Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • Exaustão
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Neste livro, vamos lidar com fronteiras bem definidas entre saúde e doença. São três grandes vilões: estresse, exaustão mental e psicopatia.Saber identificar os sinais de exaustão mental é fundamental para evitar o agravamento, quando este pode levar à ansiedade e à depressão. Livre-se desse incômodo com as táticas recomendadas aqui. ...

    9,91 €

  • Revolução Dna
    Marcelo Hacker
    EmRevolução DNA - A Moeda que mudou o Mundo , você será transportado para um futuro não tão distante, onde uma revolução criptográfica transformou para sempre a economia global. Neste emocionante thriller tecnológico, siga um grupo de idealistas brasileiros em sua jornada para criar a DNA Coin, uma moeda digital inovadora projetada para promover a igualdade econômica e desafiar...

    11,99 €

  • Cosmion
    Marco Paulo Silva
    ... Em meio a um pandemônio escalar e envolvente (o nosso), uma ciclística e transgeracional excursão até um geográfico ponto elevado e deslumbrante. Um veraneio que se pretendia despretensioso, nostálgico e bucólico, munido de deliciosos víveres e repleto de inúmeros ensinamentos a serem ministrados. Que o foram, de fato, mas que, impensável, radical, abrupta e tragicamente pa...

    20,22 €

  • 21 Ensinamentos Essenciais Para Empresas E Empreendedores
    Henrique Fabio Cometti E Daniela Uliana Reigado Braz Rossi
    Existem vários ensinamentos essenciais que podem ser úteis para empresas e empreendedores em busca de sucesso em seus negócios. A proposta dos autores é trazer conceitos para entender seu público-alvo, elaborar um plano de negócios sólido, inovação de forma constante, cuidado no atendimento ao cliente, aprender com seus erros, construir equipes multidisciplinares talentosas ent...

    9,12 €

  • A Few Words of Wisdom
    Daniel Steyn
    Have you ever wanted to get a grasp of life?In A Few Words of Wisdom, readers are introduced to the pinnacle of human thought, exploring the rich tapestry ofwisdom woven by brilliant minds across centuries. This meticulously curated collection brings together over 1700insightful quotes from authors spanning the past 2000 years, capturing the essence of their wisdom, intellect, ...

    38,71 €

  • Mentalidade Para O Combate Urbano
    Guaraci Urubatã Costa
    Muitas pessoas acreditam que pelo fato de estarem armadas as chances de sofrerem algum tipo de agressão diminuem, mas acredite: estar armado vai levar você à morte caso não esteja realmente preparado técnica, física e mentalmente, se o seu comportamento não for condizente com o de uma pessoa que está armada e se a disposição da arma no seu corpo ou onde quer que você a carregue...

    11,80 €

  • Cosmic Hypothesis
    Ira D. Ernst
    A radical new theory on the origin and ultimate fate of the universe, and our place within it.A bold new voice in cosmology lays out a comprehensive theory detailing the origin, evolution, and eventual destiny of the universe, as well as Man’s surprisingly important role in a near-infinite realm that often seems beyond our comprehension. If you’ve ever wondered how all that aro...

    14,48 €

  • Cosmic Hypothesis
    Ira D Ernst
    A radical new theory on the origin and ultimate fate of the universe, and our place within it.A bold new voice in cosmology lays out a comprehensive theory detailing the origin, evolution, and eventual destiny of the universe, as well as Man’s surprisingly important role in a near-infinite realm that often seems beyond our comprehension. If you’ve ever wondered how all that aro...

    21,92 €

  • Higher Education for Good
    After decades of turbulence and acute crises in recent years, how can we build a better future for Higher Education?Thoughtfully edited by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin, this rich and diverse collection by academics and professionals from across 17 countries and many disciplines offers a variety of answers to this question. It addresses the need to set new values for u...

    73,84 €

  • Higher Education for Good
    After decades of turbulence and acute crises in recent years, how can we build a better future for Higher Education?Thoughtfully edited by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin, this rich and diverse collection by academics and professionals from across 17 countries and many disciplines offers a variety of answers to this question. It addresses the need to set new values for u...

