Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20450 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Mother Tongue XXIV
    Journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory.Journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory. ...

    80,68 €

  • Journal of Language Relationship
    George Starostin
    The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars. ...

    102,68 €

    Ce roman raconte la vie, les amours difficiles, les relations d’amour et de haine entre deux frères et la déchéance d’une famille en plein coeur de la Kabylie. Il est construit autour d’une richissisme famille kabyle durant la colonisation française avec comme point d’achoppement l’amour éprouvé à l’égard de la même jeune femme par les deux fils de la richissisme famille. Un am...

    37,44 €

  • Language Test as approach to Language Teaching
    Seid Mohammed / Tesfaye Gebremedehin
    The purpose of this study was assessing the content validity of English language teacher made tests. It was conducted at Dessie Catholic General Secondary and Preparatory School focusing on grade eleven. To conduct this study, the researches employed descriptive research design with mixed method approach. The sources of data for the study were grade 11 English textbook, four ye...

    119,27 €

  • Towards Game Translation User Research
    Krzysztof Hejduk / Miguel Ángel Bernal-Merino / Mikołaj Deckert

    26,43 €

  • Towards Game Translation User Research
    Krzysztof Hejduk / Miguel Ángel Bernal-Merino / Mikołaj Deckert

    78,16 €

  • Ko te Torotoro i te Whenua o Īnia
    Peter J Keegan
    He pukapuka tēnei mō te hāereere haere i Īnia. Ka kōrerotia ngā wheako whaiaro o te kaituhi i a ia e tipi haere ana i Īnia i ngā tau kua pahemo. Ka whakapuaki ia i tōna whakaaro mō te haere ki Īnia, mō te noho ki Īnia, mō ngā tāone nūnui i Īnia, mō ngā wāhi tūruhi, mō ētahi o ngā tāngata o Īnia i tūtakitaki ai ia. Ka kōrerotia hoki ngā tuhituhinga o Īnia, ngā reo o Īnia me ngā ...

    12,14 €

  • Gli infiniti hinterland dell’iperregionalismo in Guimarães Rosa e Suassuna
    Peterson Martins A Araujo
    'L’operazione di Peterson Martins consiste nel formalizzare le rispettive traduzioni dei due scrittori in questione per costruire una meta-teoria, un’impresa tutta sua. Questo è uno dei tratti innovativi del ricercatore; egli inizia investendo discorsivamente lo spazio del Sertão (Uomo e Natura) dotandolo di un discorso analogo al testo sociale della cosiddetta ’maggioranza sil...

    104,00 €

  • Literatices, Literaturas E Leituras À Toa
    Lino Porto
    Coletânea de pequenos textos do autor, extraídos de seus diários entre 1996 e 2016, com foco em temas literários (livros, autores, poesias, prosa, teoria literária, mercado editorial, censura, revisionismo, bibliofilia e correlatos). Um interessante painel a respeito daquele conturbado período e a sua influência sobre as leituras que Lino Porto se impôs nesses vinte anos, no qu...

    9,46 €

  • New Horizons in Prescriptivism Research
    The chapters in this book address three main strands in ongoing scholarly work on prescriptivism: language, literary and scripted texts, and speech communities. Collectively, the chapters contextualise the role of prescriptivism in history as well as at the present time. ...

    193,76 €

  • Die Aporie von hier und anderswo in den Werken von Fatou Diome
    Mbagnick SENE
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Aporie des Hier und Dort in den Werken von Fatou Diome: La Préférence nationale und Autres nouvelles, Le Ventre de l’Atlantique und Impossible de grandir sowie in Franz Innerhofers Roman-Trilogie: Schöne Tage, Schattseite und Die Grossen Wörter. Unser Ziel ist es, ein thematisches Korpus rund um die Autoren, die diese Doktorarbeit bilden, zu ers...

    149,61 €

  • The aporia of here and elsewhere in the works of Fatou Diome
    Mbagnick SENE
    This book focuses on the aporia of the here and the elsewhere in Fatou Diome’s works: la Préférence nationale and Autres nouvelles, le Ventre de l’Atlantique, and Impossible de grandir and in Franz Innerhofer’s novel trilogy: Schöne Tage, Schattseite and Die Grossen Wörter. Our ambition is to build a thematic corpus around the authors constituting this doctoral research, in ord...

