Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20468 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • From Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal
    Frede Jensen
    This study examines the Old Provencal language on the basis of philological interpretations of a few selected texts, both prose and poetry. The secondary source material includes a razo and two vidas from the troubadour biographies, as well as three poems selected from the works of Bernart de Ventadorn, the Countess of Dia, and Giraut de Bornelh. The linguistic commentary is ex...

    38,67 €

  • Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development
    Wilhelm von Humboldt / Frithjof A. Raven / Frithjof ARaven / George C. Buck / George CBuck
    Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development, Wilhelm von Humbolt's most famous work, was published by his brother Alexander posthumously, in 1836. It promptly established itself as a classic in the philosophy of language and has held that position ever since. With many examples from a vast multitude of languages, from Sanskrit to Delaware Indian, the author shows ho...

    23,50 €

  • Phrase and Paraphrase
    Henry Gleitman / Lila R. Gleitman / Lila RGleitman

    17,39 €

  • The Italian Verb
    Frede Jensen
    This morphological study is designed to show the transformation from Latin verbs into the Old and Modern Italian verbal system. The work is inspired by the methods of traditional, historical philology, and its intent is largely pedagogical. 3 ...

    38,66 €

  • Certain Language Skills in Children
    Mildred C. Templin / Mildred CTemplin / UNKNOWN

    69,60 €

  • The Writer’s Control of Tone
    Edward M. White / Edward MWhite

    21,15 €

  • Análise Do Discurso
    Edson França Martinez
    Esta Pesquisa Teve Como Objetivo Analisar E Explicitar As Estratégias Enunciativas Na Construção De Um Discurso Religioso. Para A Fundamentação Da Pesquisa, Usamos Os Conceitos Contidos Nas Obras De Bakhtin, Benveniste, Fiorin, Marcuschi E Barros. Em Um Primeiro Momento, Demonstramos A Diferença Considerável Entre Um Sermão E Uma Homilética. Após Isso, Partimos Para A Análise D...

    11,85 €

  • Gerar Um Discurso Utilizando A Intertextualidade
    Koichi Sanoki
    Este Livro Explora Como A Técnica Da Intertextualidade Pode Ser Aplicada Para Criar Discursos Significativos E Envolventes. Ele Apresenta As Diversas Formas De Incorporar Referências Intertextuais, Como Citações, Paródias E Alusões, Em Um Discurso E Destaca Como O Uso Apropriado Dessa Técnica Pode Aumentar A Credibilidade Do Orador, Estabelecer Uma Conexão Mais Forte Com A Audi...

    11,59 €

  • Ariano Suassuna e seu mais nobre auto
    Marcelo Calderaro
    Este livro apresenta uma comparação entre trechos do livro de Suassuna com cenas recortadas da minissérie televisiva com o intuito de motivar interesse dos jovens estudantes pela leitura de obras literárias e visa ser mais um suporte teórico-analítico para que professores de literatura apresentem possibilidades de leituras de obras literárias a serem estudadas por adolescentes,...

    11,88 €

  • The English Language
    D. Crystal / DCrystal / W. F. Bolton / WFBolton

    42,91 €

  • Words and Things
    Roger Brown

    23,65 €

  • Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics
    John Lyons / Lyons John

    110,97 €

  • Language and Symbolic Systems
    Yuen-Ren Chao

    56,76 €

  • An Inquiry into Local Variations in Vulgar Latin
    Paul A. Gaeng / Paul AGaeng
    This study is an attempt to furnish data for our knowledge of Vulgar Latin culled from the vocalism of Latin Christian inscriptions, particularly of the funeral type, found in those areas of the Western Roman world where Romance speech developed, and to shed some light, by means of a comparative study, on the controversial issue as to whether linguistic features that differenti...

