
Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Judaísmo (5913)

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  • Развитие Души
    Михаэль Лайтман
    Михаэль Лайтман - крупнeйший практикующий каббалист нашeго врeмeни, ученик великого каббалиста 20 века Баруха Шалома аЛеви Ашлага.  Работы Михаэля Лайтмана, профессора онтологии и теории познания, доктора философии, биокибернетика, автора 30-томной сeрии ״Каббала. Тайноe Учeниe״, которая переведена на 19 языков мира (www.kabbalahbooks.info).  Учeниe Михаэля Лайтмана, которое ос...

    22,27 €

  • The Science of Ezekiel’s Chariot of YHWH Vision as a Synthesis of Reason and Spirit
    Patrick Pullicino
    In ancient Israel, there was no distinction between reason and emotion, as both were seen to operate within the heart and the Hebrew word for heart incorporates both. The heart is a pivotal symbol in Ezekiel. The giving of a new heart implies a reordering of reason and emotion, so that the Israelites could correctly perceive and love God. Modern psychology shows that emotion an...

    20,65 €

    Mkoma Yi
    Mohammed Ali, widely regarded as the greatest heavyweight boxer in history, renounced Christianity and embraced Islam, convinced that it was the original faith of his ancestors. This decision had a profound impact, with over two million predominantly black African-Americans following his lead. The matter of salvation was left to chance, as many believed that if it was good enou...

    13,56 €

  • In My Time
    Colin Lang
    Bringing together a career’s worth of professional expertise in law and commerce and a lifetime’s worth of personal experience in traditional Judaism, Colin Lang meditates on the role this ancient ethic continues to play in our lives. While narrating everything from his family history to important changes in Britain’s legal system that occurred during his tenure, Lang skilfully...

    28,40 €

  • In My Time
    Colin Lang
    Bringing together a career’s worth of professional expertise in law and commerce and a lifetime’s worth of personal experience in traditional Judaism, Colin Lang meditates on the role this ancient ethic continues to play in our lives. While narrating everything from his family history to important changes in Britain’s legal system that occurred during his tenure, Lang skilfully...

    21,91 €

  • Under One Tent
    The study of Jewish text, over two millennia, has traditionally taken place in the Bet Midrash (the communal study hall), sitting at a table or desk. Studying the Bible has been a project of thinking, talking, contemplative reflection, and debate.There are other ways.Dr. Ora Horn Prouser, Cantor Michael Kasper, and circus artist and choreographer Ayal Prouser have joined to edi...

    48,25 €

  • Guia de los Perplejos
    Moises Maimonides / Moshe Maimonides / Rambam
    'Maimónides: Guía de los Perplejos' es un tratado clásico de filosofía religiosa escrito por el filósofo y médico medieval español, Maimónides. Escrito en árabe y más tarde traducido a hebreo y otros idiomas, el libro ofrece una visión racional del Judaísmo que reconcilia la ciencia, la filosofía y la religión. Dirigido a aquellos que luchan por aceptar la interpretación litera...

    15,67 €

  • El Cuzary
    Yehuda Halevi
    'El Cuzary: Debate sobre la Verdad, Religión, Fe y Conceptos Básicos del Judaísmo'El libro 'El Cuzary' es una obra magistral escrita por Rab Yehuda Halevi, que presenta un apasionante debate que ocurrio hace mas de 1000 años atras, sobre la verdad, la religión, la fe y los conceptos básicos del judaísmo. La trama se desarrolla a través de un diálogo entre el rey de los jázares ...

    20,00 €

  • Hyman
    Lawrence Bush
    Rabbi Hyman Babushkin has headed and cultivated a progressive religious movement, Encounter Judaism, for half a century - but as he turns 83, he has lost his wife, his prostate, and, perhaps, his faith. The loyalty of some of the key women among his cohort is wavering, his leadership is being challenged, and he is beset by fantasies of fleeing back to the ultra-Orthodox world f...

