Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía: metafísica y ontología (13202)

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  • The Lotus Birth of the Universe
    Chandulal Jivandas Rughani
    This book describes a new theory of the birth of the Universe, from nothing (Big Bang) to virtual solidity (mass) in seven steps, depicted like a lotus flower.Mass is described as a vibrating string, containing instructions to facilitate atomic entities. Singularity at birth (zero) and collapse at rebirth (infinity) define the existence of the Universe.The theory’s unique 'insi...

    9,37 €

  • Wonderment
    Roger Alan Kenyon
    Deceptively simple, Wonderment makes postcards of big ideas. It visualizes through humour and examples, rather than burying big ideas under maths and charts. This might be how Hemingway would have taught science, in stories. Say as much as needed and leave the reader to fill in from experience.In all, Wonderment has a way of making connections that are only obvious once you kno...

    21,34 €

  • Para comprender a Jacques Maritain
    Juan Manuel Burgos
    Maritain es uno de los grandes intelectuales del siglo XX, con una producción inmensa y un influjo notable en el mundo cultural, social y político. Esta obra ofrece una introducción a este vasto mundo proporcionando, en primer lugar, las claves para interpretar su compleja biografía en la que destaca su conversión al cristianismo, su descubrimiento del tomismo y su posterior ab...

    14,56 €

  • Corpo-luto
    Eduardo Cardoso
    Em seu romance de estreia, Eduardo Cardoso apresenta em Corpo Luto um romance existencialista, cujo tema principal é o luto. O protagonista é o senhor Domenico Saviani. Psicanalista e professor universitário aposentado, casado e com um filho deste relacionamento. Domenico, na casa dos oitenta anos, tem a sua vida alterada com o surgimento do mal de Parkinson. A sua angústia aum...

    10,06 €

    Jesus Egido
    ¿Existe el Grial? es decir, existe la copa que Jesús el Nazareno utilizo en la última cena junto con sus doce apóstoles...o sus seguidores. Responder a esta pregunta nos llevaría primero a verificar que, la figura histórica de Jesús el Nazareno existió y que el relato contado por sus discípulos y, recogido en diferentes escritos entre los cuales se encuentra Los Evangelios, es ...

    19,44 €

  • Does The Atom Have A Designer?
    Lakhi N. Goenka
    'Does the Atom have Designer?' is a first-of-its-kind analysis that critically examines if the Atom, with its related Quantum Physics, arose simply from random events following the Big Bang. This book, written by a secular researcher searching for answers, examines in depth quantum behaviors such as quark-gluon interactions within the atomic nucleus, and electron-photon inter...

    12,65 €

  • Unveiling The Book of Romans to Reveal The Beauty of Jesus’ Gospel - Volume 3
    Roy Richmond
    In volume 3, book 8, Roy Richmond continues Unveiling Paul’s Letters to Rome, which is a vital need for the student who searches for the TRUTH, which Jesus said would make us free.' Looking at the Greek word Jesus used, which was translated as 'truth,' you find, 'the not-concealed Word,' will make you free. Being made free, infers the experience of being free from the great lie...

    23,38 €

    Guido Bressan
    Este libro es un intento. Intenta inaugurar un camino hacia la pregunta por la Identidad, como pregunta por la Verdad del Ser. Este intento no puede hacerse sin una previa reunión del pensamiento metafísico occidental para poder dejarlo atrás. Pero este dejar-atrás no es nunca un ignorar, borrar, ni olvidar, sino 'dejar atrás' como manteniendo en su lugar al fundamento sobre el...

    18,87 €

    O.M. Kelly
    In ’Decoding the Shaman Within’ international author Omi (O.M. Kelly) shares her Shamanic metaphysical journey. It would be termed a contemporary Shamanic initiation journey; a powerful spiritual enlightenment and transformational voyage of discovering the codes of Metaphysics and the Quest of Life. Through the sacred passage of time Omni discovered the secret codes of the Coll...

    18,11 €

  • Love Spells
    Greyface Grimalkin
    Whether you new to spell work or an experienced practitioner, this collection of love spells brings with it, a less rigid approach than you might be used to. A little chaos puts a new spin each of these uniquely fun spells. Use one, or mix and match or take the simplest of one and make it your own. ...

    22,56 €

  • Science & Mysticism and The Veil’s Cipher
    B Thomas Bigelow
    Existentialistic, polytheocratic, metaphysitastic and occasionally velvety smooth poetry. Now with 50% more scientitiously minded chunks of BRILLIANCE! *terms and conditions apply An exploration of the Infinite in its various forms and scale for polymaths with a penchant for poetry. For those with an infinite curiosity and a love of language and logic. This book will be printe...

    8,99 €

  • Eurasian Universism
    Xantio Ansprandi
    The cosmic map of the 21st century exhibits imbalance and disorder. On one end of the Eurasian continent, Europe faces a deep civilizational, philosophical, and spiritual crisis, its Logos rapidly dissipating in the whirl of Chaos alongside the breakdown of the modern Western world order. At the same time, on the other end of the continent, China is on an historic rise, posing ...

    32,58 €

  • Authentic Self-Confidence
    Elena G. Rivers
    Unleash Unlimited Self-Empowerment to Manifest Your Best Life ... by Embracing Who You Truly Are!Authentic Self-Confidence is a simple-to-follow, 7-step program to help you embrace your uniqueness and be magnetic to your desires. Bridging holistic self-development and timeless metaphysical principles, it’s designed to help you create a life of peace, personal success, and inner...

