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What will become of CEPROMAD University in the DRC in 2O65?

What will become of CEPROMAD University in the DRC in 2O65?


115,84 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ventas y marketing
115,84 €
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In the last century, 'research' did not yet exist, either as a word or as a modern method. There was science and scientists, with capital 'S', but now there is organized research with various precise sectors: pure research, applied research and directed research to differentiate it from a simple quest and investigation. The University of CEPROMAD has been established in several parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is in response to the pressing need to open up the scientific community and to the demand for learning the science of Management. Lately, however, the survival and development of this institution have become increasingly cumbersome, if not regressive. It has also been observed that, once appointed, very few of the managers of CEPROMAD’s autonomous universities are concerned about the institution’s long-term future.

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