Catálogo de libros: Traducción e interpretación

297 Catálogo de libros: Traducción e interpretación

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  • Translating Expertise
    Translating Expertise: The Librarian’s Role in Translational Research provides background and context on the CTSA program. Case studies detail routes to librarian involvement in translational research, including collection development, relationships with researchers and administrators, instruction and training, data management, and team science. ...

    135,87 €

  • Interpreting in Nazi Concentration Camps
    Michaela Wolf
    This significant new study is concerned with the role of interpreting in Nazi concentration camps, where prisoners were of 30 to 40 different nationalities. With German as the only official language in the lager, communication was vital to the prisoners’ survival. While in the last few decades there has been extensive research on the language used by the camp inmates, investiga...

    226,18 €

  • The Georgetown Guide to Arabic-English Translation
    Mustafa Mughazy
    'Translation is like a reverse-engineering process-whereby, say, we might take apart a clock made of metal parts in order to build a functioning replica made entirely of plastic. Our final product will not look the same as the original clock, and it would be impossible to simply copy the designs of its inner workings, because plastic and metals have very different properties. F...

    106,10 €

  • From Khartoum to Jerusalem
    Rachel Mairs
    In 2014, a collection of papers was found on eBay: a scrapbook, inside which was written ’Testimonial Book of Dragoman Solomon N. Negima’. The letters pasted into the testimonial book bear recommendations of Negima’s services as dragoman - a combination of tourist guide and interpreter - in the Holy Land, from travellers of different nationalities, social classes, religions, g...

    206,41 €

  • Critical Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Translating Camfranglais Literature
    Peter Wuteh Vakunta
    This study teases out the nexus between text typologies and translational paradigms. Camfranglais fictional works are not canonical texts; rather they find a niche in the corpus of peripheral ethnographic texts that require an interpretive approach to translational practice. Translators of Camfranglais literature cannot but be like the texts they translate - at once multilingua...

    42,45 €

  • Motherless Tongues
    Vicente L. Rafael / Vicente LRafael
    In Motherless Tongues, Vicente L. Rafael examines the vexed relationship between language and history gleaned from the workings of translation in the Philippines, the United States, and beyond. Moving across a range of colonial and postcolonial settings, he demonstrates translation’s agency in the making and understanding of events. These include nationalist efforts to vernacul...

    35,32 €

  • Retranslation
    Sharon Deane-Cox
    Retranslation is a phenomenon which gives rise to multiple translations of a particular work. But theoretical engagement with the motivations and outcomes of retranslation often falls short of acknowledging the complex nature of this repetitive process, and reasoning has so far been limited to considerations of progress, updating and challenge; there is even less in the way of ...

    64,26 €

  • Community Translation
    Mustapha Taibi / Uldis Ozolins
    Investigating an important field within translation studies, Community Translation addresses the specific context, characteristics and needs of translation in and for communities. Traditional classifications in the fields of discourse and genre are of limited use to the field of translation studies, as they overlook the social functions of translation. Instead, this book argues...

    67,00 €

  • Aquinas’s Theory of Knowledge
    William E. Murnion / William EMurnion
    A great luminary of modern Thomistic studies was Bernard J. Lonergan, S.J. (1904-1984). One of his brightest disciples was William Murnion. Murnion was powerfully drawn to Lonergan’s interpretations of the thought of Thomas Aquinas and began to deeply immerse himself in the work and the evolution of the thought of both. After five years of research and writing, Murnion had to i...

    24,44 €

  • Media and Translation
    Dror Abend-David
    Over the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in publications on media and translation. In fact, there are those who believe that so much has been published in this field that any further publications are superfluous. But if one views media and translation as anything ranging from film and television drama to news-casting, commercials, video games, web-pages and elect...

    63,45 €

  • Introducción a los estudios de traducción
    Lucía V Aranda / Lucía V. Aranda / Lucía VAranda
    Introducción a los estudios de traducción presenta nociones clave relativas a los estudios de traducción tales como autoría, intraducibilidad, paratextualidad, invisibilidad o cuestiones de identidad en procesos de colonización y formación de literaturas. Por medio de diversos ejemplos, este libro ilustra aspectos poco conocidos de la traducción alrededor del mundo. ...

    43,75 €

  • English as a Literature in Translation
    Fiona J. Doloughan
    For many writers writing in English today, English is but one of a number of languages, and by extension cultures, to which they have access. The question arises of the impact of this sometimes latent, sometimes explicit, multilingualism on generic and other literary forms and conventions. To what extent is English literature today a literature in translation in the sense that ...

    174,16 €

  • Brodsky Translating Brodsky
    Alexandra Berlina
    Is poetry lost in translation, or is it perhaps the other way around? Is it found? Gained? Won? What happens when a poet decides to give his favorite Russian poems a new life in English? Are the new texts shadows, twins or doppelgangers of their originals-or are they something completely different? Does the poet resurrect himself from the death of the author by reinterpreting h...

    64,21 €

  • Prezento de la romano Ziskindo 'La parfumo'
    Vilhelmo Lutermano
    La furorromano de Ziskindo „La parfumo. Historio de murdisto' aperis en la germana en la jaro 1985. Ĝi temas pri Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, kiu ne havas propran korp-odor­on, sed naskiĝis kun aparta flarsento kaj, por disvolvi eksterordinaran parfumon, fariĝas murdisto. Laborprojekto: La tekstoj de tiu ĉi libro estas destinitaj kiel bazo por nia laborprojekto. Ĉi tie temas pri p...