    149,86 €

  • L’aporia del qui e dell’altrove nelle opere di Fatou Diome
    Mbagnick SENE
    Questo libro si concentra sull’aporia del qui e dell’altrove nelle opere di Fatou Diome: la Préférence nationale e Autres nouvelles, le Ventre de l’Atlantique e Impossible de grandir e nella trilogia di romanzi di Franz Innerhofer: Schöne Tage, Schattseite e Die Grossen Wörter. La nostra ambizione è quella di costruire un corpus tematico attorno agli autori che costituiscono qu...

    149,81 €

  • A aporia aqui e em outros lugares nas obras de Fatou Diome
    Mbagnick SENE
    Este livro centra-se na aporia do aqui e do alhures nas obras de Fatou Diome: la Préférence nationale e Autres nouvelles, le Ventre de l’Atlantique, e Impossible de grandir e na trilogia de romances de Franz Innerhofer: Schöne Tage, Schattseite e Die Grossen Wörter. A nossa ambição é construir um corpus temático em torno dos autores que constituem esta investigação de doutorame...

    149,80 €

  • Апория здесь и в других произведениях Фату Диоме
    Мбагницк СЕНЕ
    Эта книга посвящена апории 'здесь' и 'в другом месте' в произведениях Фату Диоме: 'Национальное предпочтение' и 'Новые авторы', 'Вентр Атлантики' и 'Невозможно грандиозное', а также в романной трилогии Франца Иннерхофера: 'Шёне Таге', 'Шатцайт' и 'Гроссен Вёртер'. Наша цель - создать тематический корпус вокруг авторов, составляющих это докторское исследование, чтобы сравнить дв...

    149,61 €

  • THE FLITLITS, A Guide for Educators, Reading Age 8+, Interest Age 7-11, U.S. English Version
    Eiry Rees Thomas
    Introducing a bespoke, award-winning Reading Scheme satisfying Reading Age 8+/ Interest Age 7-11.The scheme follows many years of research, development, and pilot work in and out of the school setting, supported by the Welsh/UK Government.The scheme developed in collaboration with experienced educators, parents, caregivers, librarians, and the target audience: the children.The ...

    26,15 €

  • THE FLITLITS, A Guide for Educators, Reading Age 8+, Interest Age 7-11, U.K. English Version
    Eiry Rees Thomas
    Introducing a bespoke, award-winning Reading Scheme satisfying Reading Age: 8+︱Interest Age: 7-11.The scheme follows many years of research, development and pilot work in and out of the school setting, supported by the Welsh/UK Government.The scheme developed in collaboration with experienced educators, parents, caregivers, librarians and the target audience: the children.The c...

    26,15 €

  • THE FLITLITS, The Features and Landmarks of the Land of Seldom See, For Educators, U.S. English Versionu2028u2028
    Eiry Rees Thomas
    It is with sincere gratitude and warm regard that this title is dedicated to the late illustrator, James Field.  James’s mastery complements the Flitlit concept︱narrative by means of inspirational artwork that inspires visual thinking.Illustrated picture books allow readers to analyze stories through visual learning and juxtaposition, thus increasing understanding and comprehen...

    16,47 €

  • Deutsche Grammatik auf Kurdisch A1
    Kamiran Lokman
    !This book is in softcover, cream pages and costs 16 euros______________________________________________About this bookDetails of the German language for the first level in this book in Kurdishare designed. Topics range from basic to advanced in 30 chapterscontain a systematic chain to facilitate understanding.!ئەم کتێبە لە جۆری بەرگ نەرمە، لاپەڕەکانی کرێمیە وە نرخەکەی 16 یۆرۆی...

    17,63 €

  • Étude Morphologique des Categories Grammaticales du Likoka
    Endurance Mwangondo Mwanakolo
    L’intellectuel africain ne doit pas continuer à promouvoir les cultures étrangères au détriment de sa propre culture. Bien que nous soyons emporté par le vent de la mondialisation, il nous paraît normal que chaque peuple y contribue en s’appuyant normalement sur sa propre identité culturelle, car si l’on est perpétuel consommateur sans avoir les deux pieds sur terre, on sera em...

