Filosofía oriental y de la India

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  • Peace and Freedom
    Loden Nyima
    'Meditation is a process of trusting ourselves and coming home. We often come to meditation for relief from stress, turmoil, or from inspiration for meaning and truth. It’s that very part of ourselves seeking such things that already has them. It’s like longing for like. It’s our innate wisdom, compassion, and freedom shining through. We’re learning to trust that intuitive...

    17,80 €

  • The Tao Te Qing
    Lao Tsu
    The Tao Te Ching AKA Dao De Jing, is a Chinese classic text traditionally credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi. The text’s authorship, date of composition and date of compilation are debated. The oldest excavated portion dates back to the late 4th century BC, but modern scholarship dates other parts of the text as having been written-or at least compiled-later than the ear...

    20,37 €

  • The Buddha’s Path of Virtue
    Frank Lee Woodward
    The Dhammapada, of which a metrical translation by Mr. Woodward is here presented, is a precious Buddhist Scripture which deserves to be widely known. The Theosophical Society is to be congratulated on securing so competent and sympathetic a translator and on publishing it in a popular form. The Dhammapada is a part of the Khuddaka Nikāya of the Buddhistic Canon and consists of...

    11,93 €

  • The Philosophy of Change
    Chung-ying Cheng
    An analysis of the philosophy of the Yijing in comparison to modern Western philosophies. ...

    47,04 €

  • 东-西:个别的极性旋舞--没有东/西,就不是东西
    Tongsu Liu / 刘同苏

    37,09 €

  • The Soul of a People
    Harold Fielding
    In most of the quotations from Burmese books containing the life of the Buddha I am indebted, if not for the exact words, yet for the sense, to Bishop Bigandet’s translation. I do not think I am indebted to anyone else. I have, indeed, purposely avoided quoting from any other book and using material collected by anyone else. The story of Ma Pa Da has appeared often before, but ...

    13,42 €

  • 拾:胡宏作品
    Spencer Hu / 胡宏
    本書是美國華裔作家胡宏最新寫實小說。在愛國主義與改革奮鬥的大環境下,熱血青年在大時代的洪流中流浪天涯;在家國情懷與自我救贖的激情中,主角盼望重返心心念念的祖國──就在一個破曉裏,他決心要結合有志一同的伴侶去尋求一些長治久安的途徑,哪怕是衝到星際也在所不惜! ▼序文/胡宏▼ 這小説的草稿在我心中已經醖釀了三十年,總沒法寫出來。最近我在波士頓藝術博物館見到法國畫家米勒(J. F. Millet)的油畫拾穗者,深受感動。進而把我這小説取名為「拾」,并且開始跟幾位愛好文藝的朋友討論這故事,我體會了一些客觀的道理。在此我要用作者與讀者的對話來公諸各位:讀者:首先,您這故事爲什麽取名為拾?作者:這拾是一個中文的數字,也是撿拾起來的意思。米勒在他的作品刻畫了農民在收割後憐惜尚留在地上的麥穗。他生動地表達了一種愛惜天糧的情懷。在此我也希望表達一些年輕人歸不得故鄉的感...

    21,11 €

  • Dharma é realizar o seu Eu
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Se a mente é silêncio total, ela é abafada, se a mente é abafada o ego está ausente, se o ego está ausente há unidade com o que se é, se há unidade com o que se é, há experiência profunda com o real e essencial. Meditar profundamente é praticar continuamente o voto de abstenção do mal e de união com o bem; é um processo constante porque o mal ou ilusão mental reproduz-se a si p...

    79,25 €

  • Дхарма - это осознание своего Я
    Роберто Гильер Гомес
    Если ум находится в полной тишине, он приглушен, если ум приглушен, эго отсутствует, если эго отсутствует, есть единство с тем, что есть, если есть единство с тем, что есть, есть глубокий опыт с реальным и существенным. Глубокая медитация - это постоянная практика обета воздержания от зла и единения с добром; это постоянный процесс, потому что зло, или ментальная иллюзия, воспр...

    79,31 €

  • Dharma is to realize your Self
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    If the mind is total silence, it is muffled, if the mind is muffled the ego is absent, if the ego is absent there is unity with what one is, if there is unity with what one is, there is deep experience with what is real and essential. To meditate deeply is to continually practice the vow of abstention from evil and union with good; it is a constant process because evil or menta...

