Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20468 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Meeting the Needs of Reunited Refugee Families
    Sarah Cox
    This book explores the gap between policy, practice and academic literature within language learning for refugees and argues that a multilingual approach, which combines translanguaging principles, decolonising methodology and linguistic hospitality, provides a more accessible starting point than current monolingual pedagogies. ...

    169,60 €

  • Sound-Blind
    Alex Benson
    In the 1880s, a new medical term flashed briefly into public awareness in the United States. Children who had trouble distinguishing between similar speech sounds were said to suffer from 'sound-blindness.' The term is now best remembered through anthropologist Franz Boas, whose work deeply influenced the way we talk about cultural difference. In this fascinating work of litera...

    126,98 €

  • Sound-Blind
    Alex Benson
    In the 1880s, a new medical term flashed briefly into public awareness in the United States. Children who had trouble distinguishing between similar speech sounds were said to suffer from 'sound-blindness.' The term is now best remembered through anthropologist Franz Boas, whose work deeply influenced the way we talk about cultural difference. In this fascinating work of litera...

    44,66 €

  • Why Do We Say The Things We Say? 101 Fully Illustrated Explanations of the Things We All Say Every Day
    Graham Hodson
    Have you ever found yourself baffled by the peculiar phrases we all say? Why, for instance, do we 'butter someone up', and what is so perilous about 'letting the cat out of the bag'? Dive into this captivating compendium to uncover the delightful, fascinating, and sometimes bewildering origins of the phrases we use daily, all beautifully illustrated with a unique full-color ima...

    16,76 €

  • Journal of Language Relationship 21/1-2
    Vladimir Dybo
    The Journal of Language Relationship is an international periodical publication devoted to the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of the human language. The Journal contains articles written in English and Russian, as well as scientific reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars. ...

    102,62 €

  • Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts
    With cultural and linguistic diversity, migration, and constant change as defining features of contemporary societies, it is increasingly necessary to enhance our capabilities within multilingual environments. Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts offers a groundbreaking exploration of language practices and norms in the diverse and dynamic world we inhabit ...

    216,39 €

  • Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts
    With cultural and linguistic diversity, migration, and constant change as defining features of contemporary societies, it is increasingly necessary to enhance our capabilities within multilingual environments. Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts offers a groundbreaking exploration of language practices and norms in the diverse and dynamic world we inhabit ...

    282,25 €

    Мазкур монографияда бахтлилик ва бахтсизлик бинар оппозициясининг фрейм-слот асосидаги таҳлили асносида концепт - антиконцепт оппозицияси очиб берилган, ўзбек ва инглиз тилларида бахтлилик ва бахтсизлик концептуал майдони 8 хил фрейм, 24 хил слотлар ажратиб олинган, бахтлилик ва бахтсизликнинг образли таркиби ҳар икки тилда миллий ва маданий, диний, иқтисодий, ареал ва лисоний ...

    87,00 €

  • Why Do We Say That? - 404 Idioms, Phrases, Sayings & Facts! An English Idiom Dictionary To Become A Native Speaker By Learning Colloquial Expressions, Proverbs & Slang
    Scott Matthews
    Curious about the fascinating origins and historical context behind certain common expressions, such as 'up in the air' or 'brain drain'? Ever wondered why people say 'once bitten, twice shy' and how a past negative experience influences future caution? Do you know the dark origins of the phrase 'sleep with the fishes' and how it became synonymous with a sinister fate? Step int...

    50,08 €

  • Таржимада лингвомаданий ёндашув
    Досбаева Наргиза
    Монографияда таржимадаги эквивалентсизлик муаммолари тил ва маданиятнинг узвий боғлиқлигида тадқиқ қилинган ҳамда ушбу масала таржима эквивалентлигига бўлган лингвомаданий ёндашув асосида кўриб чиқилган. Шунингдек, таржимашуносликда янги тажриба сифатида майдонга кириб бораётган ўзбек-инглиз таржима йўналишидаги қатор муаммоларга ечим топиш, ўзбек тилидаги лексик ва фразеологик...

    88,31 €

  • Conceptualising China through translation
    James St André / James St. André
    This book provides an innovative methodology for investigating how China has been conceptualised historically, tracing the development of four key concepts (filial piety, face, fengshui, and guanxi) in English and Chinese. It explores how specific ideas about the uniqueness of Chinese culture influence the ways we think about China. ...

