Catálogo de libros: Música

14987 Catálogo de libros: Música

  • کمانچه نوازی نوین
    Sina Alam
    در این کتاب سعی کرده ام کمانچه را به عنوان یک ساز زهی_آرشه ای کامل و واقعی بشناسانم و تا جایی که می شود شخصیتی کششی برای آن بسازم .همچنین مقوله بسیار مهمی را که سال ها آهنگسازان و نوازندگان با آن درگیر بوده اند حل کنم-انتقالی بودن ساز کمانچه-.اشتباه بزرگی که موجب سختی در نگارش و نوازندگی می شد،نگاه انتقالی به این ساز بوده که درکتاب با نگاه بی طرفانه به حل این مشکل پُرداخته ام.ن...

    34,39 €

  • The Dark Road from Romarong
    Wilfred Kanu / Wilfred Kanu Jr.
    How did the region of West Africa called Romarong become what we know as Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone? Romarong was a hotbed. The Mali Empire collapsed, and the Songhai came into prominence. There were the Arab and European slave trades. This story concludes when the British colonized the region. Exploring this anecdote from the natives’ perspective fits Freddy Will’s ...

    35,02 €

  • On The Road
    Linda Chadwick
    In an era defined by neon lights, cassette tapes, and the birth of grunge, the music scene of the 80’s was more than just a trend-it was a revolution. This book whisks readers away to a time when music pulsed through the streets, clubs echoed with electric rhythms, and every song told a story. Journey across the State of Texas under the spell of groundbreaking artists and their...

    18,72 €

  • Contemporary Implications of Music
    Elizabeth Claire Duris
    This project offers an in-depth analysis of the creation myth as described in Plato’s Tingeus, in an effort to discuss his overall approach to the relationship between the soul, music in education, and wellness. The immortal soul of humankind, by this approach, shares a certain harmonic rhythm with the divine and the World Soul as created by the Demiurge. This harmony in the mi...

    29,60 €

  • The History of Casio Synthesizers
    Herkimer Throckmorton
    Gear up for an electrifying journey throughTHE HISTORY OF CASIO SYNTHESIZERS.This isn’t your run-of-the-mill tale; it’s a full-throttle dive into the rhythm, pulse, and unapologetic innovation that defines CASIO.CASIO didn’t just create synthesizers; they unleashed a sonic revolution, smashing the idea that only the privileged few could ride the electronic wave. This book? It’s...

    24,48 €

  • Music and Me...
    Timothy D Mitchell
    I’m gonna take you on a ride of my life as it relates to music. Music was always a part of my life. I’m going to take you through my trials and tribulations and how music of all different genres helped me. I hope you discover the songs that help me also help you. This is my most difficult book to write. Because, I have to remember over 50 years of songs, where I was, when the s...

    51,25 €

  • Voice Gym Book
    Angela Lewis
    Get To Know Your Voice is a book that complements the Voice Gym Complete Exercise Book. It brings together all the fragmented information related to voice and explains how it all interacts to give efficient speech and singing for every voice.This book is to introduce singers, actors, podcasters, presenters, teachers and other professional voice users to the dangers of ignoring ...

    32,14 €

  • Musical Delicacy
    William J Coppola
    In any form, musical participation is an intimately social activity. Yet, as musicians unflinchingly commit their fullest selves to shared musical collaborations, the natural human penchant for self-interest inevitably comes along for the journey, threatening to compromise collectivistic desires with more egocentric comportments. Undeniahly, the ego plays an inextricable-and at...

    37,52 €

  • Kosher Jammers
    Mike Gerber
    Jews have been a major presence in America’s jazz, as musicians and as jazz facilitators, and in Kosher Jammers: Jewish Connections in Jazz - The USA, Gerber tells that story with a rigour worthy of academia but with a feature writer’s creative flair. Besides drawing on a plethora of second-hand sources, Kosher Jammers is absolutely packed with first-hand material, from interv...

