Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20450 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Third Factors in Language Variation and Change
    Elly Van Gelderen

    35,80 €

  • Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring
    Sandro Sessarego

    36,03 €

  • The Lingua Franca
    Natalie Operstein

    37,39 €

  • O Pequeno Simples
    Lino Porto
    Compilação de pequeninos poemas (pequenos somente em relação ao seu tamanho estrófico) recolhidos ao longo de mais de quarenta anos de anotações aleatórias feitas pelo autor. São quadras, tercetos, haicais, dísticos, epigramas e máximas com jeito de mínimas, ora metrificados e rimados, ora livríssimos e soltos. Este livro é dedicado aos homeopatas poéticos que, preguiçosos para...

    7,54 €

  • Conversation
    Mary Greer Conklin
    The aim and design of conversation is, therefore, pleasure. This agreed, we can determine its elements. Conversation, above all, is dialog, not monolog. It is a partnership, not an individual affair. It is listening as well as talking. Monopolizing tyrants of society who will allow no dog to bark in their presence are not conversationalists; they are lecturers. There are plenty...

    9,06 €

  • Versos Lusos Em Crescendo
    Lino Porto
    Conjunto de poemas em homenagem a quatro grandes poetas portugueses (Cesário Verde, Antonio Nobre, Florbela Espanca e Fernando Pessoa), compostos em crescendo métrico, dos versos monossílabos aos bárbaros, passando por heroicos, alexandrinos, livres, epigramas, haicai e trova, dentre outros tipos fixos de construção poética, até desaguar em pequeninos poemas em prosa. O resulta...

    6,61 €

  • Works like a Charm
    Robert O. McDonald
    Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of 'incentives' in public life from a Lacanian perspective. ...

    47,08 €

  • Conversaciones sobre el bilingüismo
    Fabrice Jaumont
    Conversaciones sobre el bilingüismo fue escrito como la continuación de La revolución bilingüe: el futuro de la educación está en dos idiomas y amplía el trabajo de Fabrice Jaumont en el avance del multilingüismo, el empoderamiento de las familias y comunidades multilingües, y el fomento del entendimiento intercultural. Este libro también aboga por la lengua como una habilidad ...

    16,10 €

  • Lyre Book
    Matthew Kilbane
    Redefines modern lyric poetry at the intersection of literary and media studies.In The Lyre Book, Matthew Kilbane urges literary scholars to consider lyric not as a genre or a reading practice but as a media condition: the generative tension between writing and sound. In addition to clarifying issues central to the study of modern poetry--including its proximity to popular song...

    50,84 €

  • Espartanos Espalhafatosos
    Lino Porto
    Em seu décimo segundo livro, o poeta traça outro painel de sua era, retratando em versos o período em que viveu no Rio Grande do Sul, entre 2004 e 2006, rico em experiências pessoais e políticas. Além da ascensão do PT ao poder central, o escândalo do mensalão, a guerra do Iraque e outros fatos escondidos em meio a desilusões de toda ordem, o livro mostra em suas entrelinhas o ...

    7,00 €

  • Pouco Além Do Jardim
    Lino Porto
    Coletânea de pequenos poemas (quadras, trovas, tercetos, haicais, dísticos, aforismos, epigramas, frases soltas) elaborados entre 1983 e 2023, agora reunidos pelo autor, na tentativa de dizer em poucos versos algumas minúsculas verdades em tom poético ou, quiçá, profético. ...

    7,28 €

  • فارسی برای همه جلد دوم - Farsi for Everyone
    Parinaz Zhandy / Setareh Setayesh
    'Farsi for Everyone' is a complete collection of Farsi literature education for every age, who is interested in learning the Persian language.This book is a complete collection of how-to: read, write, and learn Farsi. Our children outside of Iran have been introduced to humanitarian principles such as respecting every race, religion, and ritual. In this collection, the educatio...

    49,06 €

  • Одиночество
    Фавио Сармьенто
    В данной статье концепция одиночества рассматривается в произведениях двух великих писателей европейской и латиноамериканской литературы - Альбера Камю и Эрнесто Сабато. Работа была подготовлена на основе сравнительного анализа романов 'Незнакомец' и 'О героях и гробницах', в ходе которого были отмечены наиболее значимые аспекты, переплетающие эти два произведения вокруг различ...

    54,97 €

  • Loneliness
    Favio Sarmiento
    In this paper, the concept of loneliness is explored in the works of two great writers of European and Latin American literature, Albert Camus and Ernesto Sábato. This work was developed thanks to a comparative analysis of The Stranger and On Heroes and Tombs where the most relevant aspects that intertwine the two works around different concepts of loneliness are mentioned. Tak...

