Catálogo de libros: Traducción e interpretación

297 Catálogo de libros: Traducción e interpretación

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  • Publishing Globally
    Infarom Publishing
    Like every other trade nowadays, the book industry is experiencing the process of globalization. For publishers, licensing the translation rights for some titles represents an important direction of development. The traditional way is to find a foreign rights agent or agency to represent the publisher abroad. There are no rules for the process of licensing translation rights...

    18,98 €

  • Descoberto Na Tradução
    S.C. Scott
    Preparar, Apontar, Traduzir!A corrida pelo ouro no negócio da editoração independente não acabou...Na verdade, está apenas começando em mercados que não são de língua inglesa. Encontre novos leitores, novos mercados e ganhe mais dinheiro traduzindo seus livros para outros idiomas. É mais fácil do que você pensa!Aprenda a:Identificar mercados globais em alta para o seu gênero;En...

    13,06 €

  • Más allá de traducir
    Stephania Salgado Campuzano
    '¿En qué consiste la labor de traducir?¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es este trabajo?Te invito a conocer mi experiencia como traductora-intérprete, el por qué decidí dedicarme a ello sin tener ningún tipo de cercanía familiar o cultural a este país, así como un poco de lo que es estudiar el idioma japonés, trabajar con japoneses y mi viaje a Japón.Sin duda tuve expectativas muy alta...

    10,39 €

  • Traducción audiovisual y teleficción queer
    Iván Villanueva-Jordán
    En este libro, se explora el vínculo teórico entre los conceptos de género y traducción. En la traductología, los estudios de género se pueden comprender como un trabajo investigativo y crítico frente a las estructuras de poder que subordinan las posiciones contranormativas.Las masculinidades gay, como una intersección entre posición de género e identidad sexual, se relacionan ...

    30,16 €

  • Camaleão Incolor
    Lino Porto
    Décima primeira obra publicada pelo autor neste Clube, retrata o período entre 2000 e 2003, de grave crise econômica e desemprego, o fim da era FHC e o início da era Lula, além do atentado às Torres Gêmeas em Nova Iorque, formadores do pano de fundo para os versos que o poeta nos traz. Trata-se de um compilado de poemas que haviam ficado para trás, inicialmente renegados e agor...

    6,90 €

  • Multilingual Church
    Jonathan Downie
    Your community is multilingual. What about your church?  In a world where communities thrive with diverse languages, why should our churches lag behind? As migration increases and technology, like livestreaming, becomes commonplace, the need for multilingual churches is more pressing than ever. Still, many churches and mission organizations struggle with one-size-fits-all langu...

    13,94 €

  • Traducción Literaria y Derechos Internacionales
    S.C. Scott
    Preparados, Listos, Traduzcan!La Editorial Independiente Gold Rush no ha terminado...En realidad, acaba de comenzar en los mercados de idiomas distintos del inglés. Encuentre nuevos lectores, nuevos mercados y gane más dinero al traducir sus libros a otros idiomas. Es más fácil de lo que piensa!Aprenda como:Identificar mercados mundiales actuales para su géneroObtener los mejor...

    12,21 €

  • 荒原·情歌The Waste Land/The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
    T.S. Eliot / Tao Zhijian / Zhijian Tao / 陶志健
    中英对照,世纪译本,纠正了前人译本众多误解误译,挖掘出前人未能深入理解的内容;对原作的韵律做了深入的探讨,获得新的认识做出新的发现,并在译作中用中文韵律等值展现原作情绪和风貌;附文探讨翻译要点及对诗歌翻译的思考和实践。欢迎诗歌爱好者、英美现代诗歌研究者、文学和诗歌翻译者以及翻译研究者及广大读者共同探讨。In both Chinese and English, century version, corrects misunderstandings and mistranslations in previous versions, and unearths content that previous version failed to percieve; conducts an in-depth study of the rhythm of the or...

    12,22 €

  • Sound-Blind
    Alex Benson
    In the 1880s, a new medical term flashed briefly into public awareness in the United States. Children who had trouble distinguishing between similar speech sounds were said to suffer from 'sound-blindness.' The term is now best remembered through anthropologist Franz Boas, whose work deeply influenced the way we talk about cultural difference. In this fascinating work of litera...

