Catálogo de libros: Psicología

30772 Catálogo de libros: Psicología

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  • Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships: Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection'In the aftermath of betrayal within a romantic relationship, the journey toward healing and rebuilding trust can be intricate and emotionally challenging. 'Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships: Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection' serves as a comprehensive guide to na...

    66,18 €

  • Beyond Monogamy Navigating Unconventional Relationship Models
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Beyond Monogamy: Navigating Unconventional Relationship Models Beyond Monogamy offers an insightful and comprehensive exploration of non-traditional relationship models, delving into the intricate dynamics of polyamory, open relationships, and relationship anarchy. This thought provoking guide navigates the reader through a rich tapestry of diverse relationships, offerin...

    57,74 €

  • Love and Aging Redefining Romance and Companionship in Later Life
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In 'Love and Aging: Redefining Romance and Companionship in Later Life,' embark on a profound exploration of the intricacies and significance of love as it evolves through the stages of life. This illuminating journey navigates the complexities of relationships, unveiling the transformative power of love in the twilight years.From historical perspectives to modern-day dynamics,...

    57,76 €

  • Marriage in the 21st Century Changing Perceptions and Trends
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Marriage in the 21st Century: Changing Perceptions and Trends In a world marked by rapid social transformations, 'Marriage in the 21st Century' navigates the intricate landscape of evolving relationships, cultural shifts, and the redefinition of the institution of marriage. From the echoes of traditional unions to the vibrant tapestry of contemporary partnerships, this c...

    57,71 €

  • Rekindling Love
    Emmanuel Joseph
    'Rekindling Love: A Guide to Rebuilding Your Relationship After Divorce'In the ever-changing landscape of modern relationships, divorce can be a painful and challenging chapter. But what if the end of a marriage doesn’t have to mean the end of love? 'Rekindling Love' is a heartfelt guide for those seeking to rekindle the flames of love and build a renewed and enduring connectio...

    50,59 €

  • Relationship Rituals and Traditions How Shared Practices Strengthen Bonds
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In 'Relationship Rituals and Traditions,' embark on a captivating journey into the intricate world of shared practices that bind couples together. From the mundane to the celebratory, this enlightening guide unveils the transformative power of rituals in strengthening the emotional fabric of relationships.Delve into the significance of these shared practices, exploring their im...

    54,34 €

  • Love and Mental Health Navigating Emotional Well-being in Relationships
    Emmanuel Joseph
    'Love and Mental Health: Navigating Emotional Well-being in Relationships' explores the intricate interplay between emotional well-being and the dynamics of love within relationships. This comprehensive guide delves into the complexities of mental health conditions, attachment styles, communication strategies, and the importance of self-love in fostering fulfilling connections....

    53,52 €

  • Love Languages Unveiled Understanding and Applying the Art of Expressing Affection
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Love Languages Unveiled: Understanding and Applying the Art of Expressing Affection' 'Love Languages Unveiled' is a comprehensive guide that explores the intricate facets of how individuals express and interpret love. Authored with expertise and empathy, this book unravels the concept of love languages, shedding light on the five primary ways people perceive affection: ...

    53,50 €

  • Digital Love Navigating the Evolution of Dating Apps
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Digital Love: Navigating the Evolution of Dating Apps' 'Digital Love: Navigating the Evolution of Dating Apps' is a comprehensive exploration into the transformation of modern romance through the lens of dating apps. From the genesis of online matchmaking to the intricate interplay between technology and human connections, this book presents a thought-provoking journey ...

    57,73 €

  • Navigating Relationship Norms Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Navigating Relationship Norms: Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations In 'Navigating Relationship Norms: Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations,' delve into the intricate interplay between societal norms and the complexities of human relationships. From historical perspectives to future projections, this comprehensive exploration uncovers the profou...

    46,14 €

  • Lighter Fluid
    Oskar Leonard
    Jey, T and Kleo are just three semi-ordinary kids trying to get through high school, but temptation threatens to ruin their relationships with each other and tragedy isolates Jey from the others.Guilt, love and betrayal are all explored within this emotional story about teenagers, their actions and the sometimes devastating consequences. ...