    28,34 €

  • The Development of Gospel Music In Nigeria
    Emmanuel Alemede
    The Cherubim and Seraphim Movement (Ayo Ni O) Choir came into limelight as a gospel music choir in late 1970s and consistently rose to stardom in Nigeria. It was also revealed that the Choir contributed to the growth of and development of gospel music in Nigeria through its songs which were presented in electic style but using indigenous compositional performance techniques. In...

    117,94 €

  • The development of the Uzbek stemmer
    Alisher Ismailov
    The review of literature review shows that stemming algorithm has not been proposed yet for extracting Uzbek root words from the Uzbek corpus, which is applicable to the above-mentioned functions. Therefore, the objective of the current research is to develop a stemming algorithm for the Uzbek language. The Uzbek stemming algorithm uses both inflectional and derivational morphe...

    96,09 €

  • Thinking Theory Book Four (American Edition)
    Nicola Cantan
    'Excellent product. Clear and simple for teachers who want to add supplemental theory. I recommend any of the thinking theory books.' - Carol Koczo'Love these theory books,I recommend these to anyone.' - Jennifer BrienAccelerate your elementary students’ learning with the Thinking Theory Book Four! This book covers key signatures, time signatures, note values, intervals, markin...

    17,34 €

  • Journeys to the Bandstand
    Chris Wong
    What I didn’t know [when starting to research and write this book]: I would become full-on, hopelessly obsessed with finding out every arcane detail about the artists gathered in these pages, whether they are living or long gone. Those myriad facts are puzzle pieces that-even though some pieces are missing-form portraits of extraordinary people with a hunger for jazz and other ...

    39,57 €

  • Music & Life
    Palmwine Sounds
    'Music and Life: Reggae Prophets' delves into the influence of Rastafarianism on reggae. Rastafarianism, a faith, and cultural movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s, heavily influenced the lyrics and themes of reggae songs. The book explores the Rastafarian beliefs in unity, love, and social justice, and how these principles are reflected in the poetic nature of regg...

    20,12 €

  • Lengua y comunicación en el español de la salud
    Claudia Colantonio
    La obra se propone como un acercamiento a la lengua de la medicina y de la salud en la dirección español - italiano. El estudio comienza afrontando la importancia de definir, en primer lugar, la salud en el marco de las lenguas para fines específicos, teniendo en consideración bien los componentes temáticos que la identifican, bien su dimensión comunicativa que se basa en el ni...

    97,41 €

    Lee Underwood
    INTRODUCTIONNearly all of the poems included in Riversong are new.They are expressions of personal love, transcendentalrealization, and my deep involvement with nature and music.STREAM. . .RIVER. . .FLOW, that starts off the FOREVERSONGS Section, for example, is a journey from youth’s firstrealization of the power of music, when as a nine-year-oldboy, lying in bed, I held a pla...

    13,09 €

  • Некоторые применения музыки в образовательной сфере
    Алехандра Санчес / Ирис Ксочитл Галисия
    В данном тексте собраны исследования, проведенные составителями, в первой части которых они изучают взаимосвязь музыки и языка у учащихся дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.Во второй части предметом исследования являются музыкальные предпочтения учащихся средних и старших классов.Исследование проводилось в мексиканском образовательном контексте. ...

    77,90 €

  • Quelques applications de la musique dans le domaine de l’éducation
    Alejandra Sánchez / Iris Xóchitl Galicia
    Ce texte rassemble des recherches menées par les auteurs dans lesquelles, dans une première partie, ils étudient la relation entre la musique et le langage chez les élèves du niveau préscolaire et du début de l’école.Dans la deuxième partie, l’objet de la recherche présentée concerne les préférences musicales des élèves du collège et du lycée.Cette recherche a été menée dans le...

    77,93 €

  • Einige Anwendungen von Musik im Bildungsbereich
    Alejandra Sánchez / Iris Xóchitl Galicia
    Dieser Text fasst die Forschungsarbeiten der Autoren zusammen, die im ersten Teil die Beziehung zwischen Musik und Sprache bei Schülern der Vorschul- und der frühen Schulstufe untersuchen.Im zweiten Teil geht es um die musikalischen Vorlieben von Schülern der Mittel- und Oberstufe.Diese Forschung wurde im mexikanischen Bildungskontext durchgeführt. ...

