Catálogo de libros: Escuelas

4776 Catálogo de libros: Escuelas

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Educación pedagogía Eliminar filtro Escuelas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • ABC Mastery
    Kandice Merrick
    Get ready to take on an ultimate adventure for ABC mastery with ’ABC Mastery: The Complete Workbook for Tracing, Coloring & Learning the Alphabet!’ With a fun and engaging workbook that fuses tracing, coloring, and learning activities, this book has it all! Challenge your little one to embark on an exciting journey of alphabets! With fun and exciting activities, this workbook m...

    17,71 €

  • Endosofia: Negócios & Carreira
    Marcio Roberto Da Silva
    A Endosofia não é Coaching. Não é PNL. Não é Mentoring e não é Religião. Todos esses conceitos e processos, em algum momento, agregam valor e são complementares para a compreensão da Endosofia. A grande essência da Endosofia é a ampliação da consciência de forma deliberada em que cada um é capaz de amadurecer de forma individual a tal ponto que terá segurança e disciplina para ...

    21,67 €

  • Die Verwendung von Theaterstücken afrikanischer Autoren in der Sekundarstufe
    Koffi Fabrice Kouakou
    Theaterstücke, die für die Aufführung geschrieben wurden, werden im ivorischen Bildungssystem auch als didaktisches Mittel für das Lehren und Lernen der französischen Sprache verwendet. In den Gymnasien und Sekundarschulen der Elfenbeinküste stehen Theaterstücke von französischen und afrikanischen Autoren auf dem Lehrplan. Diese Studie befasst sich mit Stücken, die von Afrikane...

    93,24 €

  • Использование пьес африканских авторов в средних школах
    Коффи Фабрис Коуакоу
    Написанные для исполнения, пьесы также используются в качестве учебных пособий при обучении французскому языку в ивуарийской системе образования. В лицеях и коллежах Кот-д’Ивуара учащимся преподают театральные произведения французских и африканских авторов. Данное исследование было посвящено пьесам, написанным африканцами, чтобы определить вклад этих африканских пьес в преподав...

    27,85 €

  • The use of plays by African authors in secondary schools
    Koffi Fabrice Kouakou
    Written to be performed, plays are also used as teaching aids in the teaching-learning of the French language in the Ivorian education system. In Côte d’Ivoire’s lycées and collèges, pupils are taught theatrical works by French and African authors. This study focused on plays written by Africans in order to determine the contribution of these African plays to the teaching-learn...

    93,17 €

  • L’uso di opere teatrali di autori africani nelle scuole secondarie
    Koffi Fabrice Kouakou
    Scritte per essere rappresentate, le opere teatrali sono anche utilizzate come sussidi didattici nell’insegnamento-apprendimento della lingua francese nel sistema educativo ivoriano. Nei licei e nei collèges della Costa d’Avorio, agli alunni vengono insegnate opere teatrali di autori francesi e africani. Questo studio si è concentrato sulle opere teatrali scritte da africani pe...

    93,24 €

  • A utilização de peças de teatro de autores africanos nas escolas secundárias
    Koffi Fabrice Kouakou
    Escritas para serem representadas, as peças de teatro são também utilizadas como material didático no ensino-aprendizagem da língua francesa no sistema educativo da Costa do Marfim. Nos liceus e colégios da Costa do Marfim, os alunos aprendem obras teatrais de autores franceses e africanos. Este estudo debruçou-se sobre peças teatrais escritas por africanos para determinar o co...

    93,17 €

    sylvia Baker
    The story is about a group of drink bottles in a school classroom. Tired of being bitten by the children when they drank from them, the bottles decide to run away. While the children are busy chatting, the bottles seize the opportunity and escape Confused, the children follow their trail. When they finally find them, the bottles express their frustrations.Suitable for children...