    11,87 €

  • Lighter Fluid
    Oskar Leonard
    Jey, T and Kleo are just three semi-ordinary kids trying to get through high school, but temptation threatens to ruin their relationships with each other and tragedy isolates Jey from the others.Guilt, love and betrayal are all explored within this emotional story about teenagers, their actions and the sometimes devastating consequences. ...

    34,76 €

  • Love Me More
    Lea Thompson
    No one can love you as much as you can. It’s time to start loving yourself. Start by making time for yourself and your well-being - because you deserve it! Our Self Love Journal is a 5 minute morning routine to help you focus on yourself first and get the day started on the right foot, every day for 60 days. Whether you want to write a few lines on the Love Me Some Me page, or ...

    35,10 €

  • Suiting Up For Your Deliverance
    Damien D Kellam
    A book of encouraging and inspiring hope from freedom from addictions and habits. ...

    11,68 €

  • 366 Jours Journal de Gratitude AVEC 366 POSITIF RÉFLEXIONS POUR HOMMES et FEMMES (Français, Non Daté)
    Professor Andy
    Le journal quotidien de gratitude de 366 jours du professeur Andy contient 366 réflexions positives pour les hommes et les femmes de tous âges.Chaque jour, du jour 1 au jour 366, introduit une affirmation unique et bien pensée sur laquelle réfléchir. Chaque réflexion quotidienne est différente de la suivante.Résumé des avantages du Journal de gratitude de 366 jours :366 Réflexi...

    25,66 €

  • No, you cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT!
    Evelyn S. Rodas
    Are you tired of feeling judged and misunderstood in your struggle with depression and anxiety? Do you wish for personally proven strategies for overcoming these debilitating conditions?This book is an unprecedented, firsthand, detailed journey into the heart of depression and anxiety.No, You Cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT! is the book millions worldwide have been waiting for. Here...

    30,31 €

  • Mental health counselling in primary health care
    Elisiene Chaves Fagundes
    This book is the result of a bibliographical survey that sought to discuss the role of the psychologist in the development of matrix support actions in primary health care involving mental health services. Its objectives are to discuss the emergence of the Unified Health System, to understand the implementation of the Family Health Programmes, to analyse the link between primar...

    55,22 €

  • Conseils en matière de santé mentale dans les soins de santé primaires
    Elisiene Chaves Fagundes
    Ce livre est le résultat d’une enquête bibliographique qui a cherché à discuter du rôle du psychologue dans le développement d’actions de soutien matriciel dans les soins de santé primaires impliquant des services de santé mentale. Ses objectifs sont de discuter de l’émergence du système de santé unifié, de comprendre la mise en œuvre des programmes de santé familiale, d’analys...

    55,29 €

  • La relation entre la couleur de la peau et la beauté au Mozambique
    Germano Vera Cruz
    Ce livre est un ouvrage de vulgarisation scientifique, basé sur une recherche menée au Mozambique (2008) sur l’impact de la couleur de peau sur l’appréciation de la beauté physique. La diffusion des résultats de cette recherche a été accompagnée d’un vaste débat dans les médias locaux (télévision, radio, journaux) et une grande controverse a éclaté à l’époque. L’intérêt, le déb...

    32,70 €

  • The relationship between skin color and beauty in Mozambique
    Germano Vera Cruz
    This book is a work of scientific popularization, based on research carried out in Mozambique (2008) on the impact of skin color on the appreciation of physical beauty. The dissemination of the results of this research was accompanied by a vast debate in the local media (television, radio, newspapers) and a great deal of controversy broke out at the time. The interest, debate a...

    32,70 €

  • Patchwork quilt
    Grasiela Procópio Duarte
    Les histoires et les mythes apparaissent comme des métaphores de la vie quotidienne, comme une représentation des désirs et comme une tentative d’exprimer le cœur de l’être humain. La psyché humaine est extrêmement complexe. C’est pour l’élucider et la comprendre qu’est née la psychologie, une science relativement récente, âgée d’un peu plus d’un siècle, mais qui a déjà couvert...

    77,85 €

  • Sur la violence à l’égard des femmes
    Diogo Batista Pereira da Silva / Suelen M. C. da Silva Braz
    Ce livre est le résultat d’une étude dont l’objectif général était de comprendre la représentation sociale des femmes participant au projet Femmes des Mille dans la municipalité de Capivari de Baixo - SC (BRÉSIL). Les sujets de recherche étaient des femmes participant à une classe du Projet Mille Femmes, un projet du gouvernement fédéral proposé par l’Institut fédéral de Santa ...

