Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

57005 Catálogo de libros: Sociedad y cultura: general

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  • Romantic Conflicts Volume 7
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    A continuation of the Erotic Journey Between Kat and Jenna in this beautifully arranged novel ...

    27,06 €

  • Romantic Conflicts Volume 8
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    The Final of the epic novel between Kat and Jenna in their pursuit of an erotic and passionate love for one another ...

    27,37 €

  • Romantic Conflicts Volume 6
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    Book 6 on the journey between Kat and Jenna in this erotic novel of passion and love ...

    26,87 €

  • The Hindu-Arabic Numerals (Esprios Classics)
    Louis Charles Karpinski
    Louis Charles Karpinski (5 August 1878 - 25 January 1956) was an American mathematician. He was educated at Cornell University and in Europe at Strassburg. Karpinski also studied (1909-1910) at Columbia. At Columbia, Karpinski became a fellow and a university extension lecturer. He taught at Berea College and at Oswego, New York at the Normal School there. Then, he accepted a p...

    22,18 €

  • From the Darkness Cometh the Light; or, Struggles for Freedom (Esprios Classics)
    Lucy A. Delaney / Lucy ADelaney
    Lucy Ann Delaney, born Lucy Berry (c. 1830 - after 1891), was an African-American author, and activist, a former slave notable for her 1891 narrative From the Darkness Cometh the Light, or, Struggles for Freedom. This is the only first-person account of a 'freedom suit' and one of the few slave narratives published in the post-Emancipation period. The memoir recounts her mother...

    18,44 €

  • Recuerdos de un Sádico
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Marcos fue un importante escritor con una inteligencia incomparable para la literatura, su impresionante capacidad para crear historias en un corto espacio de tiempo le valió varios premios, así como un amplio reconocimiento en el mundo literario. Sus lectores se encontraban en todo el mundo y todas sus obras fueron un gran éxito de ventas. Sin embargo, debido a una cierta tend...

    71,85 €

  • Sofía
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOFÍA es la historia de ficción de una mujer que, desde pequeña, sufre porque nació en una familia inadecuada y miserable, pero tiene en su corazón la esperanza de que algún día será posible cambiar la maldita suerte que el destino le depara. A los trece años, es violada y perseguida por los hombres, sin embargo, ella lucha por amarlos y es traicionada, completamente repugnante...

    80,27 €

  • Sophia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOPHIA is the fictional story of a woman who, since childhood, suffers from being born into an inadequate and miserable family, but carries in her heart the hope that one day it will be possible to change the damned luck that fate has in store for her. At the age of thirteen she is raped and becomes haunted by men, yet she struggles to love them and is betrayed, completely revo...

    80,35 €

  • Quem Somos?
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Esta obra tem por finalidade despertar em meus leitores a importância de compreenderem os verdadeiros motivos que os levam a estarem aqui, neste planeta, bem como incentivá-los a tentar descobrir suas verdadeiras missões como pessoas integrantes de um propósito maior no crescimento cultural, científico e tecnológico da humanidade. Não podemos crer nem nos conformar com a ideia ...

    41,94 €

  • Move Like Water × Be Fluid
    Vaughn Lowery
    This provocative history of the advent of age explores the power of branding, a technique which the writer developed very early on and that he carried all his life. Lowery presents a compelling yet compact story of someone constantly persevering, reinventing their life and finding innovative ways to move forward. ...

    52,20 €

  • Vintage Art
    Vintage Revisited Press
    Vintage Art: Gerda Wegener: 20 Fine Art Prints is a collection of artwork by Danish illustrator and painter, Gerda Marie Fredrikke Wegener.Wegener was renowned for her Art Deco and Art Nouveau illustrations. Her artwork often featured depictions of confident women in fashionable clothing.Throughout this book is a diverse mix of Wegener’s art including paintings inspired by her ...

    29,70 €

  • COVID-19 Pandemic - Philosophical Approaches
    Nicolae Sfetcu
    The subject of pandemics is approached starting from the existentialism of Albert Camus and Sartre, the replacement of the exclusion ritual with the disciplinary mechanism of Michel Foucault, and about the Gaia hypothesis, developed by James Lovelock and supported in the current pandemic by Bruno Latour. The social dimensions of pandemics, their connection to global warming, wh...

    24,80 €

  • Lady Boner
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    Unsure how to turn her growing lesbian fantasies into reality. This book shows that lesbian sex is so much better than dreams ...

    29,88 €

  • The Human Machine (Esprios Classics)
    Arnold Bennett
    Enoch Arnold Bennett (27 May 1867 - 27 March 1931) was an English author, best known as a novelist. He was a prolific writer: between the start of his career in 1898 and his death he completed 34 novels, seven volumes of short stories, 13 plays (some in collaboration with other writers), and a daily journal of more than a million words. He wrote articles and stories for more th...

    17,47 €

  • Djoula Français
    Bréhima Diarra
    Le manuel Je me débrouille en Djoula est destiné aux personnes qui étudient le Djoula seules; vous pouvez vous en servir également si vos études sont suivies sous la direction d’un professeur.Ce manuel a été conçu dans le but de faciliter l’intégration des personnes étrangères francophones dans la société malienne et en particulier dans la communauté Djoula. Il est une contribu...

