Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20531 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Eighteenth-Century British and American Rhetorics and Rhetoricians

    105,79 €

  • Women Public Speakers in the United States, 1925-1993
    Karlyn Kohrs Campbell

    105,01 €

  • Rhetoric in the War on Drugs
    William N. Elwood / William NElwood

    122,01 €

  • Control of Dual-Threat Agents

    214,85 €

  • Eminent Rhetoric
    Elizabet A. Fay / Elizabet AFay

    122,11 €

  • The Doyayo Language
    Elisabeth Wiering / Marinus Wiering
    In this volume Elisabeth and Marinus Wiering present five articles which represent their research on the Doyayo language using a descriptive linguistic approach. Doyayo, which is spoken by 15,000 people, belongs to the Duru group of the Adamawa-Eastern language family in the North Cameroon and Northwest Cameroon regions. This volume was written to make the Wierings’ collected d...

    38,28 €

  • Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 1993
    The papers in this volume examine strategies for language acquisition and language teaching, focusing on applications of the strategic interaction method. ...

    66,60 €

  • Hear Me Patiently
    Amelia Jenks Bloomer / Anne C. Coon / Anne CCoon

    121,66 €

  • CrossTalk and Culture in Sino-American Communication
    Linda Wai Ling Young

    194,46 €

  • Phonological Structure and Phonetic Form

    244,29 €

  • Literacy, Culture and Development
    Dan Wagner / Daniel A. Wagner / Daniel AWagner

    52,52 €

  • Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
    Richard Towell / Rixhard Towell / Roger Hawkins
    In this book the authors address five central problems in the study of second language acquisition: transfer, staged development, cross-learner systematicity, incompleteness and variability. The book begins with a definition of each of these areas and an indication of why they are important for understanding SLA. ...

    33,22 €

  • Input and Interaction in Language Acquisition

    65,07 €

  • 1948 and After
    Benny Morris / Simon Conway Morris

    111,91 €

  • Verb Movement
    Work on the movement of phrasal categories has been a central element of syntactic theorizing since the earliest work on generative grammar. Work on the movement of lexical elements, heads, however, has been much less central until recent years. Chomsky’s Empty Category Principle, requiring empty elements to be properly governed and requiring certain movement traces to act as p...

    52,49 €

  • Conversations with an Alzheimer’s Patient
    Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton

    124,53 €

  • Understanding Language Change
    April McMahon / McMahon April M. S. / McMahon April MS.

    75,96 €

  • Understanding Language Change
    April M. S. McMahon / April MSMcMahon

    110,27 €

  • Predicate Logic
    The forms and scope of logic rest on assumptions of how language and reasoning connect to experience.In this volume an analysis of meaning and truth provides a foundation for studying modern propositional and predicate logics.Chapters on propositional logic, parsing propositions, and meaning, truth and reference give a basis for criteria that can be used to judge formalizations...

    42,59 €

  • The Discursive Mind
    Grant R. Gillett / ROM Harré / Rom Harre

    108,73 €

  • Grammar
    James R. Hurford / James RHurford

    138,74 €

  • Grammar
    James R. Hurford / James RHurford

    55,26 €

  • Literacy Across Languages and Cultures
    This book examines the linkage between literacy and linguistic diversity, embedding them in their social and cultural contexts. It illustrates that a more complete understanding of literacy among diverse populations and in multicultural societies requires attention to issues of literacy per se as well as to improving an educational process that has relevance beyond members of m...

    42,95 €

  • Language in the World
    Cresswell M. J. / Cresswell MJ. / M. J. Cresswell / MJCresswell

    130,79 €

  • Grammatical Roles and Relations
    F. R. Palmer / Frank Robert Palmer / FRPalmer

    89,72 €

  • Old English
    Roger Lass
    Old English is a companion to Old English studies and to historical studies of early English in general. It is also an introduction to Indo-European studies in the particular sense in which they underpin the history of English. Professor Roger Lass makes accessible in a linguistically up-to-date and readable form the Indo-European and Germanic background to Old English, as well...

    104,46 €

  • Intercultural Communication Training
    Richard W. Brislin / Tomoko Yoshida

    108,60 €

  • Bridging Japanese
    Tsukasa Nishida / William B. Gudykunst

    108,91 €

  • Negative and Positive Polarity
    Ljiliana Progovac / Ljiljana Progovac / Progovac Ljiliana

    143,04 €

  • Ergativity
    R. M. W. Dixon / RMWDixon / Robert M. W. Dixon / Robert MWDixon

    89,81 €