The Pink Smile

The Pink Smile

Dr. Shilpa Jaryal

61,69 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,69 €
IVA incluido
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The present study, total 12 patients aged between 15 years -45 years were enrolled (5 males and 7 female patients) who were esthetically consious of their hyperpigmented gums and requested treatment for the same were recruited for the study. The surgical areas to be treated was randomly picked and divided into two groups, Depigmentation using :Electrocautery and LASER. The surgical procedure was performed using topical anesthesia and under local anaesthesia. The gingival depigmentation was done with Electrocautery and LASER.We conclude that application of LASER appeared to be effective in the management of gingival hyperpigmentation in terms of appearance of gingiva, perception of pain and wound healing.

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