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Dieudonné Musibono Eyul’Anki

129,64 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Negocios internacionales
129,64 €
IVA incluido
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In this book, the author has shown how proxy wars based on toxic policies and selfish interests are dehumanizing our world. Human bloodsheds and various crimes are nowadays daily social meals. The capitalism has failed. A new, more humane world order is needed to ensure the life sustainability on earth. White hands in black gloves is just a figure that describes all crimes committed by external powers using local actors. For example, hidden western powers are using Rwanda through so-called M23 to destroy the DRC; some western big companies, USA and EU are using Ukraine to combat Russia; etc. Rwanda and Ukraine are black gloves while Western powers, EU and USA are white hands. South-Sudanese rebel groups are black gloves and their political leaders are white hands, etc. We need a better world of love and human hearts rebirth.

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