Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales / Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias (1214)

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  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Steven Turner
    If you're looking for an effective method to treat anxiety, depression, phobias and more, then keep reading...No matter who you are or where you come from, you already have firsthand experience of the maxim, “Life is challenging.” The pressures of day-to-day living can lead us down the path of various health complications, and in particular, mental illnesses, such as depres...

    21,41 €

  • Danzando con la bipolaridad
    Belinda Garza
    Sofía es una joven mujer que a sus escasos veintitrés años, con el nacimiento de su primer hijo, sufre la primera crisis de manía, y aunque de la mano de la danza se recupera, con el tiempo vuelve a caer en las garras de la bipolaridad. Ella siente que el contacto con la realidad se le escapa de las manos, que no puede con ese peso sobre los hombros, pero poco a poco va descubr...

    10,10 €

  • Cura de la ansiedad y la depresión En español/ Cure of anxiety and depression In Spanish (Spanish Edition)
    Charlie Mason
    ¿Se siente mal y caído?¿Siente que toda la esperanza está perdida?¿Levantarse por la mañana y enfrentar el mundo es tan difícil como escalar una montaña? Si usted o alguien a quien cuida, se siente así, entonces podría estar en manos de la depresión.Si siente que no puede respirar y que las paredes se están cerrando hacia  usted, entonces puede estar en las garras de la ansieda...

    19,97 €

  • Dark Nights of the Soul
    David Anderson
    In 2000, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I had been living with a depressed brain my whole life and didn’t know it. How many more people, I wondered, are walking around sad, irritable, and cynical, even when they can’t think of any reason for it? Or maybe they have a reason but it hits them harder than most people?How many more feel this underlying sorrow and think it...

    7,11 €

  • A Warrior Married to His Wife and PTSD
    Curtis Butler III
    Life in Baghdad, Iraq, in October 2003 and again in 2006 was like living in a Crock-Pot. It was hot, and the breeze, if you can call it that, was just as hot. We would travel to strange destinations to attend meetings, drop off supplies, or pick up soldiers. We even performed guard duty and with the scorching temperatures. The protective gear that we wore added about twenty deg...

    23,63 €

  • Anxiety Management
    Google Trends shows that searches for ‘Anxiety’ have vastly increased over the last few years with over 1.2 million searches a month.One of the most popular therapies for anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and this serves as an influence for this page. While CBT is complex and has many aspects to it, one key tenet is that it may help an anxious person to pinpoint unhelpful...

    15,58 €

  • The Condemned Marines
    Jerry Russell Bemley
    The Condemned Marines is a work about a man whose dreams and aspirations were to serve God and country in that order. His objective was to return to the United States and pursue a career in medicine, driven by his mother naming him after a doctor. He was said to have healing powers by his mother. However, after a bout with injury and acquired a middle ear disease, his main bout...

    11,27 €

  • Anxiety And Depression & Runners Handbook
    Charlie Mason
    Anxiety And Depression & Runners Handbook Bundle Anxiety And Depression:Do you feel down in the dumps?Does everything seem blue to you?Does it feel like all hope is lost?Is getting up in the morning and facing the world as hard as climbing a mountain?If you, or someone you care for, feel like this, then you might be in the grips of depression. In this book, “Anxiety and Depress...

    20,42 €

  • The Social Anxiety Cure
    Steven Frank
    Are you extremely awkward in social situations? Do you often feel nervous and afraid to speak to people you don’t know? Then you need to keep reading... According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the number of people who suffer from social anxiety is an estimated fifteen million. Due to increased isolation, this number is expected to rise. Shockingly, most...

    19,22 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Maya Faro
    Your Personalized Guide to Mental and Emotional Freedom! You are just about to discover how to free yourself from anxiety, depression and negative thoughts with powerful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  (CBT) offers effective and proven strategies that have been successfully used to treat & get rid of anxiety. The good news? Anyone can mast...

