Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

21574 Catálogo de libros: Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

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  • Egyptian symbols and the hebrews
    Classic Grammars / Portal
    Here is a very little published and restored work by GRAMMAR CLASSICS.--- It compares Egyptian and Hebrew symbols.--- The author’s knowledge enables a synthetic study using Coptic.---- Ancient Famous author Portal Frederic. ...

    22,46 €

  • The Year is 2024 - Positive Vibes
    Arv Kay
    A transformative guidebook that explores the impact of positive vibes and dreaming big. Through captivating stories and practical strategies, readers learn to cultivate positivity, overcome obstacles, set ambitious goals, and manifest their dreams with unwavering belief. This book serves as an inspiring beacon for those seeking to navigate challenges optimistically and achieve ...

    34,63 €

  • Chess Notation Book
    Gabriel Bachheimer
    This chess scorebook is designed to record chess notation, matches, tournaments, and results. Small and compact to easily carry around to matches. You have 148 pages with 75 moves in each, you can keep all your games in this book so you can analyze it later and improve at chess.With the average match lasting between 30-50 moves, this will be enough for the majority of games. Th...

    17,10 €

  • St. Augustine’s Expositions on the Psalms 1 - 20
    St. Augustine / StAugustine
    This reference work on the Psalter was composed by St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430 AD) in the 5th century. St. Augustine was a well-regarded theologian and philosopher, and he served as a bishop in Roman North Africa. His writings greatly influenced the development of Western philosophy. Among his many famous works are, 'The City of God,' 'On Christian Doctrine,' and 'Confess...

    8,80 €

  • First Time Home Buyer Book
    Thomas Frank
    The complete A to Z guide for purchasing a home, definitions, quotes and contact information to lead you and put you on track for homeownership. ...

    11,58 €

  • Color, Communism And Common Sense
    Manning Johnson
    Here is the story of one Black American Communist who became disillusioned with Communism and penned this cautionary tale of the perils of his experience. According to the author: 'Ten years I labored in the cause of Communism. I was a dedicated 'comrade.' All my talents and efforts were zealously used to bring about the triumph of Communism in America and throughout the world....

    18,47 €

  • Contacts Logbook
    Gabriel Bachheimer
    ★ Track your family, friends, and other contacts.★ All your important contact details are organized in one place, so you don’t have to have a good memory!★ A record of your contacts; phone numbers, emails, addresses, and notes for any engagements and easily keep track of addresses, phone numbers, anniversaries, and birthdays of family, friends, and business contacts.★ Easily ad...

    16,26 €

  • New Puppy Journal Book
    Logbook for keeping all of your dog’s health information in one place, including vaccinations, medications, or training.Pet sitter checklist, vet appointment, or pet expense tracker pagesAll of the above will serve as a dog lover’s diary, complete with weekly and monthly notes. ...

    18,92 €

  • Psicologia positiva
    Richard J. Kaspar
    Cerchi una vita più felice, soddisfacente e libera dallo stress? Hai appena trovato il tuo manuale!'La Psicologia Positiva: Manuale per Imparare ad Essere Positivi e Combattere Ansia e Stress' non è solo un altro libro di self help. È una guida accessibile e pratica che ti porta per mano nel mondo affascinante della psicologia positiva, mostrandoti comeessa possa trasformare no...

    51,97 €

  • الإلحاد أوهن من بيت العنكبوت
    د. أكرم جلال كريم
    في ظلّ ما يشهده العالَمُ اليوم مِنْ هَجْمَةٍ مُمَنْهَجةٍ للإلحاد، قد مَلَأَت بآثارها الأرضَ ظُلمًا وجورًا وابتعادًا عن الله تعالى، رأينا أنَّ الأمرَ باتَ تَكليفًا شَرعيًا في أنْ نَبْحَثَ في خفايا هذا التَّهديد الخَطير، وَأنْ نَعْكِفَ على جَمْعِ الشَّواهدَ والدَّلائل والبراهين والحُجج أَمَلًا في بُلوغِ مَقام تَوعيّة أولئك الذين تكبَّلَت أيديهم بحبال الإلحاد، ومُحاولة إيقاظهم مِن...

    23,41 €

  • The Walters Art Museum Collection of Tsuba Volume 1
    Dale R. Raisbeck
    This and a following volume aim to capture the entire collection of tsuba making up the Walters Art Museum. One of the worlds great collections of Japanese sword guards it encompasses a wide range of styles, schools, master craftsmen and centuries of tradition. ...

    100,73 €

  • The Walters Art Museum Collection of Tsuba Volume 1
    Dale R. Raisbeck
    This and a following volume aim to capture the entire collection of tsuba making up the Walters Art Museum. One of the worlds great collections of Japanese sword guards it encompasses a wide range of styles, schools, master craftsmen and centuries of tradition. ...

    81,44 €

  • The Walters Art Museum Collection of Tsuba Volume 2
    Dale R. Raisbeck
    This volume continues the collection of Sword-guards (known as 'Tsuba') within the Walters Art Museum, including those guards (where available) from mounted swords and daggers. Added, as well, are some of the other fittings within those mounted 'sets' (simply as points of interest to the student or collector). Where space has allowed, some images and related information have be...

    82,16 €

  • An Introduction to Yoga
    Anni Besant
    These lectures [FN#1: Delivered at the 32nd Anniversary of the Theosophical Society held at Benares, on Dec. 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1907.] are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on Yoga. I have on hand, with my friend Bhagavan Das as collaborateur, a trans...

