Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20450 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Principaux discours sociopolitiques de l’Éthiopie d’après 1991
    Abrham Gedamu
    Depuis la formation de l’Éthiopie en tant qu’État moderne, divers discours sociopolitiques ont été tenus dans les œuvres littéraires, les écrits universitaires, les manifestes des partis politiques, les médias grand public et, plus récemment, les médias sociaux. Cependant, les discours sociopolitiques qui occupent le devant de la scène varient selon les périodes politiques (rég...

    112,83 €

  • Wichtige gesellschaftspolitische Diskurse in Äthiopien nach 1991
    Abrham Gedamu
    Seit der Gründung Äthiopiens als moderner Staat werden in literarischen Werken, wissenschaftlichen Schriften, Parteiprogrammen, den Mainstream-Medien und neuerdings auch in den sozialen Medien verschiedene gesellschaftspolitische Diskurse geführt. Die soziopolitischen Diskurse, die im Mittelpunkt stehen, variieren jedoch je nach politischer Periode (kaiserliches Regime, Därg-Re...

    112,76 €

  • I principali discorsi sociopolitici dell’Etiopia post-1991
    Abrham Gedamu
    Da quando l’Etiopia è diventata uno Stato moderno, diversi discorsi sociopolitici sono stati diffusi nelle opere letterarie, negli scritti degli studiosi, nei manifesti dei partiti politici, nei media tradizionali e, più recentemente, nei social media. Tuttavia, i discorsi sociopolitici che occupano il centro della scena variano a seconda dei periodi politici (i regimi imperial...

    112,84 €

  • Igbo Linguistics
    Elisha O. Ogbonna
    Igbo Linguistics: An Expanded Guide To Igbo Orthography, Phonology, Morphology & Lexicology'Igbo Linguistics: An Expanded Guide to Igbo Orthography, Phonology, Morphology, and Lexicology' offers a comprehensive exploration of the linguistic landscape of the Igbo language in an extensive form, providing readers with a deep understanding of its structure, sound system, word forma...

    30,85 €

  • Símplices
    Lino Porto
    Poemas compostos pelo poeta entre 2017 e 2020, durante a sua vivência no Rio de Janeiro, mais precisamente no bairro boêmio da Lapa, fruto de sua convivência com pessoas simples, mas que lhe demostraram interesse por poesia, uma imensa curiosidade por esse bicho exótico e aparentemente manso. Além das pessoas simples, o que inclui mendigos e drogados, também estudantes universi...

    7,46 €

  • Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation
    This book addresses the question of agency in the revitalisation of minoritised languages in Europe. The chapters investigate how grassroots actors shape revitalisation, and how individuals and groups negotiate historical factors, motivations, and institutionalised initiatives and policies in a variety of efforts. ...

    112,99 €

  • Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities
    This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés, focusing on three major areas of her work: languages and literacies in multilingual contexts, language development in schools and communities, and equity and access. Personal interludes from former students and colleagues add insight into practices of mentorship within the field. ...

    67,76 €

  • Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities
    This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés, focusing on three major areas of her work: languages and literacies in multilingual contexts, language development in schools and communities, and equity and access. Personal interludes from former students and colleagues add insight into practices of mentorship within the field. ...

    181,68 €

  • Critical Conversation Analysis
    This book presents the first collection of conversation analytic studies addressed exclusively to issues of inequality and injustice. The chapters produce a forensic analysis of how participants enact discriminatory ideologies, negotiate systemic power imbalances, and pursue social change in and through the nuances of their interactions. ...

    56,37 €

  • Critical Conversation Analysis
    This book presents the first collection of conversation analytic studies addressed exclusively to issues of inequality and injustice. The chapters produce a forensic analysis of how participants enact discriminatory ideologies, negotiate systemic power imbalances, and pursue social change in and through the nuances of their interactions. ...

    169,95 €

  • Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation
    This book addresses the question of agency in the revitalisation of minoritised languages in Europe. The chapters investigate how grassroots actors shape revitalisation, and how individuals and groups negotiate historical factors, motivations, and institutionalised initiatives and policies in a variety of efforts. ...

    39,41 €

  • The Language Experience Approach and the Science of Literacy Instruction
    Elaine Traynelis Yurek / Mary Winifred Strong
    This book considers Russell Stauffer’s Language Experience Approach (LEA), an approach that must be judged by its impact on student learning and not on the age of conception. The nature of wholistic teaching in early childhood and beyond is explored, and developmental maturation for the different language tasks are explained. ...

    157,89 €

  • Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Developmental Education
    James P. Lantolf / Matthew E. Poehner

    26,30 €

  • Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Developmental Education
    James P. Lantolf / Matthew E. Poehner

    78,21 €

  • Assessment for Language Teaching
    Aek Phakiti / Constant Leung

    78,08 €

  • Assessment for Language Teaching
    Aek Phakiti / Constant Leung

    26,57 €

  • Más allá de traducir
    Stephania Salgado Campuzano
    '¿En qué consiste la labor de traducir?¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es este trabajo?Te invito a conocer mi experiencia como traductora-intérprete, el por qué decidí dedicarme a ello sin tener ningún tipo de cercanía familiar o cultural a este país, así como un poco de lo que es estudiar el idioma japonés, trabajar con japoneses y mi viaje a Japón.Sin duda tuve expectativas muy alta...