    15,40 €

  • Anwesenheitsbuch für Lehrer
    Jonas Elias
    Dieses Teacher Grade Book ist perfekt, um alle wichtigen Informationen an einem Ort aufzubewahren. Viel Platz ist vorhanden, um Noten für Aufgaben, Tests, Anwesenheit und andere Notizen zu notieren. Es ist ein perfektes Rekordbuch für jeden Lehrer/jedes Klassenzimmer. ...

    13,80 €

  • Registre des présences du Professeur
    Stephan Lex
    Nos pages papier sont vierges et prêtes à être planifiées, personnalisées et adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques en classe.Ce joli livre de présence fantastique pour les enseignants est votre meilleur choix. Il peut vous aider à suivre les progrès, les notes et l’assiduité de tous vos élèves. Mince et portable pour vos déplacements ! ...

    13,80 €

  • Look - Book 5
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 5’ is the final book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and contain identical content in order to promote inclusive teaching. Please note: the reading books are best use...

    21,51 €

  • Look - Book 5
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 5 VI’ is the final book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. The VI (vision impairment) books are designed for students with low vision and different learning styles. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and ...

    21,51 €

  • Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades
    Susanne Croasdaile
    'So much of what middle grade students need to do each day depends on their executive function, or the ability to self-monitor and carry out the steps of a plan effectively,' writes Susanne Croasdaile in her first book, Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades: A Universal Design for Learning Approach. Using real-life examples, Croasdaile shows educators ...

    32,79 €

  • Motivating Readers
    Carolyn Wahl
    Motivating Readers: Teaching in the Post Pandemic Era is a book for Secondary ELA teachers looking to adapt their reading instruction strategies to meet the unique needs of students in today’s world. Written by a Secondary ELA teacher, this book offers practical tips and advice for teaching reading. It includes a variety of topics, including individualizing student instruction ...

    5,82 €

  • Thankful Hannah
    LaSeana Andrews
    Thankfulness is a strong emotion that puts us into a positive mood, increases happiness, and makes the world a better place.Hannah is a little girl who knows the big power behind giving thanks. As she goes about her day, she does just that. She thanks God for Jesus, for waking her up, for bubbles, for her home, for her Mommy and Daddy, and for everything in between. In Thankful...

    16,53 €

  • Controlo escolar no liceu
    Raheliarivolasoa Saholitiana
    O sistema educativo malgaxe continua a ser fraco. A fraca qualidade do ensino exige uma melhoria estratégica do serviço educativo para responder às necessidades socioeconómicas do país. Esta investigação constitui uma linha de reflexão para as autoridades governamentais malgaxes e todos os actores educativos que trabalham no país. Tem por objetivo valorizar os actos educativos,...

    93,24 €

  • Schulische Betreuung in der Oberstufe
    Raheliarivolasoa Saholitiana
    Das madagassische Bildungssystem ist immer noch schwach. Die schlechte Qualität des Bildungswesens erfordert eine strategische Verbesserung der Bildungsdienstleistungen, um den sozioökonomischen Bedürfnissen des Landes gerecht zu werden. Diese Studie stellt einen Denkanstoß für die madagassischen Regierungsbehörden und alle im Land tätigen Bildungsakteure dar. Sie zielt darauf ...

    93,30 €

  • School supervision at the lycée
    Raheliarivolasoa Saholitiana
    The Malagasy education system is still weak. The poor quality of education calls for a strategic improvement of the educational service to meet the country’s socio-economic needs. This research constitutes a line of thought intended for Malagasy government authorities and all educational players working in the country. It aims to add value to educational acts in order to give M...

    93,11 €

  • Школьный контроль в лицее
    Рахелиар Сахолитиана
    Малагасийская система образования все еще слаба. Низкое качество образования требует стратегического улучшения образовательной службы для удовлетворения социально-экономических потребностей страны. Данное исследование представляет собой направление мысли для малагасийских государственных органов и всех участников образовательного процесса, работающих в стране. Оно направлено на...