    90,94 €

  • The Hidden World
    T.J. Roswell
    In an epoch of unparalleled scientific discoveries juxtaposed against profound spiritual unrest, 'The Hidden World' emerges as a beacon of enlightenment, unearthing the intricate dance between the tangible and the esoteric. Journeying beyond the confines of conventional literature, this magnum opus dives deep into the vast ocean of human consciousness, seeking intersections wit...

    37,86 €

  • Thriving in Academic Leadership
    Personal and engaging, the stories in Thriving in Academic Leadership speak to a broad population of academics, serving as an inspiration and guide for academics who aspire to leadership, or are currently in leadership positions, looking to climb the leadership ladder. ...

    32,19 €

  • Algunas lecciones del renacimiento italiano para la búsqueda de la justicia social
    Cristina Zari / Diego Hidalgo-Oñate
    'Algunas lecciones del Renacimiento italiano para la búsqueda de la justicia social' es un fascinante ensayo escrito por Diego Hidalgo-Oñate y Cristina Zari, que nos invita a sumergirnos en una época de transformación histórica y cultural: el Renacimiento italiano. Este período fue testigo de un notable avance económico y cultural que dejó huella en la humanidad.En esta obra, s...

    20,43 €

  • Education Theories for a Changing World
    Alison Riley / Karl Aubrey

    54,71 €

  • Education Theories for a Changing World
    Alison Riley / Karl Aubrey

    154,23 €

  • ’OUR’ great great GREAT Grandparents
    A. L. Boykin
    What is ... The RestorationThe Restoration began officially on October 28, 2017 as a 3-part ’32 year plan’ designed to create, secure, and then pass on a global infrastructure, a network, and a perpetual pool of land-based and financial resources to further assist with the growth of future African Americans and African descendants.Part 1 of this plan centers on creating a globa...

    15,67 €

  • Teaching at Twilight
    Ahmed Afzaal
    This book delivers an unsettling but urgent message to all educators . . .Today, humanity finds itself on the cusp of a long period of inexorable decline and disruption, the likes of which no previous generation has experienced. Large-scale behavioral changes are imperative, not necessarily to ''save the planet'' but to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering. Yet, the vast major...

    26,21 €

  • Teaching at Twilight
    Ahmed Afzaal
    This book delivers an unsettling but urgent message to all educators . . .Today, humanity finds itself on the cusp of a long period of inexorable decline and disruption, the likes of which no previous generation has experienced. Large-scale behavioral changes are imperative, not necessarily to ''save the planet'' but to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering. Yet, the vast major...

    40,12 €

  • O Verde Da Vida
    Ariel B. Batista
    Nascido da Sugestão de Terceiros & da Força de Vontade do Autor, Páginas contendo Comentários, Pensamentos & Estudos acerca do Vegetarianismo formam esse Livro Simples, mas repleto de Sinceridade & Dicas de Boa Comida. ...

    9,57 €

  • LE MANUEL (ENCHIRIDION) - De la leçon à l’action !
    Cette édition entièrement adaptée et réécrite de 'The Enchiridion' propose une mise à jour complète pour répondre aux besoins des lecteurs contemporains. Les fonctionnalités clés de cette édition incluent : •       Une réécriture complète du texte pour assurer sa pertinence et son accessibilité aux lecteurs modernes.•       Présentant des discussions uniques sous la forme de se...

    15,55 €

  • THE ENCHIRIDION - From Lesson To Action!
    This fully adapted and rewritten edition of 'The Enchiridion' offers a comprehensive update to meet the needs of contemporary readers. Key features of this edition include:Complete rewriting of the text to ensure its relevance and accessibility to modern readers.Introduction of unique discussions in the form of 'Lesson to Action!' segments, allowing readers to easily apply the ...

