Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

1601 Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

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  • Убеждения
    Мимоза Ахмети
    Данное исследование ставит своей целью сделать понятным противоречие между структурами психики как диспозициями, созданными семантикой или другими формами значения, и реальной процессинговой жизнью, которая ставит их на обсуждение.В кривой (границе) между диспозицией и необходимым поведением своей индивидуальной психической системы, дается то указание, которое работает как инфо...

    34,57 €

  • Contigência
    Mimoza Ahmeti
    Esta pesquisa pretende tornar compreensível a contradição entre as estruturas da mente como disposição criada pela semântica ou outras formas de significado e o processamento real da vida que as coloca em discussão.Na curva (limite) entre a disposição e o comportamento necessário do sistema psíquico individual de cada um, dá-se essa indicação, que funciona como informação. A in...

    39,80 €

  • Contogence
    Mimoza Ahmeti
    Cette recherche vise à rendre compréhensible la contradiction entre les structures de l’esprit en tant que dispositions créées par la sémantique ou d’autres formes de signification et la vie réelle de traitement qui les met en discussion.Dans la courbe (frontière) entre la disposition et le comportement nécessaire du système psychique individuel, se trouve l’indication qui fonc...

    42,41 €

  • Contingenza
    Mimoza Ahmeti
    Questa ricerca intende rendere comprensibile la contraddizione tra le strutture della mente come disposizioni create dalla semantica o da altre forme di significato e la vita di elaborazione reale che le mette in discussione.Nella curva (confine) tra la disposizione e il comportamento necessario del sistema psichico individuale, si trova l’indicazione che funziona come informaz...

    42,35 €

  • Rhetoric in Debt
    Kellie Sharp-Hoskins
    Examines the relationship between rhetoric and debt, arguing that they are fundamentally entangled in producing and disciplining who is deemed worthy of credit and how debt materializes differentially: as a credit to some and condemnation of others. ...

    173,00 €

  • Contigency
    Mimoza Ahmeti
    Complexity means being forced to select; being forced to select means contingency; and contingency means risk. Selection of relations among elements which it uses to constitute and maintain itself are as consciousness as system. Other relations could be possible but the choice means to determine with selection to the possible improved way out, regarding calculations. Contingenc...

    40,98 €

  • La retorica dell’utopia
    Lucie Donckier de Donceel
    Questo lavoro cerca di definire il genere retorico dell’Utopia e si ispira al pensiero di Aristotele. Questo genere è definito secondo la regola delle tre prove, cioè ethos, pathos e logos. Più in generale, questo lavoro è in linea con il pensiero della Scuola di Bruxelles e di Chaïm Perelman; grande attenzione è rivolta alle componenti politiche, civiche e democratiche della r...

    44,52 €

  • Риторика утопии
    Люс Донкье де Донсель
    Данная работа направлена на определение риторического жанра утопии и вдохновлена мыслью Аристотеля. Этот жанр определяется в соответствии с правилом трех доказательств, т.е. этоса, пафоса и логоса. В целом, эта работа соответствует мышлению Брюссельской школы и Шаима Перельмана; большое внимание уделяется политическим, гражданским и демократическим компонентам риторики. Конкрет...

    26,29 €

  • A retórica da utopia
    Lucie Donckier de Donceel
    Este trabalho procura definir o género retórico da Utopia e inspira-se no pensamento de Aristóteles. Este género é definido de acordo com a regra das três provas, ou seja, ethos, pathos e logos. De uma forma mais geral, este trabalho inscreve-se na linha de pensamento da Escola de Bruxelas e de Chaïm Perelman; é dada grande atenção às componentes política, cívica e democrática ...

    44,52 €

  • The rhetoric of utopia
    Lucie Donckier de Donceel
    This work seeks to define the rhetorical genre of Utopia and is inspired by Aristotle’s thought. This genre is defined according to the rule of the three proofs, i.e. ethos, pathos and logos. More generally, this work is in line with the thinking of the Brussels School and Chaïm Perelman; great attention is paid to the political, civic and democratic components of rhetoric. Con...

