Deportes de combate y defensa personal

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  • The Sword and How to use it
    Lieut. J. Betts
    This work by Lieut. J. Betts from 1908 is a complete Italian based saber system. Included are numerous lessons, rules for assaults and competitions along with a wealth of practical advice. ...

    12,89 €

  • Joseon Korean Swordsmanship From the Source Jedok Geom
    Dr. Nathan Jo
    General Li Rusong was a skilled swordsman on the battlefield who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies, and had a ferocious sword style that was so impressive it was taught to the Korean military from the 1590s. Joseon Crown Prince Sado had this form formally recorded in 1759, and from this historic record we can revive the ancient arts and teach truly historic martial arts ...

    22,06 €

  • Joseon Korean Swordsmanship From the Source Jedok Geom
    Dr. Nathan Jo
    General Li Rusong was a skilled swordsman on the battlefield who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies, and had a ferocious sword style that was so impressive it was taught to the Korean military from the 1590s. Joseon Crown Prince Sado had this form formally recorded in 1759, and from this historic record we can revive the ancient arts and teach truly historic martial arts ...

    34,39 €

  • Wing Chun Tao Chuan
    Mestre Kim
    Atendendo a inúmeros pedidos feitos no portal da família Kim para que fizesse um livro de nível mais avançado tal como o Tchia-Dsu do Biu Jee do Wing Chun Tao Chuan. A terceira forma do Wing Chun chamada Bil Jee ou Biu Jee em cantonês que literalmente quer dizer dedos penetrantes baseia-se nas primeiras formas (Tchia- Dsu ou Kuento) que são o Sil Lin Tao e o Chun Kiu e que dão ...

    13,46 €

  • Anatomia Da Defesa Pessoal
    Giuliano Lorenzini
    Você sabe se defender? Se a sua resposta foi não, essa deveria ser a principal razão para começar a ler este livro, começar a praticar algum tipo de arte marcial, ou mesmo iniciar algum programa de treinamento. Pense assim: o seu bem mais valioso é você. O quanto você vale? Se você tivesse que colocar um preço em si mesmo, qual seria? Não existe um valor que você pudesse coloca...

    9,14 €

  • Guia Definitivo De Combate Com Bastões
    Giuliano Lorenzini
    Conforme o ser humano ia evoluindo e descobrindo novos territórios, ele também descobria que era necessário lutar para sobreviver nesse mundo. Nessa hora, com certeza ele passou a utilizar bastões para se defender, pois esse tipo de arma garantiria um melhor controle de distância e ampliaria a sua força.Existem lutas e técnicas com bastões no mundo todo, assim como diferentes f...

    11,21 €

  • Armas De Fogo História E Técnicas
    Giuliano Lorenzini
    Poucas criações humanas tem a capacidade de exercer sobre nós uma quantidade tão grande de sentimentos como as Armas de Fogo. Fascinação, respeito e medo são apenas alguns dos sentimentos que temos quando estamos segurando alguma delas.As armas de fogo são ferramentas que vão muito além do disparo, elas são capazes de trazer proteção, segurança, igualdade, respeito e soberania ...

    9,47 €

  • The Lore of Jo
    Nishioka Tsuneo / Jun Nagai / Megumi Nagahama
    In 1989, Nishioka Tsuneo, Menkyo Kaiden of Shinto Muso Ryu Jo published the 'Jodo Jikai'. Extract from Nishioka Sensei’s Introduction to the book: 'I have been thinking about what Japanese martial arts are, what I am supposed to take over from Sensei, and what impels me to keep practicing without getting bored. I wanted to find the answers and convince myself. Then I was convin...

    24,82 €

  • Shinden Fudo ryu Dakentaijutsu Jutaijutsu (ed. CAST)
    Fernando Aixa Torres
    Por primera vez, el autor presenta en un solo volumen la mayor recopilación que se ha hecho hasta la actualidad de todas las técnicas y los diferentes niveles de los kata tanto de dakentaijutsu como de jutaijutsu de la escuela Shinden Fudo ryu de la Bujinkan Dojo (Masaaki Hatsumi).Es el segundo volumen que aparece de una colección (Colección Bujinkan Densho) en la que el autor ...

