Catálogo de libros: Otras ramas de la medicina

19130 Catálogo de libros: Otras ramas de la medicina

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  • O Tempo De Nos Abraçarmos Uns Aos Outros
    Cláudio Vicente Da Silva
    O Tempo de Abraçarmos Uns aos Outrosnarra a jornada emocional e mental de Juliana Inês, uma mulher de 36 anos que lutou contra a depressão e tentativas de suicídio. Nesta narrativa, somos apresentados à sua história de luta, marcada por momentos de profunda angústia e desespero, mas também por resiliência e esperança. Ao logo da páginas, acompanhamos Juliana em sua jornada de s...

    8,68 €

  • Pharmaceutical Pollution
    Dr. Nidhi Singal / Prof. (Dr.) Simerjit Kaur
    Pharmacological contamination puts conventional approaches to managing water quality to the test, necessitating the development of innovative wastewater treatment technology as well as behavioural adjustments in industry and healthcare sectors. The need for governmental intervention to lower dangers to people and the environment grows along with improvements in the identificati...

    84,54 €

  • Transdermal Drug Delivery System
    Rupali Ghule / Sayali Shinde
    Drugs are applied topically using transdermal drug delivery methods. Pharmaceutical preparations called transdermal patches come in different sizes and are designed to be placed to intact skin to transfer active ingredients to the systemic circulation after they have passed through the skin’s barriers and prevent first pass effect. A transdermal drug delivery patch offers a con...

    60,64 €

    Amit Kumar Sen / Kapil Kumar
    Topical formulations encompass a wide variety of formulations intended for cosmetic or dermatological application, to healthy as well as diseased skin. These formulations range in physicochemical nature from solid through semi solid to liquid. Drug substances are infrequently administered alone, but rather as part of a formulation, in combination with one or more non-medicated ...

    60,32 €

  • Contemporary Approaches to Mitigating Antibacterial Drug Resistance
    In infectious disease management, antibacterial agents have long been viewed as pivotal tools in the relentless battle against microorganisms. However, the escalating threat of antibacterial drug resistance has emerged as a formidable challenge to global health. Contemporary Approaches to Mitigating Antibacterial Drug Resistance delves into the heart of this critical issue, exp...

    485,19 €

    Glenis Yi Jing Lim / GLENIS YI JING LIM MARCU HWEE LING KOH / Hwee Ling Koh / Marcus Xiu Ren Wong
    If you are curious about the useful medicinal plants from nature, wondering what food may be useful to health, and which edible medicinal plants you can grow in your garden, this book is for you! The book is suitable for both the general public as well as healthcare professionals. This book is a compilation of up to date information of carefully curated 30 medicinal plants, man...

    70,45 €

    Glenis Yi Jing Lim / GLENIS YI JING LIM MARCU HWEE LING KOH / Hwee Ling Koh / Marcus Xiu Ren Wong
    If you are curious about the useful medicinal plants from nature, wondering what food may be useful to health, and which edible medicinal plants you can grow in your garden, this book is for you! The book is suitable for both the general public as well as healthcare professionals. This book is a compilation of up to date information of carefully curated 30 medicinal plants, man...

    34,91 €

  • Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition
    K. Jayasankara Reddy
    There are a plethora of questions experts are asking surrounding the intersection of clinical intervention practices with social cognition. How do neuro-cognitive processes shape social understanding? What experimental methods illuminate social cognitive complexities? How can social cognition be applied practically in clinical contexts and psycho-social rehabilitation? How does...

    475,31 €

  • Clinical Psychology Reflections Volume 4
    Connor Whiteley
    Clinical psychology applies psychological knowledge and theory to mental health conditions. But psychology students and professionals know information in textbooks and lecture theatres miss real-world issues sometimes.Can we fix this?Join bestselling psychology author Connor Whiteley reflecting on outstanding, critical topics, problems and more facing clinical psychology in thi...

    12,03 €

  • Flores E Fúrias
    Tiago M. B.
    VENCEDOR PRÊMIO WATTYS O mundo pode ser um lugar extremamente problemático. Principalmente quando esse mundo existe na mente de Renato, um jovem solitário obcecado por quadrinhos e grafite. No rigoroso inverno de 1975 em Curitiba, uma série de mortes e atentados insolúveis tem consequências desastrosas em sua vida. Diante da ausência de seu pai (um importante cientista nuclear,...

    26,48 €

  • Júpiter E O Poço Vazio
    Junior Malinowski
    Esta é uma história sobre um menino e sobre um poço vazio, mas não somente sobre ambos. Esta é uma história sobre o vazio e o que nós, seres humanos, fazemos com ele. Júpiter e o Poço Vazio faz um convite à reflexões durante a história e a se questionar sobre o direcionamento do nosso olhar ao caminhar pelo jardim da existência, e para onde direcionamos nossa escuta quando se o...

    6,83 €

  • Narrative Medicine
    MD Arthur Lazarus
    Discover the profound impact of storytelling and narrative in the medical field with, Narrative Medicine: The Fifth Vital Sign, by Arthur Lazarus, MD, MBA. The book is divided into two sections: Section 1: InstructionSection 2: InspirationThrough this intriguing collection of essays - the author’s third in a trilogy - clinicians, patients and caregivers will learn about the hea...

    19,75 €

  • Harnessing Medicinal Plants in Cancer Prevention and Treatment
    Arpita Roy
    In a world grappling with the relentless impact of cancer, claiming nearly 10 million lives in 2020 alone, the pursuit of effective prevention and treatment methods is more crucial than ever. Harnessing Medicinal Plants in Cancer Prevention and Treatment delves into promising medicinal plants, exploring their potential in the prevention and treatment of various types of cancer....

    516,48 €

  • Liderança Autêntica E Capital Psicológico No Ambiente De Trabalho
    Maria De Nazaré Nascimento Cordeiro
    O livro Liderança Autêntica e Capital Psicológico no Ambiente de Trabalho é fruto de um árduo trabalho de pesquisa da autora Maria de Nazaré Nascimento Cordeiro, dedicada pesquisadora, profissional/psicóloga com vasta experiência nas organizações, que almeja com esse estudo divulgar novas perspectivas na compreensão do fenômeno da Liderança nas organizações.A autora, acreditand...

    13,15 €

  • Entre Rastros De Som E Poesia
    Josué Alves
    Em sua obraEntre rastros de som e poesia , o autor a partir de uma escrita poética e fluida, traz uma série de reflexões e indagações sobre a vida, o comportamento humano, o consumismo desenfreado, bem como os novos sintomas que emergiram no pós-pandemia da Covid-19, como a ansiedade e o mal-estar humano. Entre narrativas e poesias, o livro é um verdadeiro convite a uma pausa n...

    10,50 €

  • Isolement du verbascoside et validation d’une méthode analytique
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    Dans cette étude, le verbascoside phénylpropanoïde, identifié par RMN, qui a des activités pharmacologiques telles qu’antioxydant, analgésique, anti-inflammatoire et gastroprotecteur, a été isolé de la fraction d’acétate d’éthyle des parties aériennes de Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. La méthode analytique utilisant la chromatographie liquide à haute performance a été dé...

    49,74 €

  • Isolation of verbascoside and validation of an analytical method
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In this study, the phenylpropanoid verbascoside, identified by NMR, which has pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, was isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of the aerial parts of Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. The analytical method using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed and validated to...

    49,74 €

  • Isolamento del verbascoside e validazione di un metodo analitico
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In questo studio è stato isolato dalla frazione di acetato di etile delle parti aeree di Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl il fenilpropanoide verbascoside, identificato mediante NMR, che possiede attività farmacologiche quali antiossidante, analgesica, antinfiammatoria e gastroprotettiva. Per quantificare il contenuto di verbascoside nell’estratto alcolico grezzo delle parti...

    49,74 €

  • Isolierung von Verbascosid und Validierung einer analytischen Methode
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In dieser Studie wurde das durch NMR identifizierte Phenylpropanoid Verbascosid, das pharmakologische Aktivitäten wie antioxidative, analgetische, entzündungshemmende und gastroprotektive Eigenschaften aufweist, aus der Ethylacetat-Fraktion der oberirdischen Teile von Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. isoliert. Zur Quantifizierung des Verbascosidgehalts im alkoholischen Roh...

    49,81 €

  • Изолирование вербаскозида и валидация аналитического метода
    Да Соарес де Оливейра / Марилис Д. Мигель / Обд Г. Мигель
    В этом исследовании фенилпропаноид вербаскозид, идентифицированный методом ЯМР, который обладает фармакологической активностью, такой как антиоксидантная, анальгетическая, противовоспалительная и гастропротекторная, был выделен из этилацетатной фракции воздушных частей Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. Для количественного определения содержания вербаскозида в неочищенном сп...

    49,81 €

  • Anatomy of a Medically Abusive Childhood
    Candace Ahalse
    Have you ever been in contact with a medical or Munchausen by proxy abuser? Are you sure? Have you ever been in a traffic accident, a school lockdown, an office lockdown, an infrastructure failure, a fire, or a power outage? Have you ever been burglarized, stalked, falsely accused of a crime, falsely accused of a scandal, or catfished? Have you ever had your property vandalized...

    19,78 €

  • Filme de dissolução bucal carregado com Indometacina β-CD
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    O principal objetivo da presente investigação foi formular e caraterizar uma película de dissolução bucal de indometacina carregada com β-ciclodextrina para contornar o metabolismo de primeira passagem A indometacina é um agente anti-inflamatório não esteroide (AINE) com atividade anti-inflamatória, analgésica e antipirética. Pensa-se que o seu efeito farmacológico é mediado pe...

    85,14 €

  • Indomethacin β-CD beladener mundauflösender Film
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war die Formulierung und Charakterisierung eines mit β-Cyclodextrin beladenen Indomethacin-Mundlösungsfilms zur Umgehung des First-Pass-Metabolismus Indomethacin ist ein nicht-steroidales entzündungshemmendes Mittel (NSAIA) mit entzündungshemmender, schmerzstillender und fiebersenkender Wirkung. Man nimmt an, dass seine pharmakologisc...

    85,14 €

  • Film à dissolution buccale chargé d’indométhacine β-CD
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de formuler et de caractériser un film buccal d’indométhacine chargé de β-cyclodextrine afin de contourner le métabolisme de premier passage. L’indométhacine est un agent anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien (AINS) doté d’une activité anti-inflammatoire, analgésique et antipyrétique. Son effet pharmacologique serait médié par l’inhib...

    85,14 €

  • Film dissolvente per bocca caricato con β-CD di indometacina
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    L’obiettivo principale della presente indagine è stato quello di formulare e caratterizzare un film dissolvibile per bocca di indometacina caricato con β-ciclodestrina per bypassare il metabolismo di primo passaggio L’indometacina è un agente antinfiammatorio non steroideo (NSAIA) con attività antinfiammatoria, analgesica e antipiretica. Si ritiene che il suo effetto farmacolog...

    85,14 €

  • Compresse di idrogel superporoso gastroretentivo-Esomeprazolo
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Tutte le formulazioni sono state preparate con il metodo della compressione diretta. Le compresse preparate di tutte le formulazioni sono state valutate per i caratteri fisici, il dosaggio, il rilascio di farmaco in vitro, l’indice di rigonfiamento, la durezza e la friabilità. L’obiettivo principale era quello di ottimizzare la formulazione per un rilascio in vitro di 1-12 ore....

    85,21 €

  • Indomethacin Pulsatile Medikamenten verabreichung
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Sechs Formulierungen einer modifizierten Pulsincap von Indometacin wurden unter Verwendung verschiedener Qualitäten und Verhältnisse entwickelt, wobei Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K-100M und CCS als geschwindigkeitskontrollierende Polymere verwendet wurden. Magnesiumsterat und Talkum sind die anderen verwendeten Komponenten. Die Mischungen wurden auf verschiedene Parameter wie ...

    85,33 €

  • Consegna pulsatile di indometacina
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Sono state sviluppate sei formulazioni di pulsincap modificate di indometacina, utilizzando vari gradi e rapporti di idrossipropilmetilcellulosa K-100M e CCS come polimeri di controllo della velocità. Gli altri componenti utilizzati sono lo sterato di magnesio e il talco. Le miscele sono state valutate in base a vari parametri, quali densità apparente, densità spillata, angolo ...

    85,27 €

  • Растворяющаяся во рту пленка с индометацином, нагруженная β-CD
    Шриниваса Р Яргунтла
    Основная цель настоящего исследования заключалась в разработке рецептуры и определении характеристик пленки для растворения во рту индометацина с нагрузкой β-циклодекстрина, чтобы обойти метаболизм первого этапа Индометацин является нестероидным противовоспалительным средством (НПВС) с противовоспалительной, анальгетической и жаропонижающей активностью. Считается, что его фарма...

    85,21 €

  • Administration pulsatile de médicaments à base d’indométhacine
    Srinivasa Rao Yarguntla
    Six formulations de pulsincap modifié d’Indométhacine ont été développées en utilisant différents grades et ratios en utilisant l’Hydroxy propyl méthyl cellulose K-100M, CCS comme polymères de contrôle du taux. Le stéarate de magnésium et le talc sont les autres composants utilisés. Les mélanges ont été évalués en fonction de divers paramètres tels que la densité apparente, la ...

    85,33 €