    16,34 €

  • Ansiedad
    Fariol Muro
    La ansiedad puede ser tan terrible que puede llegar a ser incapacitante hasta un punto en el que cada aspecto de tu vida se ve afectadaCon esta guía única, puede aprender todo sobre la ansiedad y los trastornos relevantes para que pueda controlar sus emociones y llevar una vida tranquila.Si la ansiedad dicta la forma en la que vives y estás listo para cambiar y tomar el control...

    11,03 €

  • Ansiedad
    Natal Tello
    Hattie Cooper, la bloguera detrás de La guía dietética para chicas con ansiedad conoce sobre el tema.Cuando tienes ansiedad, pierdes libertad. No puedes hacer las cosas que quieres hacer o ir a lugares que alimentan su ansiedad. Muchos de nosotros con ansiedad estamos tan ansiosos que tememos hablar con las personas. Incluso le quita la oportunidad de vivir la vida al máximo, a...

    11,11 €

  • Ansiedad
    Vin Muro
    En tiempos en los que era una chica medio normal, Sadie nunca se preocupó por su salud mental. Pero en el momento en el que los tres demonios, la ansiedad, el pánico y la depresión comienzan a apoderarse de su vida, Sadie se pregunta si algún día volverá a ver la luz.¿Alguna vez has sentido que tu timidez te impide hacer las cosas que quieres hacer? ¿Tu ansiedad afecta la calid...

    10,09 €

  • Ansiedad
    Vic Jaime
    Si ha tenido que lidiar con el trastorno de ansiedad crónica en algún momento de su vida o ha visto a alguien que padece esta afección, comprenderá por qué requiere seria e inmediata atención.En muchas ocasiones, luchar contra la ansiedad por cuenta propia nos lleva a seguir patrones y hábitos negativos los cuales deben reemplazarse por alternativas positivas para poder sanar. ...

    11,13 €

  • Ansiedad
    Silvio Godoy
    La guía definitiva para comprender y tratar la ansiedad comparte los hechos y las realidades con las que todos los que sufren de ansiedad pueden identificarse.Con Aldo a su lado, ¿será Sadie capaz de escapar del oscuro pozo sin fondo y recuperar el control de su vida? Una vez que has tocado fondo, solo hay una salida… El personaje de esta novela puede que sea ficticio, pero los...

    11,13 €

  • Ansiedad
    Tilo Otero
    Este libro te ayudará a entender por qué te sientes ansioso..No importa cuál sea el color de tu piel, de qué nacionalidad eres, tus ideas políticas, cuál es tu género, cuál es tu orientación sexual y ni siquiera cuál es tu religión. También los psiquiatras y psicólogos la sufren.La clave para superar la ansiedad empieza por reconocerla, para que puedas tratar algo tienes que sa...

    12,83 €

  • Anxiety and Depression Cure
    Charlie Mason
    Alcohol is a wonderful thing. It can be used for celebrations, both good and bad! It can be used to toast to someone’s good fortune or hope for a better future. It can be used in an expression of undying love or simply to enjoy a relaxing moment at the end of a difficult work week.But alcohol can be an evil thing, also. Alcohol can cause brain damage, heart problems, and stroke...

    9,90 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Craig Huffman
    If you’ve always wanted to stop intrusive thoughts but don't have an effective method for doing so, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Essential CBT Guide to Rewiring the Brain and Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Intrusive Thoughts Using a Highly Effective Form of Psychotherapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Ulti...

    21,05 €

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
    Craig Huffman
    If you want to learn about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, then keep reading...This book offers a practical overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.Specific techniques for specific applications are given. ACT as it has been implemented for several disorders and problem behaviors is described. You'll learn how ACT has successfully been used or may be used to treat p...

    23,44 €

  • Ansiedad
    Numa Velez
    ¿Constantemente estás teniendo problemas para dormir debido a las experiencias de vida tan estresantes que estás atravesando?¿Y si los pensamientos que desencadenan la ansiedad de su hijo se neutralizan? ¿Qué pasaría si las mariposas en su estómago, el sudor en sus palmas y la mirada desesperada en sus ojos por ayuda fueran transformadas? ¿Y qué si ellos tuvieran las habilidade...