    27,91 €

  • Supervisione scolastica al liceo
    Raheliarivolasoa Saholitiana
    Il sistema educativo malgascio è ancora debole. La scarsa qualità dell’istruzione richiede un miglioramento strategico del servizio educativo per rispondere alle esigenze socio-economiche del Paese. Questa ricerca costituisce una linea di riflessione per le autorità governative malgasce e per tutti gli attori del settore educativo che operano nel Paese. Essa mira ad aggiungere ...

    93,17 €

  • The Unofficial Guide to Surviving College
    Dr. Eugene D. Hayes / Leslie C. Hayes
    An Unofficial Guide to Surviving College is a collection of stories by the father-son duo Dr. Eugene Hayes and Leslie Hayes to make college life a memorable experience, offering its readers a chance to learn from other’s mistakes. It perfectly blends Dr. Eugene’s extensive experience in the public health sector, mentoring and leadership, and Leslie’s recent trial-and-error expe...

    15,52 €

  • Attendance Log Book for Teachers
    Riley Wade
    Stay organized and on top of your students’ attendance and grades with our elegant and streamlined teacher grade book.Whether you teach elementary school, middle school, or high school, this Attendance Book For Teachers is a simple and practical way to record your classroom’s attendance. This attendance record book is undated so can be bought at any time of the school year. ...

    13,93 €

  • Teacher Record Book
    Ivan George
    Whether you teach elementary school, middle school, or high school, this Attendance Book For Teachers is a simple and practical way to record your classroom’s attendance. This attendance record book is undated so can be bought at any time of the school year.Attendance Book For Teachers Features:✔ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate✔ ​​Double-sided✔ ​​Undated, enter your da...

    13,93 €

  • A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Studies Graduate Practitioner Competencies

    35,00 €

  • A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Studies Graduate Practitioner Competencies

    105,11 €

  • Научные знания в школе и рассуждения среди учеников
    Венант Нтагара
    Это исследование освещает трудности, с которыми может столкнуться ученик, осваивающий научные знания в обществе с устной или малограмотной традицией. В нем показаны рассуждения и совокупность ссылок, на которые опирается ученик в Африке при объяснении научного явления в ситуации письменного изложения знаний в школе. Она показывает отношения, которые могут существовать между поп...

    69,45 €

  • Wissenschaftliches Schulwissen und logisches Denken bei Schülern
    Venant Ntagara
    Diese Untersuchung zeigt die Schwierigkeiten auf, mit denen eine Schülerin konfrontiert sein kann, die in einer Gesellschaft mit mündlicher Tradition oder schwacher Literalität wissenschaftliches Wissen erlernt. Sie zeigt die Argumentationen und das Referenzuniversum, auf die sich ein Schüler in Afrika stützt, um ein wissenschaftliches Phänomen zu erklären, in einer schulischen...

    159,55 €

  • Scientific knowledge and reasoning in schoolchildren
    Venant Ntagara
    This research highlights the difficulties faced by a student learning scientific knowledge in a society with an oral or poorly literate tradition. It shows the reasoning and the universe of reference on which a pupil in Africa relies to explain a scientific phenomenon, in a school situation of knowledge writing. It shows the relationship that can exist between the popular cultu...

    159,71 €

  • Conoscenze scientifiche a scuola e ragionamento degli studenti
    Venant Ntagara
    Questa ricerca mette in luce le difficoltà che può incontrare uno studente che apprende conoscenze scientifiche in una società con una tradizione orale o scarsamente alfabetizzata. Mostra il ragionamento e l’universo di riferimento su cui un alunno africano si basa per spiegare un fenomeno scientifico, in una situazione scolastica di scrittura del sapere. Mostra la relazione ch...

    159,68 €

  • Conhecimento científico na escola e raciocínio dos alunos
    Venant Ntagara
    Esta investigação põe em evidência as dificuldades com que se pode confrontar um aluno na aprendizagem de conhecimentos científicos numa sociedade de tradição oral ou pouco letrada. Mostra o raciocínio e o universo de referência em que um aluno africano se baseia para explicar um fenómeno científico, numa situação escolar de escrita do conhecimento. Mostra a relação que pode ex...

    159,67 €