    65,00 €

  • Kung Fu Shaolin Em Minha Vida Em Meu Coração
    Yang Li Valdener Rios
    Esta obra tem como objetivo divulgar e difundir o Kung fu de Shaolin, principalmente na Bahia, e mostrar ao público que pouco conhece sobre a tradicional Arte Marcial Chinesa como seus ensinamentos e cultura são benéficos.Aqui estarei falando da história do Kung fu Shaolin, Budismo, Taoísmo, e divindades mitológicas Chinesas. Claro que não estou trazendo por completo todas as h...

    15,84 €

  • Grappunch
    Fernando Fúria Santos
    Através desta obra você irá conhecer o que é o Sistema Internacional de Combate e Luta Corpo a Corpo, GRAPPUNCH VALE TUDO LUTA LIVRE ESPORTIVA. Um esporte de combate brasileiro, idealizado e fundado pelo hoje DrhcM. Grão-Mestre Fernando Fúria Santos.Histórias como essa transformam pessoas, vidas, o mundo das artes marciais e dos esportes de combate.Por meio das artes marciais, ...

    19,42 €

  • The Samurai Series
    Miyamoto Musashi (Author) / Sun Tzu (Author) / Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Author)
    The Samurai Series brings together Four of the most important books dealing with the Samurai path and philosophy into one volume.The Book of Five Rings was written by Miyamoto Musashi about 1645. It is a masterpiece of simple exposition written by a master swordsman, who, near the end of his spectacular life, tried earnestly to explain the essentials of individual combat and th...

    28,84 €

  • The Samurai Series
    Miyamoto Musashi (Author) / Miyamoto Musashi (Author) / Sun Tzu (Author) / Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Author)
    The Samurai Series brings together Four of the most important books dealing with the Samurai path and philosophy into one volume.The Book of Five Rings was written by Miyamoto Musashi about 1645. It is a masterpiece of simple exposition written by a master swordsman, who, near the end of his spectacular life, tried earnestly to explain the essentials of individual combat and th...

    44,00 €

  • The Official EPAKS Guide to Long Form Three
    EPAKS Publications
    Long Form Three is a very distinct and easily recognizable American Kenpo form. But, did you know Long Form Three was also packed with information?This book contains a wealth of knowledge, never before uncovered by any other source of reference. In this book you will learn not only the form’s proper execution, but also its history, a detailed analysis of its place within Americ...

    50,07 €

  • Hagakure
    Yamamoto Tsunetomo
    English translation of the eighteenth-century Japanese text that delves into the samurai mind. Hagakure is a must-have for serious martial artists or fans of samurai and the bushido code. Hagakure Kikigaki, is a practical and spiritual guide for a warrior, drawn from a collection of commentaries by the clerk Yamamoto Tsunetomo, former retainer to Nabeshima Mitsushige (July 1...

    30,41 €

  • Hagakure
    Yamamoto Tsunetomo
    English translation of the eighteenth-century Japanese text that delves into the samurai mind. Hagakure is a must-have for serious martial artists or fans of samurai and the bushido code. Hagakure Kikigaki, is a practical and spiritual guide for a warrior, drawn from a collection of commentaries by the clerk Yamamoto Tsunetomo, former retainer to Nabeshima Mitsushige (July 1...

    16,78 €

  • Zhang Wenguang’s Chaquan
    Andrea Falk
    This is a translation from the Chinese of Zhang Wenguang’s books on Chaquan and the Tantui Spring Kick Drills. ...

    56,12 €

    Marc Lawrence
    This manual was written for the Red Army to provide a standard of training for the Shashka Saber for the military personnel. This manual is for teaching how to use this weapon in melee situations and in convoys. This weapon was used in conjunction with rifles and pistols in the field and in urban environments. ...

    35,44 €

  • Wing Chun - The Devil is in the Detail
    Mark Beardsell
    Having written books that covers all off the Wing Chun system, I was pondering over what I could impart to you guys going forward, it occurred to me that I teach things in the classroom with the students locally that I don’t share online or in the online books and course. This was my driving force for this book and why I called it the 'The Devil is in the Detail'. ...

    14,72 €

  • SAVATE Assaut & Combat Made Easy FULLY ILLUSTRATED
    Andy Kunz / Kenneth Pua
    Savate is an artifact of French Martial culture, developed and crafted by Masters of both Savate and La Canne. This fully illustrated book combines two complete books into one. In every dynamite-packed page, experts teach you through pictures and technical instructions. You learn quickly and easily through our amazing new 'slow motion picture' method. You learn every stance, ev...

