Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales / Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias (1212)

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  • Wie Man Aufhört, Zu Viel Zu Denken
    Adam Tusco
    WAS DU MIT DIESEM BUCH LERNEN WIRST, WIRD DICH FÜR IMMER VERÄNDERN Wie Hört Man Auf, Zu Viel Zu Denken: das Buch, das imstande ist, aufdringliche Gedanken abzubremsen!Wie oft ist es vorgekommen, dass du nach einem langen Arbeitstag endlich ins Bett gehen kannst, aber der Schlaf will nicht kommen, weil dein Gehirn überlastet, voller Gedanken ist? Dies ist eine der frustrierenden...

    18,97 €

  • Come Smettere di Pensare Troppo
    Adam Tusco
    QUELLO CHE STAI PER IMPARARE TI POTREBBE CAMBIARE PER SEMPRE. Come smettere di pensare troppo: il libro che mette un freno al pensiero invadente! Come puoi placare l’incessante ronzio di sottofondo, controllare i tuoi pensieri e metterti sulla via che desideri percorrere?Quante volte ti è capitato che dopo una lunga giornata finalmente ti mettessi a letto e non riuscissi a pren...

    18,93 €

  • Next Year You May Die. Mortal Echo
    Roger J. Mansell
    "Next Year You May Die. Mortal Echo: Live Your Life As If Next Year You Are Not Here Because One Day, That Will Be The Truth" is an inspiring journey confronting the reality of death and celebrating the vitality of life. If you’ve ever questioned your purpose, grappled with life’s adversities, or sought to infuse each day with gratitude and positivity, this book is your guiding...

    16,56 €

  • Emotional and Social Intelligence
    Finnegan Knight
    13 Magnetic Personality Traits to Go From a Wallflower to an Absolute Star - Learn How to Become Friendlier, More Charming, and Intensely MagneticBeing yourself around people you want to impress can be challenging. You might feel like you have to put on a show or change who you are.We all know someone who just has a special way with people. They make friends easily, always know...

    28,66 €

  • Emotional and Social Intelligence
    Finnegan Knight
    13 Magnetic Personality Traits to Go From a Wallflower to an Absolute Star - Learn How to Become Friendlier, More Charming, and Intensely MagneticBeing yourself around people you want to impress can be challenging. You might feel like you have to put on a show or change who you are.We all know someone who just has a special way with people. They make friends easily, always know...

    35,77 €

  • I Would, but My DAMN MIND Won’t Let Me!
    Jacqui Letran
    Are you tired of the constant battles within your mind?Does fear and self-doubt rob you of your happiness?It’s time to break free from the cycle of self-doubt and worry, and finally find peace of mind!And it’s easier than you think.Introducing, I would, but MY DAMN MIND won’t let me: A Simple Guide to Help You Understand and Manage Your Complex Thoughts and Feelings, written by...

    30,56 €

  • Staring at Walls
    Jen Perry
    Do you want ways to not just survive depression and PTSD, but to thrive and live life to the fullest? Do you ever feel lost on how to find joy and inner peace amidst mental illness?If so, this book is definitely for you! Staring at Walls will guide you to overcome these challenges. It offers a practical guide on finding compassion for yourself, while adding some humor to an oth...

    12,67 €

  • Crossing the Borderline
    T. R. Lilly / TRLilly
    Crossing the Borderline started out as a series of journal entries; some of which were e-mailed to T. R.’s therapist, pastor, and pastor’s wife. They encouraged her to expand these stories of advocating for her own mental and emotional health. When this book was in its infancy, T. R. thought it was going to be quite different than what it became. She started out to write a-tell...

    11,86 €

  • It’s All in My Head
    Alfred Gremsly
    It’s All in My Head is a headfirst dive into the flood of emotions that having mental illness can bring. Millions of people worldwide suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or one of the many other issues that impact our brain chemistry. This book is a gut-wrenching look at the heartache and pain behind those personal battles. It is a glimpse behind the mirror and i...