    8,27 €

  • Intercomprehension and Plurilingualism
    'Intercomprehension and Plurilingualism: Assets for Italian Language in the USA,' edited by Roberto Dolci and Anthony Tamburri, features essays by Elisabette Bonvino, Carlo Davoli, Roberto Dolci, Clorinda Donato, Pierre Escudé, Fabrizio Fornara, Diane Hartunian, Ida Lanza, Markus Muller, Cedric Joseph Oliva, Barbara Spinelli, Anthony Tamburri, Diego Cortés Velásquez, and Iren...

    20,62 €

  • Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust
    Jean Boase-Beier
    Taking a cognitive approach, this book asks what poetry, and in particular Holocaust poetry, does to the reader - and to what extent the translation of this poetry can have the same effects. It is informed by current theoretical discussion and features many practical examples.Holocaust poetry differs from other genres of writing about the Holocaust in that it is not so much con...

    259,07 €

  • A Cultural History of Translation in Early Modern Japan
    Rebekah Clements

    136,29 €

  • The Lingo Guide for Landscapers; La Lingo Guide Para Jardineros
    E.G. White
    The Lingo Guide for Landscapers / The Lingo Guide Para Jardineros includes thousands of trade-specific words and phrases for practical, on-the-job communication in both English to Spanish and Spanish to English versions. By simply flipping the book over, the reader can communicate in both directions, covering all gardening terms from installation and maintenance to everything ...

    15,03 €

  • Traducción y difusión de la ciencia y la técnica en España (siglos XVI-XIX)
    Autores Varios
    Este volumen se estructura en torno a un doble eje: la ciencia, por una parte, saber foráneo nacido más allá de las fronteras y «demandado» en la Península durante los siglos XVI-XIX y, por otra parte, la traducción, verdadero proceso de adaptación (en el sentido standard, no técnico, de la palabra) de este saber foráneo destinado a los lectores españoles. Las numerosas traducc...

    22,00 €

  • The Status of the Translation Profession in the European Union
    Andy L. J. Chan / Andy LJChan / Anthony Pym / Claudio Sfreddo
    This book examines in detail traditional status signals in the translation profession. It provides case studies of eight European and non-European countries, identifying a number of policy options and making recommendations on rectifying problem areas. ...

    57,67 €

    Liberacion Narvios Tecson

    37,10 €

    Liberacion Narvios Tecson

    27,48 €

  • The Pragmatic Translator
    Dani Leigh / Massimiliano Morini
    This book is concerned with translation theory. It proposes an all-round view of translation in the terms of modern pragmatics, as articulated in three pragmatic functions (performative, interpersonal and locative) which describe how translated texts function in the world, involve readers and are rooted in their spatio-temporal contexts. It presents a full and up to date view o...

    64,32 €

  • Music, Text and Translation
    Helen Julia Minors
    Expanding the notion of translation, this book specifically focuses on the transferences between music and text. The concept of ’translation’ is often limited solely to language transfer. It is, however, a process occurring within and around most forms of artistic expression. Music, considered a language in its own right, often refers to text discourse and other art forms. ...

    64,16 €

  • Brodsky Translating Brodsky
    Alexandra Berlina
    Is poetry lost in translation, or is it perhaps the other way around? Is it found? Gained? Won? What happens when a poet decides to give his favorite Russian poems a new life in English? Are the new texts shadows, twins or doppelgangers of their originals-or are they something completely different? Does the poet resurrect himself from the death of the author by reinterpreting h...

    193,56 €

  • Communicating Across Cultures
    Carmen Valero-Garcés
    This bookis a manual addressing the task of interpreting and translating. It is directed towards those who serve as liaisons between immigrant communities, visitors, or foreigners, and at professionals in public service translation and interpreting. It will also help improve communication between business professionals and their foreign clients. ...

    51,57 €

  • Ghidul Traducatorului Global de Carte
    Infarom Publishing
    Ghidul prezinta un sistem propriu de traduceri si marketing al licentelor de traducere, elaborat de editura Infarom in cadrul proiectului Traduceri Globale. Acest program a fost creat in primul rand pentru a veni in sprijinul traducatorilor, care activeaza pe o piata dezechilibrata, in care cererea este mult mai mare decat oferta de lucrari. Rolul sau este de a conecta traducat...

    70,01 €

  • Translation and Translation Studies in the Japanese Context
    Japan is often regarded as a ’culture of translation’. Oral and written translation has played a vital role in Japan over the centuries and led to a formidable body of thinking and research. This is rooted in a context about which little information has been available outside of Japan in the past. The chapters examine the current state of translation studies as an academic dis...

    64,18 €

  • Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training
    This book looks at translator and interpreter training, focusing on mediation and culture in a global context. It updates numerous research currents in translator and interpreter education by situating them in relation to broader curricular and technological discussions. Particular attention is given to the way in which translator and interpreter training relates both to other ...

    63,96 €

  • What’s Up?
    Jimmy Gyasi Boateng
    Learning the lingo used in the United States can be hard enough for a native speaker, but it’s even more daunting for immigrants. Jimmy Gyasi Boateng, a native of Ghana, has been living in the US since 1978-long enough to successfully adapt to life in a new place. Determining how to use vocabulary has been critical to his success. Learn how to use certain words and phrases and ...

    12,44 €

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