    32,90 €

    Martín Ruiz, Luis
    En esta obra se exponen y se denuncian las controversias, los errores y las falsedades que se han ido almacenando a través de la indocumentada historia del karate. Al mismo tiempo se muestran y explican los objetivos y trabajos del estilo Itosu-ha que practican los autores, su trayectoria, así como sus vicisitudes y experiencias dentro de esta disciplina marcial. ...

    12,00 €

  • Fencing or the Science of Arms
    A. F. Johnson / Michael Chidester / Salvator Fabris
    This book contains a representation of an early 20th century typescript by A. F. Johnson, currently owned by the Howard de Walden Library and housed in the Wallace Collection, containing his unpublished translation of the 1606 treatise of Salvator Fabris. Since it is not possible to scan the book, it was photographed by Guy Windsor and these photos were carefully transcribed by...

    61,15 €

  • Fencing or the Science of Arms
    A F Johnson / Michael Chidester / Salvator Fabris
    This book contains a representation of an early 20th century typescript by A. F. Johnson, currently owned by the Howard de Walden Library and housed in the Wallace Collection, containing his unpublished translation of the 1606 treatise of Salvator Fabris. Since it is not possible to scan the book, it was photographed by Guy Windsor and these photos were carefully transcribed by...

    54,12 €

  • Fencing or the Science of Arms
    A F Johnson / Michael Chidester / Salvator Fabris
    This book contains a representation of an early 20th century typescript by A. F. Johnson, currently owned by the Howard de Walden Library and housed in the Wallace Collection, containing his unpublished translation of the 1606 treatise of Salvator Fabris. Since it is not possible to scan the book, it was photographed by Guy Windsor and these photos were carefully transcribed by...

    54,12 €

  • The Armizare Workbook
    Guy Windsor
    Armizare: the Medieval Italian Martial Art Do you want to learn authentic medieval Italian martial arts and knightly combat? With a training partner, some simple equipment, and this innovative workbook, you can. Incorporating over 40 video clips, text instruction, and many images, this workbook is the most up-to-date way to learn the ancient art of Armizare. Armizare is the Ita...

    39,19 €

  • The Armizare Workbook
    Guy Windsor
    Armizare: the Medieval Italian Martial Art Do you want to learn authentic medieval Italian martial arts and knightly combat? With a training partner, some simple equipment, and this innovative workbook, you can. Incorporating over 40 video clips, text instruction, and many images, this workbook is the most up-to-date way to learn the ancient art of Armizare. Armizare is the Ita...

    39,19 €

  • Judo
    James Goddard
    Judo is more than just throwing and grappling.- It is helpful for a healthy mind and body.- In an emergency it can be a useful aid for self-defence. You can gain self-confidence and transferable skills for other disciplines such as ball games and dancing (sometimes known as fundamental movement skills). This book is for beginners and experienced judo practitioners [judokas]. It...

    15,87 €

  • Personal Encounters of the Close Combat Kind
    Robert H. Sabet
    The Military Police School course presented in this book, which is from 1950, was titled Personal Encounters. The unarmed combat techniques from the course allowed MPs to do their jobs with the knowledge and confidence that if they were ever in a situation in which they had to rely on the techniques that the techniques would not let them down. ...

    44,03 €

  • KARATE, KOBUDO & TE, Self Defence Decoded (Book One & Book Two) COLLECTOR’S EDITION
    Mark D Bishop
    FIND CONFIDENCE in SELF-DEFENCECulture is a transient beast; it is ever-changing and always evolving into new ’traditions’. Martial culture and values are no less so and are constantly being upgraded with the varying conditions of society. Likewise, personal self-defence needs to move with the times. Following suggestions from the publisher and interested readers, this work is ...

    44,04 €

  • Wing Chun The Evolutionary Science of Advanced Self-Defense, Combat, and Human Performance
    Dr. Jim Bentley
    WING CHUN The Evolutionary Science of Self-Defense, Combat, and Human Performance is sure to be a classic in martial arts literature for decades to come. This book is meant to preserve this knowledge lest it be lost to antiquity. It is the first interactive book of its kind, containing QR codes linking to how-to video tutorials for beginners to the most advanced martial arts pr...

    60,87 €