Catálogo de libros: Antologías poéticas (varios poetas)

1714 Catálogo de libros: Antologías poéticas (varios poetas)

Libros Eliminar filtro Literatura y estudios literarios Eliminar filtro Poesía Eliminar filtro Antologías poéticas (varios poetas) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Book of Donuts
    Diane Lockward
    Editors Jason Lee Brown and Shanie Latham selected fifty-four poems by fifty-one poets, happily including Denise Duhamel, Jack Bedell, Mira Rosenthal, Martha Silano, Julian Stannard, Charles Harper Webb, and others. With all poets singing together, we have a rainbow of words—alive, nourishing, rich—that clearly define the range and power of the once humble doughnut. Poetry and ...

    12,76 €

  • The Poeming Pigeon
    For our 5th issue of The Poeming Pigeon, Homer takes us back to our roots – literally and literarily. Enjoy this collection of over 80 poems that celebrates dirt under our fingernails, sharing zucchini with our neighbors, seed catalog dreams, and this labor-of-love we call gardening.Contributing Poets Around the Globe Include:Pamela Ahlen • Heather Angier • Diane Averill • Dian...

    13,18 €

  • Cities
    Cities are as complex and unknowable as they are familiar and unsurprising.We can feel as if we know a city intimately, or merely indicate its mysteries to our fleeting perceptions.Or its mysteries can appear in and through the mundane. Cities reveal their collective ghosts through their landscapes, their histories, their people, their  sounds and smells. Cities ask us to inven...

    12,02 €

  • Turbulence
    Various Artists
    An anthology of work from writers and poets taking part in the MA in Writing at the National University of Ireland, Galway, this book was originally published in 2003. It features an introduction by Irish Writer Mike McCormack, Winner of the Goldsmith Prize 2016 for 'Solar Bones', who was Writer-In-Residence in NUIG at that time. It features fiction: a bald trapeze artist seeks...

    11,45 €

  • Blood, Water, Wind, and Stone
    Lori Howe
    Wyoming is the least-populated state in America, and it is filled with long, silent stretches of prairie, mountains that see snowfall every month of the year, and a red desert filled with sand dunes and the fossilized past. It is perhaps this vastness and isolation which urge us to stop and contemplate our place in this landscape—and what we have to offer to its care.While Wyom...

    18,51 €

  • The Doll Collection
    Diane Lockward
    Why do dolls compel us so much? What are their meanings? What lessons do they have to teach us? The Doll Collection explores these questions. This wonderful anthology of poems asks us to rethink dolls. Not just toys, dolls signify much more than childhood. Dolls shape our thinking about the female body, about race and class. Dolls influence our understanding of childhood. Symbo...

    15,44 €

  • The Crescent Moon Book of Love Poetry
    Louise Cooper
    THE CRESCENT MOON BOOK OF LOVE POETRYEdited by Louise Cooper The great love poets collected here include Emily Brontë, Thomas, Hardy, Christina Rossetti, Robert Herrick, Ben Jonson, John Skelton, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Campion, Sir Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare, Aphra Behn, John Donne, Edmund Spenser, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Anne Bradsheet, John Clare, Emily Dickinson and ...

    13,19 €

  • The Untold Story of the Real Me
    Free Minds Writers
    The Untold Story of the Real Me is a collection of poems written by young people who were charged and incarcerated as adults at the age of 16 or 17. All poets are members of the Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop; many are currently incarcerated in the DC Jail or federal prison. Their work explores themes of parenthood, love, pain, identity, race, and freedom in voices b...

    27,14 €

  • Down the Dog Hole
    A dog hole is a small, private mine shaft of questionable legality that individuals would dig to pilfer coal during the depression. Come join northeast Pennsylvania poets Thomas Kielty Blomain, Amanda J. Bradley, Craig Czury, Erin Delaney, Nancy Dymond, David Elliott, Brian Fanelli, Jane Julius Honchell, Susan Luckstone Jaffer, Dawn Leas, and Laurel Radzieski as they celebrate ...

    13,05 €

  • A Child’s Dream of Peace
    St Peter's Methodist Primary School / St Peter’s Methodist Primary School
    ‘A Child’s Dream of Peace’ is an exciting and beautifully illustrated anthology of poems on the theme of peace, the result of a unique collaboration between the City of Canterbury, The Cathedral, St Peter’s Methodist Primary School and the wider community.In March 2016, Sue Hunt, School Librarian, and Michelle Crowther, Creative Writing Tutor, led a series of poetry workshops f...