    54,97 €

  • The Language of Violent Jihad
    Paul Baker / Rachelle Vessey / Tony McEnery

    35,79 €

  • Physical and Linguistic Aspects of Speech
    Richard S. McGowan
    This book presents physical theory of speech production contained in Acoustics of Speech Production by R. S. McGowan and On Formants by R. S. McGowan in a largely non-mathematical way. New mathematics is presented in Appendices. There are a series of linguistic examples that are present illustrating how the physical theory illuminates understanding of phonetic processes, and, t...

    67,46 €

  • Domestic Workers Talk
    Anne Ambler Schluter / Kellie Gonçalves
    Set in a multilingual cleaning company that serves Anglophone customers in the upper-(middle) class suburbs of New York City, this book presents an ethnographic study into power, language policy and communication from the perspectives of the Brazilian-American employer as well as the company’s Hispanophone and Lusophone employees. ...

    157,72 €

  • Redoing Linguistic Worlds
    This book explores the undoing of gender binaries in non-Anglophone communities and contexts, through their connected linguistic and social unscripting. This is an important step in scholarship in language and gender, one that will inform a public increasingly aware of these remakings, both within and beyond grammatical gender. ...

    181,40 €

  • Redoing Linguistic Worlds
    This book explores the undoing of gender binaries in non-Anglophone communities and contexts, through their connected linguistic and social unscripting. This is an important step in scholarship in language and gender, one that will inform a public increasingly aware of these remakings, both within and beyond grammatical gender. ...

    60,13 €

  • Domestic Workers Talk
    Anne Ambler Schluter / Kellie Gonçalves
    Set in a multilingual cleaning company that serves Anglophone customers in the upper-(middle) class suburbs of New York City, this book presents an ethnographic study into power, language policy and communication from the perspectives of the Brazilian-American employer as well as the company’s Hispanophone and Lusophone employees. ...

    42,26 €

  • Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London
    This book explores the transnational practices of migrant groups in global London, illustrating the complex relations between migrants and the city in the context of globalisation. The chapters offer a starting point to examine migrants and the city from a comparative perspective by bringing together case studies of diverse migrant communities. ...

    72,28 €

  • Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London
    This book explores the transnational practices of migrant groups in global London, illustrating the complex relations between migrants and the city in the context of globalisation. The chapters offer a starting point to examine migrants and the city from a comparative perspective by bringing together case studies of diverse migrant communities. ...

    193,55 €

  • Myths and Facts about Multilingualism
    Drawing on groundbreaking research from the European Union’s MultiMind project, this enlightening volume debunks common misconceptions surrounding multilingualism and illuminates its profound impact on our mind, brain, and society. With contributions from top researchers across 14 countries, the book expertly bridges linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, and more, offering ins...

    20,09 €

  • Traducción Literaria y Derechos Internacionales
    S.C. Scott
    Preparados, Listos, Traduzcan!La Editorial Independiente Gold Rush no ha terminado...En realidad, acaba de comenzar en los mercados de idiomas distintos del inglés. Encuentre nuevos lectores, nuevos mercados y gane más dinero al traducir sus libros a otros idiomas. Es más fácil de lo que piensa!Aprenda como:Identificar mercados mundiales actuales para su géneroObtener los mejor...

    12,21 €

  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
    Marco Antonio Valenzuela-Escárcega / Mihai Surdeanu

    47,60 €

  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
    Marco Antonio Valenzuela-Escárcega / Mihai Surdeanu

    144,63 €

  • Introducing Morphology
    Rochelle Lieber

    41,59 €

    Lo scopo della tesi è quello di indagare le caratteristiche della poesia uzbeka moderna, il modo in cui è stata creata, i fattori che assicurano la maestria di queste poesie e i modi di esprimere lo spirito nazionale in esse. Il lavoro prevede uno studio scientifico della nazionalità, delle sue radici e del modo in cui si manifesta nelle opere dei poeti moderni con diverse espr...

    112,98 €

    Das Ziel der Dissertation ist es, die Merkmale der modernen usbekischen Poesie, die Art und Weise ihrer Entstehung, die Faktoren, die die Kunstfertigkeit dieser Gedichte gewährleisten, und die Art und Weise, wie der nationale Geist in ihnen zum Ausdruck kommt, zu untersuchen. Die Arbeit sieht eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Nationalität, ihrer Wurzeln und der Art und We...

    112,89 €

    Цель диссертации - исследовать особенности современной узбекской поэзии, пути их создания, факторы, обеспечивающие художественность этих стихов, и способы выражения в них национального духа. Работа предполагает научное исследование национальности, ее корней и способов проявления в произведениях современных поэтов с различными творческими проявлениями. В данном исследовании опре...

    112,92 €