The Greenmoney Contract and the Green Rebellion

The Greenmoney Contract and the Green Rebellion

Roberto Guillermo Gomes

61,44 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Negocios internacionales
61,44 €
IVA incluido
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A Planetary Climate Emergency is declared and, in order to be able to economically face it, a 0.5% tax is applied on the entire financial system, operating as a national and international tax. Likewise, the contribution of 5% of the net profit of multinationals is ordered, together with an 8% tax on hydrocarbons, all of which is destined to raise funds equivalent to 2 trillion dollars per year (equivalent to 2% of the annual world GDP), which will be destined to plant 30 billion new trees per year, to capture CO2 and then bury their trunks in the subsoil, replace the model of hydrocarbon vehicles, attend to environmental tragedies, help hungry and malnourished populations, as well as finance planetary family planning programs to stop the overpopulation bomb.

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