    22,22 €

  • Crossing the Wild
    Jacci Bulman / Kathleen Jones
    An anthology of poetry by the North Cumbria Stanza Group.  The Pennine landscape of North Cumbria is a wild and beautiful place and the poets who live there are fully aware of the fragility of existence on the edge of the wilderness. They have braved snow, floods and long journeys on dark winter nights to share poems around a log fire.  Their poetry harnesses the creative energ...

    5,52 €

  • The Crescent Moon Book of Mystical Poetry In English
    Carol Appleby
    THE CRESCENT MOON BOOK OF MYSTICAL POETRYEdited and introduced by Carol Appleby The mystical poets featured here include William Blake, Walt Whitman, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Richard Crashaw, Percy Shelley, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Herbert, Longfellow, Gerald Hopkins, Thomas Traherne, William Shakespeare, Richard Rolle, Julian of Norwich, D.H...

    13,20 €

  • The Crescent Moon Book of Romantic Poetry
    L.M. Poole / L.MPoole
    THE CRESCENT MOON BOOK OF ROMANTIC POETRYEdited and introduced by L.M. Poole The great Romantics poets are featured in this anthology - William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Emily Bronte, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, John Clare - as well as many lesser-known women poets. New poems have been added for this edition, plus a new gallery o...

    13,06 €

  • The Crescent Moon Book of Metaphysical Poetry
    Charlotte Greene
    THE CRESCENT MOON BOOK OF METAPHYSICAL POETRYEdited and introduced by Charlotte Greene. With a new picture gallery, and additional poems for this edition. All of the major and many of the minor Metaphysical poets are featured in this anthology, including: John Donne, Lady Mary Wroth, Robert Herrick, George Herbert, Sir William Davenant, the Countess of Sidney Godolphin, Richa...

    13,34 €

  • The Poeming Pigeon
    Doobie or Not Doobie? The legalization of medical and recreational marijuana is a hot topic facing America and other countries across the globe. Homer examines this controversial issue through an international curated collection of poems and stories. You’ll enjoy tales of hilarious first encounters with the herb, gratitude for the escape from physical pain, fellowship in passin...

    12,05 €

  • From Venice to Venice
    Alessandra Drigo / David A. Romero
    Edited by Mark Lipman (Venice, CA) and Anna Lombardo (Venice, IT), with cover art by Alessandra Drigo. Venice, CA poets: Will Alexander, Iris Berry, S.A. Griffin, Susan Hayden, Ellyn Maybe, Richard Modiano, Bill Mohr, Harry E. Northup, Pam Ward, and Gail Wronsky. Venice, IT poets: Giovanni Luca Asmundo, Alessandra Drigo, Giacomo Falchetta, Brigidina Gentile, Fabia Ghenzovich, A...

    14,38 €

  • O Poder Que Nos Habita
    Maria Aparecida Medeiros Moser
    De meu coração para o coração do leitor, minha experiência; uma leitura capaz de nos conectar Divinamente à fonte Criadora com a manifestação do Amor Poderoso em palavras radiantes do início ao final do Livro. Deixe-se ser conquistado/a por ele, pois a Força que move os Astros também quer mover nossas vidas.No silenciar, a contemplação, a sabedoria, o toque de Deus, o fim da il...

    8,86 €

  • Hávamál: Os Elevados Discursos De Óðinn
    Allan P. Marante
    Hávamál é um famoso e antigo poema da literatura islandesa, datado do século XII-XIII, que contém os elevados conselhos de Óðinn (Odin) para o desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual, abordando as relações com os amigos, família, vida cotidana, realizações e até mesmo a morte.Este discurso do soberano dos Æsir (Poderes Incitadores) é uma inestimável fonte sabedoria sobre os Regin ...

    16,37 €

  • Textos Poéticos
    Ana Carla Gomes
    Textos Poéticos: Motivacional é uma coletânea envolvente de poesias que mergulha nas profundezas das emoções humanas. Entre as páginas deste livro, os leitores serão levados por uma jornada lírica, reflexiva e motivacional, explorando temas como amor, saudade, esperança e autodescoberta. Com uma linguagem rica em metáforas e imagens vívidas, cada poema convida à contemplação e ...