    11,24 €

  • A Walk in My Shoes
    Christopher Gajewski
    After almost taking my life, I decided to start talking and keep talking. It’s a long story, all contained in my podcast and website--and now in this book. After 51 years, I decided to stop living a life of quiet desperation. I chose to live it out loud, and maybe help others do the same. So, I started talking and ask others to do the same. --and start listening. I want to chal...

    19,66 €

  • Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts
    Stacey Freedenthal
    If you have a loved one who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, you may feel deeply afraid-both of loss and of saying the wrong thing and making matters worse. Based on decades of clinical experience in suicidology, this compassionate guide gives readers the essential communication techniques and coping skills they need to support a loved one in crisis, while also taking care of...

    37,94 €

  • Bob is a C$#t
    G.M. McBain / Maximilian Kidd
    My name is Gary, and I am one of the many people who suffer from the debilitating condition known as depression. Ever felt like the world’s biggest loser? That no one likes you and you have no friends? That you are nothing but an outsider and outcast? That everything you ever say or do will never be good enough? That no matter how hard you try the world will always be against y...

    19,65 €

  • ¡Ánimo! Te quiero y estoy contigo
    Grete Books
    ¿Tienes un amigo, amiga o ser querido pasando por una mala racha? Entonces, este es el libro-regalo que le hará saber que no está solo y cómo volver a levantar el vuelo. Lleno de color, positividad y buenos consejos, este libro será como un compañero en el que podrá apoyarse cuando las cosas no van tan bien como uno quisiera.75 ideas sencillas y eficaces que le ayudarán a ver l...

    16,00 €

  • Get Amped
    Amtoni Norris
    This 21 day devotional is for women who struggle with depression, procrastination, insecurity, and self-doubt. Amped means to be energized, re-aligned, made larger or more impressive. You may be making progress in certain areas of your life but struggling or stuck in others. Some of the most successful women need encouragement and support to stay the course during seasons of fe...

    15,92 €

  • The Anxiety and Stress Survival Guide for Teen Girls
    Klish T. Kinderman
     "The Anxiety and Stress Survival Guide for Teen Girls," your essential companion on the path to inner strength and emotional resilience.Life as a teenage girl can be overwhelming, with countless expectations, pressures, and uncertainties. Adolescence is a period of significant physical, emotional, and social changes, and navigating through them as a teenage girl can pose vario...

    16,74 €

  • Healthy Depression
    Kenyon C. Knapp
    Depression is the most common mental health struggle on earth, but before we treat it, it helps to determine if it is the illness or the symptom. There are some depressions that are biologically based, and others that are situational, and some that are based on a lack of meaning and purpose in life. This book will help you figure out if you have the sufficient meaning and purpo...

    15,19 €

  • Healthy Depression
    Kenyon C. Knapp
    Depression is the most common mental health struggle on earth, but before we treat it, it helps to determine if it is the illness or the symptom. There are some depressions that are biologically based, and others that are situational, and some that are based on a lack of meaning and purpose in life. This book will help you figure out if you have the sufficient meaning and purpo...

    27,67 €

  • How to Control Your Emotions
    Vincenzo Venezia
    Do you find yourself awake at night because you can’t stop worrying about what happened today?Is anger, fear, sadness and worry always with you?Do they try to assault you every day, take control and prove stubborn and resistant to all attempts to drive them away? Why is it so difficult to manage these emotions? Negative emotions such as fear, sadness and anger are notoriously d...

    15,89 €

  • The Skolnikoff Method
    Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff
    Discover the OFF Formula that allows you to:o  Get OFF prescription medicationso  Get OFF false and misleading chronic disease management philosophieso  Get OFF the blood sugar up and down roller coastero  Get OFF the yo yo diets that don’t allow you to successfully maintain a healthy weight long term, but instead, to gain weight, lose weight, gain weight, lose weight...o  Get ...

    38,77 €

  • Insecurity Unlocked
    Lilla Rose
    Are you caught in a vicious cycle of insecurity?Insecurity can be a vicious cycle that affects our relationships and triggers fears and anxieties. It leads us to dwell on worst-case scenarios and search for signs of our fears even in trivial details, feeding our insecurity even more. This can result in conflicts, less communication, jealousy, and distrust, ultimately leading to...