    157,26 €

  • Celtic Mythology For Kids
    Ursula Smith
    Learning about the Celts is natural. Most of us have some sort of Celtic heritage, so understanding them is all part of researching your past. Unlike many of our other ancestors, the Celts were unusual because there aren’t many written records from that particular time and the distinction between reality and mythology will often blend into a mixture of the two. Does that make i...

    22,47 €

  • Remarks on the Phonological Evolution of Russian in Comparison with the Other Slavic Languages
    Roman Jakobson / Ronald F. Feldstein

    44,03 €

  • Seeing and Showing the Unseen
    Adam Szumorek
    As humans, we think in images and cannot do otherwise. Thus, metaphor and imagery, often viewed as complex literary devices, are in fact the very building blocks of human thought and essential components for understanding the nature of God.Exploring how the God of Scripture reveals himself through metaphor and imagery, Dr. Adam Szumorek utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to help st...

    29,09 €

  • Inittatischer Parcours und künstlerisches Schaffen
    Besma Nacer
    Im Mittelpunkt der Werke Consuelo, La Comtesse de Rudolstadt und Le Voyage en Orient steht ein Gründungsmythos, nämlich der von Hiram, einem Freimaurer, der auch George Sand und Gérard de Nerval bekannt war. Letztere machten sich die Geschichte zu eigen, um Initiationstexte zu verfassen, in denen sich mysteriöse Intrigen und romanhafte Handlungsstränge mit dem Ziel vermischen, ...

    132,43 €

  • Un viaggio di scoperta e creazione artistica
    Besma Nacer
    Al centro di Consuelo, La Comtesse de Rudolstadt e Voyage en Orient si trova un mito fondante, quello di Hiram, un riferimento massonico noto a George Sand e Gérard de Nerval. Questi ultimi se ne appropriarono per produrre testi iniziatici in cui si intrecciano intrighi misteriosi e trama romanzesca, con l’obiettivo di aiutare i loro personaggi, attraverso numerosi viaggi e una...

    132,50 €

  • Uma viagem de descoberta e criação artística
    Besma Nacer
    No coração de Consuelo, La Comtesse de Rudolstadt e Voyage en Orient encontra-se um mito fundador, o de Hiram, uma referência maçónica conhecida por George Sand e Gérard de Nerval. Estes últimos apropriaram-se da história para produzir textos de iniciação em que se entrelaçam intriga misteriosa e enredo novelístico, com o objetivo de ajudar as suas personagens, através de numer...

    132,50 €

  • Schriftliches Portugiesisch für Gehörlose unterrichten
    Lucimar Bizio
    Die Erkenntnis, dass es nur wenige Fachleute gibt, die für die Arbeit mit gehörlosen Schülern qualifiziert sind, hat mich beunruhigt, da sie eine besondere Betreuung benötigen, insbesondere wegen der Schwierigkeiten, die sie beim Einstieg in die Welt des Lesens und Schreibens haben. Dies weckte mein Interesse am Studium des Portugiesischunterrichts für Gehörlose.Das Zusammenleb...

    45,31 €

  • Teaching Written Portuguese to the Deaf
    Lucimar Bizio
    The fact that there were few professionals qualified to work with deaf students caused me concern, as they required specific care, especially because of the difficulties they encountered in entering the world of reading and writing. This gave rise to my interest in studying Portuguese language teaching for the deaf.Living with deaf students, being a Portuguese language teacher ...

    45,22 €

  • Enseigner le portugais écrit aux sourds
    Lucimar Bizio
    Je me suis rendu compte qu’il y avait peu de professionnels qualifiés pour travailler avec des élèves sourds, car ils ont besoin d’une attention particulière, notamment en raison des difficultés qu’ils rencontrent pour entrer dans le monde de la lecture et de l’écriture. C’est ainsi qu’est né mon intérêt pour l’étude de l’enseignement du portugais aux sourds.Le fait de vivre av...

    45,28 €

  • Обучение глухих письменному португальскому языку
    Люцимар Бизио
    Осознание того, что специалистов, способных работать с глухими студентами, мало, вызвало у меня беспокойство, так как они требуют особого внимания, особенно в связи с трудностями, с которыми они сталкиваются при вхождении в мир чтения и письма. В связи с этим у меня возник интерес к изучению преподавания португальского языка для глухих.Жизнь с глухими учениками, работа учителем...

