The resurgence of Islamist terrorism

The resurgence of Islamist terrorism

Basile Anyia Enyegue

119,35 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
119,35 €
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Cameroon’s Far North region, bordering northeastern Nigeria, receives a steady stream of gruesome news from the border every day. From the beginning of its operations out of Maiduguri, Boko Haram has used the margins as a fallback area and transit space for arms and ammunition from sources outside Cameroon. This region has recently become the scene of an upsurge in attacks by the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram. These incursions, which continue to plague the region, target villages, health centers, and positions of the Cameroonian armed forces for supplies of food, livestock, medicines, and weapons. Kidnappings, repeated suicide bombings, and attacks with heavy weapons have become the daily routine of the local population. The resurgence of these attacks proves that despite the heavy military investment, the terrorist threat in the region is still present, and that the Islamist sect retains a significant capacity to cause harm. But how can this renewed activity of the jihadist group in the region be explained?

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