    48,63 €

  • Structure du manuel - Concepts et instructions
    Atefeh Ferdosipour
    Ce livre traite de manière exhaustive de la relation de l’apprenant avec le manuel, de sa structure et des façons d’organiser le texte. Il aborde également en détail le processus d’écriture, les méthodes d’organisation et de développement des éléments d’un paragraphe, ainsi que les schémas sémantiques. Ensuite, il y a une discussion sur un modèle proposé pour les variables stru...

    89,51 €

  • Über Gewalt gegen Frauen
    Diogo Batista Pereira da Silva / Suelen M. C. da Silva Braz
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis einer Studie, deren allgemeines Ziel es war, die soziale Repräsentation von Frauen zu verstehen, die am Frauenprojekt in der Gemeinde Capivari de Baixo - SC (BRASILIEN) teilnehmen. Bei den Versuchspersonen handelte es sich um Frauen, die an einer Klasse des Tausend-Frauen-Projekts teilnahmen, einem Projekt der Bundesregierung, das vom Bundesinstitut...

    48,69 €

    Arthur GNABRO Gnahoua
    Die Skandale um sexuellen Missbrauch, Autoritäts- und Gewissensmissbrauch innerhalb der Kirche haben weltweit für Aufregung gesorgt und Fragen nach den Ursachen für dieses schwerwiegende Verhalten von Priestern aufgeworfen.Während viele Studien die Quelle einer solch schmerzhaften Situation in der Krise der Priesterberufung finden, legen andere eher den Mangel an 'psychologisch...

    60,38 €

  • Aufbau des Lehrbuchs - Konzepte und Anweisungen
    Atefeh Ferdosipour
    Dieses Buch befasst sich umfassend mit der Beziehung des Lernenden zum Lehrbuch, der Struktur des Textes und den Möglichkeiten, den Text zu organisieren. Außerdem werden der Prozess des Schreibens, Methoden zur Organisation und Entwicklung von Materialien in einem Absatz und die semantischen Schemata ausführlich erörtert. Darauf aufbauend werden ein vorgeschlagenes Modell für S...

    89,49 €

  • Patchwork-Steppdecke
    Grasiela Procópio Duarte
    Geschichten und Mythen entstehen als Metaphern für das alltägliche Leben, als Darstellung von Sehnsüchten und als Versuch, den Kern des menschlichen Wesens zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Die menschliche Psyche ist hochkomplex. Mit dem Ziel, sie zu enträtseln und zu verstehen, entstand die Psychologie, eine relativ neue Wissenschaft, die erst etwas mehr als ein Jahrhundert alt ist, ab...

    77,84 €

  • Krivo vrijeme za ljubav
    Inna Moore
    Možeš li voljeti tuđu ženu, ako već voliš vlastitu?Možeš li naći srodnu dušu, ako već pripadaš drugom muškarcu? Može li ljubav na prvi pogled nadjačati zavjete i dužnosti? Tyler i Madison borit će se dugo sami protiv sebe, ali navijat ćete za njih od prvog trena. Sudbina im neće biti naklonjena, godinama će ih mučiti, a kad se duše sretnu, kad tijela pokleknu, stvarni će život ...

    13,19 €

  • Memórias de Um Sádico
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Marcos era um importante escritor com uma inteligência incomparável para a literatura, sua impressionante capacidade de criar histórias num breve espaço de tempo lhe rendeu vários prêmios, bem como um expansivo reconhecimento no mundo literário. Seus leitores eram encontrados por todo o mundo e todas as suas obras eram um grande sucesso de vendas.Porém, devido certa tendência à...

    54,61 €

  • Preconceitos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    André é um jovem que desde sua adolescência foi vítima da intolerância e preconceito por parte de seus familiares, vizinhos e por todos que o conheciam, chegou a ser impedido de frequentar a igreja onde o pai era pastor evangélico, foi espancado pelos estranhos e renegado pelo irmão mais velho, devido sua condição de homossexual. A situação chegou ao extremo dele ser expulso de...

    56,74 €