    79,19 €

  • Le dharma consiste à se réaliser soi-même
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Si l’esprit est totalement silencieux, il est assourdi, si l’esprit est assourdi, l’ego est absent, si l’ego est absent, il y a unicité avec ce que l’on est, si l’on est uni avec ce que l’on est, il y a une expérience profonde du réel et de l’essentiel. Méditer profondément, c’est pratiquer continuellement le vœu d’abstention du mal et d’union avec le bien ; c’est un processus ...

    79,25 €

  • Il Dharma è realizzare il proprio Sé
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Se la mente è in totale silenzio, è ovattata, se la mente è ovattata l’ego è assente, se l’ego è assente c’è l’unità con ciò che si è, se c’è unità con ciò che si è, c’è un’esperienza profonda con il reale e l’essenziale. Meditare profondamente significa praticare continuamente il voto di astensione dal male e di unione con il bene; è un processo costante perché il male o l’ill...

    79,25 €

  • The Same Paragraph Over and Over
    Barak Ben Dov
    To you,This Book contains Forwards and The Same Paragraph Over and Over Again. Every time the paragraph appears, it might be in a different font and size.I will post the Paragraph, that you wouldn’t need to buy the book for the Paragraph itself.This Book was made to test a few things. One of them is how to publish a book.Like many other tests in life, also this one brought me m...

    12,77 €

  • Reflections of a Thought
    Gadier Hein Garcia
    Gadier Hein Garcia is a strong man of gentle action. The embodiment of his lifelong training as a Sensei has bequeathed a state of egoless reflection. Here he shares his insights through universal considerations alongside striking black-and-white photography which balance contemplation. Join in this journey to enlightened living and find renewed purpose, energy, and hope withi...

    17,59 €

  • Confucian Iconoclasm
    Philippe Major
    Challenges deep-seated assumptions about the traditionalist nature of Confucianism by providing a new interpretation of the emergence of modern Confucianism in Republican China. ...

    126,66 €

  • Explore Within
    N. T. Hettigei
    Explore Within by N T Hettigei is a comprehensive guide to finding inner peace and uses simple focusing techniques to discover inner serenity and true happiness. The effective practices in this book give you the true happiness experience you are looking for, regardless you are a beginner or a savvy spiritual seeker.This book bridges the gap in many spiritual and religious publi...

    7,78 €

  • Compasión valerosa
    Su Santidad el Dalai LAMA / Thubten Chodron
    En este momento crítico, el mundo necesita guías que encarnen tanto la sabiduría como la compasión genuina, como Su Santidad el Dalai Lama y la Venerable Thubten Chodron, que sirven como ejemplos vivos de la acción valerosa en la defensa del ideal del bodhisatva, tanto de palabra como de obra. Ahora han colaborado para ofrecernos un volumen sobre la aplicación práctica de la co...

    33,59 €

  • Kintsugi
    Maryam Daftari
    The art and philosophy of kintsugi which means 'golden joinery,' teaches us that even if we have survived illness and difficult times such as the pandemic, we can still heal the 'brokenness' in a manner that transforms us into something we are not afraid to celebrate. In this delicate art, breaks are not hidden but highlighted by piecing the broken parts together with a mixture...

    19,96 €

  • PROGRAMME ZEUS - La numérisation de la pensée
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Le programme Zeus consiste en une combinaison de méditation sophistiquée, reliée à un ordinateur optique, qui enregistre les pensées et interagit par le biais d’une interface. Son utilisation requiert un haut niveau d’entraînement à la concentration mentale et à la méditation. L’astuce consiste à augmenter la quantité d’oxygène dans les neurones et à induire une relaxation prof...

    75,24 €

  • PROGRAMMA ZEUS - Digitalizzazione del pensiero
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Fondamentalmente, il Programma Zeus consiste in una sofisticata tuta da meditazione, interfacciata con un computer ottico, che registra i pensieri e interagisce tramite un’interfaccia. Per utilizzarlo è necessario un elevato livello di allenamento alla concentrazione mentale e alla meditazione. Il trucco consiste nell’aumentare la quantità di ossigeno nei neuroni e nell’indurre...