    77,90 €

  • Alcune applicazioni della musica in ambito educativo
    Alejandra Sánchez / Iris Xóchitl Galicia
    Questo testo raccoglie le ricerche condotte dai curatori che, nella prima parte, indagano il rapporto tra musica e linguaggio negli alunni della scuola dell’infanzia e dei primi anni di scuola.Nella seconda parte, l’oggetto della ricerca presentata riguarda le preferenze musicali degli studenti delle scuole medie e superiori.Questa ricerca è stata condotta nel contesto educativ...

    77,95 €

  • Some Applications of Music in Education
    Alejandra Sánchez / Iris Xóchitl Galicia
    This text compiles research carried out by the compilers in which, in the first part, they investigate the relationship between music and language in preschool and early school level students.In the second part, the subject of the research presented has to do with the musical preferences of middle and high school students.This research has been carried out in the Mexican educat...

    77,95 €

  • Curso Prático Teórico Cavaquinho
    Flávio Augusto Rocha
    Atende tanto a iniciantes, quanto a quemjá possui algum conhecimento musical e deseja aperfeiçoá-lo. O objetivo é que ao final do curso, seja capaz de reconhecer os conceitos básicos de música, as suas simbologias mais utilizadas , a estrutura musical do instrumento, técnicas que poderão facilitar a execução, conhecimentos acerca dos Campos Harmônicos em Acordes Fundamentais. ...

    11,18 €

  • Treble Clef for the Cello
    Cassia Harvey
    Learn how to read treble clef on the cello! This book teaches you how to read and play notes in treble clef on the cello, one note at a time. The exercises help you see how bass clef and tenor clef connect to treble clef. Carefully crafted studies help you recognize and remember each note as you learn it. Short pieces are included to use the notes that were just learned so that...

    16,82 €

  • Beethoven
    Elliott Graeme
    The following brief sketch can lay no claim to originality; it is merely a slight résumé of the principal events in the master’s life (from the works of Schindler, Ries, and Wegeler, and more especially from Marx and Thayer), and is intended for those who, without the leisure to go deeply into the subject, yet desire to know a little more about the great Tone-poet than can be g...

    12,48 €

  • Billie Holiday
    Meredith Coleman McGee
    Billie Holiday: Jazz Singer by Meredith Coleman McGee is a full-length biography from birth through the 30-year musical career of the late Great Lady Day, who became the defining voice in jazz in Harlem, New York in 1933. By the end of that decade, Billie Holiday recorded the protest song Strange Fruit about a public lynching of two Black males in Marion, Indiana. The 1939 re...

    18,54 €

  • Billie Holiday
    Meredith Coleman McGee
    Billie Holiday: Jazz Singer is a full-length biography about Billie Holiday, known famously as Lady Day, from her birth in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to her childhood in Baltimore, Maryland, through her 30-year career as a singer, actor, and author by Meredith Coleman McGee. The late great Lady Day became the defining voice in jazz in Harlem, New York in 1933. Her 1939 recordi...

    28,55 €

  • It’s About Time
    This book is a must-have for the millions of John Denver fans and friends in honor of the great American singer and songwriter whose gentle, loving and environmentally inspired music moved the hearts of so many. It’s About Time - Letters To John Denver is a collection of fan-written stories about how John Denver’s music inspired and uplifted people around the world. It’s a uniq...

    43,69 €

  • A History of Stringed Keyboard Instruments
    Stewart Pollens

    46,95 €

  • A History of Welsh Music

    38,34 €

  • Método Musical Assertivo & Revelador De Guitarra
    Cleideson Almeida
    Desenvolvi este Método da forma mais reveladora e assertiva possível, para a melhor compreensão de todos, sejam músicos iniciantes, intermediários ou avançados. Meu objetivo é elucidar definitivamente aquilo que é determinante e vital para o desenvolvimento imediato e espontâneo do músico.Fiz questão de revelar aqui, de forma minuciosa e explícita, os mais relevantes e assertiv...

    14,33 €