Catálogo de libros: Filosofía del lenguaje

49 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía del lenguaje

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  • Del silencio como porvenir
    Ivonne Bordelois
    El silencio de todos los seres humanos, hombres y mujeres, ancianos y niños, debería ser más alabado, más protegido, mejor resguardado. No sólo el silencio, sino ese silencio activo que es la capacidad de escucha [] que quisiéramos todos ver mejor distribuida entre los dones de este mundo.Una sucesión de diversas escenas presenta al lenguaje, en estas páginas, como protagonista...

    16,64 €

  • A construção do dolo no direito tributário
    Priscilla Queiroga Câmara
    A autora investiga o significado do dolo e a maneira possível de prová-lo quando o for exigido para a incidência de normas jurídicas tributárias. O faz à luz analítica-hermenêutica do Constructivismo Lógico-semântico e sua base na filosofia da linguagem, por meio de exercícios de intertextualidade jurídica e interpretação sistêmica do ordenamento, fixando a premissa de abandono...

    22,50 €

  • O Gênero Meme e as Ragefaces
    Lilian Moreira
    O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo que tem como objetivo propor uma análise discursiva do gênero meme, mais especificamente daqueles cujas personagens denominam-se ragefaces. Inserido no discurso da mídia e no artístico, com sua linguagem própria e personagens característicos, realizamos um breve panorama a respeito do surgimento do gênero, bem como sua popularização no Pa...

    30,53 €

  • Fenomenologia e filosofia da linguagem
    Daniel Angelo Rodrigues Costa
    Neste livro, pretendemos abordar alguns problemas colocados pela filosofia da linguagem contemporânea e de que forma a fenomenologia poderia inserir-se no contexto dessa problemática. Para isso, usaremos os desenvolvimentos de dois autores da tradição analítica G. Frege e J. R. Searle , dada a enorme contribuição desses filósofos para as discussões no campo da linguagem. No di...

    10,37 €

  • O desenho arquitetônico
    Maria Fernanda Andrade Saiani Vegro
    Por que a filosofia de Merleau-Ponty possui uma potência que se estende para o mundo contemporâneo? O filósofo define o pensamento de sobrevoo como o projeto de posse intelectual do mundo domesticado pelas representações construídas pelo sujeito do conhecimento. Nos dias de hoje, esse pensamento sem restos, construído pelas ciências para impedir a penetração do contingente e do...

    17,30 €

  • Textos esparsos
    Claudio Ferreira Costa
    Este livro é um pot-pourri de textos filosóficos inovadores, escritos sobre temas e autores os mais diversos. Ele inclui artigos sobre a concepção wittgensteiniana central do significado, a distinção constatativo-performativo, o status ontológico dos fatos, a origem evolucionária do conhecimento a priori, o problema humiano da indução, a natureza da ação, o problema do livre ar...

    17,30 €

  • Elogio del estudio
    Caroline Jaques Cubas / Diego Tatián / Fernando Bárcena / Jan Masschelein / Jorge Larrosa / Karen Christine Rechia / Maximiliano Valerio López
    Elogio del estudio es el tercer libro de una serie que se inició con el Elogio de la escuela y continuó con el Elogio del profesor. Su intención es pensar de nuevo una vieja palabra: estudio. Se trata de una palabra pasada de moda y quizá ininteligible para los nuevos discursos pedagógicos, incluso los que se pretenden más críticos. Sin embargo, para los autores y autoras de es...

    15,00 €

  • Os paradoxos deônticos e as practições de Castañeda
    Toni Cézar P. F. Barros e Wagner de
    Este livro trata essencialmente de duas questões: a primeira delas são os paradoxos deônticose a segunda é aanálise da solução destes paradoxos empreendida pelo filósofo guatemalteco Héctor-Neri Castañeda (1924-1991), a qual envolve a distinção entre proposição e practição. Um pressuposto básico para a obra é aassunção de que ocorrem relações lógicas, não somente entre proposiç...