    13,06 €

  • Eu Pensador..
    João Carlos Teixeira
    Eu Pensador...2142 pensamentos , uma obra de não-ficção que trás reflexões profundas sobre a vida, a sociedade e a busca pelo conhecimento através de pensamentos próprios. Neste livro, são compartilhadas ideias e pensamentos sobre diversos assuntos, inspirando os leitores a refletir sobre suas próprias vidas e a buscar um maior entendimento do mundo ao seu redor. ...

    11,67 €

  • Jadeed Falsafa-e-Akhlaaq ka radd
    Mohd Faisal Riyaz Shahid
    This book, 'Jadeed Falsafa-e-Akhlaaq ka radd' (The refutation of Modern philosophy of Ethics) is a literal scholarly reply by Mohammad Faisal Riyaz Shahid to a short film made by Ram Gopal Verma in 2017.ایک بات تمام مذاہب میں مشترک یہ ہے کہ اس دنیا میں انسان کو امتحان کے لئے بھیجا گیا ہے ، اسے سیدھی راہ دکھا دی گئی ہے ، اب یہ اس پر منحصر ہے کہ وہ یہ امتحان پاس کر کے آخرت میں سر...

    16,48 €

  • A Construção Do Futuro
    Carlos A. Ottoboni Pinho
    Este livro nasce no momento certo para repensar o mundo. Você acha que está tudo indo bem no mundo?Se desconfia que não, este livro é para você!Como iniciar a transformação que o mundo precisa?O que teremos que fazer na nossa sociedade, para criar uma nova forma de economia?Quais tecnologias serão necessárias para a sociedade ser estruturada com justiça, abundância e amor?Reuni...

    13,05 €

  • The concept of Education in Islam
    Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
    This book, originally presented as a paper to the Second World Conference on Muslim Education in 1980, for the first time in contemporary Islamic thinking and in a clear and coherent manner, elaborates new and originally conceived ideas and definitions. Key concepts such as religion (din), man (insan), knowledge (ma’rifah and `ilm), wisdom (hikmah), justice (`adl), right action...

    13,18 €

  • The concept of Education in Islam
    Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
    This book, originally presented as a paper to the Second World Conference on Muslim Education in 1980, for the first time in contemporary Islamic thinking and in a clear and coherent manner, elaborates new and originally conceived ideas and definitions. Key concepts such as religion (din), man (insan), knowledge (ma’rifah and `ilm), wisdom (hikmah), justice (`adl), right action...

    13,18 €

  • Alisher Navai and Abdur Rahman Jami’s wise words
    Saidova Mohinur
    This book 'Alisher Navai and Abdur Rahman Jami’s wise words' represents a research work on two great Asian poets i.e. Alisher Navai and Abdur Rahman Jami. Alisher Navai was a Timurid poet, writer, statesman, linguist, Hanafi Maturidi mystic and painter who was the greatest representative of Chagatai literature. Abdur Rahman Jami was a Sunni poet who is known for his achievement...

    15,69 €

  • Education for Refugees and Forced (Im)Migrants Across Time and Context
    Education for Refugees and Forced (Im)Migrants Across Time and Context follows the journey of refugee and forced (im)migrant youths as their educational needs and opportunities vary according to resettlement communities’ immigration policies, dominant culture and language, geography, and other key factors. ...

    201,93 €

  • Relate, Then Educate
    Andrea Avey / Rick Holmes
    A life raft every teacher needs to persevere in the sink-or-swim world of education, Relate, Then Educate is an unbiased collective of experience, candid and approachable, written to challenge, encourage, correct, and console teachers-and humans—who need direction and inspiration.  ...

    12,74 €

  • Sua Melhor Fase
    Jefferson Bitar Lino
    A coletânea SUA MELHOR FASE contempla os principais problemas cotidianos que impedem pessoas na faixa etária entre 30 a 45 anos de terem uma vida plena e feliz.A obra completa aborda desde problemas de cunho profissional até problemas pessoais e traz possíveis soluções práticas e simples para cada um deles. Vamos conhecê-los melhor:Livro 1 - Como Lidar com Pessoas Difíceis: ess...

    17,67 €