    126,98 €

  • Sound-Blind
    Alex Benson
    In the 1880s, a new medical term flashed briefly into public awareness in the United States. Children who had trouble distinguishing between similar speech sounds were said to suffer from 'sound-blindness.' The term is now best remembered through anthropologist Franz Boas, whose work deeply influenced the way we talk about cultural difference. In this fascinating work of litera...

    44,66 €

  • Conceptualising China through translation
    James St André / James St. André
    This book provides an innovative methodology for investigating how China has been conceptualised historically, tracing the development of four key concepts (filial piety, face, fengshui, and guanxi) in English and Chinese. It explores how specific ideas about the uniqueness of Chinese culture influence the ways we think about China. ...

    157,26 €

  • Voices of Women Writers
    Elena Anna Spagnuolo
    This book investigates the link between migrating, self-translating and identity in migrant narratives, by analysing a corpus of texts written by authors who were born in Italy and them moved to English-speaking countries. ...

    158,66 €

  • Erfolgreich im Ausland
    S.C. Scott
    Lassen Sie Ihr Buch übersetzen!Achtung, fertig, los!Der Goldrausch für Self-Publisher ist noch nicht vorbei...Fakt ist, dass der Goldrausch außerhalb der englischsprachigen Märkte gerade erst begonnen hat.Finden Sie neue Leser, neue Märkte und verdienen Sie mehr Geld, indem Sie Ihr Buch in weitere Sprachen übersetzen lassen.Es ist einfacher als Sie denken!Lernen Sie, wie Sie• d...

    13,03 €

  • Literary Translation and Foreign Rights
    S. C. Scott / SCScott
    Ready, Set, Translate!The Indie Publishing Gold Rush is not over…In fact, it’s just beginning in non-English language markets. Find new readers, new markets, and make more money by translating your books into other languages. It’s easier than you think!Learn how to •    Identify hot global markets for your genre•    Source the best translators•    Translate your books with zero...

    7,97 €

  • From Mimetic Translation to Artistic Transduction
    Dinda Gorlée
    Literary translation can be retranslated into new ways of thinking about music and the other arts. In artistic transduction, Woolf called the word the poetical cry, Berlioz the singing lyric, and Brecht the rhyming slang. ...

    158,50 €

  • The Meaning and Translation of ἰδού and ἴδε ’behold’
    Nicholas A Bailey
    The Koine Greek particles ἰδού and ἴδε have been traditionally translated as either ’behold’ or ’lo’. But such mechanical renderings are inadequate as they suggest these particles can be reduced to a single meaning or function. As argued in this monograph, these particles actually have several distinct uses that are conditioned by their linguistic context, and a translator shou...

    29,50 €

  • Memorias del II Coloquio Internacional de Jo´venes Investigadores en Traduccio´n e Interpretacio´n UdeA-UPC
    Iván Villanueva-Jordán / John Jairo Giraldo-Ortiz / Paula Andrea Montoya-Arango
    Este volumen reúne siete capítulos basados en las ponencias presentadas en el II Coloquio Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Traduccio´n e Interpretacio´n. El capítulo inicial corresponde a la conferencia plenaria en torno a la interpretación comunitaria y la importancia de los briefs, y fue expuesta por la Dra. Heidy Gutiérrez (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colo...

    22,88 €

  • Traduction et droits d’auteur
    S.C. Scott
    À vos marques, prêt, traduisez !La ruée vers l’or dans le domaine de l’édition indépendante est loin d’être terminée.En fait, elle ne fait que commencer sur les marchés non anglophones. Vous pouvez donc trouver de nouveaux lecteurs, de nouveaux marchés et vous faire plus d’argent en faisant traduire vos livres dans d’autres langues. C’est plus facile que vous ne l’imaginez.Appr...

    12,14 €

  • Opowiadania po Hiszpańsku dla Początkujących
    Daria Gałek
    'Opowiadania po Hiszpańsku dla Początkujących' to zbiór 20 łatwych do przeczytania opowiadań, stworzonych specjalnie dla początkujących uczących się hiszpańskiego. Opowieści są napisane prostym językiem i przedstawiają postacie i sytuacje, z którymi czytelnicy mogą łatwo się utożsamić, co czyni je idealnymi dla osób rozpoczynających naukę tego języka. Każde opowiadanie zawiera ...