    14,75 €

  • The Odyssey of Eidos
    Mark J. Nyvlt
    Aristotle sets the horizons of our inquiry: What is it when we say we know something? And is the object of knowledge a universal or particular [tode ti] object? Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s theory of form/Forms in light of his notion of actuality has generated a variety of topics that frame our inquiry: 'Understanding Eidos as Form in the Works of Aristotle as Plato’s Critic...

    23,70 €

  • The Odyssey of Eidos
    Mark J. Nyvlt
    Aristotle sets the horizons of our inquiry: What is it when we say we know something? And is the object of knowledge a universal or particular [tode ti] object? Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s theory of form/Forms in light of his notion of actuality has generated a variety of topics that frame our inquiry: 'Understanding Eidos as Form in the Works of Aristotle as Plato’s Critic...

    37,47 €

  • Schelling and Spinoza
    Benjamin Norris
    Presents a novel interpretation of Schelling’s philosophy by way of his reading and critique of Spinoza. ...

    41,84 €

  • Event of Signature
    Michaela Fiserova
    In dialogue with Derrida, formulates a new philosophical problem - a complex aporia that underlines the topic of the handwritten as a sign of legal identification. ...

    42,07 €

  • Dusk Orientalis
    Solayman Idris
    'Dusk Orientalis' : 'Sundown East', offers paradigmatic tools and weapons of spiritual war; creating the first independent 'Amer-African' intelligencia, for establishing the newest continental African Nation State, 'Orun', as reparations for American Descendants of Slaves. Proverbial pillars of cloud and fire, 'Dusk Orientalis', and the 'Times of the Signs' series, tells us, no...

    69,36 €

  • This Side of Philosophy
    Stephen Gingerich
    Assesses a distinct style of thinking in twentieth-century Spanish writing, one in which literature plays a central role in reaching behind philosophy to essential sources of life and meaning. ...

    121,35 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    In this sequel to Outgrowing Materialism, Thompson explores five conceptual ''Worlds'' that preceded the dualist v. materialist divide and shows why recent philosophy--often little-known outside of academic circles--is now giving these old ideas a new relevance. In an approachable way, but without avoiding complexity, Embodying Mind leads the reader through the Worlds of panpsy...

    30,43 €

  • Ten Ways to Weave the World
    Ross Thompson
    In this sequel to Outgrowing Materialism, Thompson explores five conceptual ''Worlds'' that preceded the dualist v. materialist divide and shows why recent philosophy--often little-known outside of academic circles--is now giving these old ideas a new relevance. In an approachable way, but without avoiding complexity, Embodying Mind leads the reader through the Worlds of panpsy...

    44,56 €

  • A Manifestação
    Paulo Jacobina
    Segunda obra da Trilogia da Existência, a Manifestação apresenta, de maneira didática e repleta de símbolos esotéricos, o processo de cosmogonia do universo manifesto, bem como estabelece o seu processo de ocaso.Outrossim, adentra ao estudo do Ser, revelando-o em sua totalidade composta pela Jornada do Eu e a Jornada do Agente Modelador.A obra conta com artes relacionadas ao te...

    14,32 €

  • O Homem
    Paulo Jacobina
    Resgate de ensinamentos universais que sempre estiveram presentes na história humana, mesmo que de maneira velada, O Homem apresenta um estudo sobre um dos segmentos do Ser.Terceiro livro da Trilogia da Existência, O Homem complementa e aprofunda conceitos apresentados nas obras preliminares, A Senda Infinita e A Manifestação. ...

    9,36 €

  • A Senda Infinita
    Paulo Jacobina
    A presente obra é um resgate de ensinamentos universais e que sempre estiveram presentes na história humana, mesmo que de forma velada.Por intermédio do seu estudo, o buscador poderá se reconectar com tais conhecimentos e, assim, compreender a Realidade.Juntamente com A Manifestação e O Homem, A Senda Infinita forma a Trilogia da Existência, base da Filosofia Existencial.Embora...

    11,14 €

  • 101 Helpful Illusions
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    101 Helpful Illusions highlights natural veils waiting to be transcended by disciplined courage, wisdom and insight. Everything in creation has a purpose relevant to a specific situation that could lead the seeker of higher knowledge towards the ultimate spiritual truth of oneness. Thus our egotistic vices can indeed be stepping stones towards acting selflessly, spontaneously, ...

    9,43 €

  • Reincarnation
    Annie Besant
    The present volume is a compilation of essays and lectures on the topic of reincarnation authored by Annie Besant. A socialist and feminist activist during her early youth, in 1889 the life trajectory of Annie Besant (1847-1933) suffered a drastic shift when she was asked to write a professional review of the magnum opus of theosophical teachings entitled 'The Secret Doctrine' ...

    38,62 €

  • What Is On The Other Side
    Mollen Garikai
    '… let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking at Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame…' Hebrews 12.1-2As we go out and about in life, there is that point in time when you need to stop and take a break to reflect and think things about life. We all have that deepest inner ques...

    25,74 €

  • Horizons of Difference
    Edited collection engaging Luce Irigaray’s work and pushing it in important new directions. ...

    42,96 €

  • Process Mysticism
    Daniel A. Dombrowski
    Offers a process philosophical approach to mysticism and mystical religious experience. ...

    121,86 €

  • The Invisible Protagonist
    Carla Ricci
    Set in Japan, the book tells of Kou, his extraordinary life and the compelling thread that gives the work its title. It is powerful because it shatters the notion that every human being has of himself, of feeling that he is the protagonist of his own existence. Although it is an inevitable perception, Kou helps us to understand that this is not the case. He presents us with evi...

    34,01 €