    44,52 €

  • Die Rhetorik der Utopie
    Lucie Donckier de Donceel
    Diese Arbeit versucht, das rhetorische Genre der Utopie zu definieren und orientiert sich dabei an den Gedanken von Aristoteles. Dieses Genre wird nach der Regel der drei Beweise definiert, d. h. Ethos, Pathos und Logos. Allgemeiner betrachtet folgt diese Arbeit dem Gedankengut der Brüsseler Schule und Chaim Perelmans, wobei den politischen, bürgerlichen und demokratischen Komp...

    44,58 €

  • How to Win Arguments and P**s People Off. You Don’t Have to Be Smarter to Be Right. Use Creative, Critical Thinking. Reframe with Logic and Humor.
    Jordan Elliott
    One’s level of intelligence is not the primary determiner of who wins an argument. It is the ability to use nuances of language and simple models of logic and reframing to create and direct meaning. Real persuasive power comes from focusing on creating context to fit the argument and audience. Without a doubt, you can have great success and great fun winning arguments. However,...

    19,05 €

  • Артур де Гобино Письма к Евфросинии, Зое и Марии Драгумис
    Мария Менегаки
    Артур де Гобино, французский дипломат, скульптор и писатель, был одним из самых талантливых авторов писем 19 века. Он оставил нам богатую переписку с выдающимися личностями со всей Европы, как в области литературы, так и искусства. Из этого моря писем, отправленных из всех мест, куда заносила его карьера, выделяется серия из 290 посланий, адресованных двум афинянкам, принадлежа...

    94,80 €

  • Arthur de Gobineau Briefe an Euphrosyne, Zoe und Marie Dragoumis
    Maria Ménégaki
    Arthur de Gobineau, ein französischer Diplomat, Bildhauer und Schriftsteller, zählt zu den talentiertesten Briefschreibern des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er hinterließ uns eine reiche Korrespondenz mit Persönlichkeiten aus ganz Europa, die in der Literatur und den Künsten ausgezeichnet waren. Aus diesem Meer von Briefen, die von allen Orten, an die ihn die Zufälle seiner Karriere führte...

    102,60 €

  • Arthur de Gobineau Letters to Euphrosyne, Zoe and Marie Dragoumis
    Maria Ménégaki
    Arthur de Gobineau, French diplomat, sculptor and writer, was one of the most talented letter writers of the 19th century. He left us a rich correspondence with personalities from all over Europe, distinguished in literature and the arts. From this ocean of letters, sent from all the places where the hazards of his career took him, stands out a series of 290 missives addressed ...

    102,84 €

  • Arthur de Gobineau Lettere a Eufrosine, Zoë e Marie Dragoumis
    Maria Ménégaki
    Arthur de Gobineau, diplomatico, scultore e scrittore francese, è stato uno dei più talentuosi scrittori di lettere del XIX secolo. Ci ha lasciato una ricca corrispondenza con personalità di spicco di tutta Europa, sia in campo letterario che artistico. Da questo mare di lettere, inviate da tutti i luoghi in cui la sua carriera lo portò, spicca una serie di 290 missive indirizz...

    102,87 €

  • Cartas de Arthur de Gobineau a Euphrosyne, Zoé e Marie Dragoumis
    Maria Ménégaki
    Arthur de Gobineau, diplomata, escultor e escritor francês, foi um dos mais talentosos escritores de cartas do século XIX. Deixou-nos uma rica correspondência com personalidades ilustres de toda a Europa, tanto no domínio da literatura como no das artes. Deste mar de cartas, enviadas de todos os lugares onde a sua carreira o levou, destaca-se uma série de 290 missivas dirigidas...

    102,84 €

  • Cartas de mulheres sem dormir
    Leila Makhlouf
    As mulheres numa instituição mental que sofrem de insónia escrevem cartas às pessoas que acreditam ser responsáveis pelo seu confinamento. Os médicos dizem-lhes que a escrita é uma terapia que as poderia libertar da sua demência. Assim, escrevem longas cartas em que todos os sentimentos humanos se entrelaçam: amor, ódio, indiferença, sofrimento, ciúmes, etc. Um extraordinário t...