    44,56 €

  • Symbol, Status, and Personality
    S. I. Hayakawa / Samuel I. Hayakawa / Samuel IHayakawa / SIHayakawa

    14,89 €

  • The English Language
    W. F. Bolton / WFBolton

    61,76 €

  • The Philosophy of Grammar
    Otto Jespersen

    19,76 €

  • The Phonological History of Vegliote
    Richard LHadlich / Roger L. Hadlich
    The author presents a clear picture of the structural history of the Romance language known as Vegliote and illustrates the applicability of structural linguistics to a diachronic study of many stages. ...

    38,59 €

  • Studies in Romance Lexicology, Based on a Collection of Late Latin Documents from Ravenna (A.D. 445-700)
    Charles Merritt Carlton
    Charles Merritt Carlton studies in detail some forty words that he has found in the texts published by Tjader in his Die nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700, vol. I (Lund, 1955). ...

    38,73 €

  • Introductory Language Essays
    Dudley Bailey

    23,60 €

  • Preliminaries to Speech Analysis
    Gunnar Fant / Morris Halle / Roman Jakobson

    24,09 €

  • Skills and Techniques for Reading French
    Lester G. Crocker / Louise C. Seibert
    This book offers a tested method for teaching yourself to become proficient in reading French, quickly building your vocabulary, and enabling you to extract meaning without word-for-word translation. If you have had two years of high school or one year of college French, it will enable you to read with ease and enjoyment French periodicals and newspapers, or works in your speci...

    40,74 €

  • Language
    Edward Sapir

    19,27 €

  • Romance Trends in 7th and 8th Century Latin Documents
    Frieda N. Politzer / Frieda NPolitzer / Robert L. Politzer / Robert LPolitzer
    Robert L. Politzer, in collaboration with his wife, Frieda N. Politzer, created a study of the vulgarisms in the Merovingian documents in France and the Lombard documents in Italy. The results support what has been generally believed about the progress of Vulgar Latin in those areas. ...

    38,08 €

  • Dictionary of Linguistics
    Frank Gaynor / Mario Pei
    Editors Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor bring together essential terms and concepts in the extensive Dictionary of Linguistics. With a carefully crafted headword list and plenty of cross-references and accessible explanations, this dictionary will keep readers coming back again and again. Dictionary of Linguistics is the perfect addition to any reader’s reference library. Mario ...

    15,69 €

  • Dictionary of Word Origins
    Joseph T. Shipley / Joseph TShipley

    39,45 €

  • The Italian Questione della Lingua
    Robert A. Hall Jr. / Robert AHall Jr.
    This is an interpretive essay briefly outlining the subject matter and history of the debates on the Italian language. It proposes not to produce new material, but it is selective, concentrating primarily on the sixteenth century. The study offers a clear revision of the complexity of the question, which was debated for six centuries, and the reasons for its final solution. Two...

    38,34 €

  • The Elements of Style
    William Strunk Jr.
    Unabridged value reproduction of The Elements of Style is the definitive text and classic manual on the principles of English language read by millions of readers. The 18 main topics are organized under the several headings, “Elementary Rules of Usage,” “Elementary Principles of Composition,” “Words and Expressions Commonly Misused,” and others.Quotes on usage and composition f...

    16,56 €

  • The Elements of Style
    William Strunk Jr.
    The Elements of Style is the definitive text and classic manual on the principles of English language read by millions of readers. The 18 main topics are organized under the headings, “Elementary Rules of Usage,” “Elementary Principles of Composition,” “A Few Matters of Form,” “Words and Expressions Commonly Misused,” and “Words Often Misspelled.”Quotes on usage and composition...

    6,42 €

  • Dakota Grammar, Texts and Ethnography
    Stephen Return Riggs
    'We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.'-Dakota Indian ProverbDakota Grammar, Texts and Ethnography (1852) is the ninth volume of a nine-part series, Contributions to North American Ethnology (all available from Cosimo Classics). This book is organized into three parts: Part I provides an extensive description of three elements of the grammar of the Dakota language: p...

    21,11 €