    14,39 €

  • Dealing with Demons
    Tracilyn George
    Do you or a loved one have a mental illness? Have you ever wondered what you can do to help? This book is your answer! To fully understand depression, you must listen intently and attentively to those of us afflicted.It is important for anyone with mental illness to be treated with kindness, respect and dignity, not with stigma, bias and scorn for we are fighting a battle beyon...

    15,69 €

  • Embracing The Storm
    Gillianne H Fuller
    Navigating Depression is a concise yet comprehensive guide that dives deep into the emotional aspects of menopause. In this book, readers will find a wealth of valuable insights, practical tips, and empowering strategies to navigate the emotional ups and downs of this transformative life stage.With compassion and understanding, this book explores the emotional challenges common...

    20,78 €

  • Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale
    Jean Martin
    Saviez-vous que, dans l’ensemble de la population mondiale, 450 millions de personnes souffrent quotidiennement d’un trouble mental quelconque ? Les troubles mentaux les plus courants contre lesquels les gens luttent quotidiennement sont la dépression et l’anxiété. Êtes-vous une personne qui a l’impression d’être toujours accablée par ses troubles mentaux ? Avez-vous l’impressi...

    21,23 €

  • 37 Symptoms of Bipolar Depression
    Sally Alter
    From, Sally Alter, the well-known author of 'How to Live with Bipolar' and 'Bipolar 1 Disorder Rescue Plan' comes a unique workbook that will help you better manage your symptoms of bipolar depression. Sally is a Registered Nurse, and has had bipolar 1 disorder with anxiety and psychosis for over fifty years. In this book she shares with you her secrets to successfully managing...

    27,33 €

  • Recovering Your Purpose in a Confused World
    Zuleyka Salazar
    The world can be a daunting place, particularly when we find ourselves seeking refuge in the shadows of our misunderstandings. Dwelling on past grievances, letdowns, and anxieties can leave us feeling trapped in a world of despair. However, it is essential to realize that God still has a plan for our lives, and to break free from our self-imposed prisons, we must first bask in ...

    12,53 €

  • El monstruo que habita en mí se llama ansiedad
    Gabriela A. Viggiano
    ¿Has notado cómo tu vida de pronto parece tambalearse emocionalmente, aún a pesar del éxito, o del ritmo envidiable que proyectas al exterior? Llevamos años entrenando para producir resultados tangibles, monetarios, y socialmente competitivos, como si de máquinas automatizadas se tratase. Poco nos enfocamos en darle el cuidado y merecido descanso a nuestro interior, porque hast...

    31,74 €

  • DBT Workbook for Depression
    Barrett Huang
    Discover powerful DBT strategies to overcome depression and anxiety with this complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy workbook.Do you often struggle with depressive episodes and negative thoughts? Are you searching for proven psychological strategies to help you improve your mental wellbeing and fight depression? Or do you want to enrich your life with mindfulness and begin creat...

    16,09 €

  • DBT Workbook for Depression
    Barrett Huang
    Discover powerful DBT strategies to overcome depression and anxiety with this complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy workbook.Do you often struggle with depressive episodes and negative thoughts? Are you searching for proven psychological strategies to help you improve your mental wellbeing and fight depression? Or do you want to enrich your life with mindfulness and begin creat...

    24,23 €

  • Spirit Rising
    Dr. Cindy Hoard
    Spirit Rising, My Winding, Tumultuous Odyssey with Depression, a memoir by Cindy Hoard blends self-help, lived experience, treatments of major depression, and evolution of her spiritual life. Her profession as a well-known psychologist; and her personal insight and practices dramatically impact her rollercoaster ride.Spirit Rising lets you travel with her managing ongoing chall...

    20,61 €

  • Broken Beyond
    Sanket Chaudhary
    'Broken Beyond' is a self-help book aimed at guiding individuals through the process of healing from the pain of a breakup or a heartbreak. The book covers various topics such as understanding heartbreak, coping with the emotions, the importance of self-care, seeking professional help, and using music, socializing, and exercise as therapies. The author, a first-time writer, sha...

    15,52 €