    33,56 €

  • Insegnare il portoghese scritto ai sordi
    Lucimar Bizio
    La constatazione che c’erano pochi professionisti qualificati per lavorare con gli studenti sordi mi ha preoccupato, poiché questi ultimi necessitano di un’assistenza specifica, soprattutto a causa delle difficoltà che incontrano nell’entrare nel mondo della lettura e della scrittura. Da qui è nato il mio interesse per lo studio dell’insegnamento della lingua portoghese per i s...

    45,22 €

  • Diktatur in George Orwells Farm der Tiere
    Firas Abdul-Munim / Masoumeh Witwit
    Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Durchführung einer kritischen Diskursanalyse der Diktatur in der Novelle Animal Farm von George Orwell. Die Studie zielt darauf ab, sich mit der ideologischen Diskursanalyse, der syntaktischen und semantischen Analyse ausgewählter Reden von Hauptfiguren im Text von Animal Farm zu befassen. Sie zielt auch darauf ab, den Begriff der Dik...

    136,64 €

  • La dictature dans le roman de George Orwell La ferme des animaux
    Firas Abdul-Munim / Masoumeh Witwit
    La présente étude porte sur l’analyse critique du discours de la dictature dans le roman La ferme des animaux de George Orwell. L’étude vise à traiter l’analyse idéologique du discours, les analyses syntaxiques et sémantiques des discours sélectionnés des principaux personnages dans le texte de La ferme des animaux. Elle vise également à étudier la notion de dictature en analys...

    136,65 €

  • La dittatura nella Fattoria degli animali di George Orwell La fattoria degli animali
    Firas Abdul-Munim / Masoumeh Witwit
    Il presente studio si occupa di condurre un’analisi critica del discorso sulla dittatura nella novella La fattoria degli animali di George Orwell. Lo studio si propone di affrontare l’analisi ideologica del discorso, l’analisi sintattica e semantica dei discorsi selezionati dei principali personaggi del testo della Fattoria degli animali. Lo studio si propone inoltre di indagar...

    136,68 €

  • Für eine Rhetorik des Deliriums
    Adil Fathi
    Zu Lebzeiten war Octave Mirbeau (1849-1917) berühmt für seine Talente als engagierter und gefürchteter Journalist, als Romancier mit bemerkenswerten Fähigkeiten, als scharfer Pamphletist, als Dramatiker, dessen Theaterstücke immer wieder aufgeführt wurden, und als gefragter Kunstkritiker. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zu zeigen, inwiefern der Begriff des Deliriums in den Romanen d...

    110,40 €

  • A ditadura na obra de George Orwell A Quinta dos Animais
    Firas Abdul-Munim / Masoumeh Witwit
    O presente estudo tem como objetivo a realização de uma análise crítica do discurso sobre a ditadura na novela Animal Farm de George Orwell. O estudo tem como objetivo a análise ideológica do discurso, a análise sintáctica e semântica de discursos seleccionados de personagens principais no texto de Animal Farm. Pretende também investigar a noção de ditadura através da análise d...

    136,66 €

  • Диктатура в романе Джорджа Оруэлла Ферма животных
    Масумех Витвит / Фирас Абдул-Муним
    Настоящее исследование посвящено критическому дискурс-анализу диктатуры в повести Джорджа Оруэлла 'Ферма животных'. Цель исследования - провести идеологический дискурс-анализ, синтаксический и семантический анализ отдельных речей основных персонажей текста 'Фермы животных'. Также ставится задача исследовать понятие диктатуры на примере анализа 'Фермы животных', рассматривая иде...

    39,96 €

  • For a rhetoric of delirium
    Adil Fathi
    During his lifetime, Octave Mirbeau (1849-1917) was renowned for his talents as a committed and feared journalist, a novelist of remarkable ability, an acerbic pamphleteer, a playwright whose plays are still performed, and a much sought-after art critic. The aim of this study is to show how the notion of delirium is central to the author’s novels. We frame our research within t...

    110,48 €

  • Per una retorica del delirio
    Adil Fathi
    Durante la sua vita, Octave Mirbeau (1849-1917) fu famoso per le sue doti di giornalista impegnato e temuto, di romanziere di notevole abilità, di pamphleter acerbo, di drammaturgo le cui opere sono ancora rappresentate e di critico d’arte molto ricercato. Lo scopo di questo studio è mostrare come la nozione di delirio sia centrale nei romanzi dell’autore. La nostra ricerca si ...

    110,46 €