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Translating Human Dignity, Work And Labour A Social-Economic Significance Of The Concept Of Work

Translating Human Dignity, Work And Labour A Social-Economic Significance Of The Concept Of Work


24,67 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
Asistencia social
24,67 €
IVA incluido
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This book gives insights on the fact that work in itself is sacred and wholly-addressing a wide range of economic, social, political, cultural and theological imbalances. It was ordained by God from the beginning, before the fall of man. After the Fall, it just got tougher, frustrating, exhausting, sometimes even boring. But work pursued with excellence and integrity is still pleasing to God, a way of honouring Him by serving in the unique ways He has equipped us. Our work often provides the opportunities to proclaim Him to a broken, unredeemed world-­­­­through our examples, as well as by our words.  A lot of workers do not see a connection between what they do and what they believe God wants it done in the world, within their circle of influences. We found out that many workers feel unfulfilled and frustrated in their work -including Christians, largely because they probably lack a proper understanding of why they work and its meaning to them. This book gives an overview of the attitude of people regarding work. The big idea is that our attitude towards work might change for good and thereby make considerable impact in our world. Our attitude towards work is characterise by the way people view work While human dignity is not supposed to be regional or racial in discussion, I quite agree with Dr Tanimu on the emphasis in the lives of the very poor people of Africa...Tanimu has laboured extensively to show how through God’s perspective, systems in society can be discovered, developed and deployed to enhance the dignity of human life in Africa.----Bishop Michael O. AmamieyePresident, Aggressive Faith Ministries, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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