    10,40 €

  • Русская идея
    Alexander Zelitchenko
    Какой будет следующая, рождающаяся сегодня цивилизация, почему она рождается и почему будет именно такой? ...

    102,50 €

  • Русская идея
    Alexander Zelitchenko
    Какой будет следующая, рождающаяся сегодня цивилизация, почему она рождается и почему будет именно такой? ...

    16,67 €

  • المحتوى الفلسطيني المحذوف في المناهج المدرسية - الطبعة الثالثة
    د. أيمن يوسف عليان
    يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى إبراز الخطورة الناجمة عن حذف الموضوعات المُتعلِّقة بالقضية الفلسطينية، وهو حذف يفضي إلى تغييب الحقائق ذات الصلة بجرائم الكيان الصهيوني المُرتكَبة بحقِّ أصحاب الأرض الأصلاء، وكذا تجييش القوى العظمى خدمةً لهذا الكيان في بسط نفوذه على المؤسسات التربوية العربية، والتدخُّل في مناهجها الدراسية، وإلزامها بإخفاء الحقائق المُرتبِطة بالقضية الفلسطينية؛ تحقيقًا لمآرب ه...

    16,69 €

  • Educator of Mini Humans 2022 Teacher Lesson Planner
    Educator of Mini Humans 2022 Teacher Lesson Planner, Preschool Lesson Planner, Teacher Planner 2022, Preschool Teacher Gifts, Planner BooksOur new 2022 Teacher Planner is finally here! This beautiful planner is printed on the high-quality interior stock.This planner features pages that include: weekly lesson plan, weekly recap, classroom expense chart, plan by subject, student ...

    20,32 €

  • Letter from a Drag Queen
    K’bana Blaq
    Letters from a Drag Queen is K’BANA BLAQ’s coming out story done creatively. This pictorial book showcases K’BANA as Vivian Valentine. Vivian Valentine gives an amazing tribute to the wonderful influences that K’BANA has seen in drag queens plus iconic women of distinction. Influences like but not limited to RuPaul, Diahann Carroll,Miss Fame,Diana Ross, Brooklyn Lynn Hytes, Gra...

    61,73 €

  • La Vera Lucía
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Vera Lúcia 'es la historia de una mujer dominada por un deseo sexual incontrolable que acaba enamorándose de un hombre de similares características. A lo largo de la trama, las personas que la rodean la traicionan, la engañan y la lastiman. Descubrir que su hija tuvo un romance íntimo con su pareja resultó en dolor y una profunda decepción. Esto era demasiado y la revuelta era ...

    42,06 €

  • Vera
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Vera Lúcia 'is the story of a woman dominated by an uncontrollable sexual desire who ends up falling in love with a man with similar characteristics. Throughout the plot, the people around her betray, deceive, and hurt her. Finding out that her daughter had an intimate affair with her partner resulted in grief and deep disappointment. This was too much and the revolt was inevit...

    42,04 €

  • Loves Gentle Fury
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    When Deb becomes attracted to a gorgeous woman online, Both engage in eroticpassion between the two of them in this novel to show that true love can be found online. ...

    29,63 €

  • Vera Lúcia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Vera Lúcia 'é a história de uma mulher dominada por um desejo sexual incontrolável que acaba se apaixonando por um homem com características semelhantes. Ao longo da trama, as pessoas ao seu redor a traem, enganam e machucam. Descobrir que sua filha teve um caso íntimo com seu parceiro resultou em tristeza e profunda decepção. Isso era demais e a revolta era inevitável, seguida...

    42,04 €

  • LoverGirl
    Lainey Dex Ryder
    Two hearts ignite on an online dating site. The two start with erotic, passionate talk between the two f them online which later turns into a lifelong commitment ...

    27,46 €

  • Mankind in the Making (Esprios Classics)
    H. G. Wells
    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the 'father of...

    25,16 €

  • Social Forces in England and America (Esprios Classics)
    H. G. Wells
    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the 'father of...

    25,13 €

  • Le carrefour congolais 8
    prof Ndaya Tshiteku ed.
    La revue du Département d’Anthropologie de l’Université de Kinshasa.Pour la collaboration entre les recherches anthropologiques, les programmes de développement, les Medias et les Entreprises en DRC. ...

    33,08 €

  • Al di là del colore
    Luna Shelley
    In un mondo dove i colori dipingono non solo paesaggi ma anche le percezioni, la storia di due donne, così simili nella loro essenza ma così diversamente accettate dalla società, si intreccia in un viaggio d’amore che supera i confini del visibile. ...

    64,13 €

  • Al di là del colore
    Luna Shelley
    In un mondo dove i colori dipingono non solo paesaggi ma anche le percezioni, la storia di due donne, così simili nella loro essenza ma così diversamente accettate dalla società, si intreccia in un viaggio d’amore che supera i confini del visibile. ...

    47,57 €