    75,25 €

  • ПРОГРАММА ZEUS - Цифровизация мышления
    Роберто Гильер Гомес
    По сути, программа 'Зевс' представляет собой сложный медитационный костюм, сопряженный с оптическим компьютером, который записывает мысли и взаимодействует с ними через интерфейс. Для его использования требуется высокий уровень подготовки в области ментальной концентрации и медитации. Хитрость заключается в том, чтобы увеличить количество кислорода в нейронах и вызвать глубокую...

    38,65 €

  • ZEUS PROGRAMME - Die Digitalisierung des Denkens
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Das Zeus-Programm besteht im Wesentlichen aus einem hochentwickelten Meditationsanzug, der mit einem optischen Computer verbunden ist, der Gedanken aufzeichnet und über eine Schnittstelle interagiert. Um es zu benutzen, ist ein hohes Maß an geistiger Konzentration und Meditation erforderlich. Der Trick besteht darin, die Sauerstoffmenge in den Neuronen zu erhöhen und eine tiefe...

    75,17 €

  • ZEUS PROGRAM - Digitalization of Thought
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Basically, the Zeus Program consists of a sophisticated meditation suit, interfaced with an optical computer, which records thoughts and interacts through an interface. To use it requires a high level of training in mental concentration and meditation. The trick is to increase the amount of oxygen in the neurons and induce deep relaxation in the whole body by floating it in the...

    75,29 €

  • PROGRAMA ZEUS - Digitalização do pensamento
    Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    Basicamente, o Programa Zeus consiste num fato de meditação sofisticado, ligado a um computador ótico, que regista os pensamentos e interage através de um interface. A sua utilização requer um elevado nível de treino em concentração mental e meditação. O truque consiste em aumentar a quantidade de oxigénio nos neurónios e induzir um relaxamento profundo em todo o corpo, fazendo...

    75,24 €

  • The Art of Persoal Mastery
    Richard D. Krause
    Unlock the Secret to a Life of Success and Profound Fulfillment!Are you ready to transform your life? To break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? "The Art of Personal Mastery: A Roadmap to Success and Fulfillment," is your ticket to a world where success is not just measured by external standards, but by the profound fulfillment that resonates deep within you...

    14,41 €

  • The History of Chinese Philosophy Book 2
    Laszlo Montgomery
    Laszlo Montgomery’s award-winning podcasts on Chinese history have swept the world and gained many thousands of fans, including people who want to learn about Chinese history and those who want to improve their English. Each book in this series contains transcripts from Laszlo’s Podcasts for you to follow as you listen.This volume covers the ancient history of the Book of Chang...

    22,39 €

  • The Bhagavad Gita
    Tassanee Sinsakul / William S. Whorton
    THE BHAGAVAD GITA is one of the world’s most beloved sacred texts. Devotees of the Gita number in the hundreds of millions. Why? The essence of its teaching is that we live (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) in combat on a battlefield (our physical body). Our karmic attachments form a 'prison' from which we must struggle to escape through meditation, devotion,...

    30,52 €

  • The Bhagavad Gita
    Tassanee Sinsakul / William S. Whorton
    THE BHAGAVAD GITA is one of the world’s most beloved sacred texts. Devotees of the Gita number in the hundreds of millions. Why? The essence of its teaching is that we live (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) in combat on a battlefield (our physical body). Our karmic attachments form a 'prison' from which we must struggle to escape through meditation, devotion,...

    20,12 €

  • Memoirs of a Zen Manager
    Francis Audet
    In today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world, finding inner peace and balance can be a challenge, especially for those in management positions. The pressure to meet deadlines, exceed targets, and maintain healthy relationships with employees, customers, and stakeholders can take a toll on even the most seasoned managers and can often leave individuals feeling overwhelmed...

    17,51 €

  • An Integral View of Tibetan Buddhism
    Pema Dragpa
    AVAILABLE IN COLOR or BLACK & WHITE VERSION: An Integral View of Tibetan Buddhism is about preserving the vast and profound lineage wisdom of Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism into the 21st century and beyond, without attempting to change it simply to fit into modern or postmodern worldviews. The book argues that in order to practice the full range of Tibetan Buddhism according to the...

    77,47 €