    23,95 €

  • Sefer Yetzirah
    Abraham / Aryeh Kaplan
    El Sefer Yetzirah, (Libro de la Creación), es una obra antigua y misteriosa de la literatura cabalística, atribuida al Patriarca Abraham. En esta nueva edición, basada en la traduccion al ingles del rabino Aryeh Kaplan, se explican sus profundas implicaciones teóricas, meditativas y mágicas. Aryeh Kaplan nos guía a través de los intrincados conceptos cabalísticos presentados en...

    35,18 €

  • Light of the Infinite
    Erez Safar
    Fall in love with life through weekly doses of ancient Jewish mystic inspiration!In this Light of Infinite book series, Erez Safar acts as your spiritual DJ, curating mystical insights on each weekly Torah portion and expounding on the infinite light of Kabbalah radiating through our Holy Book. Just like on the dance floor, where the right song at the right moment can elevate o...

    16,44 €

  • Torah, Service, Deeds
    As the twenty-first century continues to bring rapid changes to Judaism and Jewish affiliation, and as major challenges continue to mount within and well beyond the Jewish world, effective leadership increasingly requires familiarity and dexterity in multiple ethical areas: interpersonal, social, political, environmental, medical, and business.Torah, Service, Deeds presents ess...

    31,50 €

  • The Testament of Lazarus
    Janet Tyson
    The Gospel of John is a complex and intriguing testament, written on multiple symbolic levels-but it tells a very human story. Jesus was fallible; he made errors of judgement and found his plans scuppered more than once. In this gospel he is not divine and there are no miracles; every aspect of the text was written with both a theological and a mundane intended meaning. The sig...

    32,00 €

  • The Testament of Lazarus
    Janet Tyson
    The Gospel of John is a complex and intriguing testament, written on multiple symbolic levels-but it tells a very human story. Jesus was fallible; he made errors of judgement and found his plans scuppered more than once. In this gospel he is not divine and there are no miracles; every aspect of the text was written with both a theological and a mundane intended meaning. The sig...

    23,06 €

  • Jesus the Nazarene
    A. Jordan
    The historical Jesus is as elusive as he is appealing. Everyone wants to find who the man really was. Scholars pour over the pages of the New Testament and apocryphal literature for any clue about his true identity. People have looked in all places for answers--except one. The Talmud contains a powerful counter-narrative to the Christian and scholarly consensus about Jesus. Did...

    21,30 €

  • Jesus the Nazarene
    A. Jordan
    The historical Jesus is as elusive as he is appealing. Everyone wants to find who the man really was. Scholars pour over the pages of the New Testament and apocryphal literature for any clue about his true identity. People have looked in all places for answers--except one. The Talmud contains a powerful counter-narrative to the Christian and scholarly consensus about Jesus. Did...

    33,78 €

  • Everything’s Going To Be Okay
    Chava Floryn
    'Everything is going to be OK.' But, is it? Is it really? There are moments when things are really, really sucky. As a healer, Chava Floryn’s dad became the sort of physician who saw lots of struggle and challenge in his lifetime, and he understood how painful life could become after burying his own father at the tender age of nine-years-old. Still, this was the family mantra s...

    20,82 €

  • Blossoming Beyond the Desert
    Shelle Goldstein
    The journey of the Exodus is one that each of us on the planet is destined to travel-all of us who struggle to heal from trauma, loss, and deep disappointments, and who long to live and love again. We are blessed to have, in the Passover Seder, a ritual and a tradition that serves as a roadmap to guide our steps.Blossoming Beyond the Desert illuminates the healing messages of t...

    18,31 €

  • The Teachings of The Rebbe - 5717 - Vol. 1
    Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson / Rabbi Amiram Markel / Rabbi Yehudah S Markel
    In his discourses, translated here as, 'The Teachings of the Rebbe,' the Rebbe sheds light on the task and duty of our generation, the final generation of exile and the first generation of redemption, and the approach that we must adopt to attain and draw forth the revelation of HaShem, the Singular Intrinsic Unlimited Being Himself, blessed is He, in the here and now, culminat...