    22,56 €

  • Cordéis E Poemas Sobre Meio Ambiente E Água
    Nathália Bandeira
    As trilhas de aprendizagem na Educação Ambiental também desempenham um papel fundamental no processo de conscientização e engajamento dos alunos em relação à preservação do meio ambiente. Através das trilhas, os alunos têm a oportunidade de conhecer e compreender melhor os desafios ambientais enfrentados atualmente, bem como as possíveis soluções e práticas sustentáveis que pod...

    7,47 €

  • Entre Poesia E Ventania
    Irene Genecco
    Viver é poetizar ventania e calmaria. Só calmaria vira pasmaceira, só ventania sufoca. A poesia alinhava uma coisa na outra. A beleza do viver está no equilíbrio, que sem um desequilíbrio possível graça nenhuma teria. Às vezes, o poema é turbilhão, outras, o turbilhão verte poesia. Cada um a seu modo. Impossível reduzir a som a infinitude de sentidos que assolam a alma nua. Por...

    20,79 €

  • Momentos De Reflexão
    Adalberto Borges
    Adalberto Borges fez esta obra baseado no primeiro livro MOMENTOS DE REFLEXÃO de grande sucesso e, nessa Edição o autor traz novos textos e suprime outros. Tem poesia, contos, frases filosóficas e algumas reflexões transcendentais sobre as experiências que vivenciou. ...

    8,41 €

  • Song of the Open Road
    Walt Whitman Birthplace
    The Walt Whitman Birthplace Association (WWBA) Board of Trustees and I congratulate the student poets in this anthology for their writing excellence! Each student internalized Whitman’s poetic sentiments of Song of the Open Road and created a unique response shaped in their own free verse poetry. We invite you to step into their world through the vision, words, and images of th...

    47,77 €

  • On Rules
    Unleash Press
    This book is about rules - breaking them, making them, bending them, and destroying them. Read new poetry and prose from Chibuike Ukah, Terry Watada, Nnadi Samuel, Sharon Ludan, Halia Koba, Natalie Jill, Beck, John, Alan Elyshevitz, Alexis Ivy, Dr. Deidra Dees, Nick Manning, Tom Wayman, Richard C. McPherson, Smita Jain Elizabeth Land Quant, John Peter Beck, Lareina Abbott, and ...

    13,73 €

  • Despertar De Um Escritor
    Coletânea De Escritores Da Editora Mepe
    Entre as páginas deste livro, você encontrará uma coletânea única e diversa de obras literárias que irão encantar e surpreender. Poesias líricas, fábulas inspiradoras, contos envolventes e crônicas reflexivas compõem esta seleção cuidadosamente escolhida.Cada autor traz sua voz única e estilo literário ao livro, criando uma experiência de leitura rica e variada. De histórias de...

    13,06 €

  • Em Toda A Parte E Em Lugar Nenhum
    Marcony Uliana
    Esta é uma obra poética que quer comunicar pensamentos, reflexões e, por vezes, sentimentos, a respeito dos sentidos e fins da existência e da vida. Os versos contêm questionamentos velados, mas as respostas devem ser buscadas no interior de cada consciência. As perguntas fundamentais são postas em janelas metafóricas. Para além da experiência poética, uma abertura existencial:...

    7,84 €

  • Poesias Que A Vida Põe Em Meus Dias
    Charles Luciano
    Encontro-me deveras regozijado pela construção desta obra. Com um peculiar estilo, ponho em tela diversas inquietações, que desde sempre me sensibilizam. Objetivei apresentar aqui temáticas do cotidiano, tais como: pobreza, escassez dágua, metalinguagens, elogio às fêmeas que muitíssimo me encantam, Amazônia, indígenas, inclusive um dos assuntos mais tratados nos dias hodiernos...

    7,58 €

  • Selected Poems 1
    Margaret Atwood

    19,30 €

  • Selected Poems 2
    Margaret Atwood

    15,05 €

  • The World In Our Words
    Stephanie Rowe
    It all begins with an idea. The World In Our Words is a book that captures diverse voices from around the world. Carefully crafted and nurtured, with contributions from poets coming together to create a collaborative masterpiece. Twenty-four contributors from around the globe are featured in this anthology, covering nationalities spanning Israel, Scotland, England, America, Bra...

    21,05 €