    60,58 €

  • Фэмінізацыя беларускай мовы
    Уладзіслаў Гарбацкі
    Манаграфія „Фэмінізацыя беларускай мовы' прысьвечаная аналізу жаночых агентыўна-прафэсійных назваў (Nomina agentis) у беларускай мове як у гістарычнай пэрспэктыве (у старабеларускай мове), так і ў двух узусах сучаснай беларускай мовы (тарашкевіцы, наркамаўцы). Акрамя таго ў працы ахопліваецца кампаратывісцкая пэрспэктыва - спроба высьвятліць, як функцыянуюць фэмінітывы-агентывы...

    16,04 €

  • Untersuchung von Diskursmarkern in elektronischen Interpol-Nachrichten
    Akbar Mousaee
    Diskursmarker spielen als verbindende Wörter eine wichtige Rolle in der Kommunikation. In diesem Buch wurde versucht, die Verwendung von Diskursmarkern in elektronischen Interpol-Nachrichten, die von Nicht-Muttersprachlern (Iranern) und Polizeibeamten geschrieben wurden, kontrastiv und deskriptiv zu bewerten. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Korpus von 60 korrespondierenden Nachrichte...

    69,78 €

  • Étude des marqueurs de discours dans les messages électroniques d’Interpol
    Akbar Mousaee
    Les marqueurs de discours, en tant que mots de liaison, jouent un rôle important dans la communication. Cet ouvrage tente d’évaluer de manière contrastive et descriptive l’utilisation des marqueurs de discours dans les messages électroniques d’Interpol rédigés par des officiers de police non natifs (iraniens). Pour ce faire, un corpus de 60 messages correspondant au canal Inter...

    69,78 €

  • Studio dei marcatori del discorso nei messaggi elettronici dell’Interpol
    Akbar Mousaee
    I marcatori discorsivi, in quanto parole connettive, svolgono un ruolo importante nella comunicazione. Questo libro ha cercato di valutare in modo contrastivo e descrittivo l’applicazione dei marcatori discorsivi nei messaggi elettronici dell’Interpol scritti da agenti di polizia non madrelingua (iraniani). Per fare ciò, è stato scelto un corpus di 60 messaggi corrispondenti at...

    69,78 €

  • Estudo dos marcadores discursivos nas mensagens electrónicas da Interpol
    Akbar Mousaee
    Os marcadores discursivos, enquanto palavras conectivas, desempenham um papel importante na comunicação. Este livro procurou avaliar contrastivamente e descritivamente a implementação dos marcadores discursivos nas mensagens electrónicas da Interpol escritas por agentes não nativos (iranianos) e agentes da polícia. Para o efeito, foi escolhido um corpus de 60 mensagens correspo...

    69,78 €

  • Исследование маркеров дискурса в электронных сообщениях Интерпола
    Акбар Мусаи
    Маркеры дискурса как соединительные слова играют важную роль в коммуникации. В данной книге предпринята попытка контрастивно и описательно оценить реализацию дискурсивных маркеров в электронных сообщениях Интерпола, написанных не носителями языка (иранцами) и сотрудниками полиции. Для этого был отобран корпус из 60 сообщений, переданных по каналу Интерпола, и все дискурсивные м...

    69,85 €

  • Cultivating Literate Citizenry Through Interdisciplinary Instruction
    The role of literacy instruction extends far beyond traditional English language arts classrooms. Cultivating Literate Citizenry Through Interdisciplinary Instruction delves into the necessary concepts within the realm of literacy across and within various academic disciplines. From the foundational core courses of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies...

    308,17 €

  • Cultivating Literate Citizenry Through Interdisciplinary Instruction
    The role of literacy instruction extends far beyond traditional English language arts classrooms. Cultivating Literate Citizenry Through Interdisciplinary Instruction delves into the necessary concepts within the realm of literacy across and within various academic disciplines. From the foundational core courses of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies...

    235,79 €

  • The U.S. Military in the Print News Media
    Dr. Luke Peterson
    This book analyses the history of the popular discourse in the United States concerned with the U.S. military and its engagement in foreign wars from the Spanish-American War through to the U.S. invasions of Iraqand the War on Terror. ...

    158,36 €

  • The Origins of the Art and Practice of Professional Writing
    Kathryn Rosser Raign
    Explores the origins of written communication to offer a counter-history to the separation of rhetoric/composition and technical/professional communication ...

    127,24 €