    56,27 €

  • Briefe von schlaflosen Frauen
    Leila Makhlouf
    Frauen, die in einer psychiatrischen Anstalt untergebracht sind und an Schlaflosigkeit leiden, schreiben Briefe an die Personen, die sie für ihre Einweisung verantwortlich machen. Die Ärzte erklären ihnen, dass das Schreiben eine Therapie sei, die sie von ihrer Demenz befreien könne. Also schreiben sie lange Briefe, in denen alle menschlichen Gefühle verwoben sind: Liebe, Hass,...

    56,40 €

  • Lettere di donne insonni
    Leila Makhlouf
    Le donne di un istituto psichiatrico che soffrono di insonnia scrivono lettere alle persone che ritengono responsabili della loro detenzione. I medici dicono loro che la scrittura è una terapia che potrebbe liberarle dalla demenza. Così scrivono lunghe lettere in cui si intrecciano tutti i sentimenti umani: l’amore, l’odio, l’indifferenza, la sofferenza, la gelosia... Uno strao...

    56,27 €

  • Letters from sleepless women
    Leila Makhlouf
    Women in a mental institution suffering from insomnia write letters to the people they believe are responsible for their confinement. The doctors tell them that writing is a therapy that could free them from their dementia. So they write long letters in which all human feelings are interwoven: love, hate, indifference, suffering, jealousy, etc. An extraordinary whirlwind of rep...

    56,27 €

  • Письма от бессонных женщин
    Лейла Махлуф
    Женщины в психиатрической клинике, страдающие бессонницей, пишут письма людям, которые, по их мнению, виновны в их заключении. Врачи говорят им, что письмо - это терапия, которая может избавить их от слабоумия. И они пишут длинные письма, в которых переплетаются все человеческие чувства: любовь, ненависть, безразличие, страдание, ревность и т.д. Необыкновенный вихрь подавленных...

    27,60 €

  • A votre MAJESTE
    Michel Ouangrawa
    Aux Chefs d’Etas Africains : Que votre Majesté vive mille ans ! Nous vous aimons beaucoup et vous présentons toutes nos révérences. Pour cela nous voulons vous demander de bien tenir les rênes de notre 'Grand Continent', de bien conceptualiser votre idéologie nouvelle qu’est la kleptocratie. Cette doctrine politique vous permet de bien nous gouverner et de mettre votre descenda...

    62,02 €

  • Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhe...

    26,23 €

  • Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhe...

    40,13 €

  • Rhetorical Road to Brown V. Board of Education
    Wanda Little Fenimore
    As early as 1947, Black parents in rural South Carolina began seeking equal educational opportunities for their children. After two unsuccessful lawsuits, these families directly challenged legally mandated segregation in public schools with a third lawsuit in 1950, which was eventually decided in Brown v. Board of Education. Amidst the Black parents’ resistance, Elizabeth Aver...

    42,81 €

  • Rhetorical Road to Brown V. Board of Education
    Wanda Little Fenimore
    As early as 1947, Black parents in rural South Carolina began seeking equal educational opportunities for their children. After two unsuccessful lawsuits, these families directly challenged legally mandated segregation in public schools with a third lawsuit in 1950, which was eventually decided in Brown v. Board of Education. Amidst the Black parents’ resistance, Elizabeth Aver...

    142,20 €

  • Transparent Intensional Logic
    Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is a fi ne-grained framework with considerable expressive power for a systematic, non-reductionist semantic and logical analysis of (natural) languages. It does not subscribe to model-theoretic semantics, but to an interpreted realist version of procedural semantics. TIL has covered a lot of ground since the publication of the book Procedural...

    37,35 €

  • Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation
    David A. Frank
    A collection of essays providing an interdisciplinary account of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s judicial rhetoric. ...

    179,94 €

  • Composition Studies 50.3 (Fall 2022)
    The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars. All perspectives and topics of general interest to t...

    25,33 €