    10,39 €

  • Traducción audiovisual y teleficción queer
    Iván Villanueva-Jordán
    En este libro, se explora el vínculo teórico entre los conceptos de género y traducción. En la traductología, los estudios de género se pueden comprender como un trabajo investigativo y crítico frente a las estructuras de poder que subordinan las posiciones contranormativas.Las masculinidades gay, como una intersección entre posición de género e identidad sexual, se relacionan ...

    30,16 €

  • Der Diskurs der Denunziation in der argentinischen Neo-Polizeiliteratur
    Fabián Gabriel Mossello
    Dieses Buch besteht aus einem Forschungsprojekt, das sich auf die zeitgenössische argentinische Neo-Noir-Literatur in ihrem Charakter der sozialen Denunziation auf der Grundlage von Strategien der Leidenschaft konzentriert. Indem wir uns auf dieses Korpus beziehen, verweisen wir auf einen neu entstehenden Raum des fiktionalen Schreibens innerhalb eines größeren literarischen Fe...

    128,18 €

  • The discourse of denunciation in Argentine neo-police literature
    Fabián Gabriel Mossello
    The present book consists of a research on contemporary Argentine neo-police literature in its character of social denunciation based on passionate strategies. By referring to this corpus we refer to an emerging space of fictional writings, within a larger literary field that has been gaining visibility in our continent for some decades, generically called Latin American neo-po...

    128,32 €

  • Le discours de dénonciation dans la littérature néo-policière argentine
    Fabián Gabriel Mossello
    Ce livre est le fruit d’un projet de recherche qui se concentre sur la littérature néo-noir argentine contemporaine dans son caractère de dénonciation sociale basée sur des stratégies passionnelles. En faisant référence à ce corpus, nous nous référons à un espace émergent d’écriture fictionnelle, au sein d’un champ littéraire plus large qui gagne en visibilité sur notre contine...

    128,26 €

  • O discurso da denúncia na literatura neo-policial argentina
    Fabián Gabriel Mossello
    Este livro consiste num projeto de investigação que se debruça sobre a literatura neo-noir argentina contemporânea no seu carácter de denúncia social a partir de estratégias passionais. Ao referirmo-nos a este corpus, fazemos referência a um espaço emergente de escrita ficcional, dentro de um campo literário mais vasto que tem vindo a ganhar visibilidade no nosso continente des...

    128,30 €

  • Il discorso di denuncia nella letteratura neo-poliziesca argentina
    Fabián Gabriel Mossello
    Questo libro consiste in un progetto di ricerca che si concentra sulla letteratura neo-noir argentina contemporanea nel suo carattere di denuncia sociale basata su strategie passionali. Con questo corpus ci riferiamo a uno spazio emergente di scrittura narrativa, all’interno di un campo letterario più ampio che da qualche decennio sta acquistando visibilità nel nostro continent...

    128,30 €

  • Дискурс разоблачения в аргентинской неополицейской литературе
    Фабиáн Габр Мосселло
    Эта книга представляет собой исследовательский проект, посвященный современной аргентинской нео-нуарной литературе в ее характере социального обличения, основанного на стратегиях страсти. Обращаясь к этому корпусу, мы имеем в виду формирующееся пространство беллетристики в рамках более широкого литературного поля, которое уже несколько десятилетий становится заметным на нашем к...

    128,17 €

  • Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research Methods
    Hung Phu Bui
    Research in applied linguistics and language education often faces a challenge due to a lack of updated knowledge and understanding of research methods, particularly among undergraduate and graduate students and novice researchers. This knowledge gap can lead to ineffective research practices, inaccurate data interpretation, and limited progress in the field. To address this ch...

    321,09 €

  • Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research Methods
    Hung Phu Bui
    Research in applied linguistics and language education often faces a challenge due to a lack of updated knowledge and understanding of research methods, particularly among undergraduate and graduate students and novice researchers. This knowledge gap can lead to ineffective research practices, inaccurate data interpretation, and limited progress in the field. To address this ch...

    242,17 €

  • Analyse pragmatique de l’argumentation dans le discours politique
    L’analyse pragmatique de l’argumentation dans le discours politique n’est plus aisée à approcher comme d’aucuns l’affirment. Il s’agit d’une interaction entre plusieurs champs disciplinaires. Cette interaction nous pose deux problèmes majeurs: faut-il instrumentaliser la pragmatique dans les discours politiques au risque de les vider de leur intérêt idéologique et argumentatif ...

    85,81 €

  • The Art of Public Speaking
    Dale Carnegie
    Unlock the secrets of persuasive communication and confident self-expression with Dale Carnegie’s timeless classic, ’The Art of Public Speaking’. In this indispensable guide, Carnegie offers readers practical techniques and invaluable insights to master the art of delivering compelling speeches and presentations with poise and confidence.Drawing upon his years of experience as ...

    16,13 €

  • AI Approaches to Literacy in Higher Education
    The ongoing struggle to increase literacy within our population is one of the defining goals of education. Educational environments continue to incorporate more and more technology into their cache of necessary tools as the lives of their students depend on these devices at a growing rate. Artificial intelligence (AI) and literacy education are bound to face a convergence that ...

    308,06 €

  • AI Approaches to Literacy in Higher Education
    The ongoing struggle to increase literacy within our population is one of the defining goals of education. Educational environments continue to incorporate more and more technology into their cache of necessary tools as the lives of their students depend on these devices at a growing rate. Artificial intelligence (AI) and literacy education are bound to face a convergence that ...

    235,67 €