    31,73 €

  • Across Mongolian Plains
    Roy Chapman Andrews
    In 1920, Andrews began planning for expeditions to Mongolia and drove a fleet of Dodge cars westward from Peking. In 1922, the party discovered a fossil of Indricotherium (then named 'Baluchitherium'), a gigantic hornless rhinoceros, which was sent back to the museum, arriving on December 19. The fossil species Andrewsarchus was named after him.Andrews, along with Henry Fairfie...

    32,49 €

  • Gorgias
    Gorgias is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC. The dialogue depicts a conversation between Socrates and a small group of sophists (and other guests) at a dinner gathering. Socrates debates with the sophist seeking the true definition of rhetoric, attempting to pinpoint the essence of rhetoric and unveil the flaws of the sophistic oratory popular in Athens at the...

    32,58 €

  • The Crowd
    Gustave Le Bon
    The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (French: Psychologie des Foules; literally: Psychology of Crowds) is a book authored by Gustave Le Bon that was first published in 1895.In the book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: 'impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration ...

    21,70 €

  • Archetypes of Movement.
    Barbara Stuiber
    This book explores Jung’s idea of archetypes in relation to their geometrical appearance (shape), an issue to which he points to but which is neglected in analytical psychology. The research is based on movement analysis, anatomy and geometry and encompasses findings from archaeology, therapy, art, cosmology as well as concepts of movement.The insights which these fields provid...

    44,44 €

  • Drive Fast Don’t Stop - Book 12
    Drive Fast Don’t Stop
    Drive Fast Don’t Stop is an automotive photo archive organized by theme. Book 12 focuses on Seoul, South Korea (May 2022). ...

    17,69 €

  • Empower Your Life
    Roman Onillon
    Welcome to 'Empower Your Life: A Selection of Motivational Quotes from the Most Influential Speakers of Our Time'!In this book, you will find a collection of inspiring and uplifting quotes from some of the greatest motivational speakers of our time. These words of wisdom will serve as a reminder that you have the power to create the life you want, and to overcome any obstacles ...

    36,35 €

  • Right to Education in India
    Dr. Harish Kumar
    The right to education has been recognised as a human right in a number of international conventions, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which recognises a right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all with the progressive introduction of free secondary education, as ...

    34,92 €

  • Conceptos filosóficos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    El conocimiento del hombre de la Palabra de Dios hará de él un ser instruido en toda verdad para ir correctamente hacia las mansiones celestiales y vivir dignamente en este mundo, representando fielmente a quien lo creó y puso en él su imagen y semejanza. ...

    59,10 €

  • Conceptos filosóficos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    El conocimiento del hombre de la Palabra de Dios hará de él un ser instruido en toda verdad para ir correctamente hacia las mansiones celestiales y vivir dignamente en este mundo, representando fielmente a quien lo creó y puso en él su imagen y semejanza. ...

    42,45 €

  • A Short History of Measurement and the Origin of Units
    Roderick J. Sinclair
    The book provides a brief outline of the historical origins of units of measurement, the wide variety of units in early times, and the introduction of logical and uniform standards. The main methods of measurement are also outlined. ...

    27,47 €

  • The World of Metals
    The book first explores the origins of the metallic elements and their abundance and availability. The history of discovery and development of the eight ancient metals is reviewed, including the application of precious metals for currency as the basis of global trade. The next section traces the development of scientific inquiry and the commencement of the industrial age whi...

    107,81 €

  • Using Science Investigation to Motivate Students to Read, Write, and Engage in Discourse
    Moulding / Penrod / Wichman
    Science investigation motivates students to read, write, and engage in discourse, allowing teachers to assess deep understanding of science. ...

    39,75 €

  • Drive Fast Don’t Stop - Book 15
    Drive Fast Don’t Stop
    Drive Fast Don’t Stop is an archive organized by theme. Book 15 explores Bangkok, Thailand (December 2022). ...

    16,46 €

  • Aromi e sapori della Liguria
    Cuochi Ribelli
    ☆ Libro di ricette regionali italiane; ogni volume è interamente dedicato a una regione d’Italia.☆ In questo volume sono riportate le migliori ricette di cucina della Liguria.☆ Dalle ricette casalinghe della nonna ai piatti più sfiziosi, semplici e buoni, facili da preparare per i menu di ogni giorno.☆ Un ricettario di aromi e sapori della cucina mediterranea italiana, accompag...

    29,23 €

  • Jellyfish Coloring Book
    Jellyfish Coloring Book, Mandala Crafts Hobbies Zentangle Books, Funny Quotes and Freestyle Drawing Pages, Ocean Creatures, Under The SeaIt was made for Jellyfish lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring.Jellyfish in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes.It makes the perfect gift for your friends who are Jellyfish lovers.This book has a total of 42 pages, ...

    19,02 €

  • El Eslabón Perdido de Darwin
    Blue dragoon Books
    El eslabón perdido de la teoría de la evolución del ser humano, es el eslabón entre el ser humano y el mono, y es resultado de un estudio y un trabajo genético, el cual fue realizado por estos estos seres extra terrestre en el cromosoma del mono, para lograr hacerlo compatible con los cromosomas de su raza extraterrestre. ...

    21,52 €