    12,01 €

  • The Language of Trust
    Ingrid Christensen
    Trust is the glue making communication possible, and a tool leaders must use to expand their skills and grow their businesses.In The Language of Trust: Communicate to Build Meaningful Relationships in Business and Life, Ingrid Christensen provides an impactful and essential guide to the crucial ingredient that makes relationships, businesses, and communication tick: trust.This ...

    15,02 €

  • Analyzing Discourse, Revised Edition
    Robert A. Dooley / Stephen H. Levinsohn
    Rather than applying a rigid theory or surveying a variety of approaches, Analyzing Discourse provides a methodology that has been refined over years of use. As an introduction to discourse analysis for linguistic field workers, it is practical, addressing issues commonly confronted by field linguists. The material follows a functional and cognitive approach that seems to be a ...

    32,98 €

  • The Challenge of Subtitling Offensive and Taboo Language into Spanish
    José Javier Ávila-Cabrera
    This book presents a clear and concise guide to understanding the concepts of offensive and taboo language and how this type of language can be subtitled into Spanish for Spain. It includes an array of examples from recent films and TV series as well as exercises which allow the reader to put theory into practice. ...

    169,97 €

  • Subjetividad, discurso y traducción
    «Subjetividad, discurso y traducción: La construcción del ethos en la escritura y la traducción» es una obra colectiva que investiga aspectos discursivos, literarios y retóricos que atañen a la configuración de la subjetividad en el discurso literario y en el discurso literario (auto)traducido. Inscripto en proyectos individuales y colectivos, el conjunto de los textos aquí est...

    20,80 €

  • Traducir derechos, traducir culturas
    Luis Andrade Ciudad / Raquel de Pedro Ricoy / Rosaleen Howard
    Este libro reúne nueve estudios que ofrecen una visión contemporánea de lo que significa traducir e interpretar entre el castellano y las lenguas originarias en el Perú. Los textos abordan la experiencia de los traductores-intérpretes indígenas, los retos y dificultades que ellos y ellas atraviesan al traducir a sus lenguas el discurso legal, así como al mediar entre el Estado ...

    22,88 €

  • Self-Instruction Materials on Narrative Discourse Analysis
    Stephen H Levinsohn
    Language does not consist solely of isolated words or sentences. Many sentences are connected together into longer stretches of discourse. Anyone engaging in the study of a language needs to consider the factors involved in associating sentences together so that the result is a coherent whole. Narrative* in particular employs both creative and economic features of the language ...

    37,26 €

  • Self-Instruction Materials on Non-Narrative Discourse Analysis
    Stephen H Levinsohn
    Many problems in translation arise because of mismatches between the source and receptor languages. A particularly relevant factor is whether or not the language normally places the verb at the end of the sentence, and whether or not the subject commonly follows the verb. Such potential mismatches are a major discussion in the eight chapters of this course. Topics includediffer...

    36,32 €

  • Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen und Fürbitte der Heiligen / An Open Letter on Translating and the Intercession of Saints
    Henrike Lähnemann / Howard Jones / Martin Luther
    Martin Luther’s Open Letter on Translation and the Intercession of Saints (1530) is a seminal work in German literature, translation studies, and Reformation theology. It has influenced authors and translators such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, and Franz Rosenzweig. For the 500th anniversary of Luther’s translation of th...

    7,36 €

  • Self-Instruction Materials on Non-Narrative Discourse Analysis
    Stephen H Levinsohn
    Many problems in translation arise because of mismatches between the source and receptor languages. A particularly relevant factor is whether or not the language normally places the verb at the end of the sentence, and whether or not the subject commonly follows the verb. Such potential mismatches are a major discussion in the eight chapters of this course. Topics includediffer...

    45,30 €

  • Self-Instruction Materials on Narrative Discourse Analysis
    Stephen H Levinsohn
    Language does not consist solely of isolated words or sentences. Many sentences are connected together into longer stretches of discourse. Anyone engaging in the study of a language needs to consider the factors involved in associating sentences together so that the result is a coherent whole. Narrative* in particular employs both creative and economic features of the language ...

    46,25 €

  • Islamic State in Translation
    Balsam Mustafa
    Offering an in-depth, interdisciplinary analysis of Arabic and English language narratives of the Islamic State terrorist group, this book investigates how these narratives changed across national and media boundaries. Utilizing insights and methodologies from translation studies, communication studies and sociology, Islamic State in Translation explores how multimodal narrativ...

    167,47 €

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