    17,30 €

  • Elogio del profesor
    Adriana Fresquet / Ana Maria Hoepers Preve / Beatriz Fabiana Olarieta / Caroline Jaques Cubas / Cristiano Burlan / Fernando Bárcena / Gláucia Dias Da Costa / Jan Masschelein / Jorge Larrosa / Karen Christine Rechia / Luiz Guilherme Augsburge / Maximiliano Valerio López / Melissa Ferreira / Silveira Viana / Thereza Crist
    Los textos que aquí se presentan responden a una llamada a un conjunto de actividades que tuvieron lugar en septiembre de 2018 en Florianópolis, Brasil. La llamada decía lo siguiente:Las nuevas formas de definir la función docente (esas que se derivan de la así llamada cultura del aprendizaje) están destruyendo el oficio de profesor. Con el espantajo de la crítica al profesor t...

    22,00 €

  • El filósofo, el psicagogo y el maestro
    Fernando Bárcena / Fernando Fuentes Megías
    Enseñar filosóficamente es mostrar, como lo hacen Pierre Hadot y Michel Foucault, que, por encima del conocimiento de esta o aquella teoría, de este o aquel concepto, se encuentra la posibilidad del sujeto de abrir nuevos modos de desarrollo al ser en su propia humanidad y en la de los otros. Un filósofo enseña a vivir en una determinada relación con la verdad, con uno mismo y ...

    19,00 €

  • Refranes y citas para cada ocasión
    Josep Carbonell
    Este libro recopila refranes y citas para todos los gustos y circunstancias: socarrones, con gracia, sin desperdicio, ligeros o consistentes, descriptivos o apremiantes, simples, breves, pero sobre todo útiles, pues constituyen la palabra precisa para el momento justo. El refrán es aquel dicho popular agudo y sentencioso quesuele contemplar un consejo o una moraleja. Se utiliza...

    23,87 €

  • Open Compositionality
    Eduardo García-Ramírez
    Open Compositionality: Towards a Methodology of Language offers a fresh view into human languages as supermodular, highly interactive cognitive capacities allowing for human unique thought and communication. It is a novel account of semantics as decision-making in tandem with the cognition first methodology. ...

    129,12 €

  • The Geography of Context
    Nicholas Fotion
    We cannot use language without having context in place. But context is not a single thing. Instead, typically, each use of language presupposes a complex set of beliefs, habits, behaviors, and moral commitments. ...

    42,43 €

  • The Origin of Language
    Eric Gans
    The Origin of Languageremains as completely original and unprecedented (and intellectually demanding and satisfying) todayas when it was originally published,so much so as to constitutea kind of intellectual scandal. ...

    18,75 €

  • The Origin of Language
    Eric Gans
    The Origin of Languageremains as completely original and unprecedented (and intellectually demanding and satisfying) todayas when it was originally published,so much so as to constitutea kind of intellectual scandal. ...

    16,04 €

  • OMG
    Mary Ellen Ashcroft
    The plot thickens--in novels and our lives--forcing us from the fairy tale into a bewildering, even heartbreaking narrative. We look at the god we’re holding, and find it too fragile, too brittle to meet reality. Cling tighter? Move on godless? In fact, rejecting a god image (or as C. S. Lewis puts it, allowing God to smash our limited god) opens space for deeper faith in the m...

    22,37 €

  • How to Do Things with Words
    J. L. Austin / JLAustin
    2018 Reprint of 1962 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  Reprint of the First Edition.  John L. Austin was a British philosopher of language and leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy, perhaps best known for developing the theory of speech acts.  Austin pointed out that we use language to do things as w...

    19,79 €

  • Midlife Renewal
    James Forson
    This book offers a practical conversation about making the second half of your life fulfilling and contented. You have a gnawing concern that somehow you are missing out. Everybody else around you is living purposeful, high-achievement lives, and you are wallowing in drudgery. We spend the early part of our adult lives building a career, building a family and support structures...

    24,72 €

  • Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Chiron Academic Press - The Original Authoritative Edition)
    Ludwig Wittgenstein / C K Ogden
    THE TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS is the only book-length philosophical work published by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein in his lifetime. The project had a broad aim - to identify the relationship between language and reality and to define the limits of science - and is recognized as a significant philosophical work of the twentieth century. Wittgenstein wrote th...