    36,44 €

  • The Jewish fanaticism
    Hervé Ryssen
    The Jewish people are promoting a project for the whole of humanity; a grandiose project that they have been carrying out for centuries against all odds: the establishment of universal peace on the face of the earth. The notion of 'Peace' is at the very core of Judaism, and it is no coincidence that this word (shalom in Hebrew) appears so frequently in all the speeches of the J...

    30,48 €

  • Der jüdische Fanatismus
    Hervé Ryssen
    Das jüdische Volk setzt sich für ein Projekt für die gesamte Menschheit ein; ein grandioses Projekt, das es seit Jahrhunderten gegen alle Widerstände durchführt: die Schaffung eines universellen Friedens auf der Erde. Der Begriff 'Frieden' ist das Herzstück des Judentums, und es ist kein Zufall, dass dieses Wort (hebräisch: Schalom) so häufig in allen Reden der Juden der Welt a...

    30,26 €

  • Il fanatismo ebraico
    Hervé Ryssen
    Il popolo ebraico promuove un progetto per l’intera umanità, un progetto grandioso che porta avanti da secoli contro ogni previsione: l’instaurazione della pace universale sulla faccia della terra. Il concetto di 'pace' è al centro dell’ebraismo e non è un caso che questa parola (shalom in ebraico) compaia così frequentemente in tutti i discorsi degli ebrei del mondo. Non si tr...

    29,26 €

  • The Guide for the Perplexed
    Moses Maimonides / M. Friedlander
    It is the object of this work 'to afford a guide for the perplexed,' i.e. 'to thinkers whose studies have brought them into collision with religion' (p. 9), 'who have studied philosophy and have acquired sound knowledge, and who, while firm in religious matters, are perplexed and bewildered on account of the ambiguous and figurative expressions employed in the holy writings' (p...

    27,71 €

  • La mafia ebraica
    Hervé Ryssen
     Gli ebrei, attraverso i media, vengono invariabilmente presentati come vittime della storia. L’idea dell’ebreo sempre perseguitato senza motivo è antica quanto l’ebraismo stesso. Pertanto, è quasi assiomatico ritenere che gli ebrei siano incapaci di fare del male. Pertanto, un ebreo che è stato sia un gangster che un assassino può sembrare a priori sorprendente. Joseph Roth, u...

    29,30 €

  • Die jüdische Mafia
    Hervé Ryssen
     Juden werden in den Medien stets als Opfer der Geschichte dargestellt. Die Vorstellung, dass der Jude immer grundlos verfolgt wird, ist so alt wie das Judentum selbst. Daher ist es fast schon selbstverständlich, dass Juden zu nichts Bösem fähig sind. Daher mag ein Jude, der sowohl ein Gangster als auch ein Mörder war, a priori überraschend erscheinen. Joseph Roth, ein berühmte...

    29,12 €

  • Apocalypse of Abraham

    20,46 €

  • Apocalypse of Abraham

    37,21 €

  • Christianity’s Jewish Roots
    Susan Anderson
    One God, Two Traditions If you’ve ever wondered how Judaism transitioned to Christianity, this book is for you! You probably know that Christians and Jews have the same God and Abraham is our common forefather. This engaging examination is accessible and basic, yet covers a lot of ground and answers many common questions that Christians have. In this thoughtful, practical study...

    13,50 €

  • The Jewish Mafia
    Hervé Ryssen
     Jews, through the media, are invariably presented as the victims of history. The idea of the Jew always persecuted for no reason is as old as Judaism itself. Thus, it is almost axiomatic to consider that Jews are incapable of evil. Therefore, a Jew who was both a gangster and a murderer may seem a priori surprising. Joseph Roth, a famous Austrian Jewish writer of the interwar ...

    30,51 €

  • Philosophy as Stranger Wisdom
    Carlo Altini
    The first complete intellectual biography of one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the twentieth century, Leo Strauss. ...

    42,07 €