtbarkeit sowie die Nährstoffe verringern, weshalb dieses Buch messba...

    56,27 €

  • Efeito dos trabalhos de conservação do solo nos macroinvertebrados
    Jackson Javier Salgado Perez
    A agricultura sempre teve um forte impacto ambiental. Este tem afetado a qualidade do solo e os impactos negativos no ambiente, como a salinização, a desflorestação, a contaminação por pesticidas e fertilizantes, entre outros, que são potenciais problemas que diminuem os rendimentos e a fertilidade, bem como os nutrientes, razão pela qual este livro oferece resultados ou dados ...

    56,27 €

  • Sustainable Science and Intelligent Technologies for Societal Development
    Brojo Kishore Mishra
    In today’s world, the pressing challenges of sustainable development and societal progress demand innovative solutions that harness the power of science and technology. From climate change to resource depletion and social inequalities, the urgency to find sustainable, intelligent, and ethical approaches has never been greater. Academic scholars and researchers play a crucial ro...

    426,64 €

  • The Resilient Earth
    Dive into the heart of environmental resilience with ’The Resilient Earth: Navigating the Anthropocene.’ This illuminating book transcends the gloom often associated with discussions about climate change, offering a comprehensive and optimistic perspective on our planet’s ability to adapt and thrive amidst challenges.Structured around pillars of resilience, each chapter delves ...

    9,48 €