    21,98 €

  • P(r)ensamientos
    Aitor Castells / Pablo Reig Mendoza
    Edición integral de las tres entregas de la colección de aforismos más versátil, inusitada y lateral de las letras castellanas de nuestro tiempo.P(r)ensamientos I consiguió de forma intempestiva alzarse con más de 10.000 seguidores en facebook, lo que motivó su puesta en imprenta con un encomiable éxito comercial. Se trataba del primer libro giratorio del mundo, y fue adoptado ...

    102,02 €

  • The DNA of the English Language
    Jonathan Dunne
    This revolutionary book sets out to persuade the reader that the English language is not the result of years of haphazard evolution, a chaotic atom-like conglomeration of words, but a carefully planned whole in which each word has its place and is connected by a consistent set of rules. It is not by chance that ‘earth’ is ‘heart’ or ‘soil’ is ‘soul’, for instance, or that ‘salt...

    18,02 €

  • Thoughts and Ways of Thinking
    Benjamin Brown
    Why do we think differently from one another? Why do religious people adhere to their faith even against reason, whilst atheist thinkers label it “nonsense”? Why do some judges turn more to moral values and others less? Why do we attach different meanings to the same words?These questions can be tackled on psychological or sociological levels, but we can also analyze the subjec...

    24,32 €

  • Divine Psychology of the Revolution of Biafra - Volume 1
    Richard Igiri
    Divine Psychology of the Revolution of Biafra is a Poetic Fantasy of Biafra, which poeticizes upon the divine-concept Biafra, and solicits its redemption from the non-status of a “Military Ambition of the Old Order”. The Divine Psychology thus poeticizes upon Biafra renewed and updated in its divine status as a “Democratic Aspiration of the New Order”. The Poetic Fantasy of Bia...

    22,67 €

  • The Accidental Aphorist
    Phil Cousineau
    The Accidental Aphorist is comprised of hundreds of reflections and aphorisms, maxims, pensees, fulminations and regrets, amusements, which have been gleaned from almost forty years of the author's notebooks. The far-ranging themes include the writing life, creativity, love, death, travel, art, soul, mythology and legend, movies, politics, mentorship, and sports. These coru...

    15,93 €

  • The Accidental Aphorist
    Phil Cousineau
    The Accidental Aphorist is comprised of hundreds of reflections and aphorisms, maxims, pensees, fulminations and regrets, amusements, which have been gleaned from almost forty years of the author's notebooks. The far-ranging themes include the writing life, creativity, love, death, travel, art, soul, mythology and legend, movies, politics, mentorship, and sports. These coru...

    18,80 €

  • Communication and Expression
    Philip Hogh / Antonia Hofstätter
    A systematic reconstruction of Adorno’s philosophy of language in the framework of contemporary linguistic philosophy. ...

    63,85 €

  • The Internal Structure of Predicates and Names
    Richard L Epstein
    This series of volumes is meant to extend the scope of what we can formalize in classical predicate logic, and in doing so see the real limitations of what can be done.The first section of this volume presents classical predicate logic with equality.In the second section. that logic is extended to formalize reasoning that involves adverbs and relative adjectives by viewing thos...

    44,68 €

  • El significado de las palabras
    Javier Iglesias
    El lenguaje es hoy una herramienta para el engaño más que para la comunicación. Es un arma más que una herramienta de entendimiento, y la víctima de espurios negociados, que propicia significados equívocos y ambiguos que favorecen a quienes comercian con la palabra. Por tanto, es un problema capital. La neutralidad y desideologización de las palabras debe ser un principio básic...

    17,63 €

  • Aboutness
    Stephen Yablo
    Aboutness has been studied from any number of angles. Brentano made it the defining feature of the mental. Phenomenologists try to pin down the aboutness-features of particular mental states. Materialists sometimes claim to have grounded aboutness in natural regularities. Attempts have even been made, in library science and information theory, to operationalize the notion. But...

    43,36 €

  • Monologue
    Alexandra Roceric
    A Monologue on the Shores of the River of Life is a collection of thoughts by Romanian-American author, Alexandra Roceric. They spring from simple musings -- ones not easily classified thematically. They make no pretensions at being “ultimate truth.” It is even difficult to categorize them as aphorisms, proverbs, or maxims. They might not even qualify as good advice in the clas...

    16,60 €

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