    11,00 €

  • Ansiedad
    Colin Rolón
    Pero cuando este pánico se vuelve abrumador y le impide vivir su vida, ¡es hora de actuar y controlar su ansiedad!¿Esto ha hecho tu vida todavía más difícil porque no estás teniendo la productividad que deseas en el trabajo? ¿Sientes como si a nadie le importara porque parece que no entendieran por lo que estás pasando en la vida? ¿A veces tienes pensamientos de muerte o pensam...

    11,00 €

  • Ansiedad
    Alvin Ávila
    Use los desarrollos en la neurociencia para reconfigurar el cerebro y desprenderse de la carga de la ansiedad, timidez y ataques de pánico.No se estrese, usted puede aprender a lidiar con su ansiedad y recuperar el control de su vida. Este libro presenta 30 consejos y estrategias fáciles de implementar que usted puede comenzar a hacer HOY para vencer su ansiedad. ¡Empiece a viv...

    10,97 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Alex C. Wolf / Alex CWolf
    Are you ready to take control of your mind? And Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Negative Thoughts?If you are looking for a way to deal with your mental issues once and for all, then Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Practical Guide for Rewiring Your Brain and Regaining Control Over Anxiety, Phobias, and Depression is the book you have been waiting for.Current estimate...

    20,27 €

  • The Bereavement Code
    Jack Wilson
    That Gut-Wrenching, Agonizing Feeling – Can You Make It Go Away?When you feel like you can’t go on and the pain of grief actually turns into a powerful physical ache… Is there a way to start recovering and going back to life as usual after the loss of a loved one?The loss of a loved one always has a physical expression. There will be a huge void in your life that simply can’t b...

    14,28 €

  • be yourself
    gupta sarish
    This story is designed to impress upon the real life experiences which I feel, you feel and all of us feel. It is not a continuous plot where I am talking about one thing, it covers multiple aspects of life and my sharp point is how to make my readers confident. Many a times we all over think about the things whose existence is minimal and try always to worry our self. This sto...

    13,79 €

  • Comes With Furniture and People
    Charlotte Matthews
    2020 Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist - Women's IssuesComes with Furniture and People tells the story of a daughter desperate to reach a mother trapped in depression. What’s more, the daughter intuits the mother has an incurable disease, one the mother hides even from herself, as she spends her days reading Greek dramas and studying the etymologies of words. Four y...

    14,28 €

  • Down Days
    Craig Hallam
    This isn't a self-help book. But I hope it will support you anyway.Beginning as a therapeutic exercise that was never supposed to be read by anyone else, the Down Days blog attracted readers from across the globe with its blunt, honest and poignant description of what it's really like to live as a creative with depression and anxiety.Down Days tells it like it is; break...

    16,33 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple
    Elisse Moore
    Learn to manage your anxiety and depression with simple, effective strategies used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. A proven form of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is often the first line of defense against common issues like depression and anxiety. But before you seek treatment, you should understand what it is and how it can help you. Cognitive Behavioral...

    15,63 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Chris S Jennings
    Are you afraid to pursue your goals? Do you feel that fear has prevented you from achieving your dreams? Would you be happy to learn how to overcome fear, anxiety, worry, and depression? Cognitive behavioral therapy is a amazing form of therapy which is often the best form of treatment recommended for combating anxiety, worry, depression, and other related issues. In this book...

    15,39 €

  • Empath
    Chris S Jennings
    An empath is a person who absorbs the emotions of others like a sponge and experiences these emotions as their own. While empaths are warm, intuitive, and compassionate people, their high level of sensitivity makes them prone to experiencing issues such as anxiety, depression, and crippling physical illnesses. These two books will help strengthen your physical, mental, emotiona...

    15,07 €