Catálogo de libros: Investigación de mercado

378 Catálogo de libros: Investigación de mercado

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Ventas y marketing Eliminar filtro Investigación de mercado Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros

    108,11 €

  • The Branded Mind
    Erik Du Plessis

    45,80 €

  • Buyer/Consumer Information Processing
    This volume, the first to deal with the study of consumers’ and buyers’ mental processing of information prior to choice, brings together thirty-one marketing specialists from industry and various universities. Their diverse and valuable contributions in the general areas of information search, initial processing, and central processing do much to advance a relatively new field...

    76,64 €

  • Research in Consumer Behavior
    Presents consumer research across both positivist and interpretivist methods. This title deals with such topics as: organic food consumption, luxury goods consumption by Chinese consumers, country of manufacture effects on product quality perceptions, and the nature and effects of cool consumption. ...

    226,69 €

  • Review of Marketing Research
    This volume provides case studies, analysis and frameworks, reviews key studies and techniques, offers theoretical explanations, identifies unanswered questions and research opportunities, and discusses significant managerial and policy implications as well as incorporating insights from multidisciplinary literatures in an integrative manner. ...

    208,75 €

  • Generation Reinvention
    Brent Green
    'Guidance you need to understand and embrace the nation’s most economically dominant generation.'- B. Joseph Pine II, coauthor, The Experience Economy and Authenticity 'The first book about Boomer men to integrate gender and generational insights into a framework marketers can use.' - Marti Barletta, author, Marketing to Women and PrimeTime Women '... a masterful job of envisio...

    25,28 €

  • Persuading People to Buy
    Marcia Yudkin
    Attract Interest, Then Nail the Sale With attention spans mercilessly short, you can't afford to approach customers with anything but the very strongest, most on-target pitch. Learn how to capture the interest of perfect prospects for your product, service or cause, then convince them to complete an order. This pithy, provocative book from a master of creative marketing offer...

    11,63 €

  • Statistics for Marketing and Consumer Research
    Mario Mazzocchi
    Simple-to-follow, yet rigorous, practical guide to the statistical techniques used in marketing and consumer research. ...

    334,59 €

  • Market Response and Marketing Mix Models
    Douglas Bowman / Hubert Gatignon
    Market Response and Marketing Mix Models takes a forward-looking perspective identifying research opportunities related to market response and marketing mix models falling under four broad areas:• 'New' or under-studied inputs and/or 'richer' measures of inputs constructs.• Explicitly accounting for the process linking inputs to outputs• 'New' or under-studied dependent variabl...

    89,19 €

  • Internet Auctions
    Ernan Haruvy / Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc / Peter TLPopkowski Leszczyc
    Internet Auctions begins with the introduction of the basic settings, concepts, and processes that are the building blocks of auction research. It then focuses on the transition from pre-Internet auction research to more recent topics. Special attention is given to research opportunities as well as to experimental methods that can provide both laboratory and field data to answe...

    89,16 €

  • Sales and Market Forecasting for Entrepreneurs
    Berry Tim Berry / Timothy Berry
    This book, written by a 30-year veteran in planning, market research, and running a business, shows you how to educate your guesses with real world common sense, to make practical business forecasts, and to use them to manage your business better. While it goes through some of the more sophisticated techniques as well, its focus is on what people really use. The book includes c...

    18,62 €

  • Consumer Research for Museum Marketers
    Margot A. Wallace / Margot AWallace / Margot Wallace
    Consumer Research for Museum Marketers creatively instructs museum staff on how to study their visitors to make their museums, exhibits, and programs more appealing for all segments of the public. The author’s approach explains how all museum personnel can participate in valuable consumer research without breaking the bank on expensive studies. ...

    137,53 €

  • Consumer Research for Museum Marketers
    Margot a Wallace / Margot A. Wallace / Margot AWallace
    Consumer Research for Museum Marketers creatively instructs museum staff on how to study their visitors to make their museums, exhibits, and programs more appealing for all segments of the public. The author’s approach explains how all museum personnel can participate in valuable consumer research without breaking the bank on expensive studies. ...

    43,43 €

  • Review of Marketing Research
    Naresh K. Malhotra
    Contains articles by the marketing field’s researchers and scholars. This title presents a view of the marketing research methodologies. ...

    181,64 €

  • Handbook of Data Analysis
    Alan Bryman / Melissa A Hardy
    A fundamental book for social researchers. It provides a first-class, reliable guide to the basic issues in data analysis. Scholars and students can turn to it for teaching and applied needs with confidence. ...

    115,34 €

  • Too Busy to Shop
    Kelley Skoloda

    95,77 €

  • Tire Making And Merchandising (1918)
    Frank Rufus Goodell
    Tire Making and Merchandising is a book written by Frank Rufus Goodell in 1918. The book is an extensive guide on the manufacturing and selling of tires. It covers everything from the raw materials used in tire production to the marketing strategies employed by tire manufacturers. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a particular aspect of tire pr...

    31,20 €

  • Technical Marketing
    Craig Thomas Ellrod
    Prepare your troops for battle! This book contains the knowledge that will enable you to deliver fast, focused and high quality Technical Marketing data to help you make key strategic decisions to take you to high ground in the marketplace. It contains well known strategies and tactics plus some you may not have heard of. It explains how to do competitive analysis, the impor...

    46,28 €

  • Merchandising (1918)
    Archer Wall Douglas
    Merchandising is a book written by Archer Wall Douglas in 1918. The book is a comprehensive guide to the art of merchandising, which is the process of promoting and selling products to customers. It covers all aspects of merchandising, including product selection, pricing, advertising, and display.The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a different a...

    28,02 €

  • Choice Models in Marketing
    Jaehwan Kim / Sandeep R. Chandukala / Sandeep RChandukala / Thomas Otter
    Choice Models in Marketing examines recent developments in the modeling of choice for marketing and reviews a large stream of research currently being developed by both quantitative and qualitative researches in marketing. Choice in marketing differs from other domains in that the choice context is typically very complex, and researchers’ desire knowledge of the variables tha...

    96,26 €

  • Customer Lifetime Value
    V. Kumar
    Customer Lifetime Value - The Path to Profitability reviews the CLV metric in particular. Approaches to computing CLV and the concept of customer equity are discussed in detail. Specifically, this monograph provides the methods of measuring CLV, the strategies for developing customer-centric strategies, the implementation of CLV strategies in a B2B and B2C setting, and the cha...

    94,66 €

  • Eye Tracking for Visual Marketing
    Michel Wedel / Rik Pieters
    In the last decade there has been a rapid growth in commercial applications of eye-tracking technology to assess the effectiveness of visual marketing efforts. Eye-movements are tightly coupled with visual attention which makes them eminent indicators of the covert visual attention process. Now a sizable and growing body of literature exists on attention to visual marketing st...

    94,63 €

  • The Age Curve
    Kenneth Gronbach / Kenneth W. Gronbach / Kenneth WGronbach
    How old is your best customer? This number will change as your customers grow--and as a marketer, it’s your responsibility to stay ahead of them and their money. Learn how to effectively anticipate your buyers’ future demand. ...

    19,87 €

  • The New Culture of Desire
    Melinda Davis
    A wholly new force is driving human behavior today, and it’s turning the world as we know it upside down and inside out. Human behavior is now being driven by a new survival instinct -- a new primal desire -- that is invisibly but unstoppably reshaping the world, from the most intimate details of our private lives to the dynamics of the global marketplace. The New Culture of De...

    16,40 €

  • Brand Attachment
    C. Whan Park / CWhan Park / Deborah J. Macinnis / Deborah JMacinnis / Joseph Priester
    Brand Attachment provides a theoretical construct about the factors that underlie strong brand relationships. The authors define the construct of brand attachment and differentiate it from other constructs arguing that brand attachment is critical to outcome variables that underscore the brand’s value to the firm. This monograph adds to the literature by articulating the ante...

    64,02 €

  • Review of Marketing Research
    Provides articles by the marketing field’s leading researchers and academicians. This work includes chapters that are not only theoretically rigorous but also offer detail, including literature reviews, advanced methodologies, empirical studies, emerging trends, international developments, and guidelines for implementation. ...

    191,29 €

  • Eccentric Marketing
    Said A. Baaghil
    In Eccentric Marketing, marketing strategist and entrepreneur Said A.Baaghil outlines the framework for a forward-thinking new consumermodel aimed at transforming the way products and services aremarketed in the Middle East. Baaghil illustrates how modern-day CEOsof Middle Eastern corporations must radically alter their traditionalmarketing programs in order to survive the new ...

    27,77 €

  • Eccentric Marketing
    Said A. Baaghil
    In Eccentric Marketing, marketing strategist and entrepreneur Said A.Baaghil outlines the framework for a forward-thinking new consumermodel aimed at transforming the way products and services aremarketed in the Middle East. Baaghil illustrates how modern-day CEOsof Middle Eastern corporations must radically alter their traditionalmarketing programs in order to survive the new ...

    16,53 €

  • Creating Passion Brands
    Derek Day / Helen Edwards

    42,63 €

  • Cross-Cultural Buyer Behavior
    Focuses on issues that affect buyer behavior in an international context. This volume contains papers that contribute to theory development. It looks at the impact of direct to consumer prescription drug advertising on consumers, and at the role of emotions in advertising and retailing